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A Wizard for the God in the Library
A Wizard for the God in the Library
A Wizard for the God in the Library
Ebook84 pages1 hour

A Wizard for the God in the Library

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About this ebook

Love is just a matter of time.

Quismat is the god of destiny. In his library, he has everything he needs. Surrounded by books containing all that is, was, and ever would be, he has all of time at his fingertips. Nothing can surprise him.

Until a wizard appears out of nowhere.

Kenji rebels against magical theory. If the fae could create another dimension, then he could time travel.

When a spell goes wrong, he stumbles across the Library of Destiny and the god, Quismat. It’s love at first sight, but breaking free of the main timeline has consequences.

A Wizard for the God in the Library is a standalone gay fantasy fated mate romance with no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed HEA.

PublisherJ.B. Black
Release dateNov 28, 2023
A Wizard for the God in the Library

J.B. Black

Three sides to take care of all your wanton desires:Jess adores the steamy side of romance, exploring the quick scenes that leave your heart fluttering as strong, fertile heroines find their Happily Ever Afters!If you enjoy mpreg and a wake on the more fantastical side with fated mates, JB Black will fulfill your every desire.Brendol enjoys M/M without the fantastical edge. No pregnancies, just gay sex and romance!

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    Book preview

    A Wizard for the God in the Library - J.B. Black

    A Wizard for the God in the Library

    M/M Gay Fantasy Romance

    J.B. Black

    Love is just a matter of time.

    Quismat is the god of destiny. In his library, he has everything he needs. Surrounded by books containing all that is, was, and ever would be, he has all of time at his fingertips. Nothing can surprise him.

    Until a wizard appears out of nowhere.

    Kenji rebels against magical theory. If the fae could create another dimension, then he could time travel.

    When a spell goes wrong, he stumbles across the Library of Destiny and the god, Quismat. It’s love at first sight, but breaking free of the main timeline has consequences.

    A Wizard for the God in the Library is a standalone gay fantasy fated mate romance with no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed HEA.

    A Wizard for the God in the Library

    by JB Black

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.


    Copyright © 2022 J.B. Black

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten


    Chapter One

    There were few bastions of magic left in the world. In some ways, Kenji believed the rise of science fiction should’ve inspired wizards beyond the limitations of chaos, but the Council of Magic seemed to remain ready to accept the same rules. At first, they scoffed at Frankenstein, laughing about how magic had necromancy and golems despite the very rules of magic forbidding the practice and doing everything to eradicate the knowledge. For all that magic users claimed to be more advanced than mortals, they burned books just as readily if they felt the knowledge was undesirable.

    Kenji had no intention of respecting the limitations of his forefathers. As a student of Aelion Academy, he ignored the traditional roots, electing to throw himself into coursework on theory and horomancy, taking up a nearly defunct branch of wizardry that many thought belonged to celestial beings alone. If the chaos which served as the original and source of all magic could shift along temporal lines, then Kenji would have his time machine one day.

    Since its inception, horomancy moved objects upon personal timelines. Started as an attempt to achieve immortality, it proved to be unpredictable on living objects, often resulting in anything with a complex neurological system crumbling into vegetative sludge. A magic user could move an object back and forth along its individual timeline, but from the perspective of the main timeline, the object remained firmly in place. What happened to it during and following the casting had no effect on the object’s past. Food could go rotten and be brought back. Trees could be aged to fruit, but other sorts of magic worked in tandem, botany and the druidic arts needing to be applied at the same time to prevent unpredictable outcomes. An item could be fixed, sliding back along its timeline, but if torn, it couldn’t be sent ahead to when it was fixed. Instead, time could only be applied as if nothing occurred to the object at all to fix it. Aging in its current state. In that way, horomancy proved an absolute waste of time for anyone but druids who only used it as a secondary approach.

    Kenji Nakamura refused to accept this. He came from a long line of wizards on his father’s side, and his mother was a druid from a long line of her own. Growing up, he watched his mother preserve flowers using horomancy for her flower shop and ikebana, so he knew the concepts. Frankly, even before attending Aelion Academy, he understood horomancy better than most wizards, so getting on the theoretical track wasn’t too difficult. Made all the easier by his long family line, though some sneered at his father for marrying a druid. They were idiots. Limited in their ability to understand the minutia of magic.

    In his workroom, Kenji reviewed his calculations, debating again how much the planet moved within the universe and how to undermine his location when trying to move himself upon the axis of the main time stream. If current magical theory proved true, then the universe functioned on a closed loop. Which meant if he went anywhere then he was always designed to go there. That meant time travel, if possible, was generally pointless for anything but observational purposes.

    While Kenji refused to believe in closed loop time, he also refused to accept it made time travel pointless. Accumulation of knowledge or retrieval of knowledge lost didn’t mean the time stream had to be affected. If time existed in a closed loop and could not be changed, then nothing Kenji did could ruin the time stream; therefore, he could find those texts that the Council of Magic destroyed. He could go back in time to the creation of Faerie and learn how they had managed to construct an entire dimension with only a pair of fated mates at its foundation. Sure, now there were numerous celestials keeping the realm stable and expanding it day by day, but at its core, a two fae managed it without blessing or assistance of any sort.

    Five minutes — that would be all he would try for his first attempt. He had a wall of clocks set up in the far corner and as he drew the circle, he verified his placement. Every symbol and ingredient was perfectly placed. Forward versus backward —

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