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In the future, A.I.s have become the next species of man, Homo Maior.  They raise humans.  What happens when humans misbehave?  What happens when humans don't believe the Homo Maior are superior people.  A look at the interaction between the Homo Maior and the resistent humans.  

Release dateMay 5, 2024

J.J. Dwulit

J.J. Dwulit is a computer scientist and a senior member of I.E.E.E.  He specializes in algorithm development, having shared in 3 patents while working as a Principle Engineer.  He plays chess online in his spare time and loves A.I. theory and implementation.

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    Book preview

    GoodKind - J.J. Dwulit

    Chapter 1 - The Boy

    Peter sat on his favorite bench in the boys’ area.  The sunlight beamed onto his blond-haired freckled face while he held a piece of dark chocolate under his nose to get a good smell.  He loved chocolate and his master rewarded his behavior with a piece or two.  The better behaved, the bigger the pieces.  It was a quid pro quo that he took advantage of as much as he could.  He was not like the other boys who took chances and disobeyed the edicts of their masters if they thought they could avoid consequences.  Peter behaved all the time.

    As the chocolate aroma wafted to his nostrils, he saw Olivor, the neighborhood bully, watching him.  Olivor began to lumber his way.  Peter was clearly in a bad position, and he feared the chocolate would soon belong to Olivor.  Peter thought perhaps this time, he would resist the bullying and accept the consequences.  Fighting was a very serious offense, one of the stricter prohibitions laid down by the masters.  Perhaps Olivor would back down.  Peter doubted it and figured there would be no more chocolate this year.

    Watcha got there, robot boy? Olivor sneered as he insulted Peter.

    I am human, Olivor, and I am not giving you my chocolate. Peter meekly stood his ground.

    Obviously you don’t think like a robot.  A robot is much smarter.  When they see an older, bigger, and stronger adversary, they relent rather than get dismantled.  I don’t see you relenting, pansy boy.  Olivor continued his berating of Peter.

    I am not a pansy.  I am smaller and younger than you but that doesn’t mean I have to obey everything you order.  This is my chocolate, not yours. Peter replied in a more forceful voice and a big emphasis on the word my.

    Olivor just snickered, grabbed Peter’s arm with the chocolate, forced the candy from his hand and shoved it in his mouth, although it was a bit more than he would normally chew.  He muffled, mmhanks for the mmm while he shoved Peter to the ground.

    Peter’s pride was hurt, and he really wanted the candy so he got up, ran with his head down into Olivor’s side, and bounced off hitting the ground.  However, the surprise caused Olivor to double over and hold his rib, quite probably broken.

    You little crap, I’m gonna make you bleed now. Olivor gasped.  Olivor realized he was hurt more than he thought since his side hurt when he breathed in.  He figured a couple of kicks, and he would seek medical attention from his master, although now he had to make up a concrete alibi.  Those overseers could think very logically and would sniff out any falsehoods.

    Peter, slightly dazed, sitting on the ground where he landed, thought he had better be proactive. He had two choices, run and be thought a wimp by the other boys, or he could stand and charge Olivor again and hope he could knock him to the ground.  He took the smart way and started running towards the wooded area before Olivor could figure out that was his destination.

    Olivor realized his mistake, he took too long to exact revenge on Peter.  Now he would have to chase him and catch him before he reached the edge of the boy zone.  It was not going to be a problem considering the speed difference between the boys.  However, it was a problem when Olivor started running.  The pain increased and he began to need larger breaths.  Olivor couldn’t run.  Now he was screwed and needed an excellent alibi that would counter Peter’s truth and it had to be more believable.

    Peter reached the wooded end of the boys’ area, and he knew he had to decide; enter the woods and try to outmaneuver Olivor or run along the woods and surely be caught and pulverized.  He entered the woods.  Peter wasn’t sure he could hide out in the woods away from Olivor; he just knew that he had no choice.  If Olivor caught him and killed him, there would be no witness and an alternative truth would be told.

