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Finding Love and Family
Finding Love and Family
Finding Love and Family
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Finding Love and Family

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Love, fate, and family are the craziest of things...“As he unzipped her dress, Sam softly said, “Matthew, you are the only man who has ever seen me naked and not wanted to violate me...” Then, once he finished, Sam turned back around facing him and dropped her dress to the floor. Matthew turned the lock on his door and walked into her arms.” After living twenty-one years in an institution of abuse, hatred, and forced submission with no knowledge of what love could truly be capable of can Sam find what her heart desperately longs for, what fate seems to have been pushing her towards, or will her brokenness keep her from Finding Love and Family?
Release dateMar 13, 2024
Finding Love and Family

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    Finding Love and Family - Elsie May Hyer

    Chapter One

    A Chance Meeting?

    Master stop! You can’t do this. They are innocent, punish me instead. I am the one who gave them the food! pleaded the young slave girl, Sam, as she rushed in front of the locked farmhouse where a family of five people had been trapped. Lord Bose stood at the ready with a torch in his right hand as two men from his Brute Squad doused the farmhouse with gasoline and oil.

    Get out of my way slave. He shouted at Sam. Someone get this damn slave out of here. He gestured to his Brute Squad. Two of his men came up and grabbed Sam by the arms, trying to carry her away from the farmhouse. Sam began kicking and flailing at the men. Kicking one of the men in a very sensitive spot in between his legs and then headbutting the other, Sam was able to get away from them. She quickly ran back to the front of the farmhouse.

    Master, please don’t, these are innocent lives. Show mercy, please! Sam begged.

    I said get away, you worthless excuse for a girl. Lord Bose commanded as he swung his left hand. It connected with the side of Sam’s face throwing her back almost two feet onto the ground nearby. As Sam lay half-conscious on the ground Lord Bose shouted, Get her out of here, take her to the village square, strip her down to her undergarments and string her up for a whipping. I am tired of her interference. Lord Bose walked towards the farmhouse with the torch outstretched to light it on fire. As Sam was dragged away from the farmhouse towards the village square the last thing she heard were the screams and crying pleas of the family she had helped only hours before.

    Riding home from finishing his tour with the King’s guard, Matthew and his family’s butler, Dean, happened to pass through the village of Blackburn as the sun was setting in the sky. Coming to the village square Matthew noticed a flurry of activity surrounding what looked like a beam set atop two poles. A young woman appeared to be strung up by her shackled hands from the beam, her feet barely touching the platform under her. What could be going on there, Sir? Dean wondered aloud.

    I don’t know Dean, but I’m going to check it out said Matthew as he rode forward towards the flurry of activity. Matthew rode to the edge of the crowd then got off his horse and walked over to a person who could have only been the captain of the guard for the village. What’s going on here? Matthew questioned.

    Oh, just a whipping. replied the man.

    Is this thing common around here? Matthew asked.

    A usual punishment for one of Lord Bose’s slaves. The man replied, continuing Lord Bose likes to humiliate his slaves into behaving and this girl is not one to be easily humiliated.

    Ah, I see…so, who’s in charge around here? Matthew continued to question.

    Lord Bose owns most of the land in this village, Sir, and I am his captain of the guard, Captain Fox at your service the man said, extending his hand out to Matthew.

    Nice to meet you Captain Fox, Matthew replied shaking the Captain’s hand. So, do you know that slave girl’s name? You know, the one being readied for a whipping?

    Her? That’s just Sam. This is her fifth time this month on the whipping line. Captain Fox answered.

    Fifth time? That seems a little excessive don’t you think? What is she being accused of? Matthew asked.

    Unknown replied Captain Fox Lord Bose will be along shortly to lay judgment and announce her crimes. The most I have ever seen her get was one hundred and forty lashes though, so my guess is around fifty this time. As Captain Fox said this Lord Bose stepped on to the platform.

    For the crimes of theft, lying, conspiring to help a known tax debtor, and defying commands, the slave, Sam, shall receive fifty lashes. As Lord Bose finished Sam spat towards the ground hitting Lord Bose’s shoes. For indecent public behavior make that sixty lashes Lord Bose cried out adding ten lashes to Sam’s sentence.

    Down with the tax Lord! Long live the King and Queen! Shouted Sam at the top of her lungs.

    Add ten more lashes for impudence. Lord Bose commanded.

    Seventy lashes, Whew, Sam really has it in for herself. Captain Fox commented.

    A few minutes later Lord Bose walked over to Matthew and Captain Fox. Matthew took a step back as it seemed that the Lord had not come over to talk with him. Captain. Lord Bose commanded.

    Hello Lord Bose, Sir. a slightly less comfortable Captain replied.

    How is that fire situation we came upon working out? Lord Bose asked.

    Almost out, Sir. My men are working on the embers and gathering up the remains as we speak. Captain Fox responded, saluting as he did so.

    Good, now I will need a guard for the slave prisoner tonight. She will be staying on the line until tomorrow at sunset. Can you provide that? Lord Bose asked demandingly.

    Yes, Sir. I will have one of my finest men put on the job, Sir. Captain Fox replied.

    Good. Good night, Captain. Lord Bose said as he turned to walk away.

    Good night, Lord Bose. Captain Fox called out. After Lord Bose had left, Matthew saw the good Captain visibly relax.

    Kind of a hard nut, huh? Matthew joked.

    Who, Lord Bose? He is one mean person to cross. The last Captain was hung for not following one of his commands about six months ago…Oh, no! I don’t have anyone to put on guard duty this evening! What am I gonna do? I guess I’ll have to run home and tell the Missus not to wait up for me tonight. Captain Fox worried and panicked as he informed Matthew.

    Hold up, Captain! Matthew said, gesturing to the Captain to stop panicking. Why does the girl need a guard? To protect her from the villagers? Matthew asked.

    Heck, no. The guard is to protect the villagers from her… Captain Fox started.

    What can she do to the crowd? She is hanging, suspended by her hands…almost immobile. Matthew noted, interrupting Captain Fox.

    She is mean spirited. One time, after the one hundred forty lashes, she was so out of it that she peed on Lord Bose, and then kicked outward and started splashing the urine on the nearby crowd; mostly made up of Lord Bose’s men he calls Brutes. Captain Fox responded. Matthew held back a cruel snicker.

