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Reclaim Responsibility.: Redefine Your Perspective on  Health and Wellbeing
Reclaim Responsibility.: Redefine Your Perspective on  Health and Wellbeing
Reclaim Responsibility.: Redefine Your Perspective on  Health and Wellbeing
Ebook306 pages3 hours

Reclaim Responsibility.: Redefine Your Perspective on Health and Wellbeing

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The author delivers a unique perspective on the contemporary fabric of society and our comprehension of health and illness. Through thorough research, the author challenges prevalent assumptions about health and disease, presenting a broader perspective. The narrative explores how vulnerability and apprehension can shape the dominance of factors

Release dateMar 18, 2024
Reclaim Responsibility.: Redefine Your Perspective on  Health and Wellbeing

Joseph Chiabrera

Founding Director and Developer of The Guide to DecideFounding Director of Human Performance Database, JSC Innovations PTY LTD***Masters of Sport's Training and Nutrition - Universidad EuropeaBachelor of Psychology - University of South AustraliaBachelor of Exercise and Sport Science - University of South AustraliaGraduate Certificate of High-Performance Sport - Australian Catholic University***I live by the mantra that determination coupled with wisdom equals success. Over the years, my insatiable thirst for knowledge has led me to dedicate a significant amount of time to research and study, providing me with the expertise and wisdom needed to optimize human performance, whether in everyday health or athletic pursuits.My approach is unconventional-I don't take things at face value, and I prefer to explore and experience the truth for myself. A decade of intense research into every facet of health and athletic performance, both within and outside mainstream practices, has shaped my under- standing. This journey has been a quest to improve not only myself as an athlete but also to glean insights that can benefit others.Delving into the labyrinth of health and disease has been a profound exploration, allowing me to merge and disseminate essential information. In a world often fixated on reactive treatments, my proactive approach aims to empower individuals to maximize their human potential through lifestyle choices. I believe in addressing the core issues rather than merely alleviating symptoms.My passion lies in continuous improvement and contributing meaningful insights to others. With a combination of curiosity, lateral and critical thinking, and a commitment to sharing essential information, I strive to be a valuable resource for those seeking to elevate their everyday health and athletic performance.Email: Instagram: @joechib8

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    Reclaim Responsibility. - Joseph Chiabrera




    In the intricate dance of life, each of us resides within the confines of our unique 'box of perception.' This conceptual boundary serves as the lens through which we interpret our experiences and glean our understanding of the world. However, the impact of the media and censorship on shaping this cognitive enclosure is more profound than one might initially contemplate. We've unwittingly become dwellers of this box, one that shields us from vast realms of knowledge and alternative perspectives.

    The analogy extends beyond individual cognition to societal structures, notably within businesses with their pyramid hierarchies. Those operating within such organizational frameworks serve as exemplars, only privy to information deemed essential for their role, often oblivious to the maneuvers at the hierarchical summit. This pattern replicates itself in diverse facets of life, underscored by an ingrained trust in authority figures and a reluctance to scrutinize or question their methods, guided by the assumption that experts inherently know best.

    Yet, as we step back from this perceptual confinement, an undeniable truth reveals itself: no single entity possesses all-encompassing answers. Certain concepts lack credibility upon closer inspection, yet our conditioning compels us to accept information without critique. This ingrained susceptibility forms the cornerstone of our cognitive predisposition.

    The imperative to question information becomes apparent, emphasizing our innate capacity for critical thinking. Credentials, once held in high regard, pale against the backdrop of the broader narrative. Breaking free from our perceptual confines demands an intentional exposure to information that had hitherto been concealed from us.

    The currency of truth, as it stands today, is often determined by the frequency of its proclamation. Sir Oliver Lodge's analogy of a fish oblivious to water draws a parallel to our relationship with our own health and the information surrounding it. The information encapsulated within this book emerges from years spent navigating the rabbit hole of health. Health information currently adopts a reductionist stance dictated by societal norms that compartmentalize our careers, leaving the overarching panorama unanswered.

    Born into this intricate tapestry of societal dynamics, John, an entrepreneur juggling the demands of a thriving business and a family of six, found himself traversing the maze of life during an era defined by rapid change. In a world where time was an elusive luxury, John, like the average person of his time, relied on these conventional channels for information. His days were consumed by the demands of his professional pursuits and the responsibilities of family life. Yet, amidst the chaos, John found himself susceptible to the unpredictable throes of illness.

