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About this ebook

Army Intelligence Captain Jack Smyth received a “dear John” letter from his wife that she was leaving him for another man. His main concern was for his six-year-old daughter, Samantha, so he immediately left his post for Australia to sort out the mess. Whilst in Australia, Captain Smyth attended a seminar on “The Tribal Warriors” and was surprised to see the main speaker as Major Brett Shaw who was his leader whilst serving in Afghanistan. This then led to his meeting of Elizabeth Shaw, Brett’s sister, and this changed his life forever.

Whilst visiting Jakarta in Indonesia on behalf of the government, Jack was kidnapped and brutally treated by a communist cell. The story takes you on a journey through the darkest reaches of Indonesia with Jack held captive in a remote mountainous area by a hillside tribe. His love for Liz never faded throughout this ordeal however Liz was reunited with an old flame thinking Jack was never to be seen again.

Liz and Jack’s paths cross throughout the story, but circumstances keep them apart time and time again.
Release dateApr 26, 2024

Peter M.G. Johnston

Peter M.G. Johnston grew up in a small Australian coastal town. He left school at the age of fourteen, then left home at fifteen to explore his country. Peter worked as a labourer, miner and diamond driller before entering the hotel industry. Travelling to New Zealand, he met his wife, Elizabeth, at the world-famous Milford Sound Hotel Resort. Retiring at the age of fifty-nine, Peter and Liz travelled the world before settling on the Gold Coast Queensland so he could pursue his love of writing.

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    Jakarta - Peter M.G. Johnston

    Chapter 1

    Take a seat, Captain, I won’t be a moment, Major Williams said as he swivelled around and pulled a folder from his filing cabinet, made a notation on the cover, stamped ‘Top Secret’ on the front then returned it to its rightful place. Then after some small talk, the Major asked, Jake, looking at you I’d say you’ve got a problem, so how can I help?

    "Sir, I received this in the mail today, it’s a Dear John from my wife, I explained as I showed the Major a letter I pulled from my jacket pocket. It appears I have been replaced by a car dealer with money."

    Bloody hell, Jake, I thought those letters were a thing of the past, what with emails, messenger and all those other ways to communicate. Anyway how can the army help you?

    Sir, I’d like to take some leave and go home to see what’s really going on. I have a six-year-old daughter that I need to know is safe. Dianne and I have been having matrimonial problems for some time but I didn’t know there was a third party involved. Fortunately, my last assignment has been completed so at the moment I’m between jobs so to speak.

    Yes, I know. Your intelligence work on that Russian army deployment to the Ukrainian boarder was most helpful to NATO. My belief is somewhat at odds with your assessment. Russia will do a lot of chest pumping but in the long run they will wake up and pull back, the Major explained. Anyway that’s what we’re all praying for.

    I hope you’re right, Sir, but I think at some future time they will want to bring Ukraine back under their control.

    Jake, this may come as a surprise but I received notice that you were being reassigned back to Counter Intelligence in Canberra. Your transfer papers arrived only two days ago but I was holding back on informing you until you handed in your report, then we could go over it in finer detail before we sent it upstairs. The transfer has you reporting for duty in Canberra on 1 June.

    Now given this letter you received doesn’t require any need to alter these plans. If you leave now, it gives you a three-week break to sort out your home situation. How does that work for you?

    Perfect, Sir. Give me a day to clear out my desk, pack my gear and find a ride home, and I’ll be out of your hair.

    Leave the transport to me, Jake, you pack and get ready, the Major said as he picked up his phone. Transport, this is Major Williams…yes, I need to make a priority booking for a Captain J. Smyth from Frankfurt military base to Sydney or Canberra…correct, ASAP. Yes I’ll hold…

    Let’s see what’s available, Captain.

    Yes, just the one…perfect, book it and he will be there. Thank you, Staff Sargent, you’ve been most helpful…that’s correct, Captain Jake Smyth. Thank you.

    You better get moving, Captain, you’re on a NATO transporter to Singapore where you will change to an Australian Airforce VIP plane that is heading back to Sydney. Now you had better hurry as you fly out at 1800 hrs tonight. You will have your flight details on your phone in an hour or so. Good luck with your family situation, Jake, and it was a pleasure working with you.

    Nobody knows this but I might be joining you shortly in Canberra as my time is nearly up here as well. Anyway it was a pleasure, Captain. The Major stood and saluted me.

    In shock, I returned the salute then shook the Major’s hand before saying, Sir, it was my honour and pleasure serving with you. I can only thank you for all you’ve done for me during my time here. Goodbye, Sir, and once again, thank you for everything.

