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Shadows of Grudge: Bloodlines Entwined, #2
Shadows of Grudge: Bloodlines Entwined, #2
Shadows of Grudge: Bloodlines Entwined, #2
Ebook200 pages2 hours

Shadows of Grudge: Bloodlines Entwined, #2

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Dive into the heart of a centuries-old mystery with "Shadows of Grudge," the riveting second installment in the "Bloodlines Entwined" series. A blend of Gothic romance, historical suspense, and a touch of the supernatural, this novel will ensnare readers in a web of aristocratic secrets, ancestral curses, and forbidden love.


In the mist-shrouded corners of New England, genealogist Sarah Montclair and detective Luke Garrison face their most perplexing case yet. Hired to unravel the twisted lineage of the prestigious Warrington family, they stumble upon a feud steeped in tragedy and betrayal that dates back generations. But beneath the surface of polite society lies a darker truth, guarded by a family curse that threatens to consume them all.


As Sarah and Luke delve deeper into the past, they uncover a tale of forbidden love, stolen fortunes, and a dueling tragedy that sparked an enduring vendetta. With each secret revealed, the duo finds themselves ensnared in a deadly game, where the price of truth may be more than they are willing to pay.


Yet, amidst danger and deception, a passionate connection ignites between Sarah and Luke, challenging their beliefs and forcing them to confront their own shadows. Will their love be strong enough to break the chains of the past, or will the sins of their ancestors doom them to repeat history?


"Shadows of Grudge" weaves a captivating narrative of love and loss, honor and betrayal, and the eternal quest for redemption. Perfect for lovers of historical mysteries with a paranormal twist, this book promises to be an unforgettable journey through the echoes of time. Discover the secrets that bind the bloodlines—before they tear them apart forever.

Release dateMar 26, 2024
Shadows of Grudge: Bloodlines Entwined, #2

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    Book preview

    Shadows of Grudge - Vivienne Garrison

    Shadows of Grudge

    Bloodlines Entwined Book Two

    Aristocratic Family Saga with Mystery and Romance

    Vivienne Garrison

    Copyright © 2024 by Vivienne Garrison.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.











    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20


    A Cold Invitation


    n a fog-enshrouded evening in Grafton, New England, Sarah Montclair sits in her cozy study, the silence punctuated only by the occasional crackling of the fire and the relentless tapping of rain against the window. She sifts through a pile of mail that's accumulated over the past few days, her attention caught by an envelope that stands out from the rest. It's heavier, the paper quality finer, and sealed with an elaborate wax insignia that Sarah recognizes immediately—the emblem of the Warrington family.

    Her curiosity piqued, Sarah breaks the seal and unfolds the letter, her green eyes scanning the elegant script. It's an invitation from Elizabeth Warrington, the matriarch of the Warrington family, extending a cold but polite request for Sarah's presence at the Warrington estate. The letter hints at a matter of great importance related to the longstanding feud between the Warringtons and the Calloways—a mystery wrapped in decades of silence and secrets.

    Luke, you need to see this, Sarah murmurs to herself, reaching for her phone to call Luke Garrison, her partner in both professional and, increasingly, personal matters. She fills him in, her voice a mix of excitement and apprehension.

    Luke's response, though skeptical, carries an undercurrent of intrigue. An invitation, or a summons to a hornet's nest? he questions, his tone light but cautious.

    Both, perhaps. But think of the secrets that lie there, waiting to be uncovered, Sarah counters, her enthusiasm undimmed. We might finally unravel the true cause of the feud.

    They agree to meet the next day and travel to the Warrington estate together, aware that they're stepping into a web of aristocratic intrigue that could prove dangerous. Yet, the chance to shed light on a mystery that has haunted Grafton for generations is too compelling to ignore.

    The journey to the Warrington estate is shrouded in an oppressive fog that seems to swallow the narrow, winding roads leading to the heart of old money and older secrets. Sarah and Luke's car creeps along, headlights struggling against the thickening gloom, until the imposing gates of the estate loom out of the mist, iron sentinels guarding the mysteries within.

    As they drive up the gravel path, the fog parts like a curtain, revealing the grandeur of the Warrington estate. It stands as a testament to the family's legacy—stoic, majestic, but with an air of neglect that speaks volumes of the fading glory of its inhabitants.

    Luke parks the car, and they step out, their footsteps crunching on the gravel. The heavy silence is punctuated only by the distant cawing of a raven, an ominous welcome committee. They approach the massive oak doors, and before Luke can knock, the doors swing open with a grave creak.

    A butler, as ancient as the estate itself, regards them with an impassive gaze. Miss Montclair, Mr. Garrison, we've been expecting you, he intones, stepping aside to let them into the grand foyer.

