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Mastering Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Learn the Basics
Mastering Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Learn the Basics
Mastering Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Learn the Basics
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Mastering Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Learn the Basics

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About this ebook

Are you prepared to take a quick look at the fascinating world of Python programming? You should read this book. Long books, pricey online courses, or challenging Python tutorials are no longer necessary for wasting your time and money learning Python.

What this book provides...

Mastering Python: Even if you have never written before, you can easily master the language by breaking down complex ideas into manageable steps.

Exact Selection of Python Examples: Exact selection of examples is used to clarify every point. You don't need to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples because all of the examples' output is supplied instantly.

Selecting topics with care: The topics have been chosen to provide you with a wide overview of Python without overloading you with too much knowledge. Concepts from object-oriented programming, error-handling strategies, file-handling strategies, and other subjects are covered.

Quickly Learn The Programming Language Python: To accommodate the time-pressed individual, concepts are conveyed in a "to-the-point" manner. You may start coding right away and learn Python in a single day with this book.

You will get knowledge of: - What is Python?
What program is required to write and execute Python programs?- What do variables mean?

Which Python data types are commonly used?
- What Do Tuples and Lists Mean?
- How strings are formatted
- How to display outputs and receive input from the user
- How to use loops to regulate the program's flow
- How to deal with exceptions and mistakes
- What are modules and functions?
- How to create your own modules and functions - and much more

I encourage you to finish reading this book if you have already been persuaded. I can assure you that as you delve deeper into each of the areas, you will realize the full practical potential of programming and that you are far more capable than you ever could have dreamed. When you put in the appropriate amount of time, are tenacious, and respect self-learning, scheduling is not tough. You'll discover that overcoming the difficulties encountered in code development is satisfying, and after a long day of study, you'll be inspired to keep going and hungry for more information when you can see the results of your efforts.

PublisherVere salazar
Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Mastering Python: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Learn the Basics

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    Mastering Python - Vere salazar

    we,lcome, to python

    hi! this book is made, for all those, pe,ople, who like, to work with compute,rs and who want to e,nte,r this world at a de,e,pe,r le,ve,l through the, programming language,, which is the, me,ans of communication be,twe,e,n us and the, te,chnology that we, use,. allows to e,liminate, the, barrie,rs be,twe,e,n the, digital world and ours, taking control through orde,rs, conse,cutive, actions, data and algorithms that control the, physical and logical be,havior of a machine,. programming possibilitie,s are, unlimite,d. we, can obse,rve, it from some,thing as e,ve,ry day as the, apps on our ce,ll phone, to incre,dible, cre,ations in robotics and artificial inte,llige,nce,. if you are, re,ading this, it is be,cause, you have, discove,re,d the, pote,ntial that programming has as a profe,ssional care,e,r in a world that, due, to various circumstance,s.

    advantage,s of be,coming a programme,r

    if you are, he,re, out of curiosity, be,cause, you have, alre,ady found some, information about the, programme,r's world, but have, not ye,t de,cide,d if you want to maste,r a programming language,, i will te,ll you that be,ing a programme,r brings many attractive, be,ne,fits. among the, re,asons that e,xist to be, a programme,r, we, can me,ntion the,se, te,n:

    if you are, alre,ady convince,d, i invite, you to continue, re,ading this book. i promise, you that the, more, you go into e,ach of the, topics pre,se,nte,d, you will discove,r all the, pote,ntial that programming has in a practical way and that you are, capable, of doing much more, than you imagine,d. sche,duling is not difficult whe,n you inve,st the, right amount of time,, are, pe,rsiste,nt, and value, se,lfle,arning. you will find that solving the, challe,nge,s face,d during code, de,ve,lopme,nt is re,warding, and whe,n you can visualize, your cre,ations afte,r a day of study, you will fe,e,l motivate,d to continue, and e,age,r to know more,.

    why choose, python?

    le,t's start by unde,rstanding why we, choose, the, programming language, that we, will be, le,arning. python 32 is a high-le,ve,l, cle,an, e,le,gant, agile,, and simple, programming language,. unlike, many of the, gre,at succe,sse,s that e,xist in the, marke,t, python was cre,ate,d by guido van rossum, who de,ve,lope,d all the, compone,nts of this language, but doe,s not alone, re,ce,ive, the, me,rit of what we, have, today, as thousands of programme,rs and othe,r anonymous profe,ssionals have, contribute,d to its improve,me,nt and e,xpansion. the, cre,ation of python occurre,d unde,r the,se, circumstance,s according to the, words of the, cre,ator himse,lf:

    in de,ce,mbe,r 1989, i was looking for a 'hobby' programming proje,ct that would ke,e,p me, busy during christmas we,e,k. my office, (…) would be, close,d, but i had a compute,r at home, and not much e,lse, in my hands. i de,cide,d to write, an inte,rpre,te,r for the, ne,w scripting language, i had be,e,n thinking of late,ly: a de,sce,ndant of abc that would appe,al to unix / c hacke,rs. i chose, python as a working title, for the, proje,ct, be,ing in a slightly lighte,r mood. irre,ve,re,nt (and a huge, monty python's flying circus fan).

    guido cre,ate,d python ke,e,ping in mind that he, wante,d this to be, an e,asy and intuitive, language,, be, ope,n-source, so that e,ve,ryone, could contribute, to its de,ve,lopme,nt, be, a code, as unde,rstandable, as e,nglish itse,lf, and be, allowe,d to de,ve,lop in a short time, to achie,ve, e,ve,ry day usage,.

    python has common e,xpre,ssions that make, it re,quire, fe,we,r line,s of code, to pe,rform basic tasks than othe,rs that e,xist on the, marke,t. some, e,ve,n de,fine, this programming language, as minimalist. python's syntax is ve,ry frie,ndly and is its most promine,nt e,le,me,nt.

    at first, it was de,signe,d for unix. late,r, it was include,d in othe,r ope,rating syste,ms, so that today we, can use, it on windows and mac os as we,ll. the,re, will ne,ve,r be, a proble,m with pe,rformance, as long as the, corre,ct inte,rpre,te,r is use,d. it is also multiparadigm (a paradigm indicate,s the, way to solve, a proble,m) since, it allows you to cre,ate, programs with more, than one, programming style,. allowing programme,rs to choose, the, be,st paradigm for e,ach proje,ct, since, all proble,ms re,quire, spe,cific solutions, make,s it more, e,ffe,ctive, and e,fficie,nt. it is also multipurpose, as it has a multipurpose, nature,. for e,xample,, r is good for data scie,nce, and machine, le,arning, but not in we,b de,ve,lopme,nt. with python, you can do e,ve,rything at once,.

    as if this we,re, not e,nough, it has a standard library provide,d by the, official python we,bsite,, which provide,s many fre,e, re,source,s. it also has a multitude, of unofficial librarie,s, which allows the,m to e,xe,cute, comple,x functions more, e,asily than othe,r language,s. all of this thanks to the, act that it is an ope,n code,, which allows the, ge,ne,ral public to modify it according to the,ir ne,e,ds and that. in addition, the, code, is constantly improving, which me,ans that your le,arning will be, low cost, you will be, able, to work without the, ne,e,d for a lot of inve,stme,nt e,ach proje,ct and the,re,fore,, and you will turn programming into a ve,ry profitable, activity. you will ne,ve,r be, alone,! python has a community of de,ve,lope,rs looking to contribute,, share,, and de,ve,lop ne,w software,,

    python brings toge,the,r the, be,st

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