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Becoming: The Extraordinary Journey
Becoming: The Extraordinary Journey
Becoming: The Extraordinary Journey
Ebook392 pages5 hours

Becoming: The Extraordinary Journey

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In "Becoming," embark on an inspiring and transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. This book is a guiding light, illuminating the path to unlocking your full potential and becoming the best version of yourself.

Through 24 thought-provoking chapters, you will delve deep into the realms of personal development, resilience, and embracing change. Discover the power of setting ambitious goals, conquering obstacles, and navigating the dance of success and failure. This book is not just a roadmap to success but a blueprint for embracing the journey of becoming.

Uncover your true passions and interests, and learn to cultivate them with dedication and love. Seek mentorship and guidance from seasoned individuals who have walked the path before you. Embrace the joy of continuous learning and never-ending growth as you hone your skills and talents.

"Becoming" celebrates individuality and encourages you to reject societal pressures to conform. You will gain the courage to step outside your comfort zone, take calculated risks, and embrace the unknown. With each step, you will recognize the importance of acknowledging your achievements and confronting feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, and self-doubt.

As you progress, you will learn the art of nurturing resilience and coping with burnout during intense periods of growth. This book emphasizes the significance of recognizing support systems and giving back to the world, leaving behind a legacy of kindness, love, and selflessness.

With inspiring stories, practical insights, and reflective exercises, "Becoming Somebody" empowers you to celebrate your uniqueness and tap into the limitless potential within. Through gratitude and appreciation for the journey, you will find the balance between ambition and contentment in the present moment.

"Becoming Somebody" is not just about reaching a destination; it's about savoring the adventure of self-discovery and embracing continuous growth. With each chapter, you will be inspired to take courageous steps, nurturing the flame of determination to become somebody extraordinary.

Join the ranks of those who dare to dream big, conquer fears, and step into a new beginning filled with possibilities. Embrace the journey of becoming and leave a legacy that echoes through time—a legacy of compassion, kindness, and love. Start your transformative journey today and discover the joy of becoming somebody remarkable!

PublisherGavin Vance
Release dateAug 4, 2023
Becoming: The Extraordinary Journey

Gavin Vance

Meet a passionate individual on a quest for personal growth and dedicated to inspiring others through the pages of my books. Embracing life's challenges and triumphs, I endeavor to share my journey of self-discovery and transformation with the world. With each word I pen, I hope to resonate with readers, igniting a spark of inspiration and fostering a community of growth and positivity. Join me as I navigate the complexities of life and unravel the beauty of personal evolution, one chapter at a time.

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    Becoming - Gavin Vance

    About This Book

    This book is a compass on the journey to becoming, a guiding light illuminating the path to something more. With short chapters of inspiration and thought-provoking stories, it serves as a trusted companion, igniting the flames of ambition and purpose within your soul.

    I aim to lead you towards extraordinary heights, unveiling the potential that lies dormant within you. Each chapter serves as a steppingstone, urging you to embrace authenticity and resilience, cultivating the seeds of greatness that bloom into masterpieces of achievement.

    Through the tapestry of relationships, the transformative power of mentorship, and the discovery of passions, you will find yourself enraptured in the symphony of personal growth. This book is not merely a collection of words but an experience—a journey that transcends the pages and weaves the threads of inspiration into the fabric of your becoming.

    With every page turn, you will discover the art of seeking inspiration, setting goals, and building the skills that propel you toward your dreams. Amidst the storms of doubt and the trials of life, you will encounter the phoenix's flight of resilience, rising above adversities to embrace courage and unwavering commitment.

    I invite you to ponder on the stories shared, to immerse yourself in the stories of remarkable individuals who have faced extraordinary challenges. Their triumphs and setbacks are beacons of wisdom, guiding you toward self-discovery and the infinite possibilities that await your embrace.

    May this book catalyze reflection and self-realization—a mirror reflecting your boundless potential. Let it provoke your thoughts and kindle the fires of ambition, igniting the path to becoming something more—an extraordinary version of yourself.

    "Embrace the journey. Embrace the stories. Embrace the becoming."


