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The Scottish Game: A Conning Couple Novel, #6
The Scottish Game: A Conning Couple Novel, #6
The Scottish Game: A Conning Couple Novel, #6
Ebook280 pages3 hours

The Scottish Game: A Conning Couple Novel, #6

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In the heart of the American wilderness, Dr. Fiona MacKenzie's groundbreaking research on a natural reserve is threatened by theft and sabotage. With the stakes high and the environment at risk, she enlists the help of Nathaniel "Nate" Everhart and his unconventional team to uncover the truth and protect the reserve.

Nate, a former military man turned ethical hacker, and his partner Amelia "Amy" Everhart, an investigative journalist, team up with Logan Brown, a rugged hustler with street smarts. Together, they venture into the reserve, facing local legends, eco-terrorists, and a shadowy figure with nefarious intentions.


As they delve deeper, they confront dangerous adversaries and navigate treacherous terrain, driven by a desire to protect the environment and uphold Dr. MacKenzie's family legacy. With each new discovery, unexpected twists and turns reveal a strong cause-and-effect, testing Nate and his team's unique skills and resourcefulness.


In a thrilling climax, they must outsmart their enemies and bring them to justice, ensuring that Dr. MacKenzie's research sees the light of day and the reserve is safeguarded for future generations. Packed with action, suspense, and humor, "Unearthed Legacy" is a gripping crime thriller that showcases the power of determination and the fight for what's right.

Release dateApr 29, 2024
The Scottish Game: A Conning Couple Novel, #6

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    Book preview

    The Scottish Game - Shane Reed

    Chapter one

    Chapter 1

    Dr. Fiona MacKenzie's heart pounded in her chest as she rifled through the piles of paper and scattered research notes on her desk, her wavy brown hair a chaotic halo around her head. Her piercing green eyes scanned each page with growing concern, the sinking feeling in her gut worsening with every passing moment.

    Where is it? It has to be here somewhere, she muttered under her breath, her Scottish accent more pronounced in her distress.

    Fiona knew her office like the back of her hand - the countless hours spent poring over data and analyzing samples had made this small, cluttered space feel like home. But now, it felt foreign, invaded - as if someone had rifled through her most private thoughts.

    Dammit! she exclaimed, frustration mounting as she tossed another useless sheet of paper aside.

    Her hands shook as she realized the full extent of her loss - her groundbreaking findings on the environmental impact of a controversial mining project, years of painstaking research, all gone. The implications were staggering - without that data, she couldn't prove the irreversible damage being done to the ecosystem, nor sway public opinion against the powerful corporations behind the project.

    Who could've done this? Fiona whispered, her voice laced with anger and determination. Who would want my research badly enough to steal it?

    The usually calm and collected scientist struggled to tamp down her emotions, refusing to let the devastation consume her. She needed a plan, a way to track down the culprits and reclaim her stolen work. The environment, the very balance of nature, depended on it.

    Alright, Fiona, think, she said to herself, taking a deep breath. There has to be a clue, something that can lead me to whoever did this.

    With renewed purpose, Dr. Fiona MacKenzie began the arduous task of piecing together the fragments of her shattered research, her mind racing with possibilities and potential suspects. The fight for truth, for justice, had only just begun.

    The shattered glass of her computer screen reflected the dim light of the room, casting jagged shadows on the floor. Fiona's heart raced as she surveyed the wreckage around her office - important equipment damaged beyond repair, cables ripped from their sockets, and drawers upturned.

    Damn it, she muttered under her breath, clenching her fists. The realization that this was no ordinary theft dawned upon her; her work had been sabotaged. Whoever had broken in didn't just want her research; they wanted to make sure she couldn't continue it.

    Enough! Fiona exclaimed, the urgency in her voice echoing through the room. She knew she needed to act fast; time was running out. If she didn't expose the truth behind the mining project soon, irreversible damage could be done to the environment.

    She grabbed her phone, her fingers flying over the keypad as she dialed the number for the local police station. This is Dr. Fiona MacKenzie, she said, her voice laden with a potent mix of anger and determination. My office has been broken into, and my research has been stolen. I need to report a theft and sabotage.

    As she waited for a response from the officer on the other end, Fiona's mind raced with thoughts of potential suspects. Who would have the motive, means, and opportunity to do this? Her research threatened the profits and reputation of the mining company, but could they have gone to such lengths to silence her?

    Dr. MacKenzie, we'll send an officer over immediately to take your statement and assess the scene, the voice on the other end assured her.

    Thank you, she replied curtly before hanging up. She knew that contacting the authorities was only the first step in her quest for justice. It would take more than a police report to uncover the truth behind the theft and sabotage.

