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The Lesbian College Soccer Team
The Lesbian College Soccer Team
The Lesbian College Soccer Team
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The Lesbian College Soccer Team

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It is Welcome Week at college and Kimberley is determined to be one of the cool kids. Seeing how hot and popular the soccer team is, she signs up!

She quickly realizes that the girls on the team are 'very' close indeed! While the team are having their showers together, she notices that more than washing is going on in the steamy mists! As the training sessions become increasingly sexual and the night out with the team requires her to partake in an intimate initiation ritual, Kimberley has to decide how far she is going to go to make the team.

PublisherEllie Wylde
Release dateMay 3, 2024
The Lesbian College Soccer Team

Ellie Wylde

Hi, I am Ellie. I currently live in New York and work as a financial journalist by day and write Erotica by night. I was brought up in a small town in Colorado and as a teenager I was a bit of a late bloomer sexually but I have been trying to make up for it ever since! I am in my late twenties and would classify myself as Bi-Sexual, although heavily leaning towards the lesbian side of the spectrum. Dominant girls just turn me on!My stories are character driven where women, with hopes and dreams, find themselves in very naughty situations! I love writing my fantasies and I hope you will love reading about them!For updates and FREE exclusive story about my REAL Life first sexual experiences as a nineteen year old getting turned from straight to .... a lot less straight. As well as a BONUS surprise treat please visit me at www.EllieWyldeErotica.comContact: EllieWyldeErotica@gmail.comMy TOO TABOO Series (Full length novels with very naughty taboo themes)A Summer Camp of SeductionLesbian Prison: BlackstoneObsessionA Body to Die ForSlaves to Rome (Part I the Domina of Rome Series)Sins of Rome (Part II of the Domina of Rome Series)Fury of Rome (Part III of the Domina of Rome Series)Domina of Rome Part IV - Coming Late Summer 2024My Short Erotica Stories (no or only mildly taboo)1) The Billionaire's Lesbian Sex Party2) Seducing the Straight Teacher3) Blackmailing the Babysitter into Lesbian Sex4) Lady Love Hotel5) Love, Lust & Barcelona6) Seduced by Her Best Friends7) Blackmailed by Their Lesbian Teacher8) Lesbian Spa: The Goddess Treatment9) Seduced by her Lesbian Boss10) Naked in Paradise11) Lesbian Sorority: The Initiation12) Blackmailing a Hollywood A-Lister13) Western Girl in an Arabian Harem14) Seduced by a Lesbian Stripper15) Turning the Straight Housemaid16) Lesbian Sex Club: Amsterdam17) School of Seduction18) The Lesbian Sex Experiment19) The Lesbian College Soccer Team20) Seduced by the Lesbian Billionaire

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    Book preview

    The Lesbian College Soccer Team - Ellie Wylde

    The Lesbian College Soccer Team

    By Ellie Wylde

    Copyright© 2024 Ellie Wylde

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way without written permission from the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    This book is for adult readers only. It contains explicit sexual scenes with graphic language which may be considered offensive by some people. All sexually active characters are 18 years of age or older.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The Lesbian College Soccer Team

    Welcome Week. It was a phrase thrown around High School with reverential fervor. For as long as Kimberley could remember she had heard whispered tales in locker rooms, under bleachers, and at the back of the bus about what happened during this most auspicious of weeks. Whether any of the tales were true or not she had her doubts. They were just rumors passed down from friends of friends, or older brothers and sisters. Regardless, she was buzzing. This was ‘her’ Welcome Week, and she was determined to have to have a blast!

    The Campus Quad was full of stands and activities, leaflets were being thrust at her from all directions and the polite, well-brought-up, girl in her demanded she take every single one of them and graciously thank the person who had just slammed it into her chest.

    Stargazing club! Hi there! You interested in stargazing? We meet up twice a week and we are even allowed to use the observatory once a month! said a girl with far too much enthusiasm.

    Kimberley stopped. She didn’t mind looking at stars. Her dad used to drive out of town with a telescope he had just spent far too much money on. It was a passing fad of his, but she did enjoy it, although she was happy just spending time with her father – looking up at the stars just happened to be part of the experience. She considered it and saw the excitement in the girl’s eyes.

    We have a small but growing membership – we would love to have you come along and try it! the girl continued.

    Kimberley observed the couple of guys standing behind the girl, at a table. In her opinion they weren’t exactly geeks… but they most certainly weren’t the cool kids. Back at High School, these would have been her people. But this was meant to be a new start. The chance to be one of the ‘cool kids.’

    Erm… let me think about it, she smiled.

    Sure… okay… but don’t think about it too long! Places are filling up fast! Real fast! replied the girl, trying to force some kind of sales patter into her voice.

    Kimberley kept going and within a few minutes was already starting to second guess herself. She didn’t have any friends here. None. She didn’t know a single soul and home was over a thousand miles away – further than she had ever been in her life. She could see herself being friends with ‘Stargazing Girl’. She had been friendly, slightly awkward (just like her) and welcoming. What if she didn’t meet anyone else like that? She could spend the next four years of her life completely alone! That weird kid in the corner of the cafeteria sat by herself with just a tuna sandwich. She turned and tried to recall where that stand was. At least she would have friends, sure they weren’t the coolest guys, but better than being alone. Besides, after years and years of being grouped as one of the ‘normal’ kids, unable to break through the glass ceiling into ‘cooldom’ she should be content with that place in the hierarchy.

    Ow! yelped a girl in pain and surprise as Kimberley accidentally barged into her.

    I’m so, so sorry! Kimberley stepped back.

    She had collided with a particularly hot girl, made all the more so by the fact she was wearing a soccer outfit, the shorts tight and far too… short. The top clung to her curves, hugging pert breasts, it was very clear the girl hadn’t bothered with a sports bra.

    That familiar sensation of shrinking under a cool girl’s fierce gaze flowed through her. The girl appeared to be looking her up and down, appraising her. Kimberley tensed. She hoped she looked okay, she had put on her brand-new skinny jeans, designer trainers and designer jacket. It was money her grandmother had given to her as a gift before college – something to spend on books, food and maybe a little treat or two. But she had blown it all on a single outfit, the style of which she had never worn before - hoping it would make the right first impression – with the cool kids. With girls just like the hot blonde girl who now stood before her. Oddly, she found herself trying to strike a pose, to

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