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Python AI Programming: Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice
Python AI Programming: Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice
Python AI Programming: Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice
Ebook270 pages2 hours

Python AI Programming: Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice

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This book aspires young graduates and programmers to become AI engineers and enter the world of artificial intelligence by combining powerful Python programming with artificial intelligence. Beginning with the fundamentals of Python programming, the book gradually progresses to machine learning, where readers learn to implement Python in de

Release dateJan 3, 2024
Python AI Programming: Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice

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    Book preview

    Python AI Programming - Patrick J


    Welcome to Python AI Programming, an opening into the transformational world of Artificial Intelligence as seen through the prism of Python, the language that has come to be synonymous with modern AI development. This book was written with the goal of taking you, the aspiring AI developer, on an illuminating trip through the fundamental aspects of AI, all articulated in the versatile and intuitive language of Python.

    Our adventure starts with a detailed overview of Python's principles, revealing how this language is the ideal toolkit for aspiring AI practitioners. As we progress, the domains of Machine Learning and Deep Learning unveil themselves, illustrating how Python's libraries and frameworks are crucial in pioneering advances in these fields. Each chapter advances your AI learning curve, from the fundamentals of data management to the complexity of neural networks.

    When you dive into the complexities of Natural Language Processing (NLP), you'll discover Python's strength in parsing human language, a talent that's critical in today's data-driven world. The story then takes you through the intriguing worlds of Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning, where Python's skills shine in training machines to visually understand the world and make intelligent decisions.

    However, as we welcome these technical marvels, we must be mindful of AI ethics. This book teaches you to think ethically as well as code, ensuring that the AI you design is responsible and useful to all.

    Remember that this book is more than simply a technical book as you turn each page; it is a companion on your journey to becoming an AI developer. It's about understanding the 'why' as much as the 'how,' about seeing a future in which technology boosts human capacities, fueled by your newfound skills and insights.

    Python AI Programming

    Navigating fundamentals of ML, deep learning, NLP, and reinforcement learning in practice

    Patrick J

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    Printed in India

    First Printing: January 2024

    ISBN: 978-8119177639

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at



    Chapter 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    Historical Perspective of AI

