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Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters: Nouvelles, #1
Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters: Nouvelles, #1
Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters: Nouvelles, #1
Ebook94 pages44 minutes

Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters: Nouvelles, #1

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About this ebook

Interpreting has been necessary since people speaking different languages have been in contact with each other. Since they didn't speak the same language, they couldn't understand each other. This is where interpreters intervene to become bridges or to stand in the gap. 

The need of people that understand and speak two or more languages and their capacity to transpose the ideas, meaning and need of one language group to another by respecting the cultural and grammatical constraints contributed to the professionalization 

We will not deal with translating (written form) but with interpreting (spoken form) even though the two terms at a certain extent have the same objectives. Furthermore, we will not look at how things work at the UN, UNESCO and all those major world agencies. Focus will be placed at how interpreters work on a smaller scale, within workshops, churches, group meetings and the different difficulties and errors they encounter.

In many of the lessons that you find online and even offline, special attention is placed on the interpreter. Seldom are the teachers, main speakers prepared in order to convey their message to the audience. 

Our understanding is that if the one using the source language (SL) understands that his/her message is only relevant if they consider the interpreter without whom the message is useless. 

In section 1, the purpose is to help you understand from the interpreter's viewpoint.

Interpreting is as old as language itself. There has always been a need for different civilizations to communicate with each other, whether to conduct business or trade, or during expansion. 

As a Bible reader, interpreting can find its origins in Genesis 11:1-9. The narrative goes that at creation, all humans spoke one language. It was much easier to communicate and to get along. As the number of humans increased through time and humans felt bold and no longer needed God, they decided to go on a different path. The people decided to build a tall, proud symbol of how great they had made their nation. The Babylonians wanted a tower that would "reach to the heavens" so they could be like God and would not need Him. They began to construct a great ziggurat. They wanted to make a name for themselves.

This scripture explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. God caused the people to suddenly speak different languages so they could not communicate and work together to build the tower. This caused the people to scatter across the land. The tower was named The Tower of Babel because the word Babel means confusion. The Hebrew word balal, means "confuse" and provides useful wordplay that stresses God's confusing of the builders' languages and His scattering of them throughout the earth, as told by the Tower of Babel account

We can presume and assume that following this confusion with people speaking different languages and no longer able to understand each other, those who were able to communicate aggregated. They settled in areas where only those who spoke the same language were together. This implies that the difference in languages was a cause of conflict and probably war. This is probably where those who could learn the languages of other groups could go-between as negotiators or interpreters.

In this way and even subsequently, interpretation and translation originally served as a necessary tool to facilitate trade and political alliances for the prosperity of nations. 

Interpretation's original challenge has always been the inseparability of a language from its people and their environmental and cultural origins. Even God himself highlights the importance of communication when He says " when humankind is organized as a team with a common language (prerequisite for effective communication), nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them."

Release dateDec 19, 2023
Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters: Nouvelles, #1

Bukas Basumbandek

Bukas Basumbandek was born in Kananga, DR. Congo. He considers himself foremost as a freelance translator/interpreter in French / English - English/French. He speaks and understands six languages. He started interpreting in church. He began translating in high school which later allowed him to work with NGOs and development & relief agencies for +20 years (Doctors Without Borders, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, Japanese International Cooperation Agency, CARE International). He also taught English at a high school, evening classes for relief agencies.Interpreting has been necessary since people speaking different languages have been in contact with each other. Since they didn't speak the same language, they couldn't understand each other. This is where interpreters intervene to become bridges or to stand in the gap. The need of people that understand and speak two or more languages and their capacity to transpose the ideas, meaning and need of one language group to another by respecting the cultural and grammatical constraints contributed to the professionalization .The Book will not deal with translating (written form) but with interpreting (spoken form) even though the two terms at a certain extent have the same objectives. Furthermore, we will not look at how things work at the UN, UNESCO and all those major world agencies. Focus will be placed at how interpreters work on a smaller scale, within workshops, churches, group meetings and the different difficulties and errors they encounter.