    The world grappled with the unforeseen challenges of an alarming surge in chronic diseases and the ominous rise of pandemics. This was an era where the authority of doctors reached its zenith, as they were hailed as the ultimate guardians of human health. The prevailing narrative, shaped by the pervasive influence of television, mainstream media, and newspapers, positioned these medical professionals as the indisputable sources of knowledge.

    Health was often oversimplified, with common notions equating well-being to mere abstinence from smoking and drinking, John began to question the adequacy of such simplistic perspectives. His own experience hinted at a more complex reality, challenging the prevailing clichés that suggested a virtuous commitment to health hinged solely on avoiding certain vices.

    In his pursuit of addressing the enigmatic realm of his health issues in his 40s, John found himself face to face with the limitations of the dominant health narrative. The binary notions of good health, often confined to the dichotomy of smoking and drinking, failed to capture the intricate nuances that shaped holistic well-being. This realization marked the inception of a transformative journey—a journey that would unravel the profound connections between lifestyle, mindset, and the essence of holistic health.

    As we delve into the chapters that follow, John's personal odyssey becomes a microcosm of a larger exploration. Through his experiences and insights, readers are invited to reconsider their own perceptions of health and wellness, navigating a path that goes beyond the surface and ventures into the depths of a more holistic understanding.

    This book contends that progress necessitates a panoramic view. In a world where time is a precious commodity, both for the average person and the experts, this publication consolidates essential information in one accessible repository. It seeks to present the facts from a holistic standpoint, challenging conventional narratives while adhering to a simplified and decluttered discourse that appeals to the common sense of the everyday person.

    The central objective is clear: to dismantle the fear associated with health and disease—and the lack of control that transcends —and replace it with a respectful acknowledgment of our capability to be in control of our own lives. This book beckons you to transcend your perceived limitations and embark on a journey towards enlightenment, knowledge, and empowerment.

    The content presented in this discourse is by no means presented as absolute truth; rather, it constitutes an alternative perspective on a subject matter open to ongoing debate. It is incumbent upon the reader, as with any intellectual pursuit, to engage in critical analysis of the information herein. The author of this volume, bears no vested interest or attachment to either side of the argument. The primary intention is to foster constructive debate and intellectual exploration. Should incontrovertible evidence emerge, contradicting the assertions made within this work, the author is committed to acknowledging such findings. In essence, the stance is neutral; it is a catalyst for discussion, aspiring to prompt readers to engage in heightened critical analysis in their ongoing intellectual endeavors.

    Utilizing the remarkable capabilities of contemporary AI resources, this book has undergone thorough fact-checking. The vast majority of the information presented here aligns with accepted accuracy standards by AI technology. It's important to note that while the facts remain consistent, the unique perspective within this book differs from the commonly disseminated knowledge propagated by mainstream media. Regrettably, much of this valuable information remains unfamiliar to society at large.

    The intention behind sharing these insights is to prompt cognitive dissonance and ignite critical thinking moving forward. By challenging conventional perspectives and encouraging a deeper understanding, this book aims to contribute to a broader and more nuanced discourse on the subjects discussed.

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    Putting Today into Perspective



    In the lesser known Australian city of Adelaide, nestled between the rolling hills and the azure coastline, young John's childhood unfolded amidst a tapestry of cultural richness and familial duty. Born to Italian immigrants, his upbringing was steeped in the traditions of the Mediterranean, infused with the vibrant spirit of Australia's melting pot society.

    Within the confines of his modest home, John's father, Peter, cast a formidable presence. A man molded by the rugged landscapes of Italy and the trials of migration, he embodied the stoic resilience of his ancestors. Despite the weight of past traumas that lingered in his eyes, Peter harbored dreams of prosperity for his family, weaving tales of perseverance and determination into the fabric of John's upbringing.

    Beside Peter stood John's mother, Dina, a woman of unwavering faith and boundless love. Her days were punctuated by the rhythm of Catholic rituals, from the solemnity of Sunday Mass to the fervent prayers whispered in the quiet corners of their home. Through her gentle guidance, John learned the value of compassion and the power of spiritual resilience, forging a connection to his roots that would endure a lifetime.

    Yet, amidst the warmth of familial bonds, John grappled with the complexities of his father's expectations. Peter's stoic demeanor masked a tumultuous past, scarred by the specter of violence and the harsh realities of poverty. Determined to shield his son from the hardships he had endured, Peter imparted lessons of discipline with a firm hand, instilling in John the virtues of hard work and perseverance.

