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Bound For Desire
Bound For Desire
Bound For Desire
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Bound For Desire

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Laura Martin was the epitome of a suburban housewife, but to those who truly knew her, she was anything but ordinary. A local girl through and through, she had attended the neighborhood high school where she was known as the spirited cheerleader who always brought an extra dose of energy to every game. With her infectious enthusiasm and natural athleticism, Laura was often found at the top of the human pyramid, leading the crowd in cheers and chants.

Despite being considered one of the prettiest girls in school, Laura paid little attention to her appearance. She let her natural beauty shine through without any need for primping or preening. And while she received plenty of date offers, she turned most of them down. After all, she had bigger aspirations than being just a popular girl with a pretty face.

Her intelligence shined just as brightly as her spirit, and it was clear that Laura could have easily been at the top of her class if she had a competitive streak. But instead, she focused on helping others and being a kind and friendly presence in her community.

It was during her college years that Laura met James, a handsome and charming man who quickly won over her heart. They dated throughout their time in college and when they graduated, they tied the knot and settled into a cozy home on a quiet cul-de-sac. It didn't take long for Laura to become a beloved neighbor who was always willing to lend a helping hand.

Halloween was one of her favorite holidays, and Laura became infamous for her elaborate and terrifying costumes that she wore when greeting trick-or-treaters. And as if that wasn't enough to make her a local favorite, she also handed out full-sized candy bars to all the children.

Whenever there was a food drive or fundraiser for the local school, you could count on Laura to be the first to volunteer and offer her time and resources. And on weekends, it wasn't uncommon to see her in the stands at local sporting events, rooting for her team with unwavering loyalty and pride. Laura Martin was truly an exceptional woman with a heart of gold. But Laura had a secret that even her husband didn't know about.

PublisherWanda Peters
Release dateApr 12, 2024
Bound For Desire

Wanda Peters

I write erotic books, mostly about cuckolding. If you are looking for that type of book, you might ask yourself what exactly do you want in an erotic book. I think that if you can read one of my books and keep both hands on the book then I have not done my job. I don't believe that anyone that buys or reads one of my books or stories are looking for great literature.I don't try to compete with Shakespear when I write. What I do try to do is to put together a compelling story that someone will want to continue to read. A word of caution my books are not for the faint of heart. Many of my characters do not have a happy ending. A few of my books do have some satirical humor but for the most part, they are about males that are dominated and humiliated by their wives or lovers.I hope you enjoy my work.

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    Book preview

    Bound For Desire - Wanda Peters

    Copyright Page

    Bound For Desire

    Author Wanda Peters

    Copyright April 2024

    Smashwords Edition

    Table of Contents

    Disclaimer: This is in its entirety a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is a mere coincidence. In addition, all characters in this book are over 18 years old.


    Chapter One Laura’s Secret

    Chapter Two Call to Action

    Chapter Three Exploration

    Chapter Four A New Ally

    Chapter Five Secrets Revealed

    Chapter Six Laura’s first Confession

    Chapter Seven – Exploration

    Chapter Eight The Discussion

    Chapter Nine-Laura’s Coming Out Party

    Chapter Ten Laura’s New Beginning

    Chapter Eleven A New Life

    Chapter Twelve New Beginnings

    Chapter Thirteen James

    Chapter Fourteen Laura

    Chapter Fifteen – Susan and Mark

    Chapter Sixteen-Laura’s Abductor


    Other Books

    Bound For Desire


    Laura Martin was the epitome of a suburban housewife, but to those who truly knew her, she was anything but ordinary. A local girl through and through, she had attended the neighborhood high school where she was known as the spirited cheerleader who always brought an extra dose of energy to every game. With her infectious enthusiasm and natural athleticism, Laura was often found at the top of the human pyramid, leading the crowd in cheers and chants.

    Despite being considered one of the prettiest girls in school, Laura paid little attention to her appearance. She let her natural beauty shine through without any need for primping or preening. And while she received plenty of date offers, she turned most of them down. After all, she had bigger aspirations than being just a popular girl with a pretty face.

