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Two college students Brey, and Oliver started their college careers with only schooling on their mind. Once they run into each other nothing is the same. From discovering encrypted notes in the Library to examining biblical topics the journey that they embark on will change their lives forever.

Release dateApr 5, 2024


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    This is a fiction book, this is not a theology textbook, I do not endorse arguments from either side of any biblical discussion. If you agree with any discussion ok, disagree ok.

    This is a picture of normal college students discussing non traditional ideas. No biblical idea can be proven in a few paragraphs and normal people don't have Ayn Rand level monologues. So if any of the ideas intrigue or enrage you shoud have a deep breath and open your own bible and find out what it says for yourself.

    Don't let someone else tell you what is or is not in the bible when you have your own handy. When the bible says to work out your own salvation it doesn't mean ask an educated person for help.

    The apostles were described as unlearned men.So if you want to find out something do the work. We have this great thing called the internet which can be used to learn. I doubt Al Gore built it for illicit activities.Most of the early church was not literate so the audience for these writings would have to have been plain to understand.

    All that to say no excuses if you are ignorant (without knowledge)in this day and age it is a choice you have made to place other things as more important then learning. So sit back and watch 2 youngsters discuss, disagree and solve mysteries with more bible then you get in a month of Joel Osteen sermons.

        Enjoy you heathens.



    Chapter 1 – Oliver

    Chapter 2 – Iron Sharpens Iron

    Chapter 3 – Finding a Mystery

    Chapter 4 – Getting Interested

    Chapter 5 – The First Page

    Chapter 6 – A Portent

    Chapter 7 – Roger

    Chapter 8 – Destiny

    Chapter 9 – The Fire

    Chapter 10 – The Week of Change

    Chapter 11 – What Happened to Brey

    Chapter 12 – The Man in the Library

    Chapter 13 – Post Script


    Chapter 1 – Oliver


    y parents helped me pack for college, going over checklists they had made and once again looking at my financial plan to see what kind of expenses might have been missed. In the days before I was to leave, both my parents sat down and explained the hardships they would face on the farm from my departure. Up until 3 or 4 years ago, they had both my brothers to help with the cattle and crops. Once my brothers started their own families, they had to sell the cattle in order to be able to keep up with the everyday duties. My mom tried to talk me into an online college so I could help out more around the farm, but I found that this certain Christian college would be less expensive to live and eat on campus than to attend an online school. My mom did not cry, but it was hard for her to hear. You could see it on her face. They explained they would have to hire help to be able to keep the farm going. This expense made the finances so tight that none could be spared for anything else. My dad tried to encourage my mom by saying, The Lord has gotten us this far. He will give us what we need to survive. Just trust Him as He has proven faithful. They had gone with me to a local thrift shop to buy new clothes as my main clothes, and even my church clothes by this point were not considered clothes I could be seen in outside the house. I was able to get a suit and shoes and some casual clothes, as well as 2 pairs of jeans. I had a couple of ties, but I was shopping for utility, and my mom helped steer me to clothes that were versatile. I called both my brothers on the house phone, and they seemed more concerned about my parents than happy for me. The day I left, the whole church came over and prayed for me and my family. As they finished praying over us, I thought I saw my mom wiping away a tear. I was touched as well but was more eager than sad.

    The trip to college seemed longer than it was, the anticipation making it seem like a long game of Am I there yet? Stopping to see the sights didn’t help. I felt like I was venturing into a new world, one of promise. No longer did I see endless days doing the same tasks on the family farm as my only future, but the school would open new possibilities for me, which I had not thought about in depth. My 92 Accord was not the peak mode of transport for a young man going to college, but I earned every dollar to pay for it and didn’t begrudge the paint issues or the covered and recovered interior.

    Ohio, where I grew up on my parent’s farm, was a land of hard labor. Now, I would have to switch from working with my hands to working with my mind. My parents, Ray and Virginia told me right before I left how proud they are about my determination to make this happen and had made sure that I knew they loved me even if my choice made life harder on them. After a year of helping my parents doing normal chores in additional to working full time on other farms to save money for myself and cutting all expenses including clothes, which meant I only left the farm to work for the other farmers and a rare Sunday Service. By the end of the year, my shoes were mostly duct tape, and my jeans matched this new style. I calculated with the student work program, working for the school, and summer work on campus to keep expenses low. I could afford all four years, with just enough to maintain The Beast, the nickname I gave my car. Yes, I did get a flat tire and patched it myself (it should be good for 30K miles), a savings of 30 bucks and a loss of 3 hours.