    She sounds fierce. he said sarcastically. Why don’t I take the guard duty off your hands, Captain Fox? Matthew then added.

    You?!? I don’t even know you, Sir. How do I know you won’t up free the slave girl once everyone is gone? Captain Fox asked warily.

    You can keep the keys, Captain, and I will stay with her until her punishment is done. Here, I will even pay you fifty Krona to let me take the duty off your hands. Matthew said, taking the money out of his traveling satchel.

    Eyeing the money Matthew had in his hand, Captain Fox replied, You are very persuasive, Sir…I can see by your uniform that you are part of the King’s guard, so you must be trustworthy enough…Ok, you have got yourself a job. Captain Fox then took the money from Matthew’s hand and quickly stuck it into his pocket.

    Great! My name is Matthew, Captain Fox. Let me just go tell my friend over there… gesturing to Dean, who sat impatiently on his horse, …that I will be staying for a while. Then I will get to work.

    Good, good. That will be fine Matthew. Captain Fox responded as he looked at his watch.

    Matthew walked to his horse and then rode back to Dean. Dean, I need you to ride home and tell Mother and Father that I will be home in another day or two; and then if you would, please ask Father for a loan of one million Kronas.

    One million, Sire?!? a shaken Dean replied. Your Highness, that is a lot of money to ask for. May I ask what you intend to use it for and why I am riding home alone? Dean asked almost demanding.

    Of course, Dean. I have just taken a job to guard the young woman on the platform and I am hoping that one million Kronas will be enough to buy her freedom. Matthew paused for a breath. Also, do not address me here as Your Highness or Prince Benjamin…I am just Matthew, and you are my friend who has served with me in the guard. Got it? Matthew informed Dean.

    Yes Sire, I mean, Matthew. Dean answered. When would you like the money by, Matthew, Sir? Dean asked.

    Bring it back by sundown tomorrow, Dean, I have a feeling I will need it then. Matthew told Dean.

    Of course, Sir. Dean said as he directed his horse towards Kingston Castle and Matthew’s family home.

    Matthew rode back to Captain Fox. All ready, Sir, lead the way. He said as he approached the Captain. Captain Fox led him to the platform. Matthew dismounted and tied his horse to a nearby post.

    Leading Matthew closer to the whipping line that held Sam, Captain Fox said, Ok, Matthew, all you need to do is keep the crowds back from the platform so the prisoner can’t hurt anyone. No need for anything else. And I wouldn’t go talking to the prisoner. This way no one can accuse you of fraternizing with her. He added, I don’t wanna see you in the stocks or on the whipping line with her as well, and Captain Fox chuckled as he walked away whistling. Looking around, Matthew realized that the flurry of excitement he and Dean had walked into had died down and almost no one was nearby.

    Walking closer to Sam, but with his back to her, Matthew coughed a little and looked over his shoulder slightly saying, Ahem, excuse me Miss, but how are you doing today? Sam’s head stayed down, resting on her chest, so Matthew moved a little closer and spoke a little louder, Excuse me Miss, but how are you doing today?

    This time Sam’s head jerked upwards Are you talking to me?!? … If you are then you need some better pickup lines, Sir. Sam replied sarcastically.

    Oh ho, a witty one, I see. Matthew laughed.

    Taking a labored breath and releasing a sigh Sam shook her head Sir, I have had a bad day, and YOU aren’t making it any better. Now, if you wouldn’t mind stepping back a ways and keeping your back turned away from me, I have to pee, and there isn’t any other way for me to do it but to just let it go. Matthew coughed again and moved away just as he heard a small splatter, and the sound of liquid hitting the platform. Sam let out a sigh. My apologies, Sir. There is no nice way to excuse oneself when chained to this beam. Matthew chuckled a bit and moved closer to Sam again, this time turning to half face her.

    Suddenly a little child came running up to the platform yelling, Miss Sam! Miss Sam! Matthew tried to stop the child from coming any closer but to his surprise the boy stopped next to him as Sam addressed him.

    Ben! What are you doing here? You could get into trouble! Sam cried.

    Miss Sam! My mama wanted me to bring you some water. She said you would be awful thirsty after you been whipped. Ben answered, holding out a canteen of sloshing liquid.

    Thank you Ben, just give it to that man over there next to you and you can get back home to your Mother and baby brother. Sam replied, nodding towards Matthew with her head.

    Oh, Miss Sam, my baby brother died last week. Ben said looking saddened. Matthew watched as Sam’s eyes became clouded with tears.

    Ben, I am so sorry! That is awful news. Your poor mama! Sam responded, sounding heartbroken.

    It’s ok, Miss Sam. Mama said he is in heaven with my daddy and not crying from hunger anymore. Ben sniffled.

    Sam lifted her head a bit, looked down at Ben with the gentlest eyes Matthew had ever seen and asked, How are you doing, Ben? concern filling her voice.

    I’m a might bit hungry, Miss Sam. Mama said not to ask, but you wouldn’t have any food or money on you would you? Ben answered with a plea in his voice. Sam laughed out loud at Ben’s comment, and it was the sweetest sound Matthew had ever heard.

    Ben, unfortunately I have nothing to give you today. The Brutes even took my shoes! then Sam paused and looked over to Matthew. Hmm, would you help me out, sir? she asked.

    Me?!? Matthew responded, pointing to himself as if confused.

    Yes, would you reach up and take the hair comb out of my hair and give it to Benjamin over there? she asked, gesturing with her head to Ben, who stood next to Matthew.

    Of course, Miss Sam. Matthew replied. Gently, he reached up and lifted the hair comb out of Sam’s beautiful dark auburn hair as it cascaded down her back to just below her shoulder blades. Matthew took a breath as the wonderful smell of roses and sweet spices, like the smell of a warm cinnamon bun, came wafting off of Sam’s hair.

    Matthew handed Ben the hair comb and Sam looked at Benjamin and said, Now take that over to the pawn shop across the way but mind you…don’t let him give you any less than five Kronas for it. Benjamin ran off headed towards the pawn shop and Matthew thought sarcastically, Yeah, this girl is a seriously mean spirit. A definite danger to the villagers.

