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The Victim
The Victim
The Victim
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The Victim

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No mother believes that her son could be a rapist
Two girls were buried at the bottom of the lake, and two men buried their secrets. Who told the truth and who told a lie?
Two mothers were murdered one after another, two completely different methods of revenge. Who is the victim and who is the perpetrator?
The two police officers temporarily partnered, burdened with their own dilemmas, to explore the truth in the fog...

PublisherVirgil Hicks
Release dateMay 9, 2024
The Victim

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    The Victim - Virgil Hicks

    Chapter 1

    IT RAINED HEAVILY ONE night in late autumn, and the northwest wind blew again in the early morning, and the temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees.

    Paddy stood on the south bank of Zhonghu Park. His thin jacket had already been ripped through by the cold wind, and his trouser legs and boots were also covered with yellow muddy water. But he didn't care, he just stared at the young girl on the ground, a corpse that died within twelve hours to be precise.

    The reason why she didn't resurface after being buried at the bottom of the lake for many days was entirely because of the heavy rain last night - this newly renovated park is a flood storage area, and this morning a trial flood operation was carried out. Girl on the fence of the culvert.

    She looked to be twenty years old at most, with short hair, a denim top, jeans, sneakers, and an old knotted rope on her left wrist, which was her only accessory.

    The fat man in green waterproof jumpsuits came over and stood next to Paddy.

    The phone has been sent for repair. I hope the data can be restored. The fat man spoke in a soft voice, which was completely opposite to his broad body. I will send her photos to the center to compare the missing persons...

    No, Paddy interrupted, I know her.

    Ah? The fat man took a step back.

    Paddy knelt down, pointed at the girl's wrist and said, This is a relic left by her mother.

    The fat man knelt down and asked, How do you know her?

    The first case I handled nine years ago, her mother was the victim. Paddy stared at the girl's pale and slender wrists and said, Her mother was a teacher, teaching painting, and was raped by a repeat student. But the murderer The mother did not admit that her son had raped her. Instead, she said that the teacher seduced her son and made a scene in the training class.

    I've heard about this case. The fat man looked at the girl, The teacher later committed suicide by jumping off the building.

    Paddy nodded.

    You have a really good memory. The fat man looked at Paddy, But after nine years, you still recognize her?

    Paddy was silent for a while, then slowly said: The rapist was released after serving his sentence last week. I went to her father's house...

    Why did you go to her house?

    Paddy was completely silent.

    Because the rapist threatened to kill the victim's family in court, he went to the victim's home and left his contact information so that the victim's husband, the girl's father, could contact him directly in case of an emergency.

    Another purpose of his visit, of course, was to persuade this poor man not to think about revenge anymore, even for the sake of his daughter, and not to sacrifice his own and his daughter's lives for that scumbag.

    He stopped the girl's father from taking revenge on the rapist, and then the girl was killed by the rapist. He did the stupidest and most heartbreaking thing in the world.

    Reason told him that this was just a possibility, but it lingered in his brain, making him unable to think. He could only feel it expanding and making a harsh noise.

    Why would you do that?

    Because the girl's father is a good man and I don't want him to commit a crime.

    Good people shouldn't commit crimes, so they should just stretch their necks out and wait for others to kill them? They deserve to have their families torn apart?


    No what? The fat man looked at Paddy.

    Paddy came back to his senses and shook his head: Nothing.

    At this time, the cell phone rang. Paddy stood up and took out the cell phone from his windbreaker pocket. He staggered and almost fell, perhaps because his legs were empty or his head was too heavy.

    The screen shows the incoming caller Lin Song, who is the girl’s father.

    He stared at the screen of his mobile phone. It seemed that the other party hung up in the blink of an eye, but the glaring number on the phone icon in the lower left corner of the screen had turned into 3.

    He pressed the call icon and called back. The phone was connected immediately, and a restrained middle-aged man's voice came from the receiver.