    Her intelligence shined just as brightly as her spirit, and it was clear that Laura could have easily been at the top of her class if she had a competitive streak. But instead, she focused on helping others and being a kind and friendly presence in her community.

    It was during her college years that Laura met James, a handsome and charming man who quickly won over her heart. They dated throughout their time in college and when they graduated, they tied the knot and settled into a cozy home on a quiet cul-de-sac. It didn't take long for Laura to become a beloved neighbor who was always willing to lend a helping hand.

    Halloween was one of her favorite holidays, and Laura became infamous for her elaborate and terrifying costumes that she wore when greeting trick-or-treaters. And as if that wasn't enough to make her a local favorite, she also handed out full-sized candy bars to all the children.

    Whenever there was a food drive or fundraiser for the local school, you could count on Laura to be the first to volunteer and offer her time and resources. And on weekends, it wasn't uncommon to see her in the stands at local sporting events, rooting for her team with unwavering loyalty and pride. Laura Martin was truly an exceptional woman with a heart of gold.

    But Laura also had a secret that not even her family or her husband was aware of.

    Chapter One Laura’s Secret

    Laura stood at the kitchen sink, idly watching as a pair of sparrows flitted back and forth across the yard. Her hands moved mechanically, rinsing dishes with practiced efficiency, but her gaze was distant, clouded by an internal tempest that ruffled her calm exterior. The reflection in the window pane betrayed the dissonance within; her eyes carried a smoldering ember beneath their polished veneer.

    The suburban home around her whispered of contentment—plush beige carpets, family photos lining the walls, the scent of lavender air freshener—but it felt like a silk-lined cage to Laura's restive soul. As she folded a crisp hand towel, the precision in her movements was undercut by a faint tremor—a silent scream for something more, something darker, something that would ignite the kindling of her suppressed desires.

    Hey, hon. You won't believe the day I've had. James' voice shattered her reverie as he stepped through the doorway, his presence a familiar comfort. He loosened his tie with one hand, the other carrying the weight of his exhausting day in the form of a leather briefcase. His face, etched with the lines of kindness and the shadows of oblivion to her inner turmoil, broke into a warm smile as he pecked her cheek.

    Is that so? Laura managed her tone light, betraying none of the heaviness lurking beneath. She turned to face him, offering a smile that did not quite reach her eyes.

    Absolutely, James said, setting his briefcase down with a thud. The Jenkins account is finally closed. Took forever to get there, but we did it. He stretched, the action pulling at the fabric of his shirt, hinting at the strength underneath. Strength Laura yearned to feel unrestrained, to be wielded, to be directed at her.

    That's wonderful news, she replied, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear, feigning interest in the mundane triumphs of his corporate battlefield. Her mind, however, danced on the edge of a precipice, teetering between the safety of their routine and the abyss of her hidden yearnings.

    Let's celebrate tonight. Your choice, dinner anywhere you want, James offered, oblivious to the fact that what she hungered for couldn't be found on any menu.

    Anywhere? The word lingered in the air between them, an innocent query laden with unspoken implications. The corners of her mouth curled up ever so slightly, a coy reminder of the game they didn't yet know they were playing.

    Of course, he said, chuckling. You deserve it. After all, you manage to keep this place running like clockwork while I'm buried in paperwork.

    Running like clockwork, she echoed, the metaphor not lost on her. Yes, everything ticked along perfectly—the perfect wife, the perfect life. But clocks could be wound too tight, and Laura felt on the verge of snapping.

    James, she began, then hesitated, the words she needed to say lingering just beyond reach. Instead, she swallowed them down, burying them beneath layers of composure. I'll think about where I'd like to go.

    Take your time deciding, he replied with an easy grin, unaware that decision-making was a luxury afforded to those who knew what they wanted—or rather, to those who dared admit it.