    Out loud he said, That was very nice of you. A good repayment for the water. Oh, I can’t drink that. Open it up and pour it out please. Sam stated matter-of-factly. Matthew did as she asked and as he poured the contents of the container he almost lost his lunch. Out of the container came something that could only be described as brown sludge water that smelled like a sewer.

    How did you know? Matthew asked Sam.

    Sam sighed deeply again and said, Last fall the family’s well ran dry from the drought and they started gathering the water they needed from a nearby stream, but the stream is one that connects with a cow pasture and a flour mill nearby, so the water is…

    Filthy. Matthew finished her sentence.

    That is a nice way of putting it. Sam said. Then she continued, Well, I told Ben’s mother that she would have to filter and boil the water to use it, but I know she has recently been ill, so I am assuming that it is not strained or boiled completely. Especially since I am not sure how they are collecting their wood since Ben’s father died over the winter. Sam paused and again looked sad as she said, He was one of the twenty-three deaths that I helped the Vicar bury over the winter…fifteen were children under the age of five…all of them died of starvation or something associated with a lack of food.

    That is ridiculous! Matthew replied, adding, Don’t the people here have enough food to eat?

    "In case you didn’t notice, SIR, people here don’t have much, unless you are part of Lord Bose’s crew or friends. Most farmers here are barely making a living. Sam responded sarcastically angry. Then sadly she continued, The kingdom charges a tax every fall of seventy percent on all they grow, but then Lord Bose takes another twenty five percent, leaving the farmers only…"

    Five percent of what is grown to live off of. Matthew again finished her sentence. Before adding, But that doesn’t make sense because the Kingdom lowered the taxes to forty-five percent three years ago, when the drought first hit; and how did you know all of that? Matthew asked.

    Sir, my mother taught me how to read when I was a child, and five years ago Lord Bose left his tax books open on his desk and I happened to be cleaning in there and had a look…and oh…if the taxes have been lowered that much, Lord Bose never told the tenant farmers…he has been charging the same amount, so he has been making a profit of… Sam was so shocked she couldn’t finish her statement.

    Fifty-five percent! Matthew finished. That’s despicable! He is a low down, dirty cheat. Matthew added.

    Matthew turned towards Sam fully, taking her figure in completely for the first time. His eyes landed on her stomach, which looked much larger than the rest of her figure. Sam blushed slightly. I apologize. Matthew responded. I didn’t mean to be so obvious. He added.

    It’s ok. Sam responded. Then she added, I’m about four months along if my calculations are accurate.

    May I ask who the father is? Matthew asked curiously.

    I am afraid, Sir, that I cannot say. Sam responded

    Because you don’t know? Or you can’t say for your own safety? And please call me, Matthew. Matthew asked, his curiosity piqued even further.

    "Despite that the villagers think of me as a whore, SIR, it is the latter more than the former reason why I cannot tell you. But I can say that the man who sired me is the same man who sired the baby I carry." Sam quipped back.

    You speak of the man as if he were an animal. Is he so ill worth? Matthew asked.

    Sir, he is worse than an animal. He is evil incarnate. Sam’s response made Matthew’s blood chill.

    I understand that is incest and that is horrible, but…

    Rolling her eyes and looking heavenward Sam cut Matthew off and said, Sir, I had hoped to go to the grave with this, but my master is the man I was referring to.

    Lord Bose?!? Matthew half shouted, shocked.

    Yes, Sir…And I am not the only person who is a slave to him and unrecognized as his child. Do you not know of the rule? Sam asked after informing Matthew.

    What rule? Matthew questioned.

    It is the reason my master has only women slaves in his household and the reason even the village knows who my child has been fathered by, though they will not admit it. Taking a breath Sam said. Then she added, The rule goes that any slave to Lord Bose cannot have sexual relations, consensual or otherwise, with any man, well person, and that if any man is caught having done such they shall be castrated.

    Ouch, that is a pretty harsh rule. Matthew responded, placing his hands to sit just in between his legs, over his penis.

    Oh, I wish that was the only harsh rule I lived under. I have seen that rule enforced when a Brute was discovered in a compromising position with a slave, Sir. Sam answered.

    Please, call me Matthew, and why does everyone refer to you as a slave? I thought slaves were a former thing, no longer in existence. Matthew asked.

    Sir… Sam started.

    Matthew, please. Matthew said looking into Sam’s eyes longingly.

    Sighing, Sam finished saying, Matthew, you may have servants, whom you pay, but here in the village of Blackburn, Lord Bose has tenant farmers and slaves, whom he does not pay and whom he treats terribly as I have mentioned.

    You talked about the farmers starving because of his taxes. I guess I am curious as to what else he has done that is abusive to you? Matthew asked.

    Taking a long pause, Sam looked at Matthew, and asked, Do you know why I am here forced to hang from this God be damned beam, stripped down to my underwear, whipped seventy times…knowing full well more is to come tomorrow, Matthew, do you? With only the lights from the surrounding buildings giving any light to the square now as clouds covered the night sky Matthew looked up pondering Sam’s question.

    Lord Bose accused you of the crimes of theft, lying, conspiring to help a known tax debtor, and defying commands, as well as impudence. Are those not the real reason you are here in the village square being punished, Sam? Matthew said finally.

    Sam’s eyes fell as she whispered, If you only knew, Matthew, if you only knew. Matthew got closer, standing right in front of Sam’s face. Sam could feel his breath mixing with hers and she felt that he could probably hear her heartbeat speed up.

    So, tell me then, Sam, I’m all ears. Matthew’s voice lowered to a soft whisper and sounded husky, like his heartbeat had sped up as well.

    The REAL reason I am here is because I was caught coming back from giving my food ration to a nearby tenant farm family. Sam said as she shook her head when she finished, like she was trying to shake away a bad memory.

    How is that a crime?!? Matthew stepped back and half shouted.

    Matthew, shush. You will be caught talking to me and standing so close …it will get you in trouble. Remember what that damn Captain Fox said…no fraternizing with the prisoner. Sam said, slightly panicked with worry.

