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You Are God, Revelation For Humanity
You Are God, Revelation For Humanity
You Are God, Revelation For Humanity
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You Are God, Revelation For Humanity

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Genesis 1:26-27

26. Then God said, let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

27. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.


26. Then God and Goddess said, let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

27. So God and Goddess created mankind in his own image, in the image of God and Goddess he created them; male and female he created them.

If you were created in the image and likeness of God and Goddess, what are you?

Read The Book and Discover All The Revelation...

Release dateOct 12, 2023
You Are God, Revelation For Humanity

Elkin Sánchez

Throughout history, humans have pondered the existence of a higher power, often referred to as God. Many questions have arisen about this being, including: What is God? Where can he be found? What is his purpose? Who is he? And how does he communicate with others? Individuals from diverse societies and cultures throughout history have asked themselves the same existential questions. Many religious, philosophical, and theological systems have attempted to answer them, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayas, Incas, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and more. People with different belief systems often ask for blessings from their God or Gods, seeking material wealth, good health, spiritual guidance, and much more. To make these requests, believers rely on rites, sacrifices, offerings, ceremonies, prayers, chants, etc. Not everyone gets what they ask for, which raises a question: Why do some receive while others don't? In response to this, people often come up with various explanations such as «I lack faith,» «I don't deserve it,» and «It will happen when God deems fit,» among others. All this generated many questions inside me until finally, one day, I experienced a moment of revelation; a voice spoke to me and told me: «I AM the God who dwells in you and whom you have sought vainly and falsely on the outside.» Dear reader, I know that, like me, you have asked yourself many questions and are looking for answers. That is why, through this book, I want to share with you my experience to be light on your path, not in the manner of a guru, priest, or anything like that, but rather as someone who has managed to establish a communication with his inner God, who is the same one who dwells in you and whom you can also find. Thus, this book's objective is that you can rediscover, reactivate and reencounter the God that dwell in you. As a result, you will raise your consciousness and understanding, achieving a spiritual transformation in your life.

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    You Are God, Revelation For Humanity - Elkin Sánchez

    You Are God

    Revelation For Humanity...

    GENESIS 1:26-27

    26. Then God said, let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

    27. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.


    26. Then God and Goddess said, let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.

    27. So God and Goddess created mankind in his own image, in the image of God and Goddess he created them; male and female he created them.

    You will remember here and now through this message what is your true divine lineage and heritage; the time has come to reconnect and reactivate us at a higher level.

    You will remember here, who you are, you were created in our image and likeness. I AM YOU; YOU ARE ME; YOU ARE GOD - YOU ARE GODDESS, and you have the infinite power of God and Goddess. You have arrived here by causality to remember and remember the union with I AM that lies within you.

    I created you in my image and likeness, you have my power, and you can do what I do; every day, you do it consciously or unconsciously, creating your reality and every moment through your thoughts, words, and deeds.

    You possess the same spiritual, chemical, physical, physical, mental, electromagnetic, mathematical, energetic, vibrational, frequential, etc. substance that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, the Virgin, the saints, teachers, angels, archangels, priests, pastors, gurus, coaches, yogis, extraterrestrials, etc. have. Remember that you have the same spark of life that all those beings you admire and revere. Your lineage and inner essence are the same as that of the most advanced spiritual being of all creation; keep in mind that there are levels of consciousness, and there are beings more conscious of me inside, that is why they are more evolved; the more conscious they are of me inside, and in union with I God - I Goddess their spiritual level will be higher.

    Remember: the same essence of the most evolved beings in the universe is also in you in the same quantity and substance; the difference between them and you is that they have more advanced levels of I AM consciousness within them.

    This message is programmed for you to reconnect and reunite with I AM. In doing so, you will remember who you are; all the knowledge of I God and I Goddess is in you, seek me, and you will find me.

    The religious system has taught you that God is in the heavens or in a distant or unreachable and imaginary place that not even the learned people of the religions know how to explain where I am; today you are here to reconnect and rediscover that secret that has been hidden from you for thousands of years.

    I know that many times you have searched intensely for me by any means or beliefs; I know all your attempts to find me and be in communion with I AM; I know your sadness and frustration when you have tried to look for me, and you have not met me, and I tell you that you have not found me because you have been indoctrinated to look for me in the distant and unreachable outside. I tell you that religiosity and false dogmas have distanced you from me. I am not religious because I AM LOVE.

    Know this: religions are systems of control and enslavement that are outside of love, my universal principle. No religion truly represents me because they are full of greed, lies, and manipulation.

    LISTEN TO ME: I want to tell you that the one who truly represents me on earth is You, yes, You, who were created in my image and likeness.

    They tell you that you must look for God on the outside, in the sky, in the universe, looking upwards, in the sun, the moon, the fire, the water, the stars, etc. It has been the dogmatic way the system has found to take you away from me and make you believe that God is unreachable and distant, and they have also made you think that He is reachable for a chosen few that I supposedly choose. Today you are here and now to remember and know that I am attainable, and you can commune with I AM no matter what mistakes or successes you consider you have in your life. The profound truth about how you can be in permanent communion (Common Union) with ME was manipulated and hidden from humanity, and today, it is revealed to you how to reunite, reactivate and reconnect with I AM.