    Pick up, pick up! Hello! Is this Paddy? surname is Lin, and my name is Solomon. You came to my house a few days ago...

    Solomon, it's me.

    It's me, it's me! Solomon seemed a little flattered when he heard Paddy recognized him, and stammered, Is it convenient for you to speak now? I have something to do, I don't know...

    You say.

    Well, I can't contact Meloy anymore. I'm a little worried about her. Solomon said in one breath, with a hint of crying at the end.

    Don't worry.

    Paddy turned his back. He couldn't look at the poor girl anymore.

    I know you guys are busy, but I'm really anxious. Solomon said eagerly, See if you can help me. This kid never fails to answer my calls. He's been there all night, I don't know...

    Where are you?

    I'm at home.

    Wait for me.

    Paddy waited for the other party to hang up the phone, and suddenly took a deep breath as if waking up from a nightmare.

    What's wrong? the fat man asked.

    Paddy shook his head: I'll leave this to you, I'll go...

    He swallowed what he said and looked back at the girl lying on the ground. Her name is Meloy, a beautiful name.

    You're leaving the day after tomorrow, do you still need to take care of this case? Fatty asked, Besides, Sister Dai, who takes over from you, will be here soon.

    The implication is that this is someone else's case, so don't get involved.

    You have to go and take a look. Paddy murmured, looking at the gray wind and waves in the lake.

    A building was built on the peninsula protruding from the opposite bank, which was called the Pearl in the Clam, but from his point of view, it looked more like a silver ingot. He knew that it was the newly built ballet theater. This shape meant that ballet was the pearl of art. It was said that the lake would be renamed Swan Lake in the future.

    You look bad. Do you have a cold? The fat man said with concern, I have isatis root.

    Paddy shook his head, patted the fat man on the shoulder, and walked up the slope.

    Paddy finally plucked up the courage to press the doorbell. The door opened was a woman in her thirties.

    Solomon's voice came from the room. He was on the phone, advising the other party not to worry.

    Don't worry, Meloy will be fine. I have someone here, hang up first.

    Solomon came out at a trot. He was of medium height and as strong as a boulder. Nine years ago, Paddy was genuinely worried he would beat his rapist's mother to death. When he heard that he still had to take care of his daughter, he locked himself in the bedroom and sat holding his wife's pillow for ten hours. Then he decided to raise his daughter first and then consider revenge for his wife.

    Paddy! Solomon tried his best to hide his panic, I'm really sorry that you are so busy and I asked you to make a special trip.

    This is Paddy. Solomon smiled at the woman, Thanks to his stopping me, I didn't do anything stupid. He even came to see me a few days ago to remind me to adjust my mentality.

    Every word was like a needle pricking Paddy's heart. He didn't even have the courage to say the words Meloy is dead.

    Who's this? Paddy asked, listening to his own voice grinding like rusty iron.

    My name is Jisin, and I'm a friend of Meroy's. She said anxiously, Ansel found out that Meroy had lost contact, so he asked me to discuss it.

    She... The word death was about to come out of his mouth, but fortunately Paddy reacted and immediately shut his mouth. He paused for a moment before saying, Did she show any abnormal behavior before?

    Yes, let's go inside and talk. Solomon said, turning sideways.

    Paddy suddenly found himself unable to move. It was because of fear, fear of how he would face this poor father after he told the truth about Meroy's murder.

    A criminal police officer is a messenger of death. He has been doing this job for ten years, and only now did he realize that he had never really adapted to it.

    What's wrong, Paddy? Solomon asked when he saw Paddy standing still.

    Paddy was still hesitating when a clang sound came from behind him.

    The three people looked outside the door, the elevator door opened, and two people walked out of the elevator.

    One was a fat man who had taken off his waterproof jumpsuit, and the other was a woman of medium height, wearing a black jacket, a white T-shirt, black pants and black Martin boots, looking capable and strong.

