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The Cord Between Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #1
The Cord Between Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #1
The Cord Between Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #1
Ebook308 pages4 hours

The Cord Between Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #1

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Ever wonder why dragons suddenly disappeared from history?

They bound themselves in human form to hide their existence. Hidden among us, they are more dangerous than ever before. It's up to the Order and the Knights to keep humanity safe.

Jenna Daly, recently graduated Knight, works to navigate her new role while an unfamiliar threat, Shadow magic, is taking out both humans and dragons alike.

The mysterious Kipp was not what Jenna was expecting to swoop into her life. His brooding and secret keeping are more frustrating than ever as their paths continue to cross.

There are strange forces working behind the scenes. Jenna just has to survive them...

Release dateMar 4, 2024
The Cord Between Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #1

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    Book preview

    The Cord Between Us - Leigh Ferguson

    Chapter one

    Iwas late. Again!

    I gave myself an extra hour to get ready and everything. How did this always happen to me? I laid on the horn as a teenager meandered through the crosswalk. The light turned red again and I banged my head against the steering wheel.

    Today was graduation, and I had to be there. I knew my parents were proud of me for becoming a Knight. Of us, really. Jesse and I both graduated today. My brother waited an extra year after high school so we could go through the academy at the same time. We’d always done everything together.

    Except he was always on time. The light turned green and I slammed my foot on the accelerator. I was only five blocks from the coliseum that housed graduation. I checked the time. 11:07 a.m. Seven minutes late. At least no one would be surprised that I was late.

    I whipped my car into the first parking space I could find and grabbed my red armband before sprinting out of the car. When I got into the coliseum, I tried to sneak in the back but quickly received head turns in my direction. Jesse grinned at me from the third row back.

    I made my way to my seat and turned my attention to General Witt on the elevated platform serving as a stage. After dragons disappeared, our Order became unnecessary. Our numbers dwindled, and we stopped gathering and training. The Knights who fought with dragons became nothing more than a fairytale of old.

    I rolled my eyes at the history lesson. Here we go. We had heard it all before.

    But dragons did not disappear hundreds of years ago as we thought. They used their magic to transform into human form to hide their existence. Now they are more dangerous than ever before, hidden among us. They do not age. They collect wealth and control fire. General Witt paused here for effect.

    Jesse looked at me and mouthed the next words, forcing me to suppress a giggle.

    They cannot be allowed to live.

    General Witt scanned the crowd. Left unchecked, these monsters would destroy the world and bend humans to their will. This is your mission. You have completed your training with the academy. As new recruits, it is your purpose to carry on the knowledge you have learned, eliminate the threats to humans, and pass your knowledge on to future Knights. You are our future, and like the Knights of old, we send you out into the world to slay dragons.

    A loud cheer erupted from the audience. Graduating Knights, those already members of the Order, and their families filled the coliseum with a battle cry. My voice and that of my brother were among them. Our father was already a member of the Order, and our mother had trained in her youth but was no longer active. They raised us to know about dragons and the dangers they posed to humans.

    Jesse and I always wanted to become Knights. We had dreamed about it as kids and pretended to slaughter dragons in our playtime. When he was eight and I was seven, we promised each other we would be standing here one day, graduating from the academy and starting our purpose as Knights.

    The crowd died down, and Jesse beamed at me while I smiled right back at him. General Witt started calling names of the graduating class. When she got to me, my stomach fluttered with anticipation. Jenna Daly. I walked across the stage and met the silver-haired general in the middle. She snapped a gold bracelet onto my left wrist. It was about an inch wide and seemed to fit my wrist perfectly. Congratulations Jenna. You’ve earned this. I quietly thanked her and moved off the stage. I did it. I was actually a Knight. I turned to see my brother walking across to receive his bracelet, and pride beamed within me.

    When Jesse returned to his seat, we looked at each other with stupid grins. Our childhood dream of becoming Knights, and doing it together, had come true. We did our secret handshake and ended with a tight hug. I can’t believe we did it! And you actually made it to graduation, he whispered.

    I shoved him away playfully. We watched the rest of our class walk across the stage, each with their red armbands in place–red for the blood shed before us by past Knights. The blood we were willing to pay now to protect humanity. The life expectancy for Knights wasn’t long. If we were lucky enough to retire, it wouldn’t be without scars.

    The ceremony ended, and we all went to our families and friends. Mom found Jesse and me first, her strong arms surrounding me. She had kept herself in shape throughout adulthood, even though she no longer worked as a Knight, and her hug was like a loving vice. I’m so proud of you, Jenna! Pulling away slightly, I noticed glimmering in her eyes as she held back tears.

    Thanks, Mom. She released me and grabbed my brother next.

    Congrats, Jenna, Dad said quietly, putting his arms across my shoulders and side-hugging me. He reached out to Jesse and shook his hand respectfully. It wasn’t long before Dad was pulled away by one of the other Knights.