    As he walked away, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the halls, a metronome to her internal conflict. With each passing second, Laura felt the pull of her desires growing stronger, and the façade of satisfaction slipping further away. Soon, she knew, she would have to choose whether to continue the charade or to risk it all for the promise of fulfilling the cravings that haunted her silence.

    Laura's fingers lingered on the spine of the book as she pulled it from the shelf, a volume discreetly tucked away behind the more pedestrian titles that lined their living room. The leather felt supple beneath her touch, its surface alive with promises of the forbidden. As she flipped through the pages, her eyes were drawn to an illustration that sent a jolt of electricity through her veins—an image of intricate ropes artfully entwined around the limbs of a willing captive, the embodiment of surrender.

    The sight pierced through Laura's composed exterior, awakening a tempest of longing within her. She swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her secret desires pressing against the walls she had so meticulously built around them. Her heart raced, pounding out a rhythm of raw need that threatened to break free.

    Is everything alright, Laura? James called from the other room, his voice a grounding tether to the reality she inhabited—one that was safe, but achingly incomplete.

    Everything's fine, she managed, her voice steady despite the turmoil that raged inside her. The lie settled heavily on her tongue.

    She closed the book with a soft thud, the echo of its finality reverberating through her. It was time to stop hiding. To relinquish the control she clung to and allow herself to be vulnerable—to be seen.

    With trembling hands, Laura began to transform their bedroom into a sanctuary of desire. She unfolded lengths of rope, each one smooth and strong, and laid them out with purposeful intent. The metallic glint of handcuffs contrasted with the softness of silk scarves, all carefully arranged to create a tableau of temptation.

    She could feel the pulse of anticipation threading through her body as she draped the scarves across the bed, the fabric whispering secrets of what was to come. The air was thick with the scent of her perfume, mingling with the faint musk of leather and the clean sterility of their suburban bedroom now turned into a chamber of exploration.

    As Laura surveyed her handiwork, the shadows of the room seemed to swell, embracing her boldness. Here, in this space, she would lay bare the truth of her desires. The risk of revelation was terrifying, yet exhilarating. With every item she set in place, she felt the shackles of her mundane existence loosen, offering a glimpse of the liberation that beckoned just beyond the edge of her courage.

    Tonight, she would not be the perfect wife, bound by expectations. Tonight, she would bind herself in trust, and in doing so, find the freedom that comes with absolute surrender.

    Laura's heart thrummed a riotous beat, echoing the tumult of her emotions as she looped the first length of rope around her wrist. The texture was both rough and caressing against her skin, a paradox that sent shivers cascading down her spine. She tied a knot, firm yet yielding – a symbol of her consent to this act of self-imposed captivity. Another length encircled her other wrist, its embrace snug, the ends trailing like the whispers of unspoken fantasies.

    The mirror reflected her image at her, a woman on the precipice of divulging her most intimate yearnings. She observed herself, the way the delicate ropes contrasted with the flush of her skin, a visual representation of her internal struggle between the life she had always known and the one she yearned to explore. Her fingers trembled slightly, not just from the complexity of her self-imposed bondage but from the raw edge of nervous excitement that tinged her every move.

    With each knot she tied, Laura felt as if she were weaving a new narrative for herself, one where she was no longer confined by the invisible restraints of conventionality. Her breath came in short gasps, partly from the tightness of the rope cinching her to the chair, partly from the anticipation of James’s reaction upon his return home.

    She glanced at the clock, its ticking a metronome to her building anticipation. He wouldn’t be home for another hour, she reassured herself. Time enough to steady her racing pulse, to rehearse her revelations in the quiet before the storm of their transformed reality.

    But then, an unexpected sound – the turn of the key in the front door, far too soon. Panic fluttered in Laura's chest, a bird trapped against the cage of her ribs. James was home early. Her practiced words scattered, lost in the sudden urgency that flooded her senses.

    Footsteps approached, unhurried, familiar, yet at that moment they drummed a foreboding rhythm. Laura's heart leaped and lodged itself in her throat.

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