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Computer Programming: A Simplified Entry to Python, Java, and C++ Programming for Beginners
Computer Programming: A Simplified Entry to Python, Java, and C++ Programming for Beginners
Computer Programming: A Simplified Entry to Python, Java, and C++ Programming for Beginners
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Computer Programming: A Simplified Entry to Python, Java, and C++ Programming for Beginners

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About this ebook

Are You Ready to Dive into the World of Coding?

Are you on the hunt for a dependable beginner's guide to take your first steps into the fascinating realm of coding? Perhaps you're pondering which programming language aligns best with your unique needs. Look no further!

The initial approach to coding is pivotal, and having a seasoned programmer's guide can make all the difference. In today's competitive landscape, possessing a solid understanding of various programming languages gives you a distinct advantage in job applications, professional relationships, and launching a successful career as a Web Developer, Software Engineer, or App Developer.

What Does This Book Offer?

This comprehensive introduction to the programming world requires no prior data science knowledge. Inside its pages, you'll find:

First Steps: Explore common terms, definitions, data types, variables, and operators—the building blocks of coding.
Understanding Object-Oriented Programming: Uncover the significance of this powerful paradigm.
Grasping Program Structure and Execution: Learn how programs come to life.
Comparing Python, Java, and C++: Understand the differences and choose your path.
Discovering the Joy of Coding: Explore the fun aspects and diverse applications of this skill.

And that's not all! By gaining a strong foundation in programming, you'll unlock a multitude of job opportunities and open doors to exciting possibilities. Let's embark on this coding journey together!

PublisherLena Neill
Release dateFeb 27, 2024
Computer Programming: A Simplified Entry to Python, Java, and C++ Programming for Beginners

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    Computer Programming - Lena Neill


    So, you're, inte,re,ste,d in le,arning to code, but don't know whe,re, to start? this book is going to be, your one,-stop shop for e,ve,rything coding. we, will give, you a brie,f ove,rvie,w of what coding is and how it can make, a diffe,re,nce, in any industry, the,n we,'ll go into why it's e,sse,ntial for e,ve,ryone, from high school stude,nts to se,niors. we,'ll also provide, some, re,source,s on le,arning for fre,e, and te,aching yourse,lf more, advance,d skills on your own time,.

    What is coding?

    Coding is the, proce,ss whe,re, you put instructions into a particular compute,r language,. the, compute,r can unde,rstand this code,, and the, code, can control how the, compute,r functions, which in turn he,lps pe,ople,, accomplish the,ir goals. coding is one, of the, faste,st-growing and highe,st-paying jobs in ame,rica. (bure,au of labour statistics, 2015) if you've, e,ve,r use,d an atm or use,d a cre,dit card to pay for some,thing, coding was use,d to he,lp make, that happe,n.

    How doe,s it work?

    A programme,r write,s code, using spe,cial programs on your compute,r ke,yboard or a te,xt e,ditor, such as note,pad on windows or te,xte,dit on os

    The, code, te,lls the, compute,r what to do or how to function, like, the, instructions on a pie,ce, of pape,r that you are, writing. this code, can he,lp a pe,rson do anything that re,quire,s programming skills like, making game,s, conne,cting e,le,ctronic de,vice,s, programming robots, and so much more,. why is it important?

    Programming skills are, e,sse,ntial in e,ve,ry industry. many jobs in te,chnology re,quire, coding such as software, e,ngine,e,rs, te,chnicians, and it spe,cialists.

    E,ve,n more, than the,se, jobs, othe,r positions in te,ch fie,lds don't have, programming skills at all but inste,ad re,quire, e,xpe,rtise, in spe,cific programs and language,s. in schools, coding is ofte,n use,d to te,ach stude,nts all the, skills ne,e,de,d for succe,ss in many diffe,re,nt industrie,s. coding can give, stude,nts the, e,xpe,rie,nce, the,y ne,e,d to make, some,thing happe,n, le,arn how to be, inde,pe,nde,nt and cre,ative,, and work we,ll unde,r pre,ssure,. it's nothing to be, afraid of; it's just programming!

    Whe,re, can i le,arn?

    The,re, are, ple,nty of re,source,s out the,re, on the, inte,rne,t to ge,t you starte,d. the,re, are, many re,source,s available, online, for fre,e, or for a small fe,e,, such as code,cade,my, code, acade,my,, and ude,my. you may e,ve,n want to try your own hands at cre,ating code, from scratch - you might have, some, ide,as alre,ady. all you ne,e,d is a compute,r, an inte,rne,t conne,ction, and some, motivation.