    Dad put his hand on Jesse’s shoulder and drew him into the conversation. Jesse always seemed to command respect wherever he went, much like our father. Though he had mom’s height and sandy blond hair, he had a powerful presence, even when we were kids. I was the awkward little sister tagging along, but Jesse never let anyone talk down to me for it. I knew he would be a general with the Knights one day.

    I, on the other hand, might spend a few years doing this before moving on to other pursuits. Jesse and I were instilled with a deep sense of loyalty to the cause, and I wanted to serve, but I knew this wasn’t my end goal. I wasn’t sure what I would do after I retired—if I even got the chance to—but I had time to decide while I did a tour of duty or two.

    Mom grabbed hold of my hands. Let’s have lunch together as a family before you go and party with your friends. I know it’s your last weekend free, but can you give your mother just an hour or two?

    Of course! Jesse and I don’t have plans until later in the day.

    Mom beamed and left to go track down Jesse with Dad.

    While waiting for my family to reconvene with me, I suddenly found myself face-to-face with Brian Parker. His shaggy brown hair fell onto his forehead while his jade eyes looked me up and down. Hey, Jenna! Are you going to the bar tonight?

    Uh, well, yes, I think so. We haven’t made any official plans yet, I lied. We were going to the bar, but I didn’t like the idea of Brian being there.

    I hope you do. He leaned in closer. I’m glad we were paired up to be partners. I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.

    I glared at him, hoping he would retreat out of my personal space. He made no move to back away. As if my silent prayers were answered, Jesse appeared beside me. Ready to go?

    I stepped into my brother’s side as he protectively laid his arm across my shoulders. Yep! I’m hungry. I smiled a little while I watched Jesse glare at Brian. My brother always had my back.

    See you tonight, Jenna, Brian called as Jesse steered us away.

    I gave him a noncommittal wave. After a few steps, Jesse whispered to me, What was that all about?

    I sighed. I hadn’t told Jesse I had received my assignment and my partner yet. Brian Parker is my new partner. We’ve been assigned to somewhere on the coast of North Carolina.

    Jesse growled and then cursed at the news. That slimy coward couldn’t take a hint while we were in the academy, could he? How many times did he ask you out? No, don’t answer that. Wonder how he pulled it off to be assigned as your partner. Jesse shook his head. Well, at least I will be close by if he tries to pull anything, so I can come kick his ass.

    What do you mean?

    I got my orders yesterday. I’ve been assigned to Virginia Beach. I won’t be but a few hours from you.

    Really? I squeezed his side. That makes it a little better. I still wish we could be partners. The Order had a strict no family as partners rule. It helped prevent a family from losing more than one member if the partners were attacked and didn’t survive. I understood it to a degree, but there was no one I would protect more than my brother, who had always done the same for me.

    Me too, J. His nickname for me brought a smile to my face.

    So, who did you get paired up with then?

    He glanced down as we walked and slid his arm off my shoulders. Hope Peters.

    I stopped in my tracks and gawked at him. Then a sly grin slid across my features. No freaking way! You have had it bad for her for years. What luck! Are you going to ask her out?

    J, cut it out. There is no way I’m going to ask her out now. We need to work together almost every day starting on Monday. I have to count on her to have my back, and I have to have hers. It’s dangerous out there hunting dragons. He paused. I’m worried about you. Especially now that I know that creep Brian is your partner. We won’t be just training. It’s going to be real now. We could get hurt or die. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.

    Jess, you are the best big brother in the world! Do you know how lucky I am to have you always looking out for me? I pulled him into a big hug.

    He hugged me back. "You’re right. I am the best big brother out there. You are so lucky," he teased.

    I smacked him on the chest playfully and turned to get in the car. Let’s go eat with Mom and Dad. Mom said she made her famous brownies!

    Jesse started sprinting across the parking lot to his car. Race you there, he called out over his shoulder.

    I hopped into my own car, grinning, certain I would beat him home.

    Chapter two

    Somehow, Jesse outmaneuvered me in the parking lot, and I hit every red light between the coliseum and the one-story ranch home we had grown up in—just my luck. I walked through the front door, and my brother was already in the kitchen with Mom, halfway through a brownie. I stalked up to him and punched him hard in the arm. That was for cutting me off in the parking lot.

    It was worth it. These brownies are heavenly, and I’ve already had three, he garbled with his mouth full.

    I snatched one off the plate. Where’s Dad?

    He had a call with General Witt. It shouldn’t last long, Mom replied while setting the table. We could start without him if you are hungry, though.

    The smell of homemade rolls, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese filled the room. My stomach rumbled, and I grinned at my mom. I’m always hungry, and this looks amazing.

    Jesse and I filled our plates with our favorite comfort foods while Mom beamed at the sight of us devouring her meal. We were on second helpings before Dad came out of his office. His face looked a little strained as he sat down to eat.