    First and foremost, we are all somebody. We each possess unique qualities and untapped potential that sets us apart. Deep within us lies a burning desire to rise above our current circumstances, to transcend the ordinary, and to become something extraordinary. I invite you to embark on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and transformation, where we will unravel the layers of our true selves and emerge as the individuals we were destined to be.

    You want to become more than you are, to break free from the limitations that have held you back. You yearn to discover the depths of your abilities, passions, and purpose. And you are not alone. In the following pages, we will navigate the twists and turns, the triumphs, and tribulations of this path toward self-realization and fulfillment.

    Throughout this remarkable journey, we will embrace that becoming somebody is not about conforming to society's expectations or emulating others. It is about recognizing our innate value and understanding that we already possess the seeds of greatness. It is about uncovering our authentic selves, amplifying our strengths, and conquering the doubts that linger within.

    Together, we will explore the secrets of unlocking our full potential, step by step, chapter by chapter. We will delve into the depths of self-reflection, seeking inspiration from those who have traversed this path before us. We will set goals, conquer fears, and learn from our failures and successes.

    This journey will not be without its challenges. We will encounter setbacks and obstacles that test our resilience and determination. But remember, even the most magnificent transformations arise from adversity. We will celebrate the small victories and the milestones along the way and acknowledge the support systems that lift us during times of doubt.

    As we progress, we will discover the power of vulnerability, the strength in embracing our uniqueness, and the impact of our journey on those around us. We will learn to appreciate the present moment while fueling our aspirations for the future. Ultimately, we will realize that becoming more is not an endpoint but a lifelong pursuit, an ever-evolving process of self-discovery.

    Within each of us lies the spark of potential, yearning to ignite a transformative journey. Embrace the call to become more, for it is in the pursuit of growth that we discover the true essence of our being.

    Chapter 1: The Inner Struggle

    Confronting Doubts and Fears on the Path to Becoming

    Some people are perfectly content with themselves, embracing their lives and finding solace in the familiar. But not you. Deep within your being is an insatiable hunger, an unwavering thirst for growth, for becoming more than you are today. You have heard the calling, felt the pull of something greater, and now you stand at the precipice of transformation.

    Let’s explore the inner struggle that accompanies this desire for change. Doubts and fears often emerge as formidable adversaries, their presence casting shadows upon the path ahead. These doubts whisper in your ear, questioning your worthiness and capabilities and planting seeds of hesitation. Fears, like shackles, bind you to the comfortable confines of the familiar, urging you to remain stagnant.

    But you know deep down that to become more, to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, you must confront these doubts and fears head-on. It is within this crucible of inner turmoil that true transformation is born. The choice lies before you—to succumb to the doubts and fears or to rise above them, embracing the challenges that lie ahead.

    Alex Faces His Inner Struggle

    The sun began to set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the quaint town as the protagonist, Alex, found himself perched on a weathered wooden bench at the park. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, torn between the comfort of the known and the uncertainty of change. This inner struggle had consumed him for days, gnawing at his soul like a persistent shadow.

    As a cool breeze swept through the park, rustling the leaves on the trees, Alex's thoughts wandered back to the beginning of his journey. The desire for change had sparked within him after a serendipitous encounter with a motivational speaker who spoke passionately about seizing opportunities and embracing the unknown. But now, faced with the prospect of leaving the familiar behind, doubts and fears gnawed at Alex's resolve like termites eating away at a sturdy foundation.

    What if I fail? Alex mumbled softly to himself, staring blankly into the distance. The fear of failure loomed large in his mind, amplifying every hesitation and planting seeds of self-doubt. He had worked so hard to build a stable life, a secure job, and a circle of friends. The comfort of this known existence seemed increasingly appealing as the alternative appeared more and more daunting.

    But what if I never try? the counter-voice replied in Alex's head. Regret flashed like lightning, illuminating the path not taken. He knew deep down that stagnation was not what his heart truly desired. He yearned for growth, new experiences, and exploring uncharted territories. The thought of staying in his comfort zone felt like a cage, suffocating his dreams and aspirations.

    Alex's internal battle intensified as he weighed the pros and cons of each choice. The known was predictable, safe, and shielded him from the harsh winds of uncertainty. The unknown, on the other hand, held limitless potential, but it also carried the risk of failure and heartache. His heart and mind were at odds, each vying for control, and the turmoil within was becoming almost unbearable.