    With sadness, I turned on my heels and retreated to my desk in the Intelligence building. My time in Germany was over. As I contemplated my changed circumstances, I reflected I didn’t even have a home to go home to. For heaven’s sake, my side of the bed was taken by a car dealer? What a stuff up!

    My return to Australia guaranteed an uncertain domestic future which had to be faced. Yes, I was sad to be leaving but the greater sadness was having to tell my six-year-old daughter I wasn’t coming home to live with her.

    Sitting in the plane gave me too much time to dwell on my past and the life choices I made. Could I have done things differently. Of course I could have but I didn’t. I put career before my family so I only had myself to blame. Did I love my wife? The answer was yes. Yes, of course I did but deep down I knew I didn’t love her enough to make me want to leave the army.

    Dianne muddied the waters as she had a couple of brief affairs. Well, two to be exact, that I was aware of. This time it was different because to my knowledge this was the first time she had a boyfriend move in. All this told me was this liaison must be serious so I needed to tread carefully for my daughter’s sake. As for the guy, I would be talking to him about my daughter, Samantha, and her welfare.

    On the flight from Singapore to Sydney, I slept for a short while then spent my time watching the Nature Channel and the 24-hour news broadcast.

    Eventually, I observed Australia coming into view as the plane descended across our golden coastline to refuel at Darwin. An hour later, we were back in the air as we flew across this wide sunburnt country, before we started our descent. The feeling of coming home always grabbed my heart as the planes wheels kissed the tarmac except today it was different from other times.

    Today there would be no family welcome to greet me. I was alone as I had ever been; no family, no comrades, just me and my kit bag. Welcome back, soldier, welcome home.

    As I was the only passenger on board, I quickly made my way across to an office attached to the hanger where I received custom clearance. I then went through my luggage and found my Australian phone before ordering an Uber to take me to Parramatta where my ageing parents lived. I had notified them from Singapore that I was looking for a bed for a few days.

    When we spoke, Dad said, Son, both your mother and I know the situation with Dianne. As you would expect, we are disappointed and sad the marriage is on the rocks but we don’t intend to take sides. What happens within a marriage is yours and Dianne’s business and that’s only something you pair can resolve. All we want is for this to have as little adverse impact on Samantha as possible.

    We haven’t met the boyfriend but according to Samantha he and her mother seem happy. That’s all we know which at this time is probably enough, Kevin Smyth said with some finality. He then added, Jake, we will be waiting for you so we will talk later.

    Having arrived at my parents’ home in time for lunch, my mother, Pam, fussed over me like it was my first day at school. Mum was the nurturing type and I’m sure she was the one having the biggest problem dealing with my situation. When we were seated at the kitchen table and enjoying a fresh chicken salad, I told them that I needed time with Samantha after speaking to Dianne and the boyfriend.

    Have her come over on the weekend and stay here with you on Saturday night.

    Thanks, Mum. I will if it’s okay with Dianne.

    After lunch, I went out to the back yard and phoned my wife. Dianne Smyth speaking, she said as she answered the phone.

    Hi, it’s me.

    After a pause Dianne asked, Hi, Jake, where are you phoning from?

    I’m at Mum and Dad’s place.

    After further silence, in a shaky voice Dianne asked, Did you receive my letter?

    Yes, I must say I was surprised you didn’t phone me and tell me in person, I said, holding in any anger that was building inside me.

    Jake, I was terrified even sending a letter, let alone talking to you.

    I see. Have I ever given you any reason to be scared of me before? I asked.

    No, Jake, you haven’t. But to be fair, I’ve never finished a marriage before. How do I know how you would react to the news that I have a boyfriend.

    Did I go crazy when I found out about the other men in your life? I said. How do you think I felt when I learnt about the second one and it was through my own daughter for Christ sake. You have to be kidding me, I responded with real pent up frustration.

    What do you want, Jake? You know we’re over so what is it you want now? Dianne asked.

    Let me cool down for five minutes and I’ll ring you back, I said as I ended the call.

    When I phoned her back, I said calmly, Sorry about that. I needed the time to settle my nerves.

    Do you want to leave this conversation for later? Dianne asked with real concern in her voice.

    No. I’m only here for a few days so let’s get this over with. What I propose is you, your boyfriend and myself meet to have a discussion of where we go from here. By the way, what’s lover boy’s name?

    His name is Warren Boyce.

    Okay, I accept it’s over between us but we have a child that has to be our main consideration. What I propose is that the three of us meet Monday morning after Samantha goes to school, so we can set some ground rules and sort out our situation without her being exposed to our shit. By the way, what’s lover boy’s name?