    She walked up to the three of them, glanced at Paddy first, then said to Solomon, Excuse me, you are Solomon, the father of Meroy.

    It's me. Solomon nodded. He seemed to suddenly realize something, and put his hands behind his back, holding onto the door frame.

    My name is Meroy, and I'm his colleague. Can you come with us?

    Her voice was calm and powerful, and Solomon nodded slowly again, looking at Paddy helplessly. Paddy seemed frozen, unable to say anything. All he could do was avoid Solomon's gaze.

    Meloy glanced at the fat man next to him. The fat man understood and stepped forward to help Solomon go out. As he passed Paddy, Solomon turned to look at him again, as if begging him to catch him and tell him that this was all a mistake.

    Fatty took Solomon into the elevator, but neither Paddy nor Meloy followed him in. When the elevator door closed, Meloy looked at Gissing at the door.

    I am her friend. Ji Xing covered her mouth and cried out from between her fingers, What happened to her?

    Can you go to the police station together? Meloy looked at her, Stay with him.

    Ji Xing nodded quickly and tears flew out.

    Go pack your things and get him a coat, Meroy said softly.

    Gissing stumbled into the house just as Meroy held out his hand to Paddy.

    Hello, I'm Meroy.

    Paddy shook her hand and whispered, Thank you.

    I heard what Dun Dun said. Meroy also whispered, But I still have to say that you should wait for me. At a time like this, two people are better than one person.

    Dun Dun is the nickname of the fat man, his real name is Niu Dun. Paddy knew that Niu Dun was not so sensitive, and it must be that after Niu Dun and Melloy explained the situation, Melloy realized that something was wrong and rushed to chase him.

    Thinking of this, Paddy was somewhat moved.

    Solomon just said that Meroi behaved abnormally before his death. He quickly changed the subject.

    Solomon, do you know this person? Meloy asked softly.

    We know each other. Solomon said slowly while looking at his daughter on the autopsy table.

    From the moment he got into the police car until now, he never cried or made a fuss or said a word, just like an obedient child. Even when he saw his daughter's body, he didn't have any violent reaction. He just looked at it carefully from head to toe, as if he was really just confirming whether it was his daughter.

    But the more this happens, the more depressing the atmosphere in the room becomes.

    Please tell me about your relationship.

    This is my daughter. He remained expressionless, seeming to be stating an insignificant matter.

    In order to determine the cause of death, we will conduct the necessary autopsy on her, Meroy said.

    Solomon nodded.

    Then let's go wait outside. Meloy glanced at Paddy beside him.

    Paddy held Solomon's arm and helped him walk out. Paddy was in a trance. It was the same room as nine years ago, and he supported Solomon in the same posture. However, nine years ago, there was a little girl who had just lost her mother sitting in the corridor outside; today, the girl was lying inside.

    When he reached the door, Solomon suddenly tilted his body, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted on the spot.

    At the same time, Ji Xin knelt on the ground and burst into tears. His miserable wail finally broke the solidified air.

    The deceased is named Meloy, female, 22 years old. The cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation. There was a blunt force trauma to the back of the head, and no signs of sexual assault. Meloy quickly introduced, We opened a case as soon as the autopsy results came out.

    There are no signs of sexual assault. This is very important. Deputy Captain Hu Yongping, who was sitting behind his desk, nodded. Zhonghu Park. I remember that a theater is being built here. Is it open yet?

    Not yet, Paddy said.

    Then how did she get in?

    You can walk two kilometers less by walking through the park from north to south to the subway station than by going around the outside, Paddy gestured on the table. Pedestrians took a shortcut by dismantling the construction fence, but the construction company stopped caring about it later.

    Does she live nearby?

    The house she rented is just north of the park. Paddy nodded.

    Oh. Hu Yongping nodded. He pondered for a moment, then said to Melloy, Xiao Dai, we are all family from now on. I'm not putting pressure on you, but this family is really miserable. We must give them justice. What do you think?

    It's necessary. Meloy nodded.

