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Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving
Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving
Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving
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Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving

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Will Holloway is a blessed man. He and his wife Nan are joyfully expecting their second child. He is the pastor of Faith Christian Church, the church his father and mother established over thirty years ago. Life is good as they grow in Christ with lifelong friends. His parents live just over the hill, and they share an abundance of love daily. He kisses Nan goodbye as she leaves for work at the clinic, delivers his son Matt to his parents for a morning of fun, and climbs the ladder to begin his day's work, painting windows on the second story of their big old house. In midafternoon, with the job nearly completed, the world changes forever.

Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving captures the devastation experienced by Will as he suffers unimaginable losses. What does a broken pastor do in a broken world with a broken future? His foundation is shaken, but he must move forward for the sake of Matt. With Will and Matt, you will experience their pain and struggle with next steps. Family will embrace family, and faith and trust in God will enable them. This is a story about moving forward.

Release dateDec 5, 2023
Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving

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    Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving - Brenda Kerlin


    Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving

    Brenda Kerlin

    ISBN 979-8-88943-799-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88943-800-7 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Brenda Kerlin

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All biblical citations were taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    —Matthew 5:4

    About the Author

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    —Matthew 5:4

    At the sound of the front door closing, Nan turned from the stove to see a triple-layer chocolate cake entering the kitchen. Her mother-in-law carried it, and it was a thing of beauty. Swathed in swirls of rich, chocolatey fudge frosting, it had been topped with a thick crown of snowy white coconut—the moist, chewy kind that always reminded Nan of the inside of her favorite candy bar.

    Wow, Mom! Let's just forget supper and start with dessert! She turned down the heat under the bubbling beef stroganoff and wiped her hands on her strawberry-patterned apron as she rounded the island in the center of the kitchen to clear a space on the counter for the cake.

    Marta Holloway laughed, setting down the cake and stepping forward to hug her daughter-in-law.

    Not if I can help it! This baby needs healthy food first, she said as she patted Nan's expanded belly.

    Whatever it is you're cooking smells mighty good, honey.

    Nan smiled a greeting to Bill Holloway as his chair was wheeled into the kitchen.

    One of your favorites, Dad. Beef stroganoff over mashed potatoes.


    Of course! What else would I serve for your birthday dinner? Although I'm pretty sure I'll find a small pile of them buried under the potatoes on Matt's plate when I clean up. But it is your birthday, and we aim to please the birthday boy. She stepped forward, leaning over to give him a hug. Do you feel older and wiser?

    Yep, and just itching to give everyone more examples of my vast years of experience!

    Oh no! his son groaned as he pushed his father over to the open place at the head of the table. He then came over to give Nan a quick kiss. Anything you need me to do?

    I'm just going to stir in the sour cream. You can call Matt. Mom, the mashed potatoes are in the crock, if you want to put them on the table. And there's a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge.

    Marta moved the crock to the table and set about pouring their beverages. She found Matt's favorite train cup and poured his milk as he ran into the room, greeting his grandparents with an excited account of his favorite cartoon character's most recent adventure. He was small for his four years and always looked excited about life in general. Many times his visits to them had brightened an otherwise difficult day. Bill tried to bear his pain with quiet forbearance, but managing daily living was wearying. Marta was grateful that Will came each morning to help her ready Bill for the day as well as assisting her in making him comfortable for the night. Without him, she knew her husband would be in a care facility. Rheumatoid arthritis was devastating his body, and pain was his constant companion. As his wife of thirty-three years, Marta did her best to be the pleasanter of his companions, but a joy-filled little boy brought the blessing of distraction that often made their lives more bearable. And the new baby was almost here!

    The family gathered around the table and joined hands.

    God, thank You for being with us today, for Your presence and Your protection. Thank You for Your provision of this food. We ask that You would bless the hands that prepared it. Please use it to strengthen us for Your work. And today, we thank You so much for Dad and for blessing us with his godly example. We ask that You would encourage him with greater intimacy with You. In Jesus's name, Amen.

    Will accepted his father's smile of gratitude at the blessing as they all reached for food to pass.

