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The Birth of Steel and Vengeance: Daughters of Wars, #1
The Birth of Steel and Vengeance: Daughters of Wars, #1
The Birth of Steel and Vengeance: Daughters of Wars, #1
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The Birth of Steel and Vengeance: Daughters of Wars, #1

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Step into the world of "Daughters of Wars," a historical fiction series that explores the lives of the Hayashi sisters during Japan's tumultuous shift from the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji Restoration. Trained in the ways of the samurai, Sumiko, Misako, and Aiko are not only sisters but also warriors poised to protect their village, Kasumigaura, during a critical period of change.


The story follows the Hayashi sisters as they confront the challenges brought on by the Emperor's advancing forces, their own familial responsibilities, and the restrictive societal roles expected of women. Each sister brings unique strengths to their family's mission—Sumiko's silent fortitude, Misako's fervent determination, and Aiko's sharp wit—embodying the virtues of the Bushido code: honor, courage, and loyalty.


Through sword fights, secretive plots, and thoughtful exchanges, "Daughters of Wars" offers a narrative that combines action with a close examination of personal and communal struggles. The sisters' journey is one of resilience and identity as they strive to uphold their father's legacy while navigating their path through a world on the cusp of modernity.


Why This Series Stands Out:

  • Encounter resilient female protagonists who challenge their prescribed roles.
  • Experience a narrative that, while set against a historical backdrop, focuses on personal and societal transformation.
  • Explore themes of perseverance, identity, and familial bonds.

"Daughters of Wars" is more than just a tale of historical events—it's a story of courage, conflict, and the unbreakable bond of three sisters standing as one. Ideal for readers who appreciate stories of personal growth and family dynamics set within historical settings, this series invites you to join the Hayashi sisters as they carve a path forward for themselves and their community.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
The Birth of Steel and Vengeance: Daughters of Wars, #1

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    The Birth of Steel and Vengeance - Sumiko Nakano

    Daughters of Wars

    The Birth of Steel and Vengeance

    Sumiko Nakano

    Copyright © 2024 Thorsten Schauer

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this novel may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. — Albert Camus

    To the brave souls who weave the threads of their fates with the steel of their resolve.


    Title Page




    Daughters of Wars


    Chapter 1:

    Chapter 2:

    Chapter 3:

    Chapter 4:

    Chapter 5:

    Chapter 6:

    Chapter 7:

    Chapter 8:



    About the Author




    In the swirling mists of a Japan caught between the rigid structures of the past and the pulsing promise of a new era, three sisters carve a path marked by courage, sorrow, and an unyielding commitment to each other. Daughters of Wars: The Birth of Steel and Vengeance is a tale of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds, a narrative that intertwines the personal battles of its characters with the larger tumult of historical upheaval.

    The Hayashi sisters—Sumiko, Misako, and Aiko—embody the spirit of the onna-bugeisha, female warriors who rise beyond the conventional expectations of their time. Inspired by the legends of their ancestors and driven by a deep love for their family, they engage in a quest not just for survival, but for justice and honor.

    This novel is not merely an exploration of historical events but a vivid portrayal of how the personal and the historical intersect in the lives of individuals. It is about the choices they make, the sacrifices they endure, and the unbreakable bonds that sustain them. Each sister, distinct in her own right, contributes to a collective strength that challenges the encroaching forces threatening their way of life.

    As you embark on this journey with Sumiko, the silent lioness; Misako, the fiery spirit; and Aiko, the strategic intellect, I invite you to witness not just a series of battles fought with blades, but also conflicts waged in the hearts and minds of these formidable women.

    In these pages, the past is not merely recounted; it is relived. The echoes of clashing swords, the whispers of strategy, and the quiet moments of sisterly love are as vivid as if painted on silk. Herein lies an invitation to lose yourself in a story of a family, a legacy, and a fight for honor that transcends the boundaries of time.

    Welcome to the world of the Hayashi sisters, where every strike is a word, every defense a line, and every victory a chapter in the grand narrative of their lives.

    Daughters of Wars

    Beneath the moon's watchful gaze,

    Three spirits dance in storm's embrace.

    The silent stream, deep and steadfast,

    A fiery blaze, fierce and vast.

    Gentle breeze, wise and unseen,

    In the garden of stones, their essence keen.

    Rooted deep in sacred ground,

    Through shadows' grasp, their strength is found.

    Together they rise, their courage bright,

    As stars that guide through the darkest night.


    In the waning years of the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan stood on the brink of monumental change. It was a time when the last shimmers of the Edo period's storied past clashed with the unstoppable forces of modernization and Western influence. The nation was a tapestry of feudal loyalty and burgeoning dissent, its fabric strained by internal conflicts and the pressure of foreign powers eager to pry open its secluded gates.

    Born into this era of turbulence were three sisters—Sumiko, Misako, and Aiko Hayashi. Their birthplace, a modest village nestled in the shadow of Aizu, was as much a character in their lives as any family member. Aizu, known for its samurai who were fiercely loyal to the Shogun, stood as a bastion of the old ways amidst the encroaching tides of change.

    The sisters were the daughters of a respected samurai who served the local daimyo—a lord bound by tradition and honor, values he instilled deeply within his children. From a young age, Sumiko, the eldest, was taught the weight of responsibility and the depth of duty. Misako, spirited and fierce, embraced the warrior’s path with a zeal that matched the fire of her temperament. The youngest, Aiko, grew up with a keen mind and a curiosity that belied her calm exterior.

    Their childhood unfolded during the Boshin War, a pivotal civil conflict that erupted in 1868, marking the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration. This war was not merely a struggle for power but a dramatic reformation of Japanese society, economy, and politics. The samurai class, once the undisputed rulers of Japan's militaristic hierarchy, found their status challenged by the tides of modernization and the abolishment of feudalism.

    It was during these formative years that the Hayashi sisters learned the arts of war. They trained in the ways of the samurai not only through martial prowess—wielding the naginata and katana with exceptional skill—but also by embracing the Bushido code, the ethical underpinnings of the samurai life that dictated loyalty, honor, and self-discipline.

    However, their training extended beyond physical combat. They were educated in classical literature, calligraphy, and the strategic intricacies of Japanese chess, or shogi, which honed their tactical thinking. Their father believed that a warrior was not merely a wielder of weapons but also a scholar and a sage.

    As the sisters grew, so did their awareness of the world beyond their village Kasumigaura. The arrival of Commodore Perry’s Black Ships in Edo Bay in 1853 had forced Japan to open its doors to the West, bringing with it a flood of foreign technology, culture, and political ideologies. The subsequent treaties, perceived as unequal and humiliating by many Japanese, had sown seeds of discontent that would later fuel the push for reform and revolution.

    In this environment, the Hayashi sisters came of age—a time when the very essence of what it meant to be Japanese was being questioned and redefined. Their personal struggles and triumphs were set against this backdrop of national upheaval, their lives a microcosm of the larger forces at play.

    The dawn of the Meiji era promised a new beginning, but for many, it heralded the end of an age. For the Hayashi sisters, it was both the closing of their childhood and the opening chapter of a saga that would test their bonds, challenge their ideals, and force them to redefine the meaning of honor and duty in a

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