    As the night deepened, the park grew quieter, mirroring the stillness of Alex's thoughts. He closed his eyes, attempting to find clarity amidst the chaos. In this moment of introspection, memories surfaced - memories of past triumphs, moments of bravery, and how he had overcome hurdles. Alex had faced challenges and uncertainties in the past and emerged stronger. This reflection offered a glimmer of hope that perhaps he could do it again.

    Taking a deep breath, Alex acknowledged the fear but refused to let it dictate his life's trajectory. He understood that doubts were a natural part of the process and that stepping out of the comfort zone was inherently tricky. However, he realized that remaining stagnant out of fear was not truly living.

    With newfound determination, Alex stood up from the bench, feeling renewed purpose. He decided to take one step at a time, gradually embracing the uncertainty while holding onto the lessons of the known. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face the inner demons and move forward despite the fear.

    The journey ahead was still unclear, and the inner struggle was far from over. But Alex was finally willing to navigate the uncharted waters, realizing that pursuing growth and happiness required facing the discomfort head-on. The battle between the comfort of the known and the uncertainty of change would be ongoing, but as long as he kept moving, he knew he was heading in the right direction.

    And so, with each step, Alex embraced the inner struggle as an essential part of the metamorphosis that awaited him. With a heart full of courage and a mind open to possibilities, he ventured into the night, ready to embrace the uncertainty and embark on the path of self-discovery.

    Overcoming Fear and Doubt: Unleashing the Power Within

    Fear and doubt, like stealthy shadows, have a way of creeping into our minds, sowing seeds of hesitation and uncertainty. They stand as formidable barriers to personal growth, often holding us back from reaching our full potential. Yet, in the art of overcoming these inner adversaries, we unlock the doors to our true strength and resilience.

    Acknowledging Fear and Doubt

    The journey of becoming somebody extraordinary is not without its trials, and often, fear and doubt emerge as formidable adversaries along the way. Like shadows in the depths of our minds, they lurk, threatening to hinder our progress and shatter our dreams. Yet, in the art of self-discovery and growth, the first step towards conquering these adversaries is acknowledging their existence.

    It takes courage to face our fears and doubts head-on, to refuse to let them hold us captive in the corners of our minds. To acknowledge them is to accept their presence as a natural part of the human experience. Just as every individual on this journey encounters moments of trepidation and uncertainty, so too must we confront these emotions that seek to impede our path.

    Acknowledging fear and doubt is not an admission of weakness but a declaration of strength. It is the recognition that we are not alone in this struggle and that these emotions are shared by countless others who have journeyed before us. It is an affirmation that, like them, we, too, can navigate through the storms of uncertainty and emerge stronger on the other side.

    When we lighten our fears and doubts, we strip them of their power over us. We no longer allow them to grow in the darkness, feeding off our insecurities. Instead, we bring them into the light of awareness, where we can examine them objectively, understanding their origins and how they impact our aspirations.

    Acknowledging fear and doubt does not imply that we must eradicate them entirely. Rather, it empowers us to develop a healthy relationship with these emotions. We can harness the energy of fear as a catalyst for preparedness and caution, acknowledging potential risks without letting them paralyze us. Doubt, too, can be a tool for discernment, prompting us to question assumptions and refine our strategies.

    As we walk this path of becoming, we must remember that acknowledging fear and doubt is an ongoing practice. As the sun rises and sets each day, so will these emotions ebb and flow within us. Embracing this truth with compassion and patience allows us to face growth challenges with a steady resolve.

    As fellow travelers on this transformative journey, let us embrace our fears and doubts. By acknowledging their existence, we open the door to courage and resilience, nurturing the seed of self-belief that will blossom into the extraordinary version of ourselves. Together, we confront our fears, cast aside doubts, and march forward, emboldened by the knowledge that within us lies the power to conquer any obstacle that stands in our way.

    Understanding the Root Causes

    Within the depths of fear and doubt lie the seeds of transformation. To dismantle these formidable adversaries, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery, delving deep into our consciousness to understand their root causes. Like skilled archaeologists, we unearth the buried fragments of past experiences and negative beliefs that have taken residence in the recesses of our minds. Doing so gives us invaluable insights into our own thought patterns, empowering us to challenge their validity and rewrite our inner narratives.