    Look, Matt! Your favorite—peas!

    Oh, thank You, God, for peas! the four-year-old quipped.

    Everyone laughed as he dramatically rolled his eyes.

    You're such a comedian, Matthew Holloway! Nan smiled lovingly at him. How often he had amazed her with his quick-witted sense of humor!

    Your folks sent me a nice card, Nan. Bill shared, passing the stroganoff to her.

    Nan smiled. Mom called on Monday to make sure she had the day right before she mailed it. She said they're planning to be with us for Labor Day weekend. I hope you'll be able to join us while they're here. They always enjoy visiting with you.

    We'll enjoy any time together with them that can be arranged, honey, Marta assured her.

    Nan's father was the pastor of her home church in Ohio. The Holloways, in retirement after over thirty years of ministry, and the Stantons always had stories of church life to share when they visited.

    Has your mom's small group begun their study of Ruth yet?

    Last week. They had seventeen sign up, so they should end up with a good group of women who want to go deeper. I'm thinking of using the same material here in the fall. I can think of several ladies who would benefit from looking at Naomi's response of bitterness. Jesus just so wants us to be free of such wearisome baggage, Nan said, looking at her husband with a small smile.


    Nan sat on the toilet seat next to the old claw-footed tub and watched while Matt sank his bright-blue plastic boat with a green-spotted dinosaur.

    One more minute, sweetie.

    His fair hair was slicked back with water, and his brown eyes switched their concentration from the naval battle he was waging to look up at her.

    Two more? he bargained.

    Two more and only one story? she waited while he weighed the options.

    Okay. He turned back to the action at hand, raising the boat and sending it after the dinosaur in a watery chase.

    She leaned back against the cool toilet and felt the baby moving to a more comfortable position also. They had been trying to conceive this baby for two years and were overjoyed at the thought of welcoming this dear child into their family. Who was God planning on blessing them with this time? A brother for Matt to wrestle with and teach boy stuff to or a little girl he could pull in a wagon and push on the swings? He'd make a great big brother. She smiled as she grabbed up the fluffy blue towel and encouraged him out of the tub, getting a bit wet in the process.

    Run get your jams on while I see if Daddy's home yet.

    He scuttled into his room, while she went downstairs to find her husband just finishing up loading the dishwasher and adding the soap.

    I always tell everyone I married a saint! She caught him around his waist and thanked him with a kiss when he turned around.

    "I tell everyone that too!' he said, pulling her as close as her expanded middle would allow.

    It's a good thing we're both right! She laughed and kissed him again.

    The day's grime has been washed from our son, and he is waiting for one story.

    Will raised an eyebrow.

    An extra minute of water time cost him one story.

    Ah, an understandable bargain, he said, turning to head for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

    She followed him up more sedately and stood leaning against the doorway as Will once again read the story of the little engine that accomplished what he needed to do because he didn't give up. It was one of their favorites, and it didn't surprise her that Matt had chosen it again.

    Nan was in the kitchen taking a roast from the freezer to thaw for tomorrow's dinner when Will came to find her.

    Thanks for making Dad's birthday dinner a special meal, hon. He loved the stroganoff, and they're grateful for the leftovers you sent home with them.

    It will be an easy meal for your mom tomorrow. Her cake was delicious!

    Give me chocolate any day, he agreed. Then he became serious. I think we need to talk to the doctor about perhaps getting more therapy for Dad. He's having a harder time of it. Maybe it would help keep him more limber.

    That sounds like a good idea. Better run it by your mom first though. You know Dad doesn't like us interfering in the medical aspects of his problem, she cautioned.

    He sighed. I feel pretty involved right now in the medical aspects of his problems.

    You're a great son, Will. And a really incredible husband too!

    He took her hand and led her into the family room to snuggle for a few minutes on the couch. When the clock read 8:00, he gave her a kiss and rose to head into his study. Nan watched him leave, then she turned on the TV and found an old romantic comedy to watch while he studied. She settled back into the brown worn couch cushions, adjusting a sunny-yellow chenille pillow behind her back to make herself more comfortable.