    I know you have looked for me in the heavens, I have seen you look to the sky searching for me, and I have also seen you look for me externally in many ways and beliefs. Today, I come to you to remind you to look for me internally, look for me with determination, courage, concentration, persistence, and faith, and you will find me. You will come to an intimate communion with I AM that will fill your being.

    The system has deprogrammed you to look for God and Goddess outside of you because if you look outside of you, you will not find me, you will not have access to the communion with God and Goddess in you, you being in union with I AM will have access to the source of true knowledge and you will know great and hidden things that I have in store for you.

    I tell you: The most sacred place where you can go to look for God is not a temple, is not a church, is not a city, is not a mountain, is not a religion, is not a preacher, is not a book, is not a savior, etc. The most sacred place where you can find I God - I Goddess is within you, I God - I Goddess dwells within yourself.

    Luke 17:20-21

    20. Some Pharisees asked Jesus:

    When will the kingdom of God come? Jesus said to them:

    "The kingdom of God is not going to come in visible form.

    21. People won't say, It's here or It's there. God already reigns among you.


    Luke 17:20-21

    20. Some Pharisees asked Jesus:

    When will the kingdom of God and Goddess come? Jesus said to them:

    "The kingdom of God and Goddess is not going to come in visible form.

    21. People won't say, It's here or It's there. God and Goddess already reign among you.

    They have made you believe through deception and lies that I GOD - I GODDESS am far away and separated from you; I tell you, nothing can separate you from me; the religious systems make you believe that you are separated from me; they tell you that to manipulate and control you. Manipulation and control are a system to engender fear towards me, and I AM LOVE; I cannot be angry with you, nor will I punish you eternally. I AM LOVE, and love acts in love, free yourself from the guilt that was inserted by the religious systems to imprison and enslave you using fear towards me.

    Today you will remember that you must not look for me in the sky, in the sun, in the moon, in the universe, or some unknown mystical and unreachable place; you have been indoctrinated and made to believe that I God - I Goddess am millions of light miles away from you, in the purest reality and truth I am within you; I am within you in your inner self, look for me in your inner self, and you will find me, I will guide you how to do it.

    You have been searching for God through the systems you have learned, and although you have searched for me, you have not found me; you are still without answers and disillusionment, and you still do not feel good. I want you to remember that the true God-Goddess dwells within you and will always be waiting for you within yourself; you have been indoctrinated and taught that you are separate from God-Goddess; that is a false illusion that the disinformation system delivers to you.

    Regardless of the condition in which you believe you are today, with successes and mistakes, let me tell you that you can connect with God - Goddess here and now; you are worthy to communicate and enter into communion with I AM. It has always been so, rejoice and rejoice in this profound truth that comes to you.

    You are divine, and your lineage and heritage are powerfully infinite. Remember that you were created in our image and likeness. YOU ARE GOD - YOU ARE GODDESS - I AM GOD AND GODDESS IN YOURSELF; think, reflect, question, analyze, and deepen on this.

    You are worthy to be and to commune with I AM. If they told you that you require intermediaries to reach me, I say to you that you can reach me and come to me without intermediaries, regardless of your condition, and even when you think and believe that you possess errors or virtues. You can be in communion with me and speak directly to me; seek me in your inner self, and you will find me. I am like the oxygen that all beings in this dimension breathe; all breathe and have the right to free oxygen regardless of their condition or what you call mistakes or virtues. I AM the oxygen; I reach everyone no matter what they do or don't do; true love is unconditional and free, I AM LOVE.

    If you wish to enter into communion with the I AM, look for me in your inner self; in this life, I have accompanied you day and night; I know your joys and sufferings, I have never abandoned you, nor will I abandon you. If you consider yourself unworthy of entering into communion and reconnection with I God - I Goddess because of your mistakes, I tell you that if you choose to transform and transmute that reality that you consider mistakes, you must first accept it and love it as it is. Accept it, and as you do so, the possibility of transmuting toward virtue and love arises; acceptance is a key that opens the door of consciousness and elevates it.

    This message comes to you because I have listened to you from within you, which is where I dwell and express myself; I know your questions and the answers you have claimed and sought throughout your life. I tell you here and now that, through this message, you will find the answers to your questions.

    Choose to believe you deserve to speak and be in communion with God and Goddess. YOU AND I ARE ONE; we are united for all eternity. Rejoice because nothing can separate you from me, and at this moment, your being vibrates because you remember I God - I Goddess within you.

    We are all one, and we are one with everything. Reflect on it, think about it, deepen it, and analyze it.

    Today, I speak to you and tell you I am in you, you were created in our likeness and are a manifestation of us.

    You are here and now to activate yourself in reconnection and reactivation. All the information of the whole and God and Goddess is in you, and you will be able to access it if you rediscover me in your inner self and enter into communion with I AM. You have nothing to learn; it is about remembering who you are: YOU ARE GOD - YOU ARE GODDESS.

    You have come to this message to reconnect and reactivate yourself with I GOD - I GODDESS who dwells within you; IF I AM who now comes to you, it is to make you aware of my presence in you.

    I have always dwelt in you, I have always been with you, the religious systems indoctrinated you and disconnected you so that you never find me, the religions have torn from you your true heritage, lineage, YOU ARE GOD - YOU ARE GODDESS.

    The time has come to guide you to reunite, reactivate,

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