    As John navigated the complexities of adolescence, he found refuge in the companionship of his sister, Jenny, whom he vowed to protect with unwavering devotion. Together, they weathered the storms of their father's temper and the trials of adolescence, their bond strengthened by the shared burden of familial duty.

    John's life unfolded in an era vastly different from the present day, a time when societal norms and standards were shaped by a different set of values and priorities. It is easy to overlook the rapid pace at which these norms evolve, yet understanding this evolution is crucial to gaining insight into the fabric of our society.

    In John's youth, the rhythms of life were governed by a simplicity that seems almost foreign in today's fast-paced world. Children roamed the streets freely, their days filled with outdoor adventures and imaginative play. The absence of omnipresent technology meant that human connection was fostered through face-to-face interactions, deepening the bonds of friendship and community.

    Education, too, was approached with a different mindset. Unlike the emphasis on academic achievement that permeates modern schooling, John's generation saw a less structured approach to learning. For some, formal education was not the sole path to success, and many pursued alternative avenues to carve out their place in the world.

    John's academic journey was fraught with challenges. His rebellious spirit clashed with the rigidity of traditional schooling, leading to his expulsion from school in year 11. While others may have viewed this as a setback, John wore it as a badge of honor, proudly displaying the expulsion letter on his bedroom wall as a testament to his defiance.

    Amidst the simplicity of life in bygone days, there lurked challenges and hardships that shaped the trajectory of John's upbringing. Economic struggles were a reality for many families, including John's own, instilling in him a resilience and resourcefulness that would serve him well in later years.

    Amidst the tumult of adolescence, love blossomed in the heart of John as he crossed paths with Olga, a kindred spirit whose presence filled his world with light and laughter. Together, they embarked on a journey of love and self-discovery, navigating the complexities of young romance with unwavering devotion.

    As the years unfolded, John and Olga's love blossomed into a union of soulmates, bound together by vows of eternal devotion. Amidst the joys of parenthood and the trials of adulthood, they welcomed four children into their midst, each a testament to the enduring strength of their love.

    Faced with the daunting task of providing for his growing family, John ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship with determination and tenacity. From the humble beginnings of a snack bar to the flourishing success of a cleaning company, he embraced every challenge with unwavering resolve, driven by a desire to secure a brighter future for his loved ones.

    With scant financial resources at his disposal, John embarked on an entrepreneurial journey fueled by determination and grit. His first venture led him to acquire a humble snack bar, a decision that would prove to be the cornerstone of his success. Despite the relentless demands and long hours required to sustain the business, John persevered, pouring his heart and soul into every aspect of its operation.

    Years of tireless effort and unwavering dedication saw the snack bar flourish under John's stewardship, becoming a beloved fixture in the community. Yet, ever the visionary, John set his sights on new horizons, seizing the opportunity to acquire a cleaning company.

    This bold move catapulted John into the realm of business ownership on a larger scale, as he navigated the complexities of managing high volumes of employees and securing lucrative contracts. With offices spanning across state lines and a reputation for excellence, the cleaning company thrived under John's leadership, cementing his status as a shrewd entrepreneur.

    However, with success came new challenges and responsibilities. While the demands of the cleaning company may have been less physically taxing than those of the snack bar, the weight of managing a burgeoning enterprise and balancing the needs of his growing family proved to be a formidable burden.

    Amidst the hustle and bustle of business endeavors, John also found himself tasked with the responsibilities of looking after his father, which would prove to be quite a burden, as well as placing great investment and time in property, further adding to his already overflowing plate. Yet, through it all, he remained steadfast in his commitment to excellence, driven by a deep-rooted desire to provide a better life for his loved ones.

    As the years passed, John's legacy extended far beyond the realm of business success, transcending into the realm of familial bonds and cherished memories. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, he remained a pillar of strength and unwavering support, his love radiating through every gesture and every sacrifice made for those he held dear. Although his time spent with his family was limited, the impact he had on them was far and wide.

    John possessed a social grace that was unmatched, a magnetic charm that endeared him to all who crossed his path. With an innate ability to connect with people on a deep level, he cultivated a vast network of friends who held him in the highest esteem. His unwavering support for those around him knew no bounds, as he selflessly went above and beyond to lend a helping hand to those around him.

    True to his values, John exemplified integrity and honor in all aspects of his life, serving as a beacon of righteousness in a world fraught with moral ambiguity. These values, instilled in him from a young age, formed the bedrock of his character and guided his every action, shaping him into a paragon of virtue.

