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Swapping Lives, Finding Love: Sapphic Romance Thriller, #1
Swapping Lives, Finding Love: Sapphic Romance Thriller, #1
Swapping Lives, Finding Love: Sapphic Romance Thriller, #1
Ebook135 pages2 hours

Swapping Lives, Finding Love: Sapphic Romance Thriller, #1

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"Swapping Lives, Finding Love" is a captivating sapphic romance thriller that follows the story of Frost Blackwood, a restless social media influencer, and Natalie Winters, a famous actress, as they embark on a thrilling journey of self-discovery and love. Seeking excitement and an escape from their daily lives, Frost and Natalie agree to swap bodies for a week using advanced body-swapping technology.

As Frost navigates the glamorous world of Hollywood and forms an unexpected friendship with Olivia, Natalie's secret girlfriend, she uncovers the pressures and sacrifices of maintaining a perfect public image. Meanwhile, Natalie experiences Frost's life and connects with her online followers, gaining a new perspective on the impact of Frost's work.

However, their journey takes a dark turn when the body-swapping system is disrupted, leaving Frost trapped in Natalie's body indefinitely. Desperate to return to her own life and her girlfriend Scarlett, Frost reaches out for help, but her efforts are complicated by the emergence of Reit Ewane, a mysterious hacker obsessed with her.

As Frost and Olivia investigate the body-swap disruption, they uncover Reit's sinister plans to manipulate the technology and get closer to Frost. With growing unease and suspicion about Reit's intentions, Frost confronts him, demanding answers. The confrontation escalates as Reit becomes increasingly desperate and unstable, fighting to maintain control over Frost and the situation.

In a thrilling climax, Frost must battle against Reit's attempts to dominate her, both in the virtual and physical worlds. With her fate hanging in the balance, she relies on her intelligence, resourcefulness, and the support of her allies to outmaneuver Reit and reclaim her identity.

Throughout the novel, themes of self-discovery, authenticity, and the power of human connection are explored as Frost and Natalie navigate the complexities of their swapped lives. The story delves into the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the public eye and the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of adversity.

"Swapping Lives, Finding Love" is a gripping and thought-provoking tale that combines elements of science fiction, romance, and suspense to create a unique and engaging narrative. With well-developed characters, intricate plotlines, and a powerful message about the resilience of the human spirit, this novel is sure to captivate readers and leave them eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

Release dateMay 4, 2024
Swapping Lives, Finding Love: Sapphic Romance Thriller, #1

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    Book preview

    Swapping Lives, Finding Love - Evelyn Gracewater


    A Yearning for More ......

    In a world where advanced technology has made the impossible possible, two women find themselves at a crossroads, yearning for something more. Frost Blackwood, a successful social media influencer, and Natalie Winters, a famous actress, leads lives that many would envy. Yet, beneath the surface, both women harbor a deep desire for change, a longing to break free from the constraints of their carefully curated existences.

    Frost, despite her picture-perfect relationship with her girlfriend Scarlett Park and her thriving online presence, feels a restlessness that gnaws at her soul. She craves novelty, excitement, and the chance to step into someone else’s shoes, even if just for a moment. Little does she know that her seemingly harmless desire for escape will soon lead her down a path fraught with danger and self-discovery.

    Natalie, the epitome of glamour and success, hides a secret pain behind her flawless public persona. The pressure to maintain an image of perfection has taken a toll on her mental health and personal life. Her hidden relationship with Olivia, her co-star, is a source of both comfort and conflict, as the demands of fame threaten to tear them apart.

    When Frost and Natalie’s paths cross, a daring idea takes root: to swap bodies for a week, to experience life through each other’s eyes. It’s a chance to escape their realities, to indulge in their deepest fantasies, and to find the thrill they both crave. However, as they soon discover, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

    Unbeknownst to them, a sinister force lurks in the shadows, watching their every move. Reit Ewane, a brilliant hacker with an unhealthy obsession with Frost, sees the body swap as his chance to finally claim the object of his desire. His manipulation of the technology sets in motion a chain of events that will test the strength of Frost and Natalie’s bond, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and fight for their very identities.

    In a thrilling tale of love, self-discovery, and the power of authenticity, Swapping Lives, Finding Love takes readers on a journey through the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, the dark underbelly of obsession, and the unbreakable resilience of the human spirit. As Frost and Natalie navigate the challenges thrown their way, they must learn to embrace their true selves, to lean on the love and support of those closest to them, and to emerge stronger than ever before.

    So begins a story of two women, two lives, and one unthinkable twist of fate that will change them both forever.

    The Allure of Novelty

    In the heart of bustling San Francisco, Frost Blackwood, a vibrant and successful social media influencer, sat at her desk, her hazel eyes fixed on the computer screen before her. With a quick glance at her reflection in the mirror, she admired her long, dark brown hair, the subtle golden highlights catching the morning light that streamed through the expansive windows of her Suncrest Hills apartment.

    Frost’s fingers danced across the keyboard as she crafted her latest Instagram post, sharing her thoughts on living life to the fullest and embracing new experiences. Her followers, an engaged community of over a million individuals, eagerly awaited her every word, drawn to her magnetic personality and zest for life.

    As she hit the post button, Frost leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. She had built a thriving career as an influencer, her authentic and relatable content resonating with people from all walks of life. Yet, despite her success, Frost couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing, a yearning for something more.

