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Blood Torn: The Immortals, #2
Blood Torn: The Immortals, #2
Blood Torn: The Immortals, #2
Ebook242 pages3 hours

Blood Torn: The Immortals, #2

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Dying opened up a whole new world for Emma. A world of vampire gifts, cravings, and betrayal. Now a vital member of the team, Emma and her friends are hunting down the vampire responsible for the downfall of the Haven: her sister. 


Emma knew it wouldn't be easy, but the challenges soon become too much. Determined to destroy her sister and end the war between the Immortals and the half-blood rogues, Emma seeks out the imposing Astley brothers, Henry and Charles, hoping to form an alliance with the Immortal family.


As Emma is drawn deeper into the dark world of the Astley's estate, she begins to question if the brothers are truly her allies or if they have a secret agenda—one that will put everything she loves at risk.

PublisherBHC Press
Release dateMay 21, 2024
Blood Torn: The Immortals, #2

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    Blood Torn - Shelley Wilson



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    Blood Torn

    Copyright © 2024 Shelley Wilson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please write to the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published by BHC Press

    Library of Congress Control Number:


    ISBN: 978-1-64397-391-3 (Hardcover)

    ISBN: 978-1-64397-392-0 (Softcover)

    ISBN: 978-1-64397-393-7 (Ebook)

    For information, write:

    BHC Press

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    Plymouth, MI 48170

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    For anyone who has felt

    the cloak of darkness and

    battled back into the light.


    The dagger flew through the air, slamming into the target with a resounding thud that echoed through the wooded glade.

    Emma didn’t hesitate and threw dagger after dagger, each blade finding its place in a neat line down the trunk of the old oak.

    What’s that poor tree ever done to you? Kai sauntered into the clearing and propped himself against one of the tall pine trees circling the edge of the area. The crunch of fallen pine needles beneath his boots cut through the silence of the forest.

    Emma ignored his quip and gathered her daggers from the trunk.

    Is this it then? Kai continued. You’re going to keep isolating yourself out here in the woods and blaming yourself for everything?

    "I am to blame for everything," Emma snapped, securing her blades into the close-fitting jacket she wore. The days of wearing comfortable clothing had gone. These days her attire consisted of old army surplus uniforms. It’s what Amelia wore, and if she was going to kill her sister, she would have to act, think, and look like her target.

    It’s my fault that Flora and Jess died, she muttered. And it’s my fault Thomas is dead. Nothing you say will change that.

    Kai pushed himself off his leaning post and walked across the clearing to inspect the deep grooves in the trunk of the oak. With a satisfied grunt he moved to stand in front of her.

    This war began long before you were born, Emma. It was started by Immortal families who got out of control, and we—he waved his hand between them—are going to make it right so that all the half-bloods are safe in this world.

    Panic began rising in Emma’s chest. The anxiety attacks had been coming more often, but so far she had managed to contain them to when she was alone. Standing here, in front of Kai, she worried about falling apart.

    She took a deep breath and looked up at Kai. None of us are safe while Amelia is still in this world.

    I’m not saying that Amelia isn’t a big problem—she is—but Cara is building something special here at the New Haven, and we need you to be a part of that.

    The bright sunshine broke through the canopy of leaves and illuminated the clearing they stood in. A butterfly danced across the space, enjoying its brief moment of freedom. In her heart, Emma knew what they had achieved by taking control of Hartfield Manor and that turning it into a sanctuary for vampires was life-changing. She saw the results every day as new arrivals streamed through the gates, searching for a place to belong.

    She had felt like those seeking refuge once. Her entire life had been tainted by darkness. That was her reason for never connecting, having no friends to call her own, and living such a solitary and lonely existence. Lost, forgotten, and broken. She had searched for her grandmother and found a new family instead. Together they had brought down one of the Immortal families, but at what cost?

    They had taken Hartfield Manor one year ago and turned it into a safe space for the half-blood vampires who needed their protection. One year had passed since Emma watched her sister cut down their father. One year since James had betrayed her. One year since something deep inside her broke, and she’d told herself the only way to fix it was revenge.

    Cara is a natural leader, she said, bringing her thoughts back to the clearing and shaking off the ghosts of the past. She doesn’t need me. None of you need me.

    That’s not true. Kai reached his hand out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. We all need you.

    Emma moved away from Kai’s touch, and a stab of guilt shot through her as his hand dropped away. He had been the one to pull her back when the grief had overwhelmed her. It was Kai who had taken Flora’s severed head and laid her to rest in the small graveyard they’d discovered behind the mansion. He had sat with Emma night after night on the grand leather sofa in the living room when the nightmares tore through her dreams.

    She knew he wanted more, although he had never said so. It was evident in the way he spoke to her, how he looked at her when he thought she didn’t notice, and in his simple gestures and touches. In her other life—her human life—she would have been elated to have such a handsome and attentive boy by her side, but her vampire life was different. This life was shrouded in her ancestors’ darkness and soaked in blood, fear, and regret.