    Two hours later she was awakened by Will's gentle touch on her shoulder.

    Time for bed, Sleeping Beauty. He pulled her up and they switched off the lights and TV, heading upstairs together.

    Are you all ready? she asked him.

    We're ready, he said, smiling.


    Faith Christian Church was a nondenominational church that had been started thirty-three years ago by Bill Holloway, following God's call on him to bring the truth of God's grace to this small community in central Iowa. He had graduated divinity school and thought God would have him work in Des Moines, but God had other plans for him. A call had come from the search committee of a group of eleven families who needed a shepherd to lead them. Bill had prayerfully accepted the call and had promptly fallen in love with the sweet-spirited daughter of one of the members of the call committee. Marta and he had married, and Bill had thanked God every day since then for the helpmate with whom God had blessed him. They had worked together to build loving bonds in the people of their community and had eventually assisted the church in building a small, but adequate, brown-brick facility just east of town.

    Pastor Will Holloway greeted Ed Donnelly, a local deputy and his closest friend, with a brotherly hug.

    Are we on for Wednesday?

    You bet, brother! I'm planning on you owing me a steak, Ed replied, thumping him on the back.

    The two had formed a fast friendship in junior high as they both tried out for football and found out it wasn't the game for them. A trial on the tennis team, however, as sophomores, revealed they were quick and accurate, able to battle other schools expertly on the court. The pair brought home many trophies for the school's tennis team over the next three years.

    Will gave his friend a quiet high five and turned to greet Ed's wife, Patty, who was due to deliver their second daughter at any moment. He eyed her with a wink.

    Hey, short stuff, see if you can hold off on the delivery until after I'm done, okay?

    She laughed with him, holding her rounded belly.

    It's all up to her, and as for me, she can't come soon enough. I've been ready for three weeks.

    Patty was small and petite and presently looked as if she was carrying triplets, so Will understood her present state of discomfort. Patty had also been a friend since their school days. He'd been thrilled to stand up as best man at their wedding, and the two couples often shared their free time together.

    Soft music began to play, and Will smiled and said, Later. He turned to head up the right aisle of the church. He greeted warmly more friends as he made his way forward and smiled lovingly at Nan and Matt, who sat in the front row with his parents. He laid a hand on Bill's shoulder as he made his way around his wheelchair and walked up the steps to the front of the church.

    This is the day which the Lord has made!

    Let us rejoice and be glad in it! every member of the gathered family responded.

    Everyone, let your neighbor know you are glad to be sharing this Lord's Day with them, he encouraged, and everyone but Bill rose and began to offer blessings of greetings to those around them. Many people came forward to greet his father as Will walked down the center aisle and greeted two new faces. He made his way back up to the front, and everyone returned to settle in their places.

    Let's listen to God for a few minutes and see what He has to say to our hearts this morning, and then I'll share with you what He's been saying to my heart this week.

    The sound manager began a recording of a quietly moving instrumental version of Grace, Grace, God's Grace.

    Will prayed for the Holy Spirit to help him to speak into the hearts of these people.

    He let the quiet rest in the sanctuary for a few minutes before he stood before them, Bible in hand, and asked, Who are we to have been blessed with God's grace-filled love? I've been looking at the story of the prodigal son this past month.

    He proceeded to read to them the well-known parable from the Gospel of Luke.

    "Now, many of you know that story well. And I imagine many of you have realized that you were the wayward child for whom God waited and watched. Some of you have tried the way of the world and realized it was a way that led to sorrow. I'm thankful to say that many of you have done as that rebellious son did and, having reached the bottom, returned home to seek the forgiveness of the Father.

    "I wonder, though, how many of us have realized that we are also the older son, the one who had done it all right, never living in active rebellion against his father? That older son, he was a good man. He always worked hard, and he always did as his father asked. However, he was pretty self-righteous. He knew he was a good man. He believed he deserved every good thing that came his way. He probably had been embarrassed by this rowdy little brother of his many times over the years. I bet he'd shaken his head and told his wife, ‘I told you so,' when that young man took off to a foreign country. You notice he didn't go after him and lovingly try to get him to return home? I'm pretty sure he probably was thinking something like, ‘Good riddance. The rest of this will belong to me someday.' I doubt he felt any guilt at thinking such thoughts. Remember, he'd done it all right. He deserved everything he would get, didn't he?