    The sound of footsteps drew Frost’s attention away from her thoughts, and she turned to see her girlfriend, Scarlett Park, enter the room. Scarlett’s porcelain skin seemed to glow in the sunlight, her long, jet-black hair framing her delicate features. Frost’s heart swelled with love and admiration for the woman who had been by her side for the past three years.

    Good morning, love, Scarlett greeted, her voice soft and melodic. She wrapped her arms around Frost from behind, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. Another early start?

    Frost leaned into Scarlett’s embrace, savoring the warmth and comfort of her touch. You know me, always chasing the next adventure, she replied with a playful grin.

    Scarlett chuckled, her dark brown eyes sparkling with affection. And I’ll always be right there with you, every step of the way.

    The couple’s laughter filled the room, a testament to the deep love and understanding they shared. Their apartment, a stylish haven in the trendy neighborhood of Suncrest Hills, reflected their shared passions and experiences. Photographs of their travels adorned the walls, each image telling a story of love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

    As the morning unfolded, Frost immersed herself in her daily routine, a delicate balance of creating content, engaging with her followers, and planning her next move. She meticulously curated her social media presence, her unique fashion sense and striking biracial features captivating her audience.

    Frost’s phone buzzed with notifications, a constant reminder of the pressure that came with maintaining an online presence. She glanced at the screen, her brow furrowing slightly as she read a message from her manager, reminding her of an upcoming collaboration with a popular fashion brand.

    Sometimes I wonder if there’s more to life than this, Frost confessed to Scarlett, her voice tinged with a hint of restlessness. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but I can’t help but feel like I’m meant for something bigger, something more meaningful.

    Scarlett took Frost’s hand in hers, her touch a soothing balm to Frost’s uncertainties. I understand, my love. You have a heart that yearns for change, for making a difference in the world. And I know you will.

    Frost smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude and determination. She knew her platform was more than just a means to showcase her fashion sense and wanderlust. It was a tool for change, a way to advocate for the causes closest to her heart.

    As an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and racial equality, Frost used her influence to raise awareness and inspire others to embrace their true selves. She often visited the Suncrest LGBTQ+ Youth Center, volunteering her time and sharing her own experiences as a biracial lesbian woman.

    I want to make a real impact, Scarlett, Frost declared, her voice filled with passion. I want to show the world that love knows no boundaries, that our differences make us beautiful.

    Scarlett nodded, her eyes shining with pride. And you will, my love. Your voice is powerful, and your heart is true. Together, we can change the world, one story at a time.

    The chime of Frost’s phone interrupted their conversation, a reminder of her packed schedule for the day. With a sigh, Frost reluctantly pulled away from Scarlett’s embrace, her mind already racing with the tasks ahead.

    Duty calls, she said with a wry smile. But tonight, let’s do something special, just the two of us. I want to celebrate the love we share and the adventures yet to come.

    Scarlett grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief. I have just the thing in mind. A surprise, if you will.

    Frost raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Scarlett’s cryptic words. A surprise? You know how much I love those.

    Then you’ll have to wait and see, Scarlett teased, placing a quick kiss on Frost’s lips before heading off to start her own day.

    As Frost watched Scarlett leave, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future held. Little did she know that her life was about to take an unexpected turn, one that would challenge everything she thought she knew about love, identity, and the power of change.

    Miles away, in the glittering heart of Hollywood, Natalie Winters, the epitome of glamour and success, sat in her dressing room, her reflection staring back at her from the illuminated vanity mirror. With her porcelain skin, high cheekbones, and full, pink lips, Natalie was the picture of classic beauty, her elegance and poise unrivaled in the entertainment industry.

    As she applied the finishing touches to her makeup, Natalie’s mind wandered to the whirlwind of her life, the constant demands and expectations that came with being a famous actress. She had achieved what most could only dream of–a successful career, worldwide recognition, and the adoration of millions.

    Yet, behind the flawless facade, Natalie harbored a secret pain, a longing for something more than the superficial trappings of fame. The pressure to maintain a perfect image had taken its toll, leaving her feeling trapped and unfulfilled.

    A knock on the door pulled Natalie from her thoughts, and she turned to see her assistant, a young woman named Jenna, peeking her head into the room.

    Ms. Winters, the car is ready to take you to the StarLight Film Festival, Jenna informed her, her voice laced with a hint of excitement. It’s going to be a big night.

    Natalie nodded, a practiced smile gracing her lips. Thank you, Jenna. I’ll be right out.

    As Jenna left, Natalie took a deep breath, steeling herself for the evening ahead. The StarLight Film Festival was one of the most prestigious events in the industry, a glittering affair where the who’s who of Hollywood gathered to celebrate the magic of cinema.

    Natalie’s thoughts drifted to her co-star and secret girlfriend, Olivia Santos. The two had met on the set of their latest film, a passionate romance that had captivated audiences worldwide. Their on-screen chemistry had spilled over into real life, igniting a love that burned bright and true.

    But in the harsh glare of the spotlight, Natalie and Olivia had to hide their relationship, keeping their love confined to stolen moments and secret rendezvous. The pressure to conform to Hollywood’s narrow standards of beauty and success weighed heavily on them both, a constant reminder of the sacrifices they made for their careers.

    With a last glance in the mirror, Natalie rose from her seat, her elegant gown shimmering in the soft light of the dressing room. She smoothed the fabric of her dress, a stunning creation of silk and lace that hugged her curves in all the right places.

    As she made her way to the waiting car, Natalie’s mind raced with the

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