    Matthew took a step forward again, but it sounds like you were helping, not doing something illegal. And how is any of that stealing? Mattew asked.

    Matthew please step back. Sam pleaded as her stomach let out a low growl that seemed amplified in the empty, night square.

    Oh, my you must be starving if you haven’t eaten today. Matthew said as he reached into his satchel.

    No thank you, Matthew, but if you happen to have some water, I will gladly take some of that. Sam answered, even as her stomach growled again.

    Why only water? When was the last time you ate anything, Sam? Matthew asked. If Matthew had had better light to see her in, he would have seen Sam visibly embarrassed as she sat in silence. Ok, I know you haven’t eaten today. Did you eat yesterday at all? Matthew asked, barely making out the small shake no of Sam’s head. Well, what about the day before? Matthew pushed. Answered with another small shake no of Sam’s head. Have you eaten anything in this week, Sam? Yet another small shake no of Sam’s head. Frustrated, Matthew once again asked Sam his earlier question, When was the last time you ate anything, Sam?

    Sighing heavily Sam said, "I ate an apple last Wednesday, and I was saddened to even do that, but before you ask or demand… I know that a person can go a month without eating, but only a week without drinking so I have kept myself hydrated with water, SIR."

    "Sam, why are you not eating?!? Are you giving your food away every day? And what pray tell is a food ration? Matthew demanded, getting slightly too loud. Sam looked around nervously, and not seeing anyone she spoke.

    Yes. I have been giving my food rations away most days for the last year and a half, Matthew. And a food ration is the amount of food the slaves in Lord Bose’s house are allowed to have each day. Sam paused and then continued, each day we are given two round rolls about the size of my hand, a hunk of cheese, also, about the size of my hand, a fruit, like an apple or whatever is in season, and all the water we can drink. I work in the kitchen most days so when I returned from the family with an empty basket Lord Bose assumed I had stolen food from the kitchen, but I swear I didn’t. Though, if I am honest, he would probably still have called what I did stealing because I didn’t eat it, I gave it away.

    That I don’t understand; and may I add that the amount of food you are given would be barely enough for one good meal. Matthew commented.

    It really isn’t for understanding, Matthew, it is just for following blindly. Sam replied, then took a breath and continued, I know the ration isn’t enough, but it is what we are used to…you would be surprised what a person can get used to.

    So why then are you giving your food away when it is barely enough for you to survive? Matthew wondered.

    I know it isn’t a lot Matthew, but the people of this village are starving, especially the tenant farmers. I had to do something, and even a little bit still matters. Sam responded. Matthew was moved to silence as he contemplated Sam’s words.

    Suddenly, talking was heard coming from the direction of Lord Bose’s manor. Quick Matthew, move away, before you get caught. Sam panicked. But there seemed to be no time as Matthew caught a glimpse of two Brutes coming around a corner.

    Forgive me for this he whispered, and he slapped Sam across the face and started yelling at her almost incoherently.

    Getting closer the Brutes noticed Matthew slap Sam and one of them laughed, She getting to you? What did she do? Proposition you for sex, so she could get free? and he grabbed his friend and pointed.

    The two men got closer, and Matthew wiped his face down, No sir, she was coughing and when I turned to ask her if she was alright, she spat in my face.

    You can’t let your guard down, guard. She is a tricky vixen. She’ll do anything for a price. The first Brute said grabbing her hips and swinging her a little. Sam kicked back slightly and hit the man in the area between his legs. As he started to go down she kicked him in the head. The second Brute stood there laughing at his friend. You whoring bitch, I’ll get you for that. The first Brute seethed at Sam.

    Hold on a minute there big guy. Matthew said, trying to calm down the first Brute as he reached into his satchel. Here is twenty Kronas, why don’t you two boys go get a drink or two on me while I think of how to punish this slave further. Matthew said as he handed the money to the Brutes.

    Yeah, ok…just make sure you knock her about a bit. Thanks. Was the first Brute’s reply as they walked away headed towards the bar in the corner of the village square.

    I am so sorry for all of that. Matthew said as he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

    I’m not sorry about kicking that Brute, Harlan, in the balls, he deserved it. He’s always messing with me and being too handsy. Just because he can. They may not be able to fuck slaves, but they sure try to do everything else to us. Sam replied.

    They really are brutes aren’t they? Matthew commented.

    The whole lot of them. Sam responded. She continued after a breath, Lord Bose picked them out years ago from the village men, all men who believe as he does, and they act a lot like him too. Except that he is the only one who rapes the slaves in his household.

    He rapes you?!? Matthew was shocked.

    Almost every day, did you think I got this way through consent?!? Almost twelve years of my master having his way with me, and now I get pregnant. Sam shook her head sadly.

    Twelve years?!? You’re about my age, that means that he started when you were only about 12 years old!?! Matthew couldn’t hide the shock in his voice.

    Actually, I was about 10, but the abuse started before that, when I was close to six. Sam replied.

    Ok, I don’t think I can take any more of this. Matthew said, shaking his head. I am going to have to agree with you that Lord Bose is evil incarnate…with everything you have told me, there is no other description that fits.

    Oh, you haven’t even heard all of it. This is only part of my punishment. came Sam’s reply. Then Sam became sadder than she had yet, and her voice cracked with the next words she spoke. Lord Bose first decided that the family I had helped had to be punished since they owed taxes and were not able to pay but were able to accept help from me. I didn’t want to tell him who I had helped but he trapped me in a corner and threatened to cut me slowly and watch me bleed to death. I should have let him." Matthew saw Sam’s head droop a little.

    No, Sam, you didn’t deserve to die… Matthew started to say.

    Well, neither did they. Sam retorted angrily. I begged and pleaded with him, but he locked the family into their farmhouse and burnt them alive. I heard them screaming as they dragged me here. I should have just let him kill me…but then he may have hurt more people in his search for the family. Sam let out a shuttered breath and sniffled. Matthew was about to try and comfort her when a small rustling was heard in the brush nearby.

    Who is there? Matthew called out. Come out, before I come in there to pull you out.

    Ok, ok I’ll come out sheesh, calm down. came the reply of a willowy, young girl dressed in pants, a shirt, and a baseball cap as she stepped out from behind the brush.