    With every fiber of her being focused on exposing the culprits, Fiona's piercing green eyes narrowed in determination. This was a fight she couldn't afford to lose - for herself, for the truth, and for the environment she had dedicated her life to protect.

    Fiona stared at the shattered remnants of her once-pristine laboratory, her heart pounding in sync with the flickering overhead light. She clenched her fists as a wave of anger washed over her, giving way to memories of the countless hours she had poured into her research. Each late night, each early morning, all meticulously documented in the now-vanished notes that held the key to protecting the environment from irreversible damage.

    Damn it. Her voice trembled, echoing through the empty room. All that work...gone.

    She closed her eyes, recalling the moment she'd discovered the true extent of the mining company's environmental violations. The toxic waste seeping into the soil, poisoning the water supply, and decimating wildlife populations. The groundbreaking findings that could have finally put an end to their reckless exploitation of the land.

    Who would do this? Fiona whispered, her voice barely audible even to herself. Who could be so cruel?

    A chilling realization crept up her spine as she acknowledged the stark truth: she was alone in this fight. There were no allies waiting in the wings, no cavalry coming to her rescue. It was just her against the faceless enemy responsible for this devastation.

    Pull yourself together, Fiona, she muttered, shaking off the creeping sense of helplessness. You're not going to let them win.

    But as the reality of her situation sank in, the weight of isolation pressed down on her shoulders. Who could she trust to help her? Who, if anyone, would believe her story? The stakes were too high to risk exposing herself to further danger.

    Think, Fiona. Think. She paced back and forth, her footfalls punctuating the silence. There must be someone out there who can help me. Someone who knows what it's like to stand up against corruption.

    Her frustration mounted with every unanswered question, the feeling of vulnerability gnawing at her resolve. But as she stood in the wreckage of her life's work, Fiona MacKenzie knew she had no choice but to press on. For the truth, for justice, and for the very future of the environment she had dedicated her life to protect.

    The first glimmers of dawn peeked through the blinds as Fiona hunched over her laptop, eyes glued to the grainy security footage. She rewound and played the same clip over and over, searching for any clue that might lead her to the culprits. A half-empty cup of coffee sat forgotten on her desk, its contents long gone cold.

    Come on, she muttered, frustration edging her voice. There has to be something here.

    Her fingers flew across the keyboard, pausing the video at different intervals, hoping to catch a glimpse of the perpetrator's face. But no matter how many times she scrutinized the footage, the shadowy figure remained elusive, concealed by darkness and the limitations of the camera lens.

    Think, Fiona. Who stands to gain from this? She tapped her finger against her temple, her mind racing through potential suspects – rivals in the scientific community, corrupt corporate executives, even rogue government agents.

    As the list of possible enemies grew longer, doubt began to seep into her thoughts. Is it even worth it to continue? Can I fight this battle alone?

    Damn it! she exclaimed, slamming her fist down on the table, making her coffee cup dance precariously along the edge. I can't just give up. Not when there's so much at stake.

    Her heart pounded with resolve, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she forced herself to focus on the task at hand. There had to be a way to find the truth, to expose the corruption that sought to undermine her work.

    Alright, let's try this again, she said, adjusting the settings on her laptop to enhance the quality of the footage. I'll find you, whoever you are. And when I do, justice will be served.

    As she continued to comb through the evidence, her determination burned brighter than ever before. She refused to crumble under the weight of adversity, choosing instead to stand tall in the face of injustice. For the sake of her research, and for the future of the environment she loved so dearly, Dr. Fiona MacKenzie would not back down.

    A heavy silence hung in the air as Fiona stared at her phone, her finger hovering above the screen. She knew that to continue her quest for justice, she needed guidance from someone she could trust. Someone who might understand the gravity of her situation and would keep her secrets.

    Dr. Roberts, she whispered, her voice resolute. The name of her former professor brought with it a sense of comfort, like an old friend she hadn't seen in years. With a deep breath, she tapped out a message, her fingers flying across the screen:

    Urgent. My research findings have been stolen and sabotaged. Need advice on how to proceed. Please help. - F.M.

    The seconds stretched into minutes as she anxiously awaited a response. Fiona's mind raced, playing out various scenarios – what if Dr. Roberts didn't believe her? What if he was too busy or unwilling to help? Her heart pounded in her chest, and she clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turning white.

    Focus, she chastised herself. You can do this. You've come too far to give up now.

    Finally, just as she began to doubt whether she'd ever receive a reply, her phone buzzed with an incoming message.

    Meet me at the old lab tomorrow, 7 PM sharp. Come alone. - R.

    Fiona blinked at the cryptic message, her pulse quickening. Why the secrecy? Was there something more at play here than she had initially thought? And why the insistence on coming alone?