    Travis, everything okay? Mom reached over and placed her hand on his arm.

    Yes, honey. We just got some unusual orders from the general. That’s all.

    Care to share, Dad? Jesse asked

    Dad looked thoughtful for a moment. He sat back in his chair as if he were making a decision based on some internal conflict. After a long pause, he sighed. You will know on Monday anyway, and I’m sure my colleagues won’t keep their mouths shut about this. General Witt has given orders to change our strategy from ‘engage and eliminate’ to ‘subdue and capture’.

    My brain struggled to process his words when Jesse spoke up. Are you saying we should capture dragons instead of killing them?

    Dad nodded slowly. How in the world are we going to do that? All of our training has been about getting the kill shot. Are we expected to control and imprison a mythical creature with enormous magical powers? I don’t understand.

    All of us were quiet for several minutes. Dad was the first to speak up. I know it is out of the ordinary. You already know that gold can counteract their magic. Without it, they will still be dangerous, but that will help even the playing field.

    No one at the academy could explain why, but according to our knowledge, the dragons could not use their magic when their skin was in contact with gold. During our training, some strategies included getting close enough to slap the gold on your enemy’s wrist or ankle before going for the kill shot. I had been good at those strategies because I was fast. Really fast. I supposed that could translate into a subdue and capture mindset.

    The table was quiet while we finished eating. Mom finally broke the silence. What changed? For decades, all we have done is kill dragons. Why does the general want them captured? It’s too dangerous to keep them locked up. This will just lead to more bloodshed.

    She glanced at me and my defenses rose to the surface. Mom worried too much.

    Dad leaned forward and took Mom’s hand in his. I don’t know for sure what is happening. I received a few reports of dragons slaughtered in their human forms, without ties to the Order, which is unusual. I also have heard of odd travel patterns with known dragons we’re tracking. I read three reports in the last two weeks with dragons spotted in the outlying regions and heading away from their territories.

    I dwelled on this new information. Dragons existed in two clans that spread over enormous territories: the Mountain and Sea Clans. Our home in central Virginia bordered both parts, so it made an excellent place to set up the academy and train Knights. Dragons never strayed from their own territory, but since they now lived in human form, they no longer remained solitary creatures. They lived in towns and communities alongside humans, blending in, but they didn’t cross borders or leave the safety of their clan territories.

    I don’t like this at all, Travis. Especially with Jesse and Jenna leaving on Sunday for their new assignments. Tears filled Mom’s eyes as she looked at us.

    I put my hand on her arm. Don’t worry, Mom. We are as prepared as anyone else.

    Jesse nodded his agreement. Dad looked solemnly across the table at me for a moment, then his expression changed to a sad smile. Why don’t we finish up? You two have some celebrating to do before you start your new lives.

    Mom wiped the tears off her cheek and smiled. I stood to start clearing the table, but Mom waved me off. I can do this. Go on and get out of here. It’s time to celebrate your accomplishments. She smiled at me and I kissed her on the cheek. Jesse followed suit.

    Outside, we stood in front of my car and stared at each other. That has to be the weirdest family dinner we have ever had. Did you think it was strange that Dad even let us in on what was going on? I asked.

    Jesse shrugged. I guess he feels like he can treat us more like adults now that we start the real world on Monday. It is definitely weird to think about all that training the last two years doing us no good.

    Yeah, I feel a little funny about it.

    Another moment passed, and Jesse smiled at me with his crooked grin. Let’s just forget about this for a while. We have a party to get ready for. Do you still want me to pick you up?

    Sure. I smiled broadly back at him. Seven?

    Sounds like a plan. He pulled me in for a quick hug and kissed me on the forehead. See you in a few hours. And no packing! We can do all of that tomorrow while we’re hung over.

    I rolled my eyes at him, then jumped in the car and made my way back to my studio apartment. Waltzing through the front door, I kicked off my shoes and reveled in the feeling of the rainbow shag rug under my toes. I had found it on clearance, and though my family told me it was too loud, I couldn't resist getting it. I loved the independence I had earned by working at the nearby coffee shop to support myself while at the academy. My little studio was my personal sanctuary. My parents wanted me to stay with them, but I wanted to make it alone. I pointed out more than once that Jesse had moved out after high school, but they weren’t worried about him the way they worried about me.

    Collapsing onto the daybed-turned sofa, I soaked in my last moments of solitude in my own apartment. I was a little reluctant to face the changes in my life but also excited. On Sunday, I would travel to my new assignment and have a roommate at my new place. Thank heavens it wouldn’t be Brian.