    Transition to AI Era

    AI in Modern World

    AI in Daily Life

    AI in Business Operations

    AI for Decision Making

    AI in Innovation and Product Development

    AI and Data Analytics

    AI in Automation and Efficiency

    AI in Healthcare

    Key Concepts in Artificial Intelligence

    Understanding Machine Learning

    Deep Learning

    Applications of Deep Learning

    Python for AI

    NumPy and Pandas for Data Handling

    Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization

    Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning

    TensorFlow and PyTorch for Deep Learning

    Keras for Neural Networks

    Setting up Python and AI Environment

    Installing and Configuring Python on Windows

    Installing TensorFlow and Keras

    Coffee Preference Prediction App Overview

    App Functionalities

    Dataset for Coffee Model

    Generating Dataset

    Understanding AI Project Lifecycle

    Idea and Conceptualization

    Data Collection and Preparation

    Choosing Right Tools and Technologies

    Designing the AI Model

    Training the AI Model

    Model Optimization and Tuning

    Integration and Deployment

    Testing and Quality Assurance

    Ethical Considerations and Compliance


    Chapter 2: Python for AI

    Python Basics

    Python Data Structures

    Functions for Modularity


    Conditional Statements

    Error Handling

    File Handling

    Data Analysis Overview

    Pandas at a Glance

    Data Analysis with Pandas

    Introduction to NumPy

    Numerical Computations with NumPy

    Sample Program: Using Numpy and Pandas

    Data Visualization Overview

    Introduction to Matplotlib

    Introduction to Seaborn

    Setting Up Matplotlib and Seaborn

    Basic Line Plot using Matplotlib

    Creating a Heatmap using Seaborn

    Bar Plot using Seaborn

    Pair Plot using Seaborn

    Error Handling in Python

    Common Errors

    Best Practices


    Chapter 3: Data as Fuel for AI

    Role of Data

    Quality and Diversity of Data

    Data in AI Applications

    Future Landscape of Data

    Data Collection for AI

    Traditional Data Collection Methods

    Digital Data Collection Methods

    Advanced Data Collection Techniques

    Automated Data Collection

    Implementing Automated Data Collection

    Understanding Data Cleaning

    Steps in Data Cleaning

    Handling Missing Values

    Correcting Inconsistencies

    Removing Duplicates

    Dealing with Outliers

    Error Correction

    Data Transformation

    Preprocessing Methods

    Purpose of Data Preprocessing

    Methods of Data Preprocessing

    Data Preprocessing on Coffee App Data

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    Importance of EDA

    Performing EDA

    Data Transformation

    Data Transformation Techniques

    Feature Engineering

    Importance of Feature Engineering

    Techniques in Feature Engineering


    Chapter 4: Machine Learning Foundations

    Machine Learning Overview

    Machine Learning's Contribution to AI

    The Impact of Machine Learning

    Supervised Learning Process

    Exploring Unsupervised Learning

    Understanding Unsupervised Learning

    Unsupervised Learning Process

    Unsupervised Learning in Practice

    ML Algorithms Overview

    Decision Trees

    K-Means Clustering

    Sample Program: Applying K-Means Clustering

    Decision Trees vs. K-Means Clustering

    Model Training

    Understanding Model Training

    Training K-Means Model on Coffee Data

    Sample Program: Visualize Training of K-Means

    Overfitting and Underfitting

    Understanding Overfitting

    Understanding Underfitting

    Significance of Overfitting and Underfitting

    Cross-Validation Technique

    Understanding Cross-Validation

    Types of Cross-Validation

    Practical Application on K-Means Model

    Hyperparameter Tuning


    Hyperparameters in K-Means Clustering

    Applying Hyperparameters


    Chapter 5: Essentials of Deep Learning


    Neural Networks

    What Are Neural Networks?

    How Do Neural Networks Work?

    Types of Neural Networks

    Building Neurons and Layers

    Understanding Layers and Neurons in Neural Networks

    Sample Program: Building Neural Network

    Neural Network Components

    Activation Functions

    Loss Functions


    Coding Activation Functions, Loss Function, and Optimizer

    Exploring CNNs

    Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

    Designing a CNN

    Explore RNNs

    Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

    Designing an RNN

    Train Neural Nets (NNs)

    Training Deep Learning Model

    Coffee Cup Image Classification using CNN

    Training Word Prediction using RNN

    Fine-tuning Models

    Number of Hidden Layers

    Number of Neurons per Hidden Layer

    Learning Rate

    Batch Size

    Sample Program: Fine Tuning CNN Model


    Chapter 6: NLP and Computer Vision

    Natural Language Processing Overview

    NLP Dataset

    Defining the NLP Dataset

    Generating Dataset

    Text Preprocessing



    Removing Punctuation and Special Characters

    Removing Stop Words

    Stemming and Lemmatization

    Performing Preprocessing on the Dataset


    Understanding Tokenization

    Process of Tokenization

    Tokenizing Dataset

    Vectorization Approach

    One-Hot Encoding

    Bag of Words (BoW)

    Bag of N-Grams

    Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)

    Sample Program: Applying BoW and TF-IDF

    Word Embeddings

    Understanding Word Embeddings

    Popular Word Embedding Models

    Sample Program: Applying Word Embeddings

    Visualize Word Embeddings

    Introduction to Computer Vision

    Brief Understanding

    Applications of Computer Vision

    Computer Vision Model

    Image Processing


    Image Processing Procedure

    Sample Program: Using OpenCV

    Using CNN for Image Processing


    Chapter 7: Hands-on Reinforcement Learning


    Sequential Decision Making

    Key Components of Sequential Decision Making

    Action Values and Estimation Algorithm

    Action Values

    Estimation Algorithms for Action Values


    Markov Decision Process (MDP)

    Translating a Problem into MDP

    Sample Program: Creating an MDP

    Rewards and Tasks


    Michael Littman's Hypothesis on Reward

    Continuing Tasks

    Episodic Tasks

    Reinforcement Learning Policies

    Concept of Policy

    Specifying Policies

    Values and Bellman Equation

    What are Value Functions?

    The Bellman Equation

    Dynamic Programming (DP)

    What is DP?