    I’ll come down and check in with Cara, she said, hoping to brush over the awkwardness of the situation and avoid the pain in Kai’s expression. It would be nice to see the gang again.

    She gave him a small smile. She did genuinely want to check on her friends. They were the family she had been lucky enough to choose for herself—a small nest of vampires who understood each other, anticipated each other’s needs, and protected one another. In the beginning, she had felt like an outsider, afraid that she would never break through the impenetrable walls of this unit, but they had opened their hearts to her, and she had gladly embraced them as her own. She was well aware that isolating herself for days at a time in the woods over the past year and avoiding the comings and goings at the New Haven weren’t conducive to her being a valuable member of the nest, but cutting herself off was the only way she knew to keep her family safe.

    They made their way from the clearing atop the hill and followed the pathway down to Hartfield Manor.

    The old mansion gleamed in the early morning sunshine, and Emma marvelled at its existence once again. This was her ancestral home. Hartfield Manor, the seat of power for the Hartfield Immortal family, of which she and her twin sister Amelia were the only surviving members.

    Their father had once talked about a new way of living, with her and Amelia reunited under one roof.

    Immortal families need help to find their way in the new world. We have lived without female guidance for too long. The vampire curse left us feral and fighting amongst ourselves. I’ve lived so many lifetimes, and the only one that mattered was the one I spent with your mother. Restoring the Immortal families doesn’t mean returning to the old ways. It means finding a new path.

    Cara believed they were building that new way like a phoenix rising from the ashes, but too many variables kept Emma awake at night. Amelia was her biggest concern. Her twin sister was evil to her core, which meant she was unpredictable—a danger to humans and vampires alike.

    Evil. Emma often thought about the complexities of such a small word. Yes, Amelia was soulless and damaged, but they had been born of the same mother—from the same womb. How was it possible that one sister could be made of light and the other of darkness?

    Perhaps her father had once hoped that Emma would prevail and kill Amelia so the family name could be restored. Instead, Amelia had murdered their father, killed key figures in the Haven, and disappeared.

    The small graveyard at the back of the mansion came into view as Emma and Kai continued along the path behind the property. The sun was warm against Emma’s face as she surveyed their surroundings, but the pleasant heat couldn’t penetrate the lump of ice that sat in her chest.

    Kai had discovered when he buried Flora that Emma’s mother was also buried there. It had become a safe space for Emma to sit with her thoughts, although these days most of her thoughts were troublesome and dark. The faces of those they had lost haunted her dreams.

    Kai caught her looking at the gravestones in the distance and laced his fingers with hers. You’re not alone here, Emma. We’re with you every step of the way.

    She smiled up at him and squeezed his hand, but she didn’t move away this time. The feel of his hand in hers gave her a small amount of strength, and right now, she needed that.


    The operations room was bustling when Emma and Kai stepped through the open door.

    A year ago, this room had been Amelia’s bedroom and the site of the horrifying discovery of Flora’s severed head in a jar.

    Cara had instructed everything be removed and had made the room the centre for operations—a place where missions were discussed, plans drawn up, and achievements celebrated.

    To Emma, it would always be a cold and haunting space.

    Here’s our girl! Dylan swooped in and picked Emma up, spinning her in a full circle before letting her go.

    Emma laughed, and it felt good. Maybe staying up in the woods so often wasn’t the best idea she’d had. When she was in the company of her nest, Emma knew what it felt like to be loved and cherished. If only the fear of that darkness in her soul would allow her to embrace that fully.

    Was she attacking the oak trees again? Dylan asked Kai, who grinned and nodded.

    Yep, she’s obliterated half the woodland.

    Oh, you guys are hilarious. Emma punched Dylan playfully in the arm before striding over to where Simran stood by the window.

    Glad to see you’re back in the land of the living! Well, sort of. Simran winked and laughed out loud. The musical sound tugged at something in Emma’s heart. We miss you when you hide away in the woods.

    I’m sorry, Sim. I just needed time to think. Disappearing into those woods every few days helps me clear my head.

    Simran squeezed Emma’s arm and nodded. She knew better than anyone what they had lost a year ago. Jess had been Simran’s closest friend in the nest, and when Amelia’s half-blood army had killed her, it had left a hole in the girl’s life. These days, she filled that hole with Zayn, a young pyrotechnic, but the pain still shone from her beautiful face.

    Cara breezed into the room; her long legs wrapped in black leather trousers made her look even taller and more authoritative than ever. Her second in command, Pierce, followed close behind.

    Our scouts have found evidence of dead vampires across the moors. They tell me it resembles a trail of breadcrumbs leading toward the Astley estate, Cara said. We have no reason to believe that the Astley Immortal family is carrying out these murders as of yet, but we can’t assume they haven’t used the current situation for their own gain. However, I have every suspicion that Amelia is behind the murders and is trying to make it appear like the Astley family is to blame.