    If the apostle Paul could pay his own way in ministry as a tentmaker, so could I. I learned that cheap discount food is often that way for a reason. The reason usually involved extended stays in the restroom. Eating the day-old food that is half off at a gas station might not be worth the pain. But I kept my budget by sleeping in the car, so before I arrived on campus, I did the homeless person bath routine to freshen up and change clothes. With a caveat emptor (seize the day) attitude, I rolled the beast onto campus.

    I did read the rules before I came, but with so many things to do: the logistics of the move, planning the route, budgeting the trip down, a couple of spreadsheets just in case, plus procuring a computer that is so much now a part of life it might as well be a hand or a foot that I had forgotten most of what it said by the time I got to campus. I made sure I got the computer before I arrived, figuring getting the computer close to campus would reduce the chances of some accident destroying it.

    The throng of people was a little intimidating, as the largest crowd I dealt with was the 100 people that mysteriously show up at a church potluck to a church with 30 members. The din of excitement was in the air as many stripes of young humans attempted to follow the good-natured and clear instructions. I got signed in and then deposited my clothes, bedding and toiletries in my new dorm room, and parked my beast in the lot assigned to it.

    The college controlled the movement of students with each trip requiring approval, so it seemed the beast would only see use on much more rare occasions. My two roommates had yet to arrive, so I explored as best I could.

    I did not have a cell phone, an oddity in high school and more so now. The good news is that because the school limited their use the normal mass of phone zombies looked more like humans talking and interacting with each other. I understand this is a boomer take, but my interaction outside school with young people was limited, due half of it being choice and the other half being work. I kept busy with school and work the normal time to hang out was just the occasional church youth gathering when several churches together did some youth event.

    As I was checking in they asked to help set up my cell phone. I responded sorry I don’t have one. They explained that with everything going digital, the phone would be required to make calls, check grades etc. Begrudgingly I ventured to Walmart and got a prepaid smart phone. This way I could access the internet app. Since the beast was gathering dust and the amount of gas I would be using was going to be way down I would still be ahead.

    The first semester classes were pretty basic, EN121 English, church History, Ministerial Seminar, and Speech. I was excited to learn.

    The church I went to was micro as in a large house could fit us all, but we all knew each other and it was very local, during the lock down we did meet in one of the homes, as 30 is not too large for that. The pastor was working his way through the Old Testament. We should always remember Jesus was a Jew and the people he preached to and who wrote epistles were Jews so understanding the culture of Jesus day will help understand how His message was received Our pastor had said. The church could barely afford the building, but they would rather have closed the church then have one without a building to meet on Sundays.

    So I purchased (or rather rented) my books used and carted my stuff off to my dorm which looked like a remnant from the cold war, a concrete 3 stories set of rooms, Once I got there I barely deposited my stuff in the room when I got a knock at the door. Hello there fresh meat... Err freshmen a short, jolly guy with some balding setting in stood at the door. My name is Roger I am the Resident Director, we have a lovely mandatory meeting in the lobby for all freshman at 8pm, so don’t go into a food coma and pass out. He seemed very friendly and sincere. He gave me the list of roommates, small group leaders and left with a smile on his face.

    I got my computer set up, my bed made and all my stuff put away before I went to dinner. The dining hall was so large I felt like I should check for Vikings or dwarfs, I grabbed a simple meal, and joined a table of others doing the what's your major, where you from thing before I headed back. The collection of people here was so diverse, people from Guam, all over the US, and other countries from around the world it reminded me of the song Red, yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight…

    The mandatory meeting was quite simple checking everyone had arrived and showing us how to use the checkout system to go off-campus, as well as giving us our working assignments, I got grounds and with a brief lecture on the importance of sleep, they gave lights out rules.

    I set my alarm clock… yes an old-fashioned one with a digital display for 545am and went to bed early Saturday night my roommates Noah and James were still asleep when I left at 615 in the morning.

    The prayer room was located at the end of the hall. In prayer, I asked the Lord for strength and wisdom, that I would get the knowledge I needed to best serve Him. I had cereal for breakfast, and sat in the courtyard to read my Bible before church, as I read the Bible each year I was currently reading through Malachi. I sat and read, I did note some interesting things in chapter 4 that I underlined and made a note of in the back of my Bible. Most of the others out and about by now were scurrying to breakfast to eat before service. Getting up early is how I fit more things into my day, plus coming from a farming family my internal clock was already set that way.