    Yet, it was not only in his own conduct that John's values shone brightly, but also in the lessons he imparted to his children. Through his unwavering commitment to upholding traditional family practices and instilling a sense of discipline, he imbued his offspring with a strong moral compass that would serve as their guiding light in the years to come.

    Despite his warm and approachable demeanor, there was an undeniable aura of authority that surrounded John, a testament to his unwavering adherence to principles of honor and respect. While his children revered him for his wisdom and guidance, there was also a healthy dose of fear that kept them on the straight and narrow, ensuring they followed a path of integrity and righteousness.

    In John, the ideal of masculinity found its truest expression, as he embodied the virtues of strength, honor, and duty with unwavering resolve. Through his actions and his words, he set an example for those around him, inspiring admiration and respect in equal measure.

    As John journeyed through the landscape of his adult life, he bore witness to the shifting sands of societal change. Values once held dear began to give way to new ideologies, and traditions evolved to reflect the changing times. Yet, amidst this whirlwind of transformation, John remained anchored by the timeless principles instilled in him by his family and community.

    In reflecting on the contrast between past and present, we are reminded of the fluidity of cultural norms and the resilience of the human spirit. Just as John adapted to the shifting tides of his time, so too must we navigate the ever-changing landscape of our own era, drawing strength from the lessons of the past as we chart a course toward the future.

    Though loved by all who knew him, it was John's unwavering commitment to his principles and his unyielding dedication to his family that left the deepest impression on those whose lives he touched. In him, they found not only a friend and confidant but also a guiding light, leading them on a path of honor and respect that would endure for generations to come.

    * * *

    In reflecting upon the present, it is imperative to cast a gaze upon the tapestry of our past, unraveling the threads that weave the fabric of our existence. Often, in the hustle of our daily lives and amidst the ebb and flow of generations, we unwittingly succumb to the notion of a perpetually unchanging normal. This vulnerability to manipulation and misinformation stems from a myopic perspective that disregards the dynamic evolution of human experience.

    Delving into the annals of history, we unearth invaluable lessons from the lives of our early ancestors and cultures untouched by the influences of Western industrialization. These traditional societies, insulated from the tendrils of modernity, offer a blueprint for living that aligns with the natural order—a harmonious coexistence with the gifts bestowed upon us by the universe. This ancient wisdom not only outlines a way of life but also encapsulates the essence of how humans were intricately designed to thrive physically, mentally, and spiritually.

    Archaeologists, tracing the intricate tapestry of human evolution, estimate that the emergence of Homo sapiens dates back approximately 125,000 years. The juxtaposition of this time-line with the onset of the first industrial revolution in the late 1700s—a mere 320 years ago—illuminates the rapid transformation that ensued. Humanity transitioned from a state of symbiosis with nature to an era dominated by the manufacturing of chemicals, synthetic products, mass agricultural practices and the intrusion of manmade electromagnetic fields.

    For eons, our forebears thrived in harmony with the natural world, and then, with unprecedented swiftness, our way of life underwent radical alterations. Exposure to an array of toxicities, coupled with shifts in lifestyle and nutrition, heralded a paradigm shift. The startling revelation that 99.6% of humanity's existence transpired in the embrace of wilderness underscores the profound impact of our departure from this ancestral equilibrium on contemporary health.

    As we navigate the complexities of the present, a mindful acknowledgment of this historical context becomes not only an intellectual exercise but a crucial compass guiding us back to a more balanced and attuned existence. In understanding where we come from, we illuminate a path towards a holistic future—one that reconciles our modern realities with the timeless principles encoded in our collective past.


    We now embark on a profound exploration of the profound impact that conditioning and thought processes wield, particularly in the face of information that challenges our established beliefs.

    Central to this exploration is the understanding of the developmental phase from birth to seven years old, where children predominantly exist in the theta brain wave state. This state, characterized by a low frequency of 4 to 8Hz, decreases with age and is experienced by adults solely during daydreaming or sleep (1). Children, however, spend a significant portion of their time in this highly suggestible state, absorbing stimuli from their environment with minimal conscious processing. This innate receptivity serves the purpose of deepening their understanding of the surroundings for survival and adaptation.

    Repeated experiences, such as daily rituals or learned behaviors like brushing teeth, gradually become embedded in the subconscious as schemas or scripts. While this assimilation takes time in adulthood, it happens swiftly during childhood, particularly in the theta state. This process lays the foundation for the formation of conditioned responses and thought patterns that persist into adulthood.

    Enter conditioning—an integral concept explored in this chapter. Industries allocate substantial resources to advertising, deliberately

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