    Okay. If you need anything, come to me directly. What you did in Chaoyang before, you can do the same here. You don't have to worry at all. Newton, please cooperate with the work. After saying that, Hu Yongping stood up and patted He patted the back of the chair and said, Sit here and get into the role as soon as possible.

    Leader, Paddy said suddenly.

    Hu Yongping had already reached the door and turned around when he heard Paddy calling him.

    I want to be involved, Paddy said.

    Hu Yongping looked at his watch and asked, Aren't you leaving the day after tomorrow?

    There are still two days left.

    Hu Yongping looked at Paddy, then turned to ask Meloy: What do you think?

    Meloy nodded.

    You worked really hard to get into this position in the Legal Affairs Department, Hu Yongping said to Paddy. After all, this is your top priority in your career, so don't let it ruin it.

    I know. Paddy nodded.

    Then you guys discuss it together. Hu Yongping said and then opened the door and went out.

    Paddy turned his head and saw Meroy sitting in his office chair.

    I welcome you to join us in the investigation. Meroy smiled, But the premise is that I have the final say.


    Are you all so polite here? You've said thank you twice this morning. Meroy smiled, I just heard from Dun Dun that you walked all over the mudflats on the south bank by yourself this morning. Did you find anything?

    No, said Paddy, but I'd better see for myself.

    Sure. Meloy nodded, Do you need to go back and change your pants?

    No thanks. Paddy stood up. I want to go to Solomon's house.

    Gissin blocked the door and showed no intention of letting them in. Just over an hour later, her attitude had completely changed.

    Why are you here if you don't want to catch the murderer? She stared, letting the tears fall, You're going to stop him from taking revenge, right?

    Just as Paddy was about to speak, Meroy stepped forward and whispered, Sister, do you know why cases like this are usually unsolved?

    Jising did not expect Meloy to speak like this. She was stunned for a moment. Before she could think of how to reply, Meroy continued: The reason is very simple. Because in this season, people have to sink underwater for at least seven or eight days. The day lilies were already cold when they surfaced. So even God couldn't bear to watch the heavy rain last night, so we tried to find a way for her to get the golden seventy-two hours to solve the case.

    Hearing these words, Ji Xing couldn't help crying.

    Let's just ask a few questions and then leave, okay? Meloy asked softly.

    Gissing nodded as he cried. Melloy stepped forward and put his arm around her shoulders, pushing her into the house. Paddy followed and gently closed the door.

    Solomon lay stretched out on the living room couch , a towel covering his face. They went directly to the restaurant without interrupting and sat down around the dining table.

    Ansel said before that Meloy had some unusual behavior. Meloy said in a low voice.

    Jising nodded, took out his cell phone and handed it to her.

    last night , Meloy sent a WeChat message to Solomon: No matter what happens, you must send out the report.

    What does this mean? Melloy asked, handing the phone to Paddy.

    We don't know either, Gissing whispered. There's no beginning or end.

    Then do you know what this report is about?

    Well... Jising looked back towards the living room, her voice choked up again, She was a reporter. When she was alive, she was writing a report, and she was writing about our affairs.

    Paddy and Melloy looked at each other. Meroy took the tissue box, pulled one out and handed it to Gissing.

    Your business? Meroy asked softly.

    We...are all victims, and the families of the victims. Do you understand? she said, looking at Meroy.

    Meroy nodded immediately.

    But the murderer's family, not only did they not apologize, but they continued to hurt us, do you understand?

    This time Paddy nodded first. Just like what happened with Mama Meroy.

    Yes! Gissing looked at Paddy, his eyes becoming angry. How long was that woman sentenced to?

    Paddy knew she was asking a question he already knew the answer to, but he answered anyway: Three years.

    She got three years for murdering someone, Gissing said. I know what you're going to say. Yes, legally it's right. But she killed Mama Meroy, didn't she?

    Yes, Paddy nodded.