    Okay, she breathed, trying to quell the growing anticipation fluttering in her stomach. I'll be there.

    Be careful, Fiona, came the curt response. There's more going on than you realize.

    As she read those words, a chill ran down her spine. Doubt threatened to creep in once more, but Fiona steeled herself, pushing it away. Whatever dangers lay ahead, she had to face them head-on. Her research, her life's work, depended on it.

    Thank you, she typed back, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. I won't let you down.

    With the message sent, Fiona's resolve solidified. She would uncover the truth, no matter the cost. And with Dr. Roberts by her side, perhaps they stood a chance in bringing those responsible for the theft and sabotage to justice. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

    The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows across the desolate parking lot of Fiona's office building. She stood defiantly, fists clenched at her sides, as the last of her colleagues' cars disappeared into the distance.

    Fine, she muttered to herself, her voice a mixture of anger and resolve. If I can't rely on anyone else, then I'll do it myself.

    As the wind whipped through her wavy brown hair, Fiona recalled the cryptic message from Dr. Roberts. It was time to take matters into her own hands. With a steely determination glowing in her green eyes, she unlocked her car and climbed inside.

    Think, Fiona, she commanded herself, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Who could have done this? What's their motive?

    Her mind raced through the list of potential suspects, dissecting each one's possible motivations. Was it a rival scientist, desperate to claim her research as their own? Or perhaps an unscrupulous corporation, intent on burying the truth to protect their profits?

    Damn it, she whispered, frustration bubbling up inside her. I need more information.

    Fiona started the engine, her thoughts shifting gears as she plotted her next move. First, she would meet with Dr. Roberts, hoping his lead could shed some light on the situation. Then, she would begin her own investigation, using every resource available to her.

    Let's see how they like being under the microscope, she muttered, a determined smirk crossing her lips.

    As she pulled out of the parking lot and onto the open road, Fiona couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. The stakes were higher than ever, but she refused to let fear or doubt control her any longer.

    Time to fight back, she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engine.

    With each passing mile, Fiona's resolve grew stronger. She would not rest until she had uncovered the truth, retrieved her stolen research, and exposed those responsible for their treachery.

    The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world into darkness as the stage was set for the next chapter in Dr. Fiona MacKenzie's relentless pursuit of justice.

    Chapter two

    Chapter 2

    Agust of wind blew through the open window, sending papers swirling around Dr. Fiona MacKenzie's cluttered office like a cyclone. Her heart hammered in her chest as she tore through stacks of research files, her piercing green eyes scanning each document with increasing desperation. The groundbreaking findings that could change the world were missing, and she had no doubt that someone had sabotaged her work.

    Dammit! she muttered, frustration evident in her voice. She knew she couldn't do this alone; she needed help. With every passing second, the world she fought so hard to protect was at risk.

    Fiona picked up her phone and dialed the number for Nathaniel Nate Everhart, an ethical hacker who had helped her expose corrupt politicians in the past. She hoped that he and his wife, Amelia Amy Everhart, an investigative journalist, could help her uncover the truth once again.

    Hello? Nate's voice came through the line, deep and reassuring.

    Hi, Nate, Fiona began, trying to steady her breath. It's Fiona MacKenzie. I need your help.

    Of course, what's going on? he asked, concern lacing his words.

    Someone stole my research, Nate, she admitted, her voice cracking under the weight of her worry. And I think they're planning to use it for nefarious purposes. This goes beyond anything we've ever faced before.

    Tell me everything, Nate urged, his tone serious and focused. 

    Fiona heard Amy's voice in the background, confirming that they were both ready to listen.

    Alright. As you know, my work focuses on environmental conservation, Fiona began, pausing to take a deep breath. I recently discovered a way to reverse the effects of climate change, and I believe that someone wants to keep that information hidden.

    Who would want to sabotage such important research? Amy's voice was filled with disbelief.

    Powerful people with vested interests in maintaining the status quo, Fiona replied, her tone darkening. People who profit off of environmental destruction.

    Alright, Fiona, Nate said, his voice steady and focused. We're with you. Let's figure this out.

    Thank you, Fiona breathed, her gratitude palpable even through the digital connection. I've been noticing strange occurrences for weeks now. Equipment malfunctioning, notes going missing... I should have seen it coming.

    Anyone specific you suspect? Amy asked, her journalistic instincts kicking in.

    Fiona hesitated, worry creasing her brow. There's a powerful lobby that stands to lose a lot if my research goes public. But I can't pinpoint anyone yet.

    Give us everything you have, Fiona, Nate urged, his fingers poised over the keyboard, ready to dig into the digital world for answers. Every detail counts.