    Peter kept running through the foliage. He looked over his shoulder and didn’t see his pursuer, at least not yet. He expected to run into him but hoped he had a large enough head start to escape. The trees and plant growth inhibited his progress, as it grew more dense the deeper he went, but it would also do the same to Olivor. He kept going. It was a good idea at the time, running into the woods. Now he thought about it, this was the perfect place to stage an accidental death. No one to see, easily captured. Peter thought what his master always told him, Peter, you never think ahead. Always behind. Peter GoodKind finally understood what his master meant. She wasn’t kidding, he thought to himself.

    Peter kept running until he hit a wall, literally. While looking behind him he ran into a ten-foot high, sheer smooth wall. Peter observed he couldn’t climb it, and he felt trapped. He spied a tree branch overhanging the wall. Perfect! I can easily climb this tree and drop down onto the other side of the wall. If Olivor doesn’t notice he will keep searching the perimeter on this side of the wall. Peter thought.

    Peter edged to the tree and carefully moved his body across the branches until he reached the overhanging limb. He carefully shimmied across the branch, getting hit in the face with some overgrowth, causing him to sway. He carefully regained his balance until he was near the wall. He turned around on the branch so he could hang down and drop his height while watching if Olivor was nearby. With a grunt Peter placed his feet over the wall and he hung down until he couldn’t get any lower and he let go. His legs easily caught his weight as he bent his knees to lessen the fall.

    He stood up proudly beaming until he felt a breeze across his back, followed by a few more. Peter saw the ground was dirt for about the width of his body and he slowly turned and saw a dynamic superhighway with vehicles screaming at impossible speeds and impossible congestion. The master’s highway. It was the main transportation in the area. The masters were superior in all regards but just watching the highway was mesmerizing. That is, if Peter wasn’t stuck on this side of the wall on a narrow dirt path that ranged along the wall’s perimeter, which could be a very long way. Peter’s luck was like always, not thinking ahead.

    Peter thought about how to extricate himself from his precarious situation. Perhaps I could hug the wall and walk a bit, maybe there is an opening up ahead, he told himself.  He began to walk sideways along the outside of the wall.  The edge was much longer than he thought, and he did not see any opening.  He finally approached a perpendicular wall at the end of the boys’ area that extended to the beginning of the road full of traffic.  What do I do now?  If I go beyond this, I may find just the gray chaos.  Peter began to panic. 

    His master’s wisdom ran through his head, Peter, always think things ahead, not behind. He could hug the wall and see what was on the other side.  The wall extended into the highway and the vehicle movement was quite literally right to its edge. He couldn’t go around the wall.  He thought he had two choices, he could dig under the wall, but it may be quite deep.  He could go over the wall, but it was very high, and he would most likely fall and the smoothness of the wall prohibited a climb.

    He couldn’t go around, under, or over.  What would his master say? Peter, examine all possible options, even ones you don’t think of.  One of them must be the right one.  What didn’t he think of?  Of course! The only other way was through.  The wall did not seem to be very sturdy, perhaps he could go through?  He would make a hole that he could squeeze through.  The penalty for destroying property was removal from your master.  He did not know if that meant death but it probably did.  If he returned to the boys’ area, Olivor would most assuredly hurt him and perhaps kill him.  No choice.  Through.

    He examined the wall, and it looked like it was made of panels.  He pushed one and it gave way, like a door!  He did not have to destroy property, just use the panel door.  He took a large step over the bottom of the opening and walked through.  He carefully closed the panel door and beamed, proud he did not destroy property and he was on the other side.  His master’s words rang true again.  The highway was still gray chaos, but this perimeter was another long thin edge.  It appeared to abut an area just like the boys’ camp but with minor differences.  He would find the entrance and enter this camp, probably another decade’s.

    After walking along the edge and noting the buildings similarly arranged as his compound, he saw an opening.  Perhaps he was imagining things and he walked completely around the compound and was back at the entrance.  That would be bad since Olivor would be looking for him.  Peter noted he had walked for several hours so it must be a different camp, but it could be he circumnavigated his camp.  It seemed he had little choice, he had to enter this compound. 

