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The Pharmacy Doctor
The Pharmacy Doctor
The Pharmacy Doctor
Ebook29 pages16 minutes

The Pharmacy Doctor

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Sarah is just trying to get by when she lands a job at a local pharmacy. She dreads working with Victor, the aloof and handsome resident doctor who runs the clinic. His cold demeanor puts her on edge. But when an illness forces Sarah to see Victor professionally, she catches a glimpse of the compassion beneath his icy exterior.


Late nights and shared confidences allow Sarah to connect with the real Victor, a man shaped by his troubled past. As he begins to open his heart to her, they forge an undeniable bond. But just when things seem to be falling into place, Victor's ex-fiancé Veronica shows up demanding a second chance.


With new hurdles threatening the fragile trust between them, Sarah and Victor must decide if what they've found together is strong enough to overcome the ghosts of former heartbreaks. When Victor gets down on one knee, Sarah is ready to leave the past behind and embrace a future with the man who truly sees her. But the road to "I do" is rarely smooth, and they still have challenges to overcome.


Can Sarah help Victor heal old wounds so he can love freely at last? Will the promise of a life together be enough to conquer their fears? Find out in this moving contemporary romance about breaking down walls, overcoming yesterday's hurt, and learning to love without reservations.

PublisherG.M. Hugs
Release dateSep 10, 2023
The Pharmacy Doctor

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    Book preview

    The Pharmacy Doctor - G.M. Hugs

    The Pharmacy Doctor

    G.M. Hugs

    Copyright © [2023] by [G.M. Hugs]

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    1.First Impressions

    2.Doctor's Orders

    3.Doctor's Orders

    4.Mixed Signals

    5.Coming Clean

    6.New Beginnings

    7.The Next Level


    9.Making it Official

    10.The L Word

    11.Looking Ahead

    The End


    First Impressions


    The automatic doors slid open with a whoosh, letting in a gust of the chilled autumn wind. Sarah pulled her cardigan tighter as she stepped into the warmth of the pharmacy. The smell of antiseptic and faint medicinal tang greeted her as her eyes adjusted to the bright, sterile lighting.

    Making her way to the counter, Sarah chanced a quick survey of her new workplace. The pharmacy was clean and orderly, with aisles of over-the-counter remedies and vitamin supplements. Near the back were signs directing customers to the clinic.

    Can I help you? asked the pharmacist, a kindly older woman with a neat bob and lacquered talons.

    Sarah returned her attention to the counter. Yes, I'm the new pharmacy technician, starting today.

    Of course! We're so happy to have you, the pharmacist said. She extended a manicured hand over the counter. I'm Martha. Let me just page the manager to come show you around.

    Martha disappeared through a door behind her,

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