    Ryder! Sam shouted.

    Sam! So good to see you girl! Just wish it wasn’t always with you strung up after receiving a lashing. Ryder retorted.

    Ha, ha very funny Sam replied. I only ever see you now when you come to help me after a lashing. Ever since you joined that super-secret group of people trying to save the face of the monarchy. Sam said with a sly grin visible on her face in the storefront lights.

    Hahaha, The Big Boss says hi and sends his regards to you as well, Sam. Ryder retorted.

    So when will I get to meet this Big Boss, huh? Sam .

    As soon as you stop getting caught. Five times this month?!? Come on Sam. Ryder replied, acting annoyed.

    Well, hey! You got caught tonight! Matthew called you out. Sam laughed out.

    Aww, he didn’t catch me. I came to see about your back. How many did ya get today? Ryder asked.

    Seventy replied Sam, then after a moment continued, and they were worth it. What wasn’t worth it was the family that lost their lives today because of me. Sam looked down as she contemplated her own words.

    I know it’s sad Sam, but the Big Boss said it wasn’t your fault. When it is your life or another’s…well, no one wins. Ryder replied. Then she brought out a jar and added, Hey, I brought you some balm for your back, the Big Boss says it will help it heal faster and feel better. As Ryder was applying the balm on Sam’s back Matthew thought the smell of the balm smelled familiar. Hmmm, that smells almost exactly like the stuff Ms. Cora would use on my back when I got hurt or Aaron gave me a beating in sword practice, he thought.

    So how is the Big Boss these days? Sam asked as Ryder applied the balm to her back.

    Don’t know, he’s been away a lot lately due to his boss being on active duty or something like that. Ryder replied.

    The Big Boss has a boss? That’s funny, that almost explains why I haven’t seen you in a few weeks, good thing I kept out of trouble. Sam laughed. I wonder…Matthew thought…no it couldn’t be…there is no way that Dean could be…

    Ahem, ladies if you are through. It might be prudent if Ryder leaves soon so she doesn’t get caught. We only have a few more hours until the sun rises. Matthew commented.

    Good thought, Matthew. You had better go, Ryder. I don’t want you caught. Sam said. Sam and Ryder said their goodbyes and Ryder left the way she came, only more silently, which led Matthew to believe that she had made the noise in the shrub originally on purpose. How long had she been there?…he worried.

    We should probably get some sleep, Sam. Not that either of us will sleep well, but it might be a good idea to try. Matthew commented.

    Not sure I’ll be able to get comfortable, but my back does feel better now. I guess I’ll see you in the morning, Matthew, but make sure you keep your distance…I don’t want you getting into trouble on my account. Sam replied.

    Goodnight, Sam. Matthew leaned himself against one of the poles holding up the whipping line as Sam rested her head down on her chest.

    Chapter Two

    A life worth saving?

    All too soon the sun had risen, and people started to bustle around the village square causing Matthew to awaken quite suddenly. So suddenly, that he momentarily forgot where he was and bashed his head against the pole he was leaning on, shaking the whole whipping line. Hey, not how I wanted to be awoken Sam said laughing. With a smile on her face Matthew thought Sam looked beautiful.

    Good morning Sam, how are your arms? Matthew asked.

    "Tired and sore. They will be even worse once I’m taken down at sunset today and put in the stocks for the night.

    Wait?!? Your punishment doesn’t end this morning?!? Matthew said surprised.

    Nope, it gets worse. came Sam’s reply. As Matthew got up he couldn’t imagine how much worse it could get.

    How? He asked.

    Well, this morning Lord Bose will come back, have me stripped down to nothing and whipped another few times or so. Then, after I am in the stocks tonight he likes to come back, when everyone is asleep and have his way with me. Sam responded.

    And this happens every time? Matthew continued asking.

    Not every time, but every time this month. I told you he was cruel. Tomorrow he will make me walk home through the square naked. I wish it ended there, but once I get home I will be beaten, sent to the kitchen, and forced to work…probably with the shackles again. Sam added sadly.

    Good God! the shock on Matthew’s face and in his words could not be hidden. Then he noticed Lord Bose returning and took three steps away from the whipping line towards the people in the square to give Sam and himself some distance. As Lord Bose got closer to the platform Matthew heard him yell to two Brutes walking behind him

    Strip her down completely and get her ready for her lashing. Immediately the Brutes ran ahead and got to work stripping Sam of the last of her coverings she had on, her undergarments. Sam didn’t even fight the men and Matthew, having turned to face Sam, had to hold back the shock he felt when he saw Sam completely naked. She was no more than skin and bone with a bloated belly. How has she survived? Matthew wondered to himself, she is barely more than fifty pounds at best, only her pregnant belly shows any sign of health. Holding his mouth closed Matthew turned around to face the now growing crowd of spectators and started to get to work keeping them away from the platform.

    Back up please! Keep away from the platform! Keep some distance please! He shouted as he patrolled the edge.

    Lord Bose stepped on to the platform and gestured to a nearby Brute who, Matthew saw, held a whip in one hand. Matthew then watched Lord Bose go up to Sam, grab her hair and pull her head back whispering something in her ear. Sam’s face went ashen, and her eyes closed, but other than that she had no other reaction. Lord Bose smiled deviously and stepped forward announcing to the crowd, Upon further investigation it has been found that this slave has been running a ring of thievery and shall be further punished by fifty lashes and a day on the line. Matthew saw the Brute step forward and swing the first time. Though Sam’s body moved, and there was a sharp intake of air, Sam did not make any other sound. Matthew suspected that this infuriated Lord Bose by the very look on his face and the smile dropping to a scowl. Still, Lord Bose did nothing further, and Matthew could not watch Sam get whipped past that first lash, it hurt his heart too much.

    Once fifty lashes had been administered, Lord Bose and the Brutes started off the platform, and Matthew could hold his peace no more, Lord Bose, should the prisoner be naked like this all day? he called out. Lord Bose turned around and stomped up to Matthew.

    Who are you? I don’t recognize you as one of Captain Fox’s men?

    Hesitating Matthew thought quickly. I just came back from the King’s Guard sir and was hired by Captain Fox yesterday since my credentials are high.