    I did notice one other student at the edge of the courtyard reading to herself, she had dark and curly hair. She had olive skin and great posture. She didn’t write in her Bible instead making notes in a separate composition notepad.

    I left the courtyard early to go to the service, and when I arrived at the doors I found several others already waiting. The worship music was upbeat and traditional a strange combination as I was used to traditional music that was less stirring and more placid. The sermon on our responsibilities as believers focused on saving the world and being an example of Jesus by avoiding even the appearance of evil. ¹ I wrote in my Bible whose definition? I thought to myself if one person claims a thing is evil does the church have to then acquiesce? Thoughts stirred and rumbled in my head as we finished the service and made a lemming like b line for the dining hall.

    Sunday is a day for rest and I always set it aside for spiritual matters and tried to plan my schedule so that work and schoolwork was complete before Sunday. I went back to my dorm after a simple lunch and spent time in the prayer room asking for God’s guidance on the week. I took a nap and finished reading Malachi.

    Noah and James had gone to Walmart to get those items they missed when packing. I started writing notes for how I would have approached the same message our responsibilities as believers. I focused on the analogy of Salt and how salt in wound irritates and that the natural response to morality in an immoral world is rejection. I talked about a servant is not greater than his Master ² and how truth is of a higher priority than acceptance. Lastly, I touch on James faith without works is dead ³ and showed not how works was part of salvation, but how your beliefs will show in your actions. Surprisingly, this took my entire afternoon; I looked up to see Noah and James working on their classwork.

    When did you guys get here?

    Two hours ago man, answered James.

    You were locked in, Noah said

    Thank you guys for being quiet, I said.

    Oliver that is the point we totally weren’t, I think we could have played Metallica in here and you would have blinked twice and kept going. Noah said

    "I am sorry guys does that bother you? I said

    Not really but having a robot as a roommate will be peaceful at least replied Noah.

    I caught my tongue as I was tempted to say disciplined instead as that could be perceived as an insult. When I went to dinner, I chose to sit away from the main groups of people and just watched how people interacted. I saw so much chatter that seemed completely focused on relationships, so-and-so did such-and-such. It just seemed so frivolous, so I got back and went to prayer group.

    I listened and kept to myself actively thinking find about whom I could help. As people asked for prayers about finances, grandmas, and parents. One student said he was having a hard time figuring out what to wear together as, at home his parents gave him outfits for each day. I chuckled a bit before realizing the embarrassment it must take to admit that. I went over well after group and found his roommates gone. I looked at him and said you’re brave admitting that in front of others, would you like help? I am good at organizing stuff, and we can get a system set up pretty quick.

    He sighed as if in relief, and we got hangers labeled for each day and soon he said please don’t tell anyone you helped me my response startled me okay, as long as you don’t lie about it either. He looked shocked but meekly nodded.

    I decided I would take time on Sundays to seek out people who needed help and assist them. The verse about helping the sheep on the Sabbath came to mind. My first week turned into the first month very quickly my routine became set; 5am grounds work, shower breakfast reading in the courtyard, class study and to bed early.

    The weekends only varied on Saturday as that was the only unscheduled day. One week I went to the store and another I tried the gym. But, with the work I was doing in grounds all week I didn’t have the urge to do more, so I went bowling. That suited my tastes as a break from the mental work of the week, before I finished up what schoolwork I could not get done during the week.

    The first social event came up and I went with a lady who was friend with my roommates, she was vapid and shallow concerned about her looks and very interested in all the photos that we all took. I don’t think of myself as too attractive but the ladies seemed very interested in asking me questioning me about my desire to be a pastor and my work on grounds. To me it seemed liked my goals and plans were my main attraction. I didn’t consider these social events dates as they had mandatory attendance, but it seemed like the ladies treated them differently than I did.

    After the social event I sent a personal card to the lady thanking her and telling her what I appreciated about our time together. I was polite held doors open and listened actively to the ladies around me but I had no interest in the ordinary ladies I ran into, after the second social event I got a card back asking me saying she looked forward to the next social event. I didn’t want to create the impression we were dating So I as politely as possible told her that well I appreciated her time I would be looking for a different accompaniment next time. She had mistook my politeness and thoughtfulness for affection and clearly distanced herself from me whenever I saw her afterwards. I decided I needed a game plan to find a different date one that was something different from what I saw around me each day.