    Of course, she agreed, sitting up straighter. My research focuses on a revolutionary process using microorganisms to break down greenhouse gases and convert them into harmless byproducts. It could effectively reverse the effects of climate change.

    Remarkable, Amy murmured, her admiration evident. No wonder someone wants to keep it under wraps.

    Exactly, Fiona nodded, her green eyes blazing with conviction. Climate change has created numerous lucrative industries, from fossil fuels to disaster response. My findings could disrupt their entire operation.

    Let's start with the incidents you mentioned, Nate suggested, his mind racing through possibilities. When did they start? Any patterns?

    About two months ago, Fiona recalled, rubbing her temples. It began with small things – misplaced files, deleted emails. Then it escalated to equipment failures, and finally... the theft of my research.

    Sounds like someone was testing the waters, Amy mused, her brow furrowed in thought. Seeing how much they could get away with before making their move.

    Seems that way, Nate agreed, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he began compiling a timeline of events. We'll dig into this, Fiona. We'll find out who's behind it and bring them to justice.

    Thank you, Nate, Fiona said, her voice thick with emotion. I trust you both with my life. And the fate of our planet.

    Nate and Amy shared a resolute nod, steeling themselves for the challenges ahead. They would not rest until they uncovered the truth, no matter the cost. The stakes were too high – for Fiona, and for the world.

    Nate's eyes narrowed as he stared at the computer screen, his fingers tapping a rapid staccato on the table. He could practically feel the gears turning in his head, the pieces of the puzzle slowly but surely fitting together.

    Alright, he finally said, breaking the tense silence. I think I've got a few potential leads we can follow up on. He glanced over at Amy, who leaned forward in anticipation. First, we should look into any recent personnel changes at the lab – new hires, promotions, transfers.

    Could be someone trying to infiltrate the organization, Amy agreed, nodding. Or maybe someone who was already there but got flipped.

    Exactly, Nate confirmed. We'll also want to check out any connections between those incidents Fiona mentioned and any known corporate interests who might benefit from her research being suppressed.

    Like the fossil fuel companies you mentioned earlier, Dr. MacKenzie chimed in, her voice filled with hope. Or perhaps even international competitors looking to gain an edge in the race for clean energy solutions.

    Definitely worth exploring, Nate affirmed, his troubled gaze betraying the weight of the task before them. Finally, we'll need to dig into the digital footprints of everyone involved – emails, texts, social media activity. There could be clues hiding in plain sight.

    Sounds like we have our work cut out for us, Amy mused, her determination shining through her fiery red hair. But we'll get to the bottom of this, Fiona. You have our word.

    Thank you both, Dr. MacKenzie replied, her eyes brimming with gratitude. I know I've made the right choice in trusting you two. Your unique skills and unwavering dedication are exactly what we need to protect my research and, ultimately, the environment.

    Nate gave her a reassuring smile, his own resolve mirrored in Amy's expression. We'll do everything in our power to uncover the truth, Fiona. You can count on us.

    Let's get started, Amy said, her eyes already scanning the room for any additional information they might have missed. Time is of the essence, and we've got a planet to save.

    First things first, Nate said, we need to gather solid evidence linking the theft to the sabotage. Without that, it'll be difficult to prove any connection.

    Agreed, Amy chimed in, her pen poised over a fresh notepad. We'll start by reviewing all available security footage, both here at the research facility and surrounding areas. There might be something we can use to identify the culprits.

    Right, Nate nodded. Next, we might need to interview potential witnesses – your colleagues, maintenance staff, anyone who might have seen or heard anything suspicious. We'll also need to consider any possible suspects within your circle. Are there any rival researchers or companies who could benefit from your research being discredited?

    Dr. MacKenzie hesitated for a moment, her lips pursed in thought. There are a few possibilities, but I don't want to make any accusations without proper evidence.

    Understandable, Amy acknowledged. We'll tread carefully.

    Lastly, Nate continued, we'll dig into the digital footprints of everyone involved. Emails, texts, social media activity – it's all fair game. There could be clues hiding in plain sight.

    Sounds like a solid plan, Amy confirmed, scribbling down the final details. Let's get to work.

    As Nate's fingers flew across his keyboard, accessing databases and conducting preliminary research, Amy took diligent notes, capturing every detail and idea. The urgency of the situation fueled their determination, and they knew they couldn't afford any missteps.

    While Nate hacked into the research facility's security system, Amy jotted down a list of potential witnesses and suspects, arranging them in order of priority. Their minds raced, thoughts swirling with the gravity of the task at hand. The stakes were high – not just for Dr. MacKenzie's research, but for the environment they were all

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