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EXTREMITY: Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex
EXTREMITY: Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex
EXTREMITY: Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex
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EXTREMITY: Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex

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Enter the enchanted world of lesbian literature, where love and connection blossom against the background of different and captivating stories. These tales provide insight into the complex lives of LGBTQ+ individuals as they navigate relationships, self-discovery, and the joy of shared experiences. These stories showcase the variety

PublisherJoseph Hajek
Release dateDec 29, 2023
EXTREMITY: Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex

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    EXTREMITY - Joseph Hajek


    Two pals fall in love, which leads to crazy science and lesbian sex.


    Joseph Hajek

    This is a fictional work. Names, characters, settings, and happenings are either made up by the author or utilized fictitiously. Any similarity to real people, living or dead, businesses, events, or locations is completely coincidental.


    All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotation in a book review.

    Samantha leaned forward and spit, a sticky white rope hanging from her lips momentarily before snapping.

    Humiliation, she thought, her mouth full once again, her breasts swinging with her right hand's rapid back-and-forth action.

    She'd been brushing her teeth for six minutes, lost in contemplation.

    No, she thought, not only shame and degradation.Nina wants to be made to feel less than human, not merely ashamed. She wants to be an animal.She washed for the third time, distracted.How did we get into that topic in the first place?

    Yes, that's correct.She was reminded of the purple-gray foam in the sink.A glass of red wine. There's a lot of it.

    Samantha spit once again and smiled in the mirror. A bespectacled, bed-headed brunette with the cleanest teeth in the world and a tendency to overthink everything, particularly fascinating rabbitholes like this one.

    For a brief time, she saw herself clothed in leather and wielding a whip - no, a riding crop. No. No, a boxing glove, large, red, glossy, and exaggerated, as if from a cartoon...

    ...or not. Consider yourself sexy, Samantha. It's not working.

    But why not have both? You wear boxing gloves so you can beat each other up without hurting each other too badly. Why aren't boxing gloves attractive?

    She slipped down her underpants and sat down after lifting the lid.So you take an exciting, attractive notion and transform it into something ludicrous - something you've been trying to avoid. Also, why are you thinking about it in the first place? What are you going to do, go up to Nina and say, Hey, have you ever thought about getting a pair of big red boxing gloves and just letting someone beat you up with them?

    Sam, break it down for me. Why are boxing gloves used? When I hear Bondage or Erotic humiliation, I image whips and gags and such, so why am I seeing boxing gloves?

    Samantha found the sound of rushing water to be soothing while she was thinking. Pee also works, however only for short periods of time. She sat, forehead furrowed, chin resting on her raised hand, and traced the idea back to its buried source.

    A passerby would have noticed the similarities to Rodin's iconic artwork The Thinker, albeit on a toilet.

    Gloves for boxing.




    The shock wave.

    The path of a downward-angled impact shockwave across the solar plexus. The feeling of air being driven out of your lungs is so close to laughing that it causes you to grin reflexively. The shockwave pouring downhill, through your insides, abdomen, crotch, thighs - you don't feel it as much in your calves - but then bouncing off the floor and surging upwards, angled awkwardly and fading, losing cohesiveness. The impression of a ghostly power running up your inner thighs, a strike now transformed into a caress, maybe the faintest ghost whispering under your vagina, then it's gone, fading to nothing. And suddenly you're standing there, still alive, astonished yet surprised to be relatively unscathed, knowing that you took that much power, that much hit, without even collapsing. Knowing you're a red-blooded creature with a skeleto-muscular system that developed to spread out incoming punches.

    Being aware that you are an animal. Knowing that for certain, without a doubt. You feel it in your bones. For the time being, being aware of it.

    Wipe and flush.Is that hot? I have no idea. Is spanking a sexual act? Is that simply something they put in pornographic movies so you can see whether your audio is properly synced up? Like clapboard, but built of butts.

    Samantha rose to her feet, pulling up her underpants.And I didn't even respond to my own inquiry. What's the issue with this line of thinking, other from the boxing gloves?She returned to her bedroom to get ready for the day.

    Is this only an intellectual exercise? Is this just hypothetical? Is it all rhetoric? Why then do I spend so much time analyzing it if nothing comes of it?

    Of course, because I love her, she whispered, pausing for a while in her dressing, the reality hitting in.

    Huh. Without a doubt. It was stupid of me not to notice. I've had a platonic love affair with Nina for a long time. She confided in me about her romantic issues. Her happiness is critical to mine, therefore I'm thinking of methods to make her happy.

    Samantha smirked.But am I even capable of doing so? Could I do anything like that with Nina, Sam? Could I possibly make her happy?

    Is it possible...

    Samantha peered into the wood of her dresser, seeing nothing, testing the waters with a mental picture of Nina, freckles, grin, lips parted. Samantha placed her mind's lips to Nina's, her eyes softly shutting.

    Detail. To be sure, there is detail.

    Nina's pores are visible. Her lashes were long. Her mouth. Samantha's soft lips slipped delicately, shyly, and curiously between hers.

    Samantha took a long breath and questioned herself.

    Yes, came the response. She smiled, felt the first stirrings of happiness grow in her, spreading out from her tummy like warm, gentle sunshine. Yes, she said with a smile, yes, I could kiss Nina. And I can't believe I didn't think of it before!

    Samantha finished pulling her pants up before noticing they were on backwards.


    Nina snarled, her cords protruding from her neck and her sweat-soaked pajamas. Samantha saw herself clutching Nina's hair in one hand and grinding her cunt into Nina's face, her labia encircling Nina's nose and leaving slippery tracks between her eyes and across her lips. Samantha held her hair with both hands in Nina's imagination and used her like Nina was using the Special Toy right now.

    Nina's thoughts had begun innocently, as they normally did, with her envisioning Samantha's eyelids closing and sliding forward, their lips connecting in a close, gentle, apprehensive first kiss. Nina had disrobed Samantha, kissed her, hugged her, stroked her, and made love to her before her first orgasm, but things had changed as she reached her second. Her thoughts rushed from lusty scene after lustful scene in harsh, nonsensical cuts, developing and escalating.

    Nina is on her hands and knees, nude but for her collar and leash, cleaning Samantha's toilet as Samantha smokes and reads a magazine, her feet pushed up on Nina's

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