    Sarah exchanges a look with Luke, a silent communication they've perfected over their partnership. Here they are, at the edge of diving into the depths of the Warrington-Calloway feud.

    Thank you, Sarah says, her voice echoing slightly in the vast space. We appreciate Mrs. Warrington's invitation.

    The butler nods, closing the doors behind them with a thud that seems to seal their fate. If you'll follow me, Mrs. Warrington awaits in the drawing-room.

    They follow the butler's measured steps, their eyes taking in the opulence that clings to the estate like the remnants of a dream. The walls whisper of past splendors and whispered secrets, each portrait and tapestry a silent observer to the unfolding drama.

    The butler announces them, and they step into the drawing-room, where Elizabeth Warrington stands by the fireplace, a figure of elegance and authority. Her gaze on them is sharp, assessing, betraying nothing of her thoughts.

    Miss Montclair, Mr. Garrison, thank you for coming, she begins, her voice carrying the weight of her family's legacy. I trust your journey wasn't too... unsettling.

    Luke offers a polite smile. The fog adds to the estate's charm, Mrs. Warrington. Thank you for having us.

    Elizabeth motions for them to sit. I'll be blunt, she says, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. The feud between our families has taken much from us. It's time to unearth the truth, to see if peace is possible.

    Sarah leans forward, intrigued. We understand the sensitivity of the situation. Our aim is to uncover the truth, no matter where it leads us.

    There are those who would rather the past stay buried, Elizabeth continues, her eyes dark with unspoken warnings. But I believe you are our best hope. Will you help us?

    Luke exchanges a glance with Sarah before nodding. We'll do everything we can, Mrs. Warrington. The first step is understanding the feud's origins. Anything you can share could be invaluable.

    Elizabeth sighs, a rare moment of vulnerability crossing her features. It's a tale of betrayal, of lost love and stolen fortunes. The details are murky, lost to time, but I believe the answers lie within the estate's archives.

    The butler reenters, carrying a tray of refreshments, but the room's atmosphere has shifted, charged with the weight of their undertaking. As they sip tea, the conversation turns to the logistics of their investigation, Elizabeth providing access to records, letters, and artifacts that might shed light on the darkness of the past.

    As the meeting concludes, Sarah and Luke are acutely aware of the task ahead. They are not just uncovering history; they are searching for keys to unlock the chains of enmity that have bound two families in a cycle of revenge and sorrow.

    Elizabeth's final words to them as they rise to leave are a benediction and a warning. You are treading on sacred ground. Tread carefully, for the truths you uncover may change everything.

    The butler escorts them to their rooms, their minds racing with the possibilities of what lies ahead. As they retire for the night, the estate seems to settle around them, the silence a heavy cloak. But beneath the quiet, the whispers of the past are stirring, ready to reveal their secrets to those brave enough to listen.

    And so, as the clock chimes deep into the night, Sarah and Luke stand on the precipice of revelation, the shadows of the Warrington estate enveloping them in an embrace as cold as it is inviting. The journey into the heart of the feud has begun, and there is no turning back.

    As evening cloaks the Warrington estate in shadows, Sarah and Luke descend to the dining hall, where a dinner of revelations awaits them. The hall, lit by the soft glow of candlelight, is set with an elegance that speaks of the Warringtons' aristocratic heritage. The long table is adorned with fine china and crystal, reflecting the flickering candles and creating a ballet of light and shadow across the room.

    Elizabeth Warrington sits at the head of the table, her presence commanding yet gracious. She gestures for Sarah and Luke to join her, indicating seats of honor at her sides. Thank you for accepting my invitation to dine, she begins, as servants quietly serve the first course. This evening is not just about pleasantries; it's an opportunity for us to discuss the heart of the matter.

    Sarah, ever the diplomat, smiles warmly. We appreciate your hospitality, Mrs. Warrington. We're here to listen and to help uncover the truth behind the feud.

    Luke nods in agreement, adding, Your insights could be crucial in guiding our investigation. Any light you can shed on the origins of the conflict would be invaluable.

    Elizabeth takes a moment, her gaze sweeping over the heirlooms and portraits that line the hall, each a silent witness to the family's storied past. The feud, she starts, her voice laced with a sorrow born of years of loss, began with a misunderstanding, a tragic event that spiraled out of control. Two families, once allies, turned against each other, fueled by anger and grief.

    A servant pours wine, and Elizabeth raises her glass, her eyes meeting those of Sarah and Luke. To truth and reconciliation, she toasts, the words hanging in the air like a promise or perhaps a premonition.

    Sarah echoes the sentiment, her glass meeting Elizabeth's with a soft chime. To truth and reconciliation.

    Luke joins in, his expression serious. To finding the truth, no matter where it leads us.