    Code, your goals!

    This is only the, be,ginning of whe,re, coding can take, you in your life,! you'll be, able, to use, this knowle,dge, to le,arn more, advance,d skills that will have, more, me,aning for you on your own time, - te,aching yourse,lf how to use, more, advance,d software, language,s like, c++ or python. maybe, you'll be,come, a we,b de,signe,r and cre,ate, your site,s or applications to he,lp you le,arn more, about your skills. this is the, time, of your life, - take, it!

    Coding is just a small ste,p in the, large,r te,chnology industry, and anyone, can take, that ste,p with you. it's truly as fun as it sounds and will te,ach you things that can be, applie,d throughout life,. if you're, re,ady to dive, in, we,'ll se,e, you the,re,!

    Chapte,r 1: common te,rms and the,ir de,finition

    Coding: conve,rting a proble,m into code,, or a string of symbols and language, that a compute,r can proce,ss.

    Html: hype,rte,xt markup language,, or how the, information on your site, is pre,se,nte,d to use,rs. html is use,d for formatting te,xt, picture,s, links, vide,o, and audio.

    Javascript: a programming language, use,d for we,b de,ve,lopme,nt make,s it e,asie,r to build inte,ractive, we,bsite,s and add e,ffe,cts like, scrolling boxe,s and drop-down me,nus. javascript allows you to cre,ate, more, dynamic page,s that work faste,r than the, static page,s produce,d from pure, html can achie,ve,.

    Node,.js: a javascript frame,work that allows you to build powe,rful re,al- time, applications using an e,ve,nt-drive,n and non-blocking i/o mode,l. jque,ry: a javascript library that simplifie,s html docume,nt trave,rsing, e,ve,nt handling, animating, and ajax inte,ractions for rapid we,b de,ve,lopme,nt.

    Re,sponsive, de,sign: making a we,bsite, adapt its de,sign to diffe,re,nt scre,e,n size,s (smartphone,s, table,ts, laptops, e,tc.) without affe,cting the, layout or functionality of the, we,bsite,.

    Te,st-drive,n de,ve,lopme,nt: automate,d software, te,sting me,thod or frame,work base,d on cre,ating te,st case,s from an incomple,te, spe,cification. it asse,rts that de,ve,lope,rs should spe,cify code, be,fore, writing it.

    Basic words use,d in coding.

    Abbre,viation: shorte,ne,d form of te,xt or a group of words. e,ve,ryday use, is to give, organizations a short and me,morable, name, so that pe,ople, can re,me,mbe,r the,m e,asily. it is also use,d as an informal way to e,xpre,ss complicate,d conce,pts or ide,as by using only some, part of the, whole, world, which he,lps save, time, whe,n re,ading the, abbre,viation and typing it. for e,xample,, max in maxwe,ll can also be, use,d to de,scribe, a variable, in math formulas, and similarly, x1000 may be, de,scribing a million (1000x) rathe,r than be,ing an actual numbe,r (1x1000).

    Acce,ssibility: the, e,ase, of acce,ssing conte,nt on a we,bsite, or othe,r me,dia. many diffe,re,nt aspe,cts make, up a we,bsite,'s acce,ssibility, including de,sign, conte,nt, and te,chnology.

    Api: application programming inte,rface,. a se,t of routine,s, protocols, and tools for building software, applications

    Cache,: te,mporary storage, available, on the, we,b browse,r of your compute,r or mobile, de,vice, that store,s data in a faste,r or more, e,fficie,nt manne,r than it is re,trie,ve,d from the, site, itse,lf. it allows the, browse,r to load we,bsite,s more, quickly by storing commonly acce,sse,d we,b page, e,le,me,nts like, te,xt, graphics, and sounds. caching also e,nable,s use,rs to acce,ss online, information e,ve,n if the,re, is no inte,rne,t conne,ction available, at the, time,.

    Challe,nge,-re,sponse, authe,ntication: a type, of se,curity protocol whe,re, a use,r is first challe,nge,d to provide, some, information about the,m and the,n pre,se,nte,d with a re,sponse, calculate,d on that original information that the,y must e,nte,r or re,-e,nte,r to proce,e,d.

    Characte,r e,ncoding: the, me,chanism for re,pre,se,nting te,xtual data by conve,rting it into a se,que,nce, of (usually) 8-bit characte,rs using an alphabe,t and/or characte,r se,t.

    Command line,: in computing, command line,s are, a te,xt-base,d way to communicate, with a

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