    Well then, soldier…for your information, the nakedness of the prisoner is part of her punishment. At sunset Captain Fox will arrive to put her in the stocks and at dawn tomorrow she will be hung until she is dead. I am done with her mutinous ways.

    Matthew’s mouth felt like cotton, and he had to swallow hard before addressing Lord Bose again. Very well, sir. Thank you. And Matthew finished by saluting Lord Bose.

    At ease soldier, keep an eye on this slave…it will be her last day alive. Lord Bose said as he turned back around, stomped back off the platform, and headed back to his manor.

    It was only after Lord Bose had turned the corner out of the Village square and Matthew saw that the crowd had dispersed did he dare to look at Sam again. She was shaking violently, and he could see tears falling onto her naked form. Walking up to Sam, Matthew reached out with his hand and touched her shoulder. GO, AWAY MATTHEW! Sam shouted and then her voice fell as she continued, or else you could find yourself with the same fate. And her sobbing grew louder.

    I will not let you die, Sam Matthew replied thinking to himself, Dean, where are you?

    Matthew stepped away and Sam turned to look at him, asking, and how, pray tell, do you plan on keeping me from the hang man’s noose, Matthew…you’re just a guard…probably working for Lord Bose for all I know.

    I have a plan, Sam. I just hope it will work. Matthew replied, dropping his voice slightly at the end.

    Sam’s eyes fell towards the ground, and she started sobbing again as she said, Perhaps, it is better if I die. Sam remarked.

    Don’t say that Sam. came Matthew’s reply as he rushed over to her. He longed to tear down that stupid contraption and hold Sam close, carrying her back to his home, but he knew he had to wait…at least until sunset. Instead, he removed a handkerchief from his back pocket and slowly wiped Sam’s face, being careful to keep his eyes on her face, for the most part, although it was hard not to think of her bare breasts as they, and Sam’s belly, brushed against his chest ever so slightly. They may have been malnourished, but they were still beautiful, and they were still breasts.

    After wiping Sam’s face, Matthew stepped back quickly and turned around, covering the area in between his legs to give himself time to compose and settle down, and so Sam might not see the bulge that had been growing in his pants during the short time they had stood together. A few minutes after he had calmed himself, a small blur of a child ran up onto the platform screaming Miss Sam! Miss Sam! breathlessly.

    Ben, what are you doing here? Sam questioned.

    Benjamin’s eyes became as wide as saucers as he looked at her and said, WOW! Your belly is REALLY BIG Miss Sam! Are you gonna be a mama? My mama looked like that when she was gonna have my baby brother!

    I am Ben. Now, what are you doing here? Sam replied.

    Oh, my mama said to thank you for the money from yesterday. The guy at the pawn shop gave me ten Kronas for the hair comb! Mama and I were able to eat a HUGE dinner last night and we have more for today! Maybe even tomorrow! Ben said excitedly, before taking a huge breath and continuing, So, THANK YOU! and Benjamin quickly wrapped Sam in a hug, not noticing her wince as his hands touched her back, and then he said a quick bye and ran off down the platform and out of the square. Matthew just shook his head and Sam laughed, smiling.

    He is quite a character, isn’t he? Matthew noted.

    Sam looked at Matthew and replied, I had hoped…one day…to have a few just like him…once. Sighing, she added, but that was before all of my hope for love and a family were crushed out of me.

    Matthew looked at Sam with determination in his eyes and replied, We will get you out of here Sam, I promise. And he meant it, though he was at a loss as to how, if Dean didn’t show up soon.

    So how did you know the Pawn shop man would give Ben more than five Krona for the hair comb? Matthew asked.

    Oh, he and I have a system. Sam replied and then continued, whenever I send a child in I tell them how much the object is worth, minimum, and the pawn shop owner gives them double, even if it really isn’t worth that much. Ryder introduced us. He is one of the people working for the Big Boss.

    Oh, that is a smart system. Matthew replied and then to himself he wondered, How is the money covered though?

    As the sun hit its peak in the day, around lunch time, two of Lord Bose’s Brutes came strolling into the square. One of them called over to Sam, Hey, will see you later, Sam!

    Sam looked up and replied, In your dreams, Harlan!

    Then the other Brute smiled and said, No. Tonight. Lord Bose has us spreading the word that you are a free taking tonight once you’re in the stocks…since he don’t want ya no more.

    The first Brute, Harlan, quickly swung back and backhanded the second Brute in the back of the head, saying, You idiot! We weren’t supposed to tell her that!

    Oh yeah, right…I forgot the second Brute replied rubbing the back of his head as they walked past the platform. Matthew turned around to see a look of horror on Sam’s face.

    Sam, are you ok? He asked.

    Didn’t you hear them, Matthew? Sam answered looking despondent. She continued after a moment’s composure saying, They said that tonight any man in the village will have free game to rape me while I am in the stocks! Anyone! Could my life get any worse than this…oh yeah, I’m going to die tomorrow, great. Matthew finally understood what the two Brutes had been saying and the disgust he felt crawling up his throat was hard to hold back.

    Dean, where the hell are you?!? he cursed under his breath. He knew Sam’s time was running out and he had to get her out of Blackburn Village before night fall.

    Despondent, Sam hung from the line for the rest of the afternoon until a small pssst! sound was heard from the brush that Ryder had come out of the night before.

    Looking up Sam watched as Matthew went over to the brush and smiled as he said, Ryder! Nice to see you again. Ryder stood up out of the brush and handed Matthew a water container.

    Then she leaned closer to Matthew and whispered, You’re Matthew, right!?! Matthew nodded affirmatively. Ryder continued, Well a friend of mine, a fellow runner, gave me a message for you from the Big Boss. He said to tell you that he’s headed here and will be here two hours before sunset and has one MK. Not sure what that means but I hope you know. Ryder shrugged and she started to duck back down.

    Ryder, Thank you! You just saved Sam’s life! Matthew exclaimed as he leaned down to hug Ryder before she disappeared. Then he whispered, Can I ask a favor from you? and he whispered his request in Ryder’s ear and handed her eighty Krona.

    Ryder whispered, You sure? astonished.