    "But here comes that bad boy brother of his! And what's his father thinking, for crying out loud? The fatted calf? His best robe and golden ring? His brother had already received his inheritance and had thrown it all away, and now that ne'r-do-well was getting those things which should belong to him? You can almost feel him choking on the bitterness of his anger.

    "And here is revealed his rebellion. He does not love. He does not love his brother who was lost but is now restored to the family. He does not love his father's generous heart. And he really does not love being expected to rejoice at this sudden loss of his expectations.

    "What was Jesus saying in this parable? He could have stopped it at the return of the prodigal son to the father's embrace, but He didn't. He made a point of directing the teaching of that story toward those persons listening that day who thought they had done it all right. They had followed every rule, literally crossing every t and dotting every i. They believed that they and they only were to be the recipients of the approval of God. How angry they were to hear Jesus telling them there was more! A concept of grace that they would not embrace. Unlimited forgiveness not dependent upon proper behavior, but on an expansive love that knows no bounds.

    We are the rebellious child who realizes God's forgiveness when we repent, and we are also the proper son who must place grace-filled loving above every other concern in our lives. Loving our God who extends His grace toward us. Loving our Lord Jesus, through whom grace was extended in His sacrificial substitution for us on the cross. Loving the Holy Spirit, who is with us now to teach us how to love in the same way Jesus loves, full of grace. We must not waste precious time. Let's be more loving and forgiving to those around us. Let's let grace-filled love win.

    Will paused and allowed the words to settle.

    Our praise leaders are going to come up here now, and we are going to praise our God, who loves us in such an incredible way!

    As every corner of the little church was filled with voices singing praise, Will prayed that God's word had touched at least some of the hearts that he knew sat in these pews, hearts that held unloving feelings toward others while sitting just across the aisle.


    Nan settled next to Will as they sat on the porch swing. It had been another hot day, but now that the sun had set a slight breeze stirred the leaves of the trees around them. In the black night sky, distant lightning flashes lit clouds, creating a light show.

    Glad that's north of us!

    Mmm, me too. We need rain, but not tomorrow. I'm planning on finishing up the painting on the back of the house.

    Mondays were Will's day off, although his parishioners knew they could call on him whenever they were in need. He usually tried to accomplish tasks he didn't like to do on Mondays so that he wouldn't have to think about them the rest of the week. Window painting—in fact, painting anything—was not his idea of a fun day off. But he had finished the rest of the house's trim weeks ago, and with August knocking on the door, he felt that he really should complete the job.

    Why don't you see if anyone on the Help Team is available to give you a hand?

    I already asked Arthur and Steve. They both have other plans. He swatted at a mosquito. Am I going to have Matt home tomorrow, or do you have other plans for him?

    I thought you might take him over to your folks after breakfast, let him have lunch with them and then bring him home for a rest. I asked Mom if that would work for them, and she assured me they would love to have him. He has Cody Martin's birthday party tomorrow at suppertime. Lisa's having a pizza party at The Pie House for the kids at five o'clock. I told her I'd run him to their house when I get home, and then he can ride in with the boys.

    Marta and Bill's home was just over the rise to their north while the Martins were their closest neighbors to the south. The two Martin boys were three and five, and the three little boys were always happy campers when they could spend time together.

    Will nodded his agreement with this plan. Want me to put supper together for us?

    Thanks, that would be great. I think there are burger patties in the freezer downstairs you could grill. I'll let you get creative about the sides.

    He smiled and gave her a satisfying kiss. You mean the boxed au gratin potatoes and canned carrots?

    She patted his leg. Whatever you fix is fine by me, as long as I don't have to cook! She looked up at him. I liked your message today.

    Thanks. God knows what He's doing.

    "I swear I could

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