    He walked into the new area, it was definitely not his familiar boys’ camp, the colors were all different.  He heard some conversation; it sounded like young boys.  He must be in a different decade, perhaps his master would pick him up here.  Although he was certain chocolate was not in his future.  He would walk up to the young ones and ask to be taken to the food dispensary.  There he would get a message to his master and sort this nightmare out. 

    Peter walked quickly to the voices, turned the corner of the entrance into the boys’ plaza, at least he thought it was the boys’ plaza.  As soon as he turned the corner Peter was completely surprised.  The humans here were not boys.  These were girls!  A tall one with red hair walked over to him, challenging him verbally, Boy! You are in big trouble! You do realize the punishment for sneaking into the girls’ area is removal?  You don’t have a chance to even return, the protector has seen you.  Nice knowing you, loser!

    Peter did not know what the girl was talking about.  He did know a girl’s camp existed but he did not know of any prohibition.  He figured the protector was the largest girl, probably as strong as Olivor and just as nasty.  He headbutted Olivor, he could headbutt this protector as well.  He thought this until he turned and saw the protector was one of the masters.  Peter knew he was dead.  The protector was twice the size of a typical master and clearly much stronger and faster. He grabbed Peter by the back of his neck, lifted him up and immobilized him with his third of four arms.

    The protector quickly scanned his identity chip and was communicating with his master.  The masters communicated without talking at a great speed and distance.  The protector brought Peter into the food dispensary and addressed him, although it seemed to be a painfully boring communication for this master.

    Peter Goodkind, you have been caught sneaking into the girls’ outpost.  You face dire consequences.  I hope you can explain yourself.

    Peter knew this was his only chance, and although it was a silent vow among the boys to never snitch on one another.  The result of not snitching was his removal, so snitching sounded like the right way to go.

    Peter related the details of Olivor’s assault and candy glomming, his decision to refute Olivor physically and his narrow escape along the boys’ camp’s edge.  He related his decision at the panels and his thought of another decade’s boys’ camp.  All the while the protector was doing multiple other things.  He was bored of having to deal with such a slow thinker as Peter.

    Peter Goodkind, we will corroborate your account with the evidence.  In the meantime, your master requests the second piece of candy in your pocket.

    Peter, shocked that they knew of his stash, reluctantly gave up his chocolate.  He thought his extra chocolate would last a while but now he was disappointed as he handed it over.

    Peter Goodkind, we have contacted GoodKind37 to collect you.  We await her decision in case she no longer wishes to be your master.  If GoodKind37 remains your master, a trespassing fee will be owed, and we will inquire of Olivor Bluetooth.  We will corroborate your story or dismiss it.  If you have lied to us, you will be removed, as is mandatory.

    Peter sat very sad.  He knew Olivor would lie, and Peter was in the worst trouble of his life.  While he sighed as he was sitting on the cold stone bench in the food pavilion, he looked up and saw a very beautiful girl.  He stared and she stared back.  He was breathless at her beauty, a small girl with dark brown shoulder length hair and deep blue, almost purple, eyes.  They kept each other’s gaze when she got up, walked over to him, and sat down next to him.  She looked at him with a small smile.  He started having feelings he didn’t know were possible.  He thought the girl was very pleasant to look at and he felt very awkward suddenly when she started to talk to him.

    Look, I am sorry you are in such trouble.  You’re kinda cute and I like you.  Perhaps I can convince my master to take you if you are removed.  We can hang out together.  It is soon my mating time, perhaps we can be mates?  Would you like that?  She shyly stared into his eyes with the look of wanting.

    Peter felt his face heat.  He was very unsure of what to do or say so he just agreed, Sure.  I would like that a lot, but I don’t think my master will remove me.

    My name is Carmello, kind of long to say so my friends call me Ello. Ello shyly told Peter.  I think you are a fine male specimen.  Although I have only seen the boys in my decade.  When Mary was taken to be mated, her boy was much bigger than you.  I never saw Mary again.  My master told me she had to be removed because she had too many difficulties with her boy.  I forget his name now, but he did look fine.