    The roots of fear and doubt often trace back to our earliest experiences—memories that have left imprints on the canvas of our consciousness. Perhaps it was a moment of rejection that sowed the seeds of self-doubt or an incident that filled us with trepidation, leaving a lingering fear in its wake. These moments, like buried treasures, have shaped our perceptions and influenced our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.

    As we shine a light on these roots, we may uncover negative beliefs that have taken hold within us—deeply ingrained notions of inadequacy, unworthiness, or failure. These beliefs act as tangled vines, intertwining with our thoughts and influencing our actions, often without conscious awareness. They become the lenses through which we view ourselves and the world, coloring our perspectives and shaping our choices.

    We must approach this excavation with gentleness and compassion to understand the root causes of fear and doubt. We tread lightly through the corridors of our memories, recognizing that past experiences, though painful, have contributed to the tapestry of our growth. As we uncover these hidden fragments, we acknowledge their impact on our present reality, accepting that they are part of the rich tapestry that makes us human.

    Through this process of self-discovery, we also encounter the narratives we tell ourselves—the stories we repeat like mantras, reinforcing our fears and doubts. Yet, armed with awareness, we can challenge these narratives and question their validity. We shine a light on the darkened corners, exposing the falsehoods and distortions that have taken root over time.

    With each revelation, we replace outdated beliefs with new affirmations that uplift and empower us. We cultivate seeds of self-compassion, nurturing a garden of self-love that counteracts the shadows of doubt. We plant seeds of resilience, fortifying our minds against the storms of fear. We cultivate seeds of possibility, envisioning a future where we thrive beyond the limitations imposed by past experiences.

    Understanding the root causes of fear and doubt becomes the key that unlocks the doors to our own liberation. We reclaim agency over our thoughts and emotions, shaping them into empowerment tools rather than instruments of limitation. As we unearth the past, we lay the foundation for a future in which fear and doubt no longer dominate our becoming.

    With newfound clarity and strength, we stride forward on our journey, our hearts unburdened by the weight of limiting beliefs. We embrace the transformative power of understanding, recognizing that within us lies the potential to transcend fear and doubt and emerge as architects of our destinies. The excavation of our inner landscape becomes a testament to our courage and a celebration of our resilience, for in understanding the root causes, we claim the power to create a future that blossoms with the colors of possibility.

    Embracing Vulnerability

    In the vast canvas of human emotions, vulnerability stands as a profound expression of courage and authenticity. As we confront the formidable foes of fear and doubt on our journey of becoming, we find that embracing vulnerability is essential in dismantling their stronghold.

    To be vulnerable is to stand at the crossroads of openness and honesty, where we dare to acknowledge our insecurities and fears without judgment. It is the act of peeling back the layers that shroud our true selves, revealing the rawness of our emotions. It is to hold a mirror to our souls and acknowledge the existence of our vulnerabilities without pretense.

    At first glance, vulnerability may appear to be a path fraught with peril, as it exposes us to the possibility of rejection or judgment from others. Yet, in this act of baring our souls, we discover an unexpected strength—an inner resilience that emerges from our willingness to be seen in our most authentic form.

    Embracing vulnerability does not mean that we surrender to our fears and doubts. Instead, it becomes a conscious choice to confront them with a heart wide open. We no longer hide behind masks of perfection or invulnerability, but instead, we invite others into the sacred space of our struggles.

    Through vulnerability, we create bridges of connection and empathy with those around us. We find solace in the realization that we are not alone in our human experience—that each person we encounter bears their own burdens and grapples with their fears and insecurities. We understand that our struggles are not isolating walls but shared bridges that connect us as fellow travelers on the path of becoming.

    Embracing vulnerability with ourselves is equally transformative. It is the practice of extending compassion and kindness to the most vulnerable parts of ourselves—the parts we may have hidden away, deeming them unworthy of acknowledgment. In doing so, we reclaim the power to heal and nurture our wounded selves, fostering an environment of self-acceptance and growth.