    Yes. Matthew answered. Then added, and keep the change. Ryder ducked down and disappeared. Matthew saw her push herself flat against a building headed towards the pawn shop. She sure is good at disappearing, Matthew thought. A short time later, Ryder deposited two packages, a large loaf of bread, a half a wheel of cheese, and two apples just outside the brush for Matthew and disappeared again. Matthew walked over to the brush, picked up the packages and food and put them into his satchel.

    So, what’s in the packages? Sam, who had been watching silently, asked.

    Just some provisions. Matthew replied, and a special something for you, Sam, he thought to himself.

    And how much did all of that cost you? Sam retorted.

    I don’t know exactly, but they were worth it. Matthew answered back. Sam smiled and then closed her eyes and sighed. Are you hungry, Sam? Matthew asked a few minutes later.

    I would love some water. Sam replied. Matthew walked over to Sam with the water from Ryder and slowly poured a small amount into her open mouth. Sam swallowed and opened her mouth again. This time Matthew placed a small piece of bread in her mouth.

    Please don’t spit that out. Matthew pleaded. Sam closed her mouth and chewed slowly.

    Swallowing Sam retorted, You’re going to make me hungry.

    Half smiling Matthew said, Good, because I have more where that came from. You are going to need your energy. For the next half hour, Sam and Matthew shared the food and water Ryder had procured for them.

    Finally, Sam let out a heavy sigh, closed her eyes and said, That’s it, I’m full.

    Good, and there is more leftover for later as well. Matthew said, sighing contentedly also.

    As the time for sunset grew closer and no signs of Dean’s arrival had come Matthew began to get nervous and antsy. Sam had gone to sleep, the best she could, after her filling meal so she wasn’t aware of how antsy Matthew had become. Where are you Dean?!? Matthew muttered under his breath. Suddenly a sharp crack resounded, and Matthew turned to see Captain Fox turning the corner at the opposite end of the Square. Oh, no thought Matthew. Is it almost sunset already?

    As Captain Fox got closer to the platform Sam started to rouse. The first thing she noticed was Matthew’s nervous energy as he paced the platform just in front of her. Is everything ok, Matthew? she called out softly. Matthew took a chance and looked back at her.

    Everything will be fine, Sam. Captain Fox is on his way, but everything will be fine. Sam nodded her head and closed her eyes again. Captain Fox took a step onto the platform and Matthew came to attention saluting. Good Evening Captain Fox, Sir. He called out.

    Good evening Matthew came Captain Fox’s return as he got closer to Sam.

    Sir, don’t we need to wait for Lord Bose to get here? Matthew asked.

    Lord Bose is on his way, Matthew. I figured I might as well get here early and transfer the slave to the stocks before he got here to save time. Captain Fox replied. Suddenly, just as he reached up to unlock the shackles Sam opened her eyes and spit in Captain Fox’s face. Matthew had to turn away to hide the smile and chortle that almost escaped him. Captain Fox jumped back, appalled, and wiped his face with his hands.

    YOU FUCKING BITCH! He screamed. I should have you whipped further for that! Matthew turned around to see a proud smirk on Sam’s face and then he turned and looked to the side to see Lord Bose and four of his Brutes stepping onto the platform.

    Good Evening Lord Bose, sir. He called out as the smirk on Sam’s face fell.

    Captain Fox, why is the slave girl still in shackles hanging there and not in the stocks like we discussed? Lord Bose asked Captain Fox.

    My apologies, sir. I was just about to do as you asked when the girl spat in my face. Captain Fox responded.

    Oh, did she? Lord Bose queried as he stepped up to Sam and grabbed her face in his hand. Well, that might be one of the last acts of defiance she will get to do then, won’t it. He said looking straight at her. Get her down Captain. Lord Bose commanded as he stepped away and wiped his hand down the side of his shirt.

    Captain Fox stepped up, looked at Sam and replied Yes, Sir. And then at Sam he said, You had better not spit on me again girl or I will beat you. Sam stayed silent. Captain Fox reached up, while eyeing Sam, and unhooked her wrists from the shackles that held them. Immediately, Sam collapsed to the floor of the platform, too weak to hold herself up.

    Get her up! Commanded Lord Bose. Matthew stepped in front of the Brutes who were about to follow Lord Bose’s orders.

    Lord Bose, sir. Matthew spoke clearly, even though inside he was shaking nervously. He continued saying, I wondered if I might be able to buy this slave from you.

    Lord Bose looked at Matthew and laughed at him saying, Boy, why would you want to buy this slave from me? She is worthless, head strong, and broken as you can see. Plus, you would have two mouths to feed soon, as you can tell because of her whoring ways.

    Well, sir. Since you don’t want her. I figured you might want to sell her and save yourself the hassle of having to bury her tomorrow after she is hung. Matthew added, hoping to buy time.

    Boy, You don’t have enough money in the world to buy that worthless piece of junk. Lord Bose retorted.

    Try me. came Matthew’s reply as he saw a small cloud of dust roll into the Square, and two horses entered with Dean sitting atop the lead horse. Perfect timing, my friend was all that Matthew could think.

    Lord Bose contemplated Matthew’s challenge and said, Fine, half a million Kronas and you can have her, son. Matthew bent down and helped Sam stand up. Leaning her on his hip and shoulder, he gestured for Dean to move in closer.

    Lord Bose looked in the direction of Matthew’s gesture and Matthew called out to Dean, Dean, please give Lord Bose here half a million Krona.

    As you wish, Matthew. Came Dean’s hesitant reply as he dismounted and opened up a satchel, counting out half a million Krona bills. As Dean did this Matthew walked slowly with Sam to the other horse.

    Coming to the horse he asked her, Do you think you can get on Sam? Sam looked at the horse and shook her head, then Matthew gave her a lifting boost up and onto the horse’s saddle. Dean had finished counting the money out and walked over to Lord Bose, handing him the money.

    Walking back to the first horse Dean mounted up on to it just as Lord Bose called out, Son, who the hell do you think you are? What, did you do, steal this much money?!?