    So, I scheduled myself to go to the commons each Saturday and Sunday after church to observe. The girl who I saw reading her Bible every day in the morning didn’t spark my interest because I was focused on my reading I only noticed her continued presence in the background.

    That next week I paid more attention to the people around me and noticed the lady who had been a fixture in the background of my morning Bible time. She was small slender and dressed with a unique style best described, by me at least as plain colors and bold black lines, the word that came to mind was elegant and simple. I didn’t walk right up and introduce myself but began paying attention to when she was around. She wasn’t a part of the scenery anymore. She was focused and intense even without speaking you could see questions frustration and amusement on her face as she read the Bible. She seemed more genuine to me for some reason than all the attractive ladies who wanted to know about my desire to pastor and lead. One time in the quad, I saw her holding Bible study with a group of ladies who seemed to be quite attentive to what she had to say. I tried to eavesdrop a bit and once I caught the topic was relationships between men and women I shifted my focus as if I was caught in the ladies' restroom, it just seemed like an intrusion.

    But I was also now very interested. I found out she was in my biblical history class, and that her name was.

    The next time the class met she asked a question about the church Fathers, and the gospel of Matthew’s baptism account that I have never heard anything about before. I could not wait to hear her opinion on this more, as once the professor gave his answer, she dropped it quickly, though you could tell from her expression she was not satisfied.

    When we started to talk about this topic between periods, I believed her question seemed it could call into question the inerrancy of scripture and was not helpful but rather dangerous. Her response was quite adamant and forceful that truth-seeking was honoring to God, and no deception was consistent with the God of truth, but rather the father of lies. She stated that, just like telling children that Santa is real and then having them find out later they were deceived, and how that damages children's trust in their parents. So, too, it is dangerous to tell the congregation half-truths and only the facts that support your viewpoint. People will eventually find out the truth. The internet has made research much easier, and many things previous generations could go their entire lives without hearing can now be found in minutes.

    I found this so refreshing even if I disagreed with her, since growing up and in high school, I was surrounded by what I called polite liars whose words were both never harsh, and never 100% true. I would ask girls out, and they would seem so enthusiastic, but they never showed up. This almost adversarial attitude in Brey was quite refreshing for me. It also took me a second as the female figures in my life had always been more subdued so this brief interaction I decided that she had gone from a mystery to be solved to target acquisition. I wanted to know more. So, I watched who spent time around her and asked about her, and the response I got about her was Nice but a bit odd. It sounded like how in a youth novel the female teen character would describe the mysterious new guy at school, but it only piqued my interest more.

    So the next time at our shared biblical history class, I got there early hoping to formally introduce myself. I didn’t get the chance as she scooted in right before the bell. And so strike one. I didn’t stop her in the morning Bible reading time because I viewed that time as personal no matter how public it was, but I kept to my routine and on Saturday, I decided to do my schoolwork in the commons. She came in and sat at the table next to me, which of course I didn’t notice for quite a while as I was focused on schoolwork. I stopped for a minute to get up and use the restroom and saw her there working on something.

    I said Hello, my name is I want to introduce myself, shall I send mediators? She guffawed not needed young knight, I am sorry for unloading on you at class a bit back, I don’t exactly know you. I saw an opening and I jumped Well young lady I would like to less than formally invite you to join me alone at dinner for the purpose of inquiring as to the proper process to date you."

    "Wow direct eh? Yes to the first part and who knows to the second, I don’t know more about you then you read the Bible every weekday morning.

    "OK I didn’t realize you saw me I kinda get focused and don’t interrupt people’s private time with God. Ok so can I pencil you in for next Saturday dinner young lady?

    Sure, but why next week? Because as you can somewhat tell I keep a rather regular schedule, and also I don’t want to come off as too eager to be honest"

    OK then she replied as she began getting up.

    I stopped and said um like how exactly do I contact you? The last carrier pigeon died and all the eagles are in Gondor.

    I was wondering how long that would take you. She didn’t volunteer anything.

    "Yeah, so I need your number to call you may I perchance acquire the means of communication from you milady?

    There you go that wasn’t so hard, and she wrote her number on a piece of paper she tore it out and handed it to me

    I practically skipped back to my dorm my mind befuzzeled at what just happened. I got all the way to my dorm before I realized I had left all my books, so I sprinted back and

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