    As we navigate the waters of vulnerability, we find that it becomes the fertile soil where courage takes root. It allows us to step into spaces of growth and expansion, liberated from the constraints of fear and doubt. Vulnerability becomes the chisel that shapes us into resilient beings, for it is in acknowledging our vulnerabilities that we find the strength to rise beyond them.

    In the presence of vulnerability, the tapestry of human connections becomes woven with threads of authenticity and trust. We transcend the fear of judgment, opening ourselves to receive the support and understanding of those who truly see us. We invite others to do the same, fostering an environment where compassion and empathy flourish.

    Embracing vulnerability becomes a gift we offer ourselves and the world—a testament to our humanity and the courage to rise from the depths of fear and doubt. As we stand firmly in vulnerability, we become architects of connection and empathy, navigating the journey of becoming with open hearts and the unwavering belief that vulnerability is not a weakness but a transformative strength.

    Cultivating Self-Compassion

    Amidst the labyrinth of fear and doubt, self-compassion emerges as a guiding light—an inner sanctuary where we learn to treat ourselves with the kindness and understanding we would extend to a cherished friend. To become extraordinary, we must embark on the transformative journey of self-compassion, casting aside the weight of self-judgment and embracing the power of self-love.

    As we encounter moments of fear and doubt, it is all too easy to berate ourselves—to allow the critical voices within to echo loudly, amplifying our insecurities. Yet, in the depths of self-compassion, we discover a gentle whisper—an inner voice that soothes rather than scolds and nurtures rather than criticizes.

    Self-compassion is not an act of indulgence or self-pity but a profound acknowledgment of our shared humanity. It is the recognition that every individual, at some point, encounters moments of fear and doubt. These emotions are part of the rich tapestry of human experience, weaving the threads of vulnerability that connect us all.

    In cultivating self-compassion, we learn to hold space for ourselves with tenderness and understanding. We allow ourselves to acknowledge fear and doubt without judgment, accepting them as natural responses to growth challenges. Just as a gardener tends to fragile blossoms with care, so do we nurture our hearts with compassion.

    When we treat ourselves with kindness and understanding, we shift the narrative of our inner dialogue. We begin to replace the harsh self-criticisms with gentle affirmations of self-worth and potential. The wings of self-acceptance and grace replace the burdens of judgment and shame.

    In moments of self-doubt, we ask ourselves, What would I say to a dear friend facing these same challenges? With the wisdom of self-compassion, we offer ourselves the exact words of encouragement, support, and belief in our capabilities.

    Self-compassion becomes a refuge where we can find solace amidst the storms of fear and doubt. It becomes the source of resilience, for when we treat ourselves with compassion, we fortify our spirits against the harsh winds of criticism. It becomes the foundation of self-belief, reminding us that fear and doubt do not define our worth or potential.

    As we cultivate self-compassion, we find that it extends beyond ourselves. It becomes a wellspring of empathy—a gift we can offer others as they navigate their journey of becoming. The ripple effect of self-compassion creates an environment where kindness and understanding flourish, where we lift each other up rather than tear each other down.

    In embracing self-compassion, we uncover the beauty of our imperfections and the strength in our vulnerability. We discover that amidst the uncertainties of the path ahead, we are worthy of love and acceptance—worthy of the extraordinary journey we have chosen to embark upon.

    Let us cultivate self-compassion as a sacred practice—a gentle art that transforms fear and doubt into steppingstones of growth. With each step, we walk towards a future shaped by the boundless love and understanding we offer ourselves—the future of becoming somebody extraordinary, illuminated by the light of self-compassion.

    Taking Courageous Action

    In the crucible of fear and doubt, courageous action becomes the sword that cleaves through the darkness, illuminating the path of becoming. To step into the realm of extraordinary possibilities, we must muster the audacity to take courageous action—to walk boldly beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones, even when the journey seems daunting.

    Courageous action is not the absence of fear but the willingness to confront it head-on. The decision to face the dragons of doubt guards the gates of growth and transformation. Each time we take a step forward, despite the tremors of uncertainty, we chip away at the power that fear and doubt hold over us.

    The terrain of courageous action may appear treacherous—a landscape of uncharted territories and unfamiliar challenges. Yet, on this ground, we unearth the gems of our potential. Every step we take outside the confines of familiarity becomes a catalyst for growth, a testament to our resilience, and a reflection of the boundless strength that resides within us.