    Lord Bose Matthew started as he placed his riding cloak around Sam gingerly, continuing he added, I am Prince Benjamin Matthew Kingston, second son to his Royal Highnesses King Albert and Queen Isla. Finishing as he mounted the second horse behind Sam, holding the reins around her to keep her secure. Lord Bose’s mouth dropped open as Captain Fox and the four Brutes quickly fell to the platform floor, prostrate. Dean and Matthew, with Sam now wrapped in Matthew’s cloak, then turned the horses towards Kingston Castle and rode out of Blackburn Village Square.

    Chapter Three

    You’ve got some explaining to do

    As soon as the horses had left the Village, Sam seemed to come to her senses and to life. She turned her body to the side to half face Matthew and said, You’re a prince?!? You’re a GODDAMNED FUCKING PRINCE! getting angrier and more irritated by the second, she continued and not just any prince…your Prince Benjamin! Stop this horse immediately! Matthew stopped the horse and looked at her.

    Yes. I am. Now may we continue our journey? We have quite a few hours ride before we get home to the castle, Sam. he replied.

    No. Sam answered, continuing, I refuse to go any further with you. You lied to me. You never told me that you were A PRINCE!!! Sam then tried to slide off of the horse’s saddle, but Matthew held her firmly. LET ME GO! Sam yelled at him.

    You didn’t say, please, Sam. Matthew answered back.

    Taking a breath, Sam more calmly said, Please, Sire, Let me go. I would like to get down off this horse.

    My name is Matthew, to my friends and family, Sam, and NO, you cannot get down. Sam glared at Matthew and then Dean spoke up.

    Sire, perhaps we should stop and procure some clothing for the lady?

    Matthew looked at Dean and said, I have already procured some Dean, thank you.

    Well, Sire, forgive me but perhaps now is a good time to let the lady have them. Dean said giving a small cough at the end and gesturing to the fact that Sam sat with only his riding cloak on around her.

    Matthew sighed and looking at Sam said, If I let you down to dress you have to promise not to run away.

    Master, I promise I won’t run away, but that does not mean I will get dressed either. Sam replied sarcastically. Matthew began to get irritated.

    Sam, I am not your MASTER, and you must dress! It is indecent for a woman to walk, or ride around naked. He said.

    Sam rolled her eyes and said, Master, you bought me, so you got me. Rubbing his hand down his face and rolling his eyes Matthew got down off the horse and held out his arms for Sam to dismount as well. Sliding off the horse’s saddle Sam got down and wrapped the cloak around her tighter.

    Matthew reached into his satchel and pulled out the larger of the two parcels and handed it to Sam whispering, I bought your freedom, NOT you!

    Sam’s eyes gleamed as she replied, Then if I am free YOUR HIGHNESS, I will just be on my way.

    Groaning with exhaustion, frustration, and anger Matthew pleaded, You need to come back with me to the Castle. Having spent half a million Krona on your freedom, my Father will want to meet you and see what the people’s money has been spent on.

    It wasn’t YOUR money that you used?!? Ho ho, how rich! I refuse to go to the Castle, or palace, or any place with you, YOUR HIGHNESS. Thank you for my freedom, and the clothes. Now I must go. Sam said as she hiked the parcel higher in her aching arms.

    Please, please, Sam don’t go! Matthew pleaded as Sam started walking away. If you come with us to the Castle I can promise justice for you against Lord Bose. He added.

    You can’t promise that your Highness. Sam retorted.

    Yes, I can. If you tell your story, my Father will listen and perhaps we can get the Big Boss to help corroborate your story, what do you think Dean? Matthew looked to Dean at the end of his retort.

    Ummm, Yes my Lord. But how did you know? Dean responded.

    Too many coincidences with Ryder and she slipped up and said you were coming, instead of Dean was coming. Matthew replied.

    Ugggh, never trust a messenger or middleman. Dean groaned. Sam laughed.

    Ok, your Majesty. She bowed to Matthew and then continued, I will join you, but I will not ride with you.

    How else will you get to the Castle then? Matthew retorted.

    After I am dressed I will ride with Dean. Sam said looking to Dean. Dean became nervous and fidgeted with the reins on his horse.

    Fine, ride with Dean. It does not matter to me who you ride with, so long as you accompany us. Matthew responded. Dean’s nerves seemed to calm down and he laughed a bit when Sam stepped out from behind a large rock and tree formation that she had ducked behind to get dressed.

    Where did you get these clothes, my Lord? Sam asked as she modeled some baggy brown pants and an oversized green shirt with a tan vest.

    Good God! Matthew said, slapping himself on the head. I told Ryder to get some clothing appropriate for riding for you!

    Laughing Sam responded, Well, I guess this is what Ryder thought was appropriate, my Lord!

    Perhaps, Cora can round up a decent dress for you to meet my parents in when we get home to the castle. Matthew quipped.

    Could that come with a warm meal, my Lord? Sam asked as she held her stomach to stop the noises coming from it. This time it was Matthew’s turn to laugh, and his laugh made Sam smile.

    You did warn me that feeding you would make you hungry. Matthew said laughing. I guess after almost two weeks with only one apple to eat, one meal today is not enough. He added. Then he pulled an apple, a hunk of bread, and a piece of cheese out of his satchel and gave it to Sam. Here, you can eat this on the way, and yes, I also promise you a warm meal when we get home…oh, and please stop calling me by the honorifics…I am just Matthew.

    No, My Lord, you are a PRINCE, and I am nothing but a freed slave. I will call you by the honorifics, as you call them, to show you the respect you deserve. Sam replied and walked over to Dean’s horse.

    As Dean pulled her up in front of him he chortled a little and said, She is right my Lord.

    Don’t you start, Dean Matthew replied as he got onto his horse. She has been calling me Matthew for more than a day now, why does that have to change? he added questioningly.

    Because you changed, my Lord. Came Sam’s reply with more chortled laughter from Dean.

    As the three companions rode on to the Castle, Matthew shared the rest of the remaining food and water, all of them ate hardily, and Dean shared some things with Sam and Matthew. Just wait until you taste some of Cora’s food, Miss Sam. She is the best cook. Dean said, smiling to himself. Sam turned back and caught the smile though.

    Really Dean? Are you sure there isn’t more you like about Cora, outside of her food? You almost look a little bit enamored, possibly even in love with Cora. Sam

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