    I agree, Kai said, stepping to the front of the room. When I joined the scouting party earlier this week, we found two rogue nests that had been decimated, but I also found this. He held up a blade that Emma recognised instantly.

    Kai brandished James’s sword above his head, and it dislodged something in Emma’s chest. She clenched her teeth together so hard she thought she might break her jaw. Was James dead?

    As if sensing Emma’s rising anxiety, Simran spoke up. Can you confirm that James is dead?

    Kai shook his head. We don’t believe so. There was no blood splatter by the sword. It’s possible he had to leave it behind when they fled the scene.

    Emma turned away from the discussion that continued around her and stared out of the window across the green lawns of Hartfield Manor. The flower borders were in full bloom, splashing bright colours across the landscape. Swallows dipped and darted across the blue sky. Everything beyond the window looked normal.

    It’s okay to feel relief, Simran whispered. He might be the bad guy, but you have history, and those feelings can’t be switched off so easily. She rested her hand over Emma’s.

    Relief was precisely what Emma felt, but she also felt shame, guilt, and disgust at herself. James had been instrumental in killing her friends and Flora. He had broken through her walls and found a small opening in her heart. She despised herself for letting her guard down and falling in love.

    I want to hate him with every fibre of my being, Emma said softly, leaning against her friend for support.

    I know, Simran said, but maybe it’s time to start letting go of the past and start looking at what’s standing right in front of you.

    Emma glanced over at her friend, who nodded to the front of the room where Kai stood in deep discussion with Cara and Pierce, his hand still clutching James’s sword.

    I can’t, Emma said. It wouldn’t be fair to Kai or the rest of you when it all goes horribly wrong.

    Simran laughed. Not the reaction Emma had been expecting.

    What makes you assume it will go wrong? Kai has been by your side over the past twelve months, Emma. He’s been your rock, but for some reason, you can’t see it.

    Emma watched Kai talk to the other vampires in the operations room. He oozed leadership qualities in the way he spoke kindly to the new arrivals and respected those older than him. His strength in the face of all the horror they had been through had pushed him into the spotlight, helping him become a valued friend to so many. He cared about everyone in the sanctuary and was driven in his goal to find other half-bloods who still lived in fear.

    Emma did have solid feelings for Kai, she couldn’t deny that, but she needed to deal with what she felt for James first.

    No. Emma turned back toward the window again. I need to stay on mission, and that means hunting down my sister before she tears the world apart.

    The sadness that swept over Simran’s face wasn’t lost on Emma. She knew that Simran only wanted what was best for her friends, but she couldn’t begin to understand how deep the darkness was that penetrated Emma’s soul.

    Revenge was the only thing that would, and could, set her free.

    Cara issued the latest missions to each nest, excluding Emma from all of them. It was her way of keeping Emma safe until they were able to fully assess the threat Amelia posed.

    As Emma watched her nest go out on their scouting missions, she never once questioned Cara’s decision to keep her behind. In her own mind, Emma knew that being in the field might trigger something within her that none of her friends should witness.

    Do you really believe the Astley family is innocent? Emma and Cara were the only two left in the operations room as the sky turned overcast and the threat of rain hovered on the horizon.

    Honestly? I don’t know what to believe. For centuries the Astley family have kept themselves out of all vampire business. It’s like they wanted to distance themselves from the chaos and ruin distributed by the other Immortal families, but lately, there have been rumours and whispers from my sources.

    Maybe the downfall of the Hartfields and the Deverouxes has made them bolder. Amelia is certainly crazy enough to force any sensible vampire to run and hide. Perhaps the Astleys are venturing out to see what destruction my family left behind.

    The Hartfields may be your blood family, but you are as far removed from being one of them as you can get. Cara rested her hand on Emma’s shoulder. But I can’t deny that your family name still has weight behind it, which is why I have a special mission for you.


    She wants you to what? Dylan paced up and down the bedroom carpet until Emma was dizzy.

    It’s a reasonable request under the circumstances, she said. I’m an Immortal and a Hartfield. The Astley family might be set on having no dealings with half-bloods, but they can’t deny me access.

    I get the Immortal family link, but you can’t think they’re just going to let you walk in for a spot of afternoon tea on the back lawn.

    Simran chuckled and laced her arm through Dylan’s. Emma will be perfectly safe. She’ll have Kai with her the entire time.

    Kai stood with his back to the room, staring out into the woodland that ran along the side of the property.

    It’s one meeting, Kai said, turning to look at each of them in turn. They might tell us that staying locked away for another five centuries is what they want.

    Or they’ll kill you both and wage war on Hartfield Manor, Dylan said, flinging his arms in the air as if this option was the most obvious.

    They won’t kill us, Emma said. They’re too curious to do anything stupid. Besides, if Amelia is dropping bodies across the moors and implicating the Astley family in the process, they might become our best allies.

    Dylan grunted and flopped down on his bed to

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