    So Meloy wants to write this report, and she wants to expose everything. At this point, Gissing took a deep breath and asked tremblingly, Do you really not know who the murderer is?

    Do you know who it is? Melloy asked.

    Of course it's that bastard! Gisin growled, tears welling up in his eyes again, "He went to harass Meloy as soon as he was released! Don't you know that it's all the way to the police station? Or do you just not want to solve the case at all? Because you don’t want people to know that you raped, killed, and did really bad things, and then you’re fine after a few years there, and then you continue to kill people after you come out!

    A dull wail came from the living room, and Gissing covered her mouth and ran over , squatting next to Solomon.

    At this time, their cell phones rang at the same time. Paddy picked up the phone and found out that it was Newton who had sent the address of Meloy Company and the mobile phone number of the chief editor in the group.

    Paddy escaped from Solomon's house under amnesty and dialed the number of editor-in-chief Norton.

    chapter 2

    NORTON IS IN HIS FORTIES, with gray hair, neat clothes, and a bookish air. He had been dazed for half a minute since hearing the news of Meloy's murder.

    What did you ask just now? He finally recovered, I'm sorry, I was really confused .

    It doesn't matter. Paddy said, Has she ever mentioned Zhonghu Park to you? For example, who is she going to meet there?

    I have no impression. Norton replied, It seems she lives over there. She shares a house with another colleague of ours. Wait a minute, I'll call her.

    Don't worry. We will ask her if necessary. Meloy said, What were you thinking about just now? Can you tell us?

    Norton shook his head in frustration and said, I always thought that I was the one who harmed her.


    If I had been a little harder-hearted, Norton said after a moment, his lips trembling, when she offered to do that report and rejected her directly, maybe nothing would have happened.

    Paddy and Melloy looked at each other. They did not mention the report to Norton, nor did they mention the last message Melloy sent to Solomon.

    What report? Paddy asked.

    Norton pulled out a report sample from the file box and placed it in front of the two of them. The title is No Mother Thinks Her Son Will Be a Rapist and the subtitle is The gavel falls , but the hurt never stops.

    That's it, Norton said. About two months ago, she suddenly found me and said she wanted to do a series of reports like this. Well... I know her situation, but looking at the title, you can also tell that her attitude is a bit extreme.

    What do you think this report has to do with her murder? Paddy asked.

    Norton sighed and continued, In fact, her approach was even more radical. She went straight to interview the mothers of the rapists, and even the woman who killed her mother.

    Interview? Meroy raised his eyebrows.

    Yes. Norton patted the report. She wrote down the details of how she did it. You can take a good look at it when you go back. What I want to say is that this report has put her in danger. For example, that man.

    Man. Paddy handed the phone to Norton. Is it him?

    On the screen of the mobile phone was a man wearing prison uniform with a provocative expression on his face.

    Yes! That's him. Norton pointed at the screen. He came to our company to cause trouble last Friday. We were having lunch in the building cafeteria , and he rushed in, overturned the table, threw chairs, and threatened Meloy.

    What specific threats were made? Melloy asked.

    He said that if Meloy dares to write about his mother, he will let her die more ugly than her mother. Norton paused and said, This is the exact words. Because he mentioned Meloy's mother, so I I remember it very clearly!

    Has anyone else heard this? Melloy asked again.

    Everyone. Everyone has gone to the police station to take notes.

    Okay. Meloy nodded, You continue.

    Meloy didn't give in, so he became angry. It seemed that in front of so many people, he couldn't even frighten a little girl, so he couldn't get off the stage. Later, he wanted to take action, but we stopped him.

    Has Merloy told you who this man is? Paddy asked.

    She only said it was a person in the report, but I think the state she was in at that time, this person should be the...criminal in his mother's case. Norton paused and said, I'm sure he is a pervert.

    After seeing off the two policemen, Norton fell into deep thought. Zhonghu Park was like a hurricane, stirring up memories he never wanted to face.