    Dynamic Programming Algorithms

    Sample Program: Policy Evaluation

    Constructing Algorithm

    Value Iteration Algorithm Overview

    Sample Program: Implement Value Iteration


    Chapter 8: Ethics to AI

    Ethics in Technology

    AI Ethical Framework (EAAI)






    Responsible AI

    Pillars of Responsible AI

    Impact of Responsible AI

    Trustworthy AI

    Understanding Concept

    Trustworthy AI vs. Responsible AI

    Enabling Trustworthy AI

    Impact/Value for Businesses




    This book aspires young graduates and programmers to become AI engineers and enter the world of artificial intelligence by combining powerful Python programming with artificial intelligence. Beginning with the fundamentals of Python programming, the book gradually progresses to machine learning, where readers learn to implement Python in developing predictive models. The book provides a clear and accessible explanation of machine learning, incorporating practical examples and exercises that strengthen understanding.

    We go deep into deep learning, another vital component of AI. Readers gain a thorough understanding of how Python's frameworks and libraries can be used to create sophisticated neural networks and algorithms, which are required for tasks such as image and speech recognition. Natural Language Processing is also covered in the book, with fundamental concepts and techniques for interpreting and generating human-like language covered. The book's focus on computer vision and reinforcement learning is distinctive, presenting these cutting-edge AI fields in an approachable manner.

    Readers will learn how to use Python's intuitive programming paradigm to create systems that interpret visual data and make intelligent decisions based on environmental interactions. The book focuses on ethical AI development and responsible programming, emphasizing the importance of developing AI that is fair, transparent, and accountable.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Explore Python basics and AI integration for real-world application and career advancement.

    Experience the power of Python in AI with practical machine learning techniques.

    Practice Python's deep learning tools for innovative AI solution development.

    Dive into NLP with Python to revolutionize data interpretation and communication strategies.

    Simple yet practical understanding of reinforcement learning for strategic AI decision-making.

    Uncover ethical AI development and frameworks, and concepts of responsible and trustworthy AI.

    Harness Python's capabilities for creating AI applications with a focus on fairness and bias.

    Each chapter is designed to improve learning by including practical examples, case studies, and exercises that provide hands-on experience. This book is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in becoming an AI engineer, providing the necessary foundational knowledge and skills to delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence.



    Knowing simple python scripting and basics of data science is sufficient to enter the world of artificial intelligence. This book will aspire to make you an eligible professional to enter the world of AI Engineers and Data Scientist.

    Codes Usage

    Are you in need of some helpful code examples to assist you in your programming and documentation? Look no further! Our book offers a wealth of supplemental material, including code examples and exercises.

    Not only is this book here to aid you in getting your job done, but you have our permission to use the example code in your programs and documentation. However, please note that if you are reproducing a significant portion of the code, we do require you to contact us for permission.

    But don't worry, using several chunks of code from this book in your program or answering a question by citing our book and quoting example code does not require permission. But if you do choose to give credit, an attribution typically includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example, Python AI Programming by Patrick J.

    If you are unsure whether your intended use of the code examples falls under fair use or the permissions outlined above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 

    We are happy to assist and clarify any concerns.

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    Historical Perspective of AI

    Remember the old days when we didn't have smartphones constantly in our hands? That is a bit what it was like before AI. We had computers, but they were more like calculators on steroids. They could crunch numbers, follow instructions, but that is about it. No learning, no adapting – pretty basic, right? Think about those massive computers in the '60s and '70s – room-sized giants with less power than your smartphone. They did specific tasks, and to make them do something, you had to feed them a precise set of instructions. There was no Hey Computer, learn this, it was all about programming every single detail.

    Imagine writing a recipe for someone who doesn't know anything about cooking. You'd have to explain every step, right? That is how software was before AI. It couldn't think for itself. Programmers had to spell out everything. If there was a task you didn't foresee, well, the software wouldn't know what to do. We've had data for ages, way before AI. But back then, it was like having a goldmine and not knowing how to mine gold. We stored data in huge databases, mostly using it for record-keeping. It was like having a library of books but never reading them. We didn't have the tools to dig deeper and really understand what all that data could tell us.

    We will discuss and understand about work life pre-AI. It was a lot more manual, even with computers. For example, think about a bank in the '80s. They had computers, but a lot of the work, like customer service or data analysis, was done by people, tediously sifting through information. There was a lot of potential for human error, and things took longer.

    And then, there is the internet, or rather, the lack of it. The early internet was like a small town – everyone knew each other, and there wasn’t much happening. We didn't have the vast ocean of online data and connectivity we have now. It's hard to imagine, right?

    Lastly, think about AI back then. It was more a subject of sci-fi novels and movies than real life. People dreamt of intelligent machines, but it was just that – a dream. The technology, the data processing capabilities, they just

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