    Warren Boyce. I’ve already told you that. He’s a really nice man, so please leave him alone, said Dianne, near in tears.

    Sorry, I didn’t intentionally forget his name; it’s just my emotions are running rampant. Now this is what I propose. I will come around home at 9.30am in the morning so we can talk, just you and me. By then, Samantha will be at school. After that, lover boy can drive me home so we can have a chat alone. I should be out of your hair by mid-day. Does that sound okay with you?

    Can you stop calling him names please. His name is Warren and if you can’t be civil, it’s best we deal through lawyers because he doesn’t deserve your childish crap. You can call me what you like but leave him out of it.

    Wow! You really like this guy? I said.

    Jake, I love him and if by some chance he asks me to marry him, I will do it in a flash.

    Okay, I’ve got it. Now do you agree to us meeting Monday morning?

    Yes, that will be fine but I will speak to Warren to see if he is available. If he is, I’ll text you.

    What have you done with my things? I asked knowing Warren had moved in.

    After a pause, Dianne responded, I hope you don’t mind but I have all your clothes and personal belongings packed in boxes ready for you to take with you. Warren is happy to lend you a van or help you to remove it from here. Warren owns a Honda car dealership in Liverpool, so he has no trouble in providing you with a vehicle.

    Tell him thanks, that would be appreciated. I’ll have Dad drop me off at your place. I’ll see you in the morning, I said as I disconnected the call.

    That afternoon I went for a walk into the city where I walked past an old warehouse that had a sign out front naming the place as the Tribal Warriors International Headquarters. I knew quite a bit about this worldwide organisation and the work they did. Plus I have read everything I could lay my hands on about Major Brett Shaw, the legendary leader of the Tribal Warriors.

    For a short time, I was privileged to be part of his fighting group in Afghanistan. In one skirmish, we were attacked where both of us received some injuries and were evacuated to the United States Frankfurt Army base together. In the army and particularly the Intelligence community, Major Shaw’s exploits were well documented.

    These days little is known about what he does except we know he is still employed by the Army Intelligence Unit. He also acts as a consultant for the United States Homeland Security Department. It is also rumoured he does work for our Foreign Affairs Department whilst still being involved with the Tribal Warriors as a motivational speaker.

    I was one of the lucky few who knew this fine soldier. In fact when we were discharged, I was again assigned to him when we were stationed in Helmand Province in Afghanistan.

    Stepping inside the front door, I noticed the reception and glass facing offices were modern without being ostentatious. As I approached the reception desk, a young man sat speaking on the phone. When he saw me, he paused for a moment before putting his hand over the speaker and said, I’ll just be a moment, Sir.

    Standing back from the desk so I couldn’t be seen listening to the young guy’s conversation, I was inspecting my fingernails when I noticed I was still wearing my wedding ring. Without any hesitation, I slid the ring from my finger and rubbed at the mark where the ring has sat. Studying the ring again I reflected on what had been a difficult marriage.

    Deep down I knew the marriage was in trouble after the first two years when I caught her cheating for the first time. We patched things up for the sake of Samantha but deep down I knew this was one marriage that wouldn’t last the distance if it happened again. It did, so I started to subconsciously pull away. Dianne promised it wouldn’t happen again but I had my doubts.

    Military marriages are high risk at the best of times but to be married to an intelligence officer who half the time couldn’t tell his wife where he was, just makes marriage so much harder.

    Breaking into my musings, a female voice asked, Can I help you?

    Looking up I saw this tall, slim, blond haired beauty standing before me. With large expressive brown eyes, flawless light olive skin along with a friendly open smile I stood staring in wonder at her beauty.

    Can I help you in some way? She repeated.

    Sorry, yes, I hope so, I replied like a young tongue-tied schoolboy.

    I’ve called in on the off chance that Major Shaw may be here. You see…you see… I stammered. Sorry, I stumbled. I once served under the Major and now having read so much about him since those days, it was my hope to meet the Major again in person. If you knew him you would understand.

    Where did you serve together?

    I’m sorry, Ma’am, I’m not at liberty to say, I responded.

    What’s your name, soldier, or is that a secret as well? This captivating woman asked with a mischievous grin.

    It’s Jake Smyth, I replied with a smile, realising I was just happy to be talking to her.

    You’re an officer, aren’t you? She asked.

    How can you tell? I asked out of curiosity.

    It’s written all over you, Mr Smyth, but it helps having a brother in the military. What’s your rank soldier?

    It’s captain, Ma’am. And who might you be, if you don’t mind me asking.

    Ignoring my question, this lady answered my previous question. I’m sorry, Captain, but you won’t find the Major here. It’s just me and my team of helpers.