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    Helping Speakers Work With Consecutive Interpreters - Bukas Basumbandek

    Les étoiles de la nuit

    Issouf Damiba

    Droits de reproduction, de traduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous les pays. Le code de propriété intellectuelle n'autorisant, aux termes de l'article L.122–5,2º et 3ºa, d'une part, que les «copies ou reproductions  strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non  destinées à une utilisation collective» et,  d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustration, « toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou des ayants droit ou ayants cause est illicite» (art. L.S122-4). Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelconque procédé que  ce soit, constituerait donc  une contrefaçon, sanctionnée par les articles L.335-2 et suivants du code de la propriété intellectuelle.

    Sous la direction de :

    Jean Kady Kadima

    © Issouf Damiba

    Les étoiles de la nuit

    Éditions Parujekad

    Tél : +243 859 360 064

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    République Démocratique du Congo

    Les étoiles de la nuit

    Décembre, 2023

    Ediitions Parujekad

    République Démocratique du Congo

    Les étoiles de la nuit

    Que les religions ne nous divise pas !!

    Dans l’éclat doux des cieux azurés,

    Un appel monte, vibrant d’harmonie,

    Que les religions, unies en vérité,

    Tissent des liens pour une humanité bénie.

    Les cœurs avides de paix et d’amour,

    Chantent ensemble une mélodie céleste,

    Que l’intolérance ne soit plus le parcours,

    Que l’unité des âmes soit notre quête.

    Chaque foi, telle une note unique,

    Enrichit la symphonie de nos vies,

    Que l’entente soit notre musique,

    Et que nos différences soient nos harmonies.

    Oh toi, qui prie sous un dôme doré,

    Ou toi, qui médites près d’un lotus éclairé,

    Le divin se trouve en chaque chemin tracé,

    Laissons nos cœurs s’ouvrir, s’éclairer.

    Les dogmes ne sont que des voilent légers,

    Qui cachent la lumière pure de l’âme,

    Que nos mains se tendent, liant nos destinées,

    Pour que l’amour soit notre seule flamme.

    Que les frontières des croyances s’effacent,

    Comme les vagues sur le sable d’une plage,

    Que la fraternité soit notre audacieuse audace,

    Et que les religions ne soient plus un outrage.

    Sous le même ciel étoilé, main dans la main,

    Marchons ensemble vers l’aube radieuse,

    Que les préjugés s’effacent loin du chemin,

    Afin que règne enfin l’ère silencieuse.

    Que les religions ne soient que les couleurs,

    Dans le vaste tableau de notre humanité,

    Unissant nos voix, nos esprits en chœur,

    Pour que s’élève l’aurore de la félicité.

    Peuple Corrompu

    Sous l’ombre d’un crépuscule terni,

    Un peuple jadis pur, aujourd’hui terni.

    Corrompus sont les cœurs, l’éclat éteint,

    Vices enracinés, vertus au loin.

    Dans les ruelles sombres de l’âme égarée,

    La cupidité danse, l’honnêteté est fanée.

    Les promesses oubliées, les serments brisés,

    Un triste tableau d’un monde égaré.

    Les valeurs s’étiolent, comme fleurs au vent,

    Le pouvoir séduit, corrompant l’innocent.

    Le peuple autrefois sage, désormais aveuglé,

    Les idéaux brisés, en cendres soufflés.

    Les rivières de vérités sont taries,

    Des mensonges coulent, tels des rivières taris.

    Les voix de conscience, feutrées et muettes,

    Le peuple cajolé, dans l’obscurité s’entête .

    Mais l’espoir persiste, comme étoile lointaine,

    Brillant dans les cœurs, éclairant la scène.

    Un souffle de révolte, une lueur dans le noir,

    Peut-être un jour, l’intégrité revoir.

    Réveillons-nous du sommeil profond,

    Pour conjurer le sort, briser les liens du fond.

    Restaurons la confiance, cultivons le vrai,

    Un monde vicieux, peut se régénérer.

    Dans l’effort collectif, dans le cri de l’âme,

    La renaissance surgit, et la corruption se pâme.

    Puissions-nous redécouvrir la voie du bien,

    Et guider notre peuple vers des lendemains sereins.

    Hier peut être aujourd’hui si...

    Hier peut être aujourd’hui si,

    Le temps enlace nos souvenirs,

    Les rêves suspendus dans l’infini,

    Tissent des ponts vers l’avenir.

    Les étoiles tracent leurs chemins,

    Éclairant nos routes obscures,

    Chaque instant est un lendemain,

    Dans ce ballet

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