    Courageous action requires the faith to believe in ourselves—to trust that the ability to rise above our limitations lies within us. It is the acknowledgment that greatness is not reserved for the fearless but for those who dare to venture into the realm of uncertainty with hearts unyielding.

    We find that our capacity for courage expands with each act of courageous action. Like a muscle strengthened through exercise, our inner strength grows with every step. We learn that fear and doubt, though persistent, are not insurmountable barriers. They are but shadows cast by the light of our courage.

    As we embrace courageous action, we may stumble and falter at times. We may encounter setbacks and obstacles that test our resolve. Yet, it is in these moments that we draw upon the wellspring of determination within us. We rise from the falls, brushed off by the dust of resilience, and stand tall, ready to take the next courageous step.

    We become architects of our destinies in the wake of each courageous action. We craft a future that is not shaped by the dictates of fear and doubt but by the audacity of our dreams. We forge a path that is uniquely ours—a tapestry woven with threads of boldness and perseverance.

    Courageous action is not limited to grand gestures or monumental achievements. It can be found in the smallest of steps—a conversation that pushes us outside our comfort zones, a decision to pursue a new passion, or a willingness to ask for help when needed.

    With each courageous action, we inspire others to follow suit. Our acts of bravery become beacons of possibility, igniting the sparks of courage within those who witness our journey. We create a ripple effect of empowerment, reminding the world that the indomitable spirit of courageous action can conquer fear and doubt.

    So, let us embrace the call of courageous action—to stride confidently into the unknown, to seize opportunities that beckon us forward, and to declare our resilience in the face of fear. With each step we take, we carve our names upon the tapestry of becoming symbols of strength, perseverance, and the extraordinary potential that lies within us all.


    Overcoming fear and doubt is a transformative journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and unwavering determination. By confronting these inner adversaries, we unlock the vast reservoir of potential within us and step into our true power. Embrace the challenge, for it is in the conquering that we discover the depth of our strength and the limitless possibilities that await us on the path to becoming.

    "You possess the strength and resilience to overcome these inner obstacles. You will discover the power to transcend your doubts and fears by acknowledging and confronting them. It is in this courageous act of self-reflection and self-belief that you will unlock the door to personal growth and the becoming of your true self."

    Chapter 2: Seeking Inspiration

    Seeking Inspiration: Illuminating Paths of Transformation and Success

    In the vast expanse of human existence, the quest for inspiration lies at the heart of personal growth and self-discovery. Now, we embark on a journey to uncover the invaluable wellspring of motivation in the stories of role models and inspirational figures. By delving into their transformative experiences and remarkable achievements, we ignite the spark of possibility within ourselves, encouraging us to reach beyond our perceived limits and embrace the becoming of our true potential.

    Researching Role Models and Inspirational Figures

    At the outset, we learn the art of research to find our guiding lights. We explore the lives and legacies of prominent role models from various fields—visionaries, artists, leaders, athletes, and ordinary individuals who have faced extraordinary challenges. Through thorough investigation and curiosity, we understand their struggles, triumphs, and the pivotal moments that transformed their lives.

    Discovering Stories of Transformation

    In this section, we are introduced to the transformative power of stories. We encounter individuals who defied adversity, transcended limitations, and reinvented themselves against all odds. From rags to riches, from loss to triumph, their tales are powerful testaments to the human spirit's resilience and capacity for growth.

    Embracing Lessons of Success

    Inspiration goes hand-in-hand with success, and in this portion, we unravel the threads that lead to achievement. We analyze the common principles and traits shared by these inspirational figures. We learn the significance of perseverance, grit, passion, and adaptability in their journeys, empowering us with valuable insights for our pursuit of greatness.

    Empathy and Identification

    As we immerse ourselves in the lives of our role models, we begin to develop empathy and a sense of identification with their struggles. In this section, we understand that their stories are not mere fables but reflections of our shared human experience. We find strength in knowing that we are not alone in our quest for growth and transformation.

    Emulating and Adapting

    Inspiration thrives when we recognize the potential to emulate and adapt the

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