    He would always remember that day, when he saw that Belinda did not come to the examination room, he already had a bad feeling. Later, the teacher asked them to wait where they were, and everyone began to whisper. I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know where a sensational word came from: Belinda is dead.

    When this sentence reached Norton's ears, he was completely dumbfounded . He even thought it was just four frivolous words, four randomly combined words that were completely meaningless, and an annoying April Fool's Day joke.

    At this time, monitor Lai Xiongji came over and asked him why his phone was turned off last night. Lai Xiongji was his strongest opponent for the special scholarship, and he was also the only one who found that one page of review materials was missing.

    Immediately a girl answered and said that Belinda mentioned that she asked him to watch the meteor shower last night. This statement immediately caused a sensation, and he suddenly became the target of public criticism.

    He sat there blankly, his mind went blank. He didn't even know what happened. He only felt everyone's burning eyes on him. At that moment, he doubted whether he had really done something wrong.

    Just then, Ansel stood up and loudly scolded the girl, and then announced that he and Norton had reviewed together last night.

    Ansel was a bully in the class, and the girl immediately backed off. Lai Xiongji was still asking where Norton had been last night, and Ansel rushed up and pushed him to the ground.

    I told you, we're together! Besides, who do you think you are? Is it your turn to ask? And you, can you think independently? You're like idiots, believing everything people say! You've read so much that you've lost your mind!

    Twenty years have passed, and he can still recite these words word for word.

    Later, when the police searched his dormitory, they found a letter written by Belinda to him in his textbook. Following the contents of the letter, they found the wooden bridge in Zhonghu Park, and finally found Belinda's body there.

    On the night of Belinda's death, his cell phone was turned off and he did not return to his dormitory all night, and Belinda only told him her whereabouts. So even though he didn't really remember seeing the letter, he couldn't explain it because it was actually tucked away in his textbook.

    Fortunately, Ansel testified for him and he was cleared of suspicion. But on the other hand, even though Ansel testified for him, his classmates still believed that he was the murderer.

    He had already received a full scholarship abroad, but someone broke the news on the campus BBS: the suspect who killed a female college student received a full scholarship to start a new life in the United States.

    Universities abroad also received emails. They confirmed to the school that a death had occurred, and although Norton was cleared as a suspect, they revoked his scholarship due to moral flaws.

    This sudden disaster was a devastating blow to him. He didn't want to spend his family's money on graduate school, so he had to look for a job. But he ran into obstacles everywhere, and finally joined a small state-owned enterprise that was about to go bankrupt. Even so, he didn't get any room for development, and he was still a low -level employee until the company went bankrupt .

    One wrong step leads to another. He wasted half his life, wandering around. More than ten years later, he still lived a difficult life and could not even fulfill his parents' most basic expectation - to get married and have children.

    It wasn't until three years ago that Ansel contacted him, invited him to work for the new media company he founded, and gave him a salary he never dared to dream of. His life finally started to improve.

    Twenty years are like a dream. Just when he started to let go of the gloomy first half of his life and began to slowly regard it as a wet dream, Meloy's death woke him up. This was not a dream, everything was real.

    But why did Meloy go to Zhonghu Park? Is this a coincidence?

    He picked up the phone, opened the address book, found the business card of Mr. Long and dialed it. He and Ansel are best friends, and at the same time, Ansel is both a benefactor and a noble person to him, so he maintains respect for Ansel at all times, respecting and being grateful from the bottom of his heart.

    Mr. Long. He sat up straight. There is an emergency in the company. Let me report it to you.

    What's wrong? Ansel's voice was broken.

    Meloy of our company has passed away.


    She must have been killed. Norton whispered, The police just came.

    There was silence on the receiver.

    Norton waited for a long time and finally asked tentatively: Mr. Long?

    Oh. Ansel's voice popped out, I know. It's too sudden, a little girl. I... have an important guest to accompany me today. How should I cooperate with the investigation, how should I deal with the aftermath, you Just take full control of it. I’ll call the financial director and ask her to fully cooperate with you.