    Clearly she wasn’t about to tell me her name, so I thought it was prudent I left. Thank you for your time, I said. Do you mind if I take a brochure?

    She just nodded and gave me a brief smile as she turned and walked out through a back door.

    Turning to the young guy at the reception desk, I asked him, Who was that lady who spoke to me?

    You mean the boss?


    Oh! That’s Elizabeth Shaw, the head of the organisation.

    Is she related to Major Brett Shaw by any chance?

    Yes, it’s his sister. Why do you ask?

    I was just wondering.

    Would you like to make a donation? The young guy said as he pointed to the collection box.

    Sure, I said as I pulled out my wallet, selected twenty dollars and stuffed into the coin slot.

    Thank you, Sir, that’s very generous of you.

    Bye, I said as I left the building.

    After a restless night’s sleep, I was knocking on my own front door the following morning. Before me stood a pale and clearly nervous Dianne. Hi, Jake, please come in, Dianne said as she stepped aside to allow me entry.

    Thank you, I replied as I wiped my shoes on the doormat.

    By sheer reflex, I walked ahead of her to the kitchen and was about to pull out a chair at the kitchen table when Dianne said, I have set up morning tea in the lounge room. I thought it would be more comfortable.

    With that, I followed her and took a single chair where she indicated I should sit. Do you still have your coffee straight black? She asked as she poured coffee into my favourite mug.

    I’m surprised you still remember, was my snide remark. I glimpsed Dianne flinch before correcting myself. I am sorry, Dianne, that was uncalled for. I do apologise. As you can guess, this is just as difficult for me as it’s for you. Last week I thought I had a wife and daughter, today I have nothing.

    That’s not true, Jake. You will always have Samantha; she adores you. If you had a regular job and came home at night, we would still be married. I’m not blaming you as I knew you were in the army when I married you, but in truth I thought you would do your six years then get out.

    Jake, I’m not cut out to be a part-time wife and a single mother. I tried but I just couldn’t do it. I love you, Jake, always will but I can’t live the life you expect of me. Dianne sat wiping tears from her eyes as she spoke to me.

    It’s okay, Dianne. I understand, I truly do. I know this is no life for you, so I’m doing my best to be happy for you. My concern now is the welfare of Samantha. I need to know if she is going to be part of my life. I need to know that when I’m on leave I will have access to her.

    Dianne, the last thing I want is for us to fight over her. She is my life but I understand I am now relegated to a supporting role. Probably always was but just didn’t realise it. I don’t believe we need solicitors involved at this stage because that would be a waste of money. If we can come to some sort of agreement, I’ll be content. Not happy but I have to accept reality, I said without rancour.

    Jake, Warren wants us to move into his house so we can then either rent this place or sell it. Samantha will still attend her same school so there will be little disruption to her life. Now my preference is for us to keep this house and rent it. The rent would more than cover the mortgage and maintenance but if you need the money we will sell, it’s up to you.

    No, let’s keep it for Sam. It would make a great 21st birthday present don’t you think?

    That’s a wonderful idea, Dianne agreed as she reached over and held my hand.

    What’s next. I see you have a list.

    I want a divorce so I can marry Warren.

    Send me the papers and I will sign them, I said matter of factually.

    I want full custody of Samantha given you are never here. Within that custody arrangement, you will have full and unlimited visitation rights plus she can stay with you when you have leave. In other words, when you leave the army we will co-parent.

    That sounds fair but I will need that in a legal agreement.

    Of course, was Dianne’s immediate reply.

    What about child support. How much will you need for Samantha’s schooling and upkeep? I asked knowing this could be a sticking point.

    Nothing. Warren is well off and he wants to pay for her upbringing, Dianne said with a smile.

    That’s not going to happen. I will be paying for her, Dianne. I’m her father and I will never agree to another man paying to raise my child.

    I told Warren you would say that. Jake, how about you pay a thousand a month in child support. I think that will be fair.

    That’s not enough. I’ll pay twelve hundred a month with annual increases for cost of living adjustments. On top of that, I will open a banking account for her and deposit five hundred a month so she can access that account when she turns eighteen. You will be the co-signature on that money.

    Dianne nodded in agreement. That’s more than generous, Jake. Thank you.

    It was then there was a knock on the door. Dianne stood but before she went to the door she walked over to me and bent and kissed me on the lips before saying, I will always have a special place in my heart for you, Jake. She then continued to the door and let Warren in.

    I then heard her say, Why didn’t you use your key?

    That would be disrespectful to your husband, love.

    When Warren entered, I saw a clean cut man in his early forties, slim build with a warm open smile.