    It was hard to wrap my head around the new orders we would be getting on Monday. How was I supposed to capture a dragon? And if I somehow managed to pull it off, what would I do with them after that? I was unnerved because I would face these new dangers with Brian as my backup. Could I trust him to keep me safe? He’ll probably get us both killed while he’s staring at my ass. I rolled my eyes and sank back into the bed at the thought. He had asked me out a dozen times in the last two years. He was persistent, that was for sure. It wasn’t because of his looks that I had turned him down. He was every girl’s picture of perfection. He had high cheekbones and a sharp straight nose with a mischievous grin. Something always felt off with him, so I’ve kept him at arm’s length.

    That would be a lot harder to do in the next few days, especially since I wouldn’t have Jesse. This was the part I was trying not to dwell on. Jesse and I had been inseparable since we were kids. For the first time in my life, I would be without him. He was my brother, but he was also my best friend. I pushed down the tears and overwhelming feelings. There would be time to feel them later. Yawning, I decided to take a nap before getting ready. It was three in the afternoon, so I had plenty of time.

    I awoke to Jesse standing over me, glaring. He ripped the cover down and jerked the pillow from under my head like when we were kids. Ugh, seriously? What was that for? I’m so taking your key away. Glancing at the clock, I shrieked. Shoot! Does that really say 6:30?

    Jesse nodded with a smirk, and I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I showered and ran in my towel to the closet across the room. Hurry up! Jesse crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot.

    I’m coming, I called out, squeezing into one of my only going-out dresses. It was deep blue with a V-neck and flowed down my curves like sea waves, stopping just above my knees. I slipped on my white strappy heels and stumbled out of the closet.

    Don’t you look nice, Grace, Jesse teased. I threw the other heel at him as I returned to the bathroom to finish my hair and makeup. Forty-five minutes later, I had finally pulled together my look.

    Jesse was still sitting on my bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked up and shook his head, chuckling. What? I asked as I touched my hair, horrified I might look like a mess.

    You are the only person I know who is always late, he teased as he stood. You look beautiful, though. Let’s go party. We climbed into his truck and made our way to the bar.

    Jesse and I didn’t speak much, but that was the good thing about knowing someone your whole life. Sometimes sharing in the silence was just as good as a conversation. We crossed the threshold, and the smell of greasy food and beer overwhelmed me. I glanced around and found our classmates taking up the end of the bar and several tables against the wall. I grabbed Jesse’s hand and led the way across the dance floor. Just when I was about to break through the crowd, I ran into Brian as he stepped in front of me.

    Hey, Jenna! Want to dance? He grinned at me. He obviously hadn’t seen Jesse holding my hand, but his face soured when he did.

    Just the man I was looking for. Jesse clapped him on the shoulder and spun him to the other side of the bar. You and I need to have a little chat.

    I rolled my eyes at my brother’s antics and strode up to the bar. Leaning in, I grabbed the bartender’s attention. One beer, please.

    I rested my back against the bar while I waited for my drink, scanning the crowd for people I knew, when a stranger’s eyes locked onto mine and held them. It was hard to tell if he was scowling or assessing me, but I couldn’t help assessing him myself. Strong brows overshadowed his dark eyes and long chestnut hair fell into his eyes and faded to nothing on the sides. His beard was trimmed close and shaped to show off his chiseled jaw, his lips pinched into a thin line before returning to a frown.

    He finally looked away when his companion waved a hand in front of his face to reclaim his attention, and I thought they couldn’t be any more different. His friend had a mop of striking white-blond hair and tribal-style tattoos on his face covering each cheek. Thick lines of slate formed a pair of upside-down Vs side-by-side under each eye, with two horizontal wavy lines below them. His pale green eyes moved from the handsome stranger, following his line of sight to me. When our eyes locked, a chill ran down my neck. He gave me a mischievous grin and winked.

    Sliding my hair over one shoulder, I curled my lips at him. I wasn’t one to back away from a stare-down. I was a Knight, after all. A smile played on the handsome stranger’s face before I snatched up my drink and joined my group.

    Beer in hand, I drifted into the seat next to Hope Peters. Her perfect blond hair fell straight over her shoulders and mid-back. She smiled at me, and I grinned back. Jesse would come and find me soon, and he would have no choice but to talk to her. How’s it going, Hope? Did you get your assignment yet?

    She blushed. Yeah, I’m going to Virginia Beach.

    That’s funny. Jesse told me that is where he is going too, I prodded.

    She jabbed me with her elbow. You already know! When did he tell you?

    Earlier today. I had to practically pry it from him. So, are you going to finally ask him out?

    She gawked at me. There’s no way Jesse is interested in me like that. Plus, we are going to be partners. That could make things way too awkward. This wasn’t the first time I had suggested it, but she always had the same reaction.

    I smiled to myself. There’s only one way to find out.

    Jesse chose that moment to drop down beside me. Find out what?

    Hope looked down at her hands quickly.

    Find out if the band can play anything better than this, I covered for her. With that, I stood and left them to talk. I wandered

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