    Okay, Mr. Long. Norton paused and asked, Mr. Long, are you familiar with her?

    Although this new media company is small, it still has more than thirty people and is very mobile, so when Ansel said a little girl, Norton was a little surprised. He didn't remember Ansel and Meroy having any interactions.

    No, no. Ansel denied immediately. With so many people in the company, how many of them do I know? I know her because I heard that she is your right-hand man. Let's not talk about it for now. Someone is coming over here.

    Boss Long, there's one more thing. Norton said hurriedly, Has Lai Xiongji contacted you recently?

    No. Why would he want me? Ansel said disapprovingly.

    Maybe we should talk about the 20th anniversary party. Norton rubbed his forehead.

    Don't bother with him! Ansel shouted , Even if I have to do it, I'll do it myself, and I won't ask him to do it!

    After hanging up the phone, Norton breathed a sigh of relief. At the 15th anniversary class reunion four years ago, he went there in order to boost business. Unexpectedly, Lai Xiongji actually called Belinda's mother. She yelled at him in front of all her classmates, and he ran away, making the whole class a laughing stock.

    He was seriously ill. In a daze, the scene of the class reunion overlapped with that of fifteen years ago. The eyes were still the same, the expression was the same, only more cold and cruel. Everyone was colluding, they just wanted to see him make a fool of himself. It seemed that after humiliating him, the unsatisfactory life they had was nothing.

    Just when he thought he couldn't hold on any longer, a voice sounded in his head.

    I said, we are together! Besides, who are you? Is it your turn to ask? And you, can you have some independent thinking ability? Like a fool, you believe everything that people say! Books are all It went into the dog’s belly!

    With these words, he exorcised his inner demons and survived from the brink of collapse.

    He wiped the corners of his eyes. What happened recently? Has he become sentimental as he gets older? He decided not to think about it anymore and concentrate on dealing with the matters in front of him.

    As a media person, what he should do most at this moment is to write a report on Meloy's murder so that more people can understand her and what she did. As a colleague and friend, the most important thing he should do is release Meloy's report as soon as possible. Although he still thinks that the position of that report is biased, but so what?

    As long as you are a human being, you have your own position.

    He opened his notebook, thought for a long time, and finally wrote a line: Who killed Meloy.

    Donghu Park, which is across the road from Zhonghu Park, is a free park, but it has the largest outdoor playground nearby. So even on weekday afternoons, there are still many parents bringing their children to play, most of whom are mothers.

    This is also considered a semi-social occasion, so young mothers pay great attention to their manners. They dress themselves and their babies carefully, exuding feminine charm and maternal radiance.

    They all focused their attention on the children, unaware that there were a pair of eyes staring at them hungrily in the distance.

    These bitches. He thought, who are you? Do you deserve to live like this? You are just a bunch of chirping chickens. Ten years ago, even if you knelt in front of me, I would not even look at you.

    Now you are carrying brand-name bags and everyone is holding an Apple phone. Did your husbands sell their kidneys to buy these for you?

    You are still laughing there, you must be talking about how to seduce men. Judging from how dissatisfied you are with your desires, you must have found a bad old man. Otherwise, based on your stupidity, which man wouldn't have the foresight to buy you an apple?

    The woman leaning against the fence was the most poorly dressed. That navy blue cotton jacket must have been bought at the vegetable market. You can smell the musty smell on her body from such a distance. Her husband must be a poor man, otherwise why would she always have a mean smile on her face?

    Such a woman would definitely not have a husband to pick her up, and she would definitely not be willing to take a taxi home, so she would take her daughter across Zhonghu Park and take the subway.

    That way, I could follow her home. Her husband must not be at home, because unlike other women, she never checks her phone, which means her husband has no time to talk to her.

    Her husband works three shifts, so she must spend a lot of time at home alone.