    Hi, I’m Warren Boyce. I hope you’re not going to hit me as I’m a terrible fighter, as he expanded his hand.

    I could see he was nervous, so I shook his hand noticing his firm grip. What also impressed me he had excellent eye contact. When they were both seated, Dianne reached over and clasped Warren’s hand in hers. When she did this, they looked at each other as young lovers would. You could see the loving connection they had for each other.

    Clearing my throat, I said, Warren, thanks for coming to meet me. I appreciate it and thanks for the loan van. The reason I asked Dianne for you to be here is primarily my concern for the well-being of Samantha. As you would understand any father worth his salt wants to be comfortable that any man coming into his home has to be sure of the safety of their children.

    I can immediately see you and Dianne have great affection for each other but the fact remains I need to be also comfortable that Samantha is safe. So in saying that, if you’re in agreement, I will ask you some questions. I will be upfront with you, Warren, as you seem a nice person. I will be conducting a thorough background check on you, so by the time I have finished, I will know the name of your first girlfriend, I said with a straight face.

    I understand, was his reply.

    So if there’s anything I should know about you that may affect my option of you, or to put it more bluntly, have you anything in your past that could render you unsuitable to be a stepfather to my daughter?

    Jake, when things became serious between Dianne and myself, I went to the police and made an application for a Blue Card. Before anybody can work with children, they must submit to such a check. I did this voluntary so Dianne would know I’m who I say I am, plus she now knows I would never lay a hand on that beautiful daughter of yours.

    I will treat her as my own but be assured, she will always know she has a father who loves her very much. So yes, go for it. I would do the same in your shoes.

    Don’t just say that as you should know I have the resources to be very thorough and I intend to do just that.

    Warren laughed before saying, Dianne said you would say that.

    When I left, I had arranged to come around on Saturday to take Samantha out for the weekend. She will stay with me overnight on Saturday so we can do things on Sunday. It was agreed that I would come to their place for dinner on the following Tuesday night so Samantha could see us all getting along as one big happy family. I know that was stretching things but I could see the benefit for both Samantha and her mother.

    That night as I lay in bed, I picked up the Tribal Warriors brochures and read that 10am this Saturday morning there was a lecture on their latest activities. This was both a fundraiser and a lecture on the progress of reforestation of the Amazon and the now controlled logging from that region. Guest speaker was none other than Major Brett Shaw. I had to go. Could I take Samantha? I will check with Dianne in the morning.

    When I told Samantha about this lecture, she was so excited as a few weeks prior her class had learnt about the Tribal Warriors and the work they did. Brett Shaw was her hero, so it was me being told to hurry up or we would be late.

    9.45am saw us seated in the fourth row back in the converted warehouse. This was a no frills lecture hall. No directional lighting, no fancy flip charts; just a whiteboard and movie screen screwed to the back wall, a lectern with a microphone attached and to one side a folding table surrounded by six metal chairs.

    Samantha was a bag of worms as she waited. Dad, if you’re not going to live at home with Warren, Mum and me, where will you live?

    While I’m here I’m staying with grandma and papa as mommy is now with Warren. I’m coming to dinner on Tuesday night where we will…

    Good morning everyone, welcome, said Brett’s sister, Elizabeth, as she walked towards the lectern. For you guys standing at the back, there are seats down here at the front if you wish to sit. I promise we won’t bite, smiling as she spoke.

    That’s a pity, said a male seated in the second row.

    Amid much laughter, Elizabeth blushed before saying, I’m talking about my brother not me. This bought on more laughing.

    As I said before, welcome to you all. It’s always a thrill to see so many faces, both old and new. Now before we start, we have a very special guest today who you all have probably read about. Would you please welcome my adorable niece and the Major’s daughter, Miss Bushika Shaw.

    With much clapping this young girl, about Samantha’s age, skipped out to her aunt, smiled at the audience, before taking a seat at the table.

    Now, folks, I can’t have Bushika sitting out here on her own, can we?

    With the audience getting into the friendly mood of the room, they yelled. No, we can’t, amid more laughter.

    That’s right. Now I notice a young lady about Bushika’s age sitting in row four with that handsome man. That’s right, you, Sir, in the white polo shirt. Could you both please come forward. Come on, I promised I won’t bite. More laughter.

    I leaned down to Samantha I whispered, Come on, this could be fun.

    Okay, Dad, but you have to stay with me.

    Will do, now let’s go, I said with an encouraging grin. Never in a million years would I ever envisage how these next few steps would change my life forever.

    Chapter 2

    Following my breakup eight months ago with Mike Proctor, I have had absolutely no interest in the opposite sex. I had thought that I had found my life partner until I found him in our bed with

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