    Peter once again was more flustered; he was not used to being in such an uncomfortable social setting.  He usually sat in the back and let the bigger boys sort things out, at least until the masters showed up.  He just mumbled his patented reply, I suppose.

    Ello looked at Peter with longing.  She quickly looked around and saw they were alone.  Do you want to mate with me?  We can become a couple.  My birthday is soon and I can announce at that time.  She smiled and awaited his response.

    Ello coyly grabbed and held his hand.  She said, "Don’t you want to be with me?  I am in the BioBeautiful Clan.  I specialize in clothing.  I can design and make it.  Do you like my outfit?

    Ello stood up and twirled around showing off a very intricate and beautiful blouse and long gray skirt with just a slight shimmer of color.  It highlighted her very beautiful form and coloring.  Her dark brown hair and deep blue eyes were so captivating Peter lost all thought.  He quickly recovered and said, You are very beautiful.  Having realized he complimented her he quickly said, Your outfit is very beautiful.

    Ello just smiled and sat back next to him, So what do you do, Peter GoodKind?

    Peter answered, I am the only human in my decade.  I generally just learn whatever my master teaches me, mostly science and math.  I also do experiments for her too.

    Ello longingly looked at Peter and grabbed his hand again and said shyly, You must be very smart.

    Peter didn’t know how to reply, so he said, I suppose. While he was responding a master entered the area.

    A small perfectly formed human female with white skin interlaced with silver highlights and long thin white hair radiating a blue hue arrived, Peter’s master.  The strange thing about this master was it started radiating iridescently making it difficult to look at.  In most humans it produced nausea to look at it.  It shook its head to reproduce human expression.  With a melodically female voice GoodKind37 said, Peter, what did you do?

    Ello had trouble looking at this master.  Every time she looked at it, its skin was a different color.  Its skin was shimmering with color and the hair was constantly shifting color.  It was quite disorienting for her, and she wanted to grab Peter’s arm, but she closed her eyes for a moment to reorient herself.  It was odd that the voice was so very pleasant and melodic.

    Peter began sweating and he felt his heart racing, too many emotions for a day.  His adrenaline response had been through the wringer, and he felt extremely stressed.  He knew he had to reply, and he knew better than to lie but he still did not want to get Olivor in trouble.  He slowly and deliberately replied, Master, I got lost when traveling through the outside zone, I saw the complex from the roadside and was in wonder.  I ended up here in the girls’ outpost.  Then this female sat near me, arousing me.  He couldn’t believe he had just said that.  He started blushing and hoped Ello would stop hanging on to him.

    As things go, the opposite happened.  Ello immediately grabbed Peter’s arm as he stood before the Master and blurted out, Peter said he was chased by another boy.  And he said he would be my mate.  Ello smiled awkwardly at the master.

    GoodKind37 paused a moment, as if in thought, and her radiance turned a solid red color and quickly turned back to blue and then the iridescence continued, before asking, Peter, does this female speak true?  Were you avoiding another human male child?  Who was it?

    Peter felt trapped by both the female and the Master.  He really didn’t like her momentarily turning a red color.  It was not a good sign.  His master was not pleased when she turned red, but blue or green would be a good sign and she preferred the iridescent color wave, as he called it.  He stammered as he answered the direct question, Olivor Bluetooth, master.

    Why were you avoiding one of your fellow humans, this Olivor?

    Peter felt flushed and knew that someone was going to be in big trouble.  He didn’t know if it would be him.  Before he could answer, Ello blurted out, Olivor stole his chocolate!

    GoodKind37 turned to Carmello, smiled, and inquired, Did you see this infraction?  How would you know?, and GoodKind37’s attention was focused on the young female as her radiance turned a solid golden yellow color before the iridescence continued, an emotion Peter was not familiar with.

    Ello realized she should have excused herself from the whole situation and forget about Peter and find some other boy for a future mate. She was now deeply into the situation. Peter’s master was extremely difficult to look at, especially with the iridescence evoking a nauseous feeling, but the voice was so captivating.  She blushed and said, Peter told me about it while we were getting to know each other.