    When she opened the door and saw me, she was going to be scared out of her mind. Hahaha , but when I made her happy, she would burst into tears of gratitude. What a gift it was to her! She would kneel at the door, begging me not to leave. Bitch, I'm going to whip you hard and peel off your dirty skin.

    Hey! What are you doing!

    There was a shout in the distance, and he turned around to see a middle-aged man wearing red overalls and a reflective vest walking towards him.

    It's been a long time! Why did you just do so much?

    He looked down and saw the paint bucket in his hand and the half-painted fence.

    You've only been working here for a few days, and you're going to be a hard worker for me! The man walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly.

    He hated it most when others looked at him like this. He wanted to pour the bucket of paint on the man's head and then kick him hard in the crotch.

    Sorry. I was a little dizzy just now . He smiled flatteringly, took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes from his pocket and handed it over.

    The man pushed his hand away with disdain and ordered, If you don't finish brushing these today, don't come tomorrow.

    Don't worry, old man. He said with a nod.

    The man glanced at the work ID on his chest and turned away.

    He was not afraid at all. Because he was working as a regular worker with a third of the salary, and this work permit was of course a regular worker's. So, even if he pushed the woman down tonight, she would only remember the man on the work permit.

    It’s even more exciting when you think about it this way.

    He was painting the fence happily, as if waving a paintbrush, which was the only thing that could keep him quiet. At this moment, he was suddenly attracted by the scene in the distance.

    Beside the park wall, a young mother was holding a little boy to urinate in the corner. After the child finished urinating, the young mother bent over and poured a large bottle of mineral water over it.

    He stared at her back, a fire rising in his belly.

    Chapter 3

    VERISSA KNELT BESIDE the toilet and wiped the toilet seat carefully until no trace of dirt was visible under the light, then she carefully put on a new toilet seat.

    Hurry up! Lu Guojie shouted outside.

    Every time he saw his mother cleaning the toilet, he got very angry and wanted to rush up and kick her away.

    Xiaojie, how many times have I told you not to pee on the toilet seat. Verisa slowly stood up holding her knees, changed a rag and began to scrub the basin.

    Hurry up! I can't hold it in anymore! Lu Guojie yelled again.

    Teacher Tang will be here soon...

    Can't I pee when she comes? You're going to suffocate me to death!

    Seeing that his mother wouldn't go out, he simply took off his pants, and the newly cleaned toilet was soiled by him again.

    You kid... Verisa quickly bent down and started wiping again.

    Lu Guojie finished using the bathroom but did not go out. He leaned against the wall, looked at his mother's back, and asked, What did Tang say to you last time?

    Weisha's back trembled obviously, but she said : I didn't say anything, I just said that your painting is getting better and better now, and you will definitely pass the exam this year.

    fart! Lu Guojie cursed in his heart, I heard everything you said. That bitch said that I have been studying for three years and I am still not good at drawing, so I asked you to find another way out for me. Then she also said nonsense that there was too much work in the training class and that she no longer had the energy to provide one-on-one tutoring to me, and she wanted to refund the remaining tuition fees.

    I don't want her to teach me anymore! Lu Guojie said through gritted teeth.

    How can that be done! Teacher Tang values you very much! Wei Lisa was anxious.

    Last time she tried hard and even knelt on the ground to beg, but Teacher Tang finally agreed to teach her for this month. Today is the last tutoring session, and Wei Lisa plans to use this method to keep her again, anyway, it’s only once that she can be taught one more time. If Teacher Tang really stopped teaching, she would never find such a cheap tutor again.

    It's not like she hasn't thought about sending Lu Guojie to a large class, but every time he goes to a class, he always has conflicts with his classmates. As a result, her family has been blacklisted in all training classes.

    She originally wanted to talk about the child, but Lu Guojie's father said that great painters such as Picasso and Van Gogh had this temper. Without this temper, they would not be able to paint well. So she didn't dare to say anything more, so she

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