    As the dinner progresses, Elizabeth shares tales of the feud's early days, of love lost and fortunes forsaken. With each story, Sarah and Luke gain insight into the complex tapestry of the Warrington-Calloway enmity. But it's the untold stories, the secrets that linger just beneath the surface, that captivate their attention.

    Mrs. Warrington, Luke inquires, seizing a lull in the conversation, you mentioned a tragic event. Can you tell us more about what happened?

    Elizabeth hesitates, her fork pausing mid-air. It's a painful chapter in our history, she admits. A duel that ended in death, a love affair that crossed family lines, and a treasure lost—a dagger, said to carry the curse that ignited the feud.

    Sarah leans in, her curiosity piqued. A dagger? Do you believe it exists, or is it merely a symbol of the feud's bitterness?

    Elizabeth sets down her fork, her demeanor somber. I believe it's real, and its discovery could either heal old wounds or deepen them. That's why I'm entrusting you with this task. You must find the dagger, and with it, the truth.

    The conversation shifts as Elizabeth elaborates on the dagger's last known whereabouts and the efforts made to locate it. Sarah and Luke listen intently, their minds racing with the implications of their quest.

    As dessert is served, a tension settles over the table, a recognition of the daunting path that lies ahead. Yet, there's also a sense of hope, a belief that understanding the past might pave the way for a brighter future.

    Thank you, Mrs. Warrington, for sharing your family's story with us, Sarah says, her voice resonant with determination. We'll do everything in our power to uncover the truth.

    Elizabeth nods, a fragile smile gracing her lips. I have faith in you both. Perhaps, at last, we can lay the ghosts of the past to rest.

    The dinner concludes with handshakes and promises, Elizabeth escorting Sarah and Luke to the hall's entrance. Be careful, she warns them, her eyes reflecting the flames of the torches that line the walls. The path to the truth is fraught with shadows. Trust in each other, and trust in the strength of your resolve.

    As Sarah and Luke step out into the night, the estate behind them a silhouette against the starlit sky, they feel the weight of their mission. The search for the dagger, a symbol of the feud's origins, is not just a quest for a relic; it's a journey into the heart of darkness, where secrets lie buried and redemption awaits.

    Their resolve firm, they walk together into the night, the echo of their footsteps a testament to their shared purpose. The truth awaits, hidden in the shadows of the Warrington estate, and they are determined to bring it into the light.

    The dinner of revelations, though illuminating, leaves Sarah and Luke with more questions than answers. As they retire to the guest wing of the sprawling estate, a palpable sense of unease trails their steps, the weight of Elizabeth Warrington's final words echoing in their minds. The corridor, lit by the soft glow of wall-mounted lanterns, seems to stretch endlessly, its portraits gazing down at them with silent, watchful eyes.

    Reaching their rooms, they agree to reconvene shortly, the urgency of their quest not allowing for the luxury of rest. Sarah's room, adorned with antique furnishings and heavy drapes, feels like a step back in time. She barely has a moment to reflect before a soft knock at her door signals Luke's arrival.

    Ready to delve into the archives? Luke asks as she opens the door, his laptop bag slung over his shoulder, a modern tool amid the antiquity that surrounds them.

    Sarah nods, determination steeling her features. Let's uncover the truth hidden in these walls.

    Their footsteps are hushed on the thick carpet as they make their way to the estate's library, a vast room where centuries of knowledge are preserved. The door creaks open to reveal rows upon rows of shelves, laden with books that whisper secrets of the past.

    Luke sets up his laptop on a large oak table, the soft hum of technology a stark contrast to the silence of the library. Sarah, meanwhile, begins to sift through the shelves, her fingers tracing the spines of leather-bound volumes, searching for any that might hold clues to the dagger's whereabouts.

    This one looks promising, Sarah murmurs, pulling down a tome that appears to be a journal from the time of the feud's inception. She opens it carefully, the pages brittle with age, and begins to read aloud.

    'The heartache that has befallen our families is no curse, but the result of human folly and a love that dared to cross the lines drawn by hatred,' she reads, her voice steady despite the tremor of excitement. Luke, this could be the perspective we've been missing.

    Luke leans in, his analytical gaze scanning the pages. Let's see if there are any mentions of the dagger or the events leading up to the duel.

    They pore over the journal together, their conversation a low murmur in the quiet of the library. With each page turned, the story of the feud unfolds further, revealing a narrative marked by tragedy and misguided vengeance.

    It seems the dagger was indeed at the heart of the conflict, Luke concludes, closing the laptop with a soft click. But not as a weapon, rather as a symbol of unity that was lost in the turmoil.

    Sarah leans back, a mix of relief and resolve in her gaze. "Then our next step is clear. We need to find that dagger, not just to solve

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