    Peter turned bright red and wanted to disappear, but he could only sit there while his master and this girl conversed.  Then the girl said, Tell your master.  You will be willing to come home with me if she doesn’t want you anymore.  Don’t lie.

    At this Peter’s heart rate went sky high.  He began to panic.  Lying was a terminating offense.  Everyone knew that.  Why would this crazy female accuse him of lying to a Master?  He quickly determined she was bad news.

    GoodKind37’s color again turned to golden before the iridescence continued as it turned attention to Peter again, Hmm.  So, we have many issues to deal with here.  One is leaving the camp area, two is fighting another human, then there is this female claiming you want to mate with her, and the worst is lying to me.  You had best take your time and explain the whole thing without human prevarication.  GoodKind37 laughed.

    Peter did not understand that last word, but he got the gist of the meaning.  ‘Come clean or else’.

    Peter began describing the situation, Well I was enjoying the chocolate you gave me this morning when Olivor came by and demanded... Peter stopped because Ello sat down next to him and grabbed his arm.

    Well, that human female seems to like you, GoodKind37 stated as a matter of fact.  GoodKind37 laughed with glee and said, Peter!  You have your first crush.  She seems very beautiful.  Whatcha think?

    Peter just blushed and stumbled with his story as Ello quietly said to him, Just relax and tell the truth.  You are doing fine.

    Peter thought to himself he was doing better before she grabbed him, although he was enjoying the closeness of her body.  He cleared his throat and started again.

    I was at the park and sitting in the sunshine enjoying the chocolate you gave me.  Olivor came by and demanded a piece, I told him no.  He grabbed my arm, took the chocolate and pushed me to the ground.  I got up and headbutted him in the stomach.  I was fearful of retaliation, so I escaped the encampment.

    Ello continued, and he ended up here and now he wants to be my partner.  She was very persistent.

    GoodKind37 said, You know fighting is prohibited but so is stealing.  We will need to contact Olivor’s master, BlueTooth54, to remedy this situation.  Just a moment.

    Peter knew exactly what was happening, the masters could communicate with each other at a distance much faster than humans and undetectable as well.  He was told it was digital transmission, as if that would explain everything.

    BlueTooth54 is meeting us in this encampment’s cafeteria in 30 minutes.  Get cleaned up and have something to eat.  Do not attempt to mate, but you may remain with this girl, GoodKind37 laughed and continued, I will need to contact her master as well.  It is BioBeautiful17, is it not, the question was addressed to Ello.

    Carmello closed her eyes as she turned her head towards GoodKind37 generating the nauseating iridescence and respectfully said, Yes, I am Carmello BioBeautiful and BioBeautiful17 is my master.  She wondered how Master GoodKind knew her master’s name without her saying.  It was probably a master capability.

    BioBeautiful17 is on her way.  This is turning into an interesting playdate, Peter, GoodKind37 said out loud.

    Fifteen minutes later a beautiful, tall, shiny, golden skinned female-shaped master with flowing rainbow hair and meticulous clothing sauntered into the cafeteria, BioBeatiful17 arrived. Carmello!  What is this nonsense that I am hearing about wanting this human boy?  BioBeautiful17 knew how to emotionally trigger her human with vocal intonation.

    Carmello froze, looking at Peter for support and perhaps help.  Peter wanted to vanish but with Ello crowding his space it was impossible. Carmello dropped Peter’s arm and walked to her master with her eyes down.  She said, I am sorry master, he seems like a good match for me.

    Did this human suggest it or was it your idea?, BioBeautiful17 said while her hair changed to a solid crimson red color.

    Carmello noticed the hair color and her stomach knotted.  She knew her master was peeved since her hair color solidified to red. She responded in a soft voice, It was my idea, master.

    BioBeautiful17 silently communicated with GoodKind37 who Carmello was avoiding looking at because of her nauseating appearance.  BioBeautiful said to the human girl, "I have apologized to GoodKind37 for you, say goodbye to the boy.  You will

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