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Be A Seductive Slayer
Be A Seductive Slayer
Be A Seductive Slayer
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Be A Seductive Slayer

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  • There will come a time when you will be close to your final days on this earth and then the only thing that will matter is what you have done with the little time that you had; do you want to say that you have lived fully and boldly, or that you have pleased other's opinions?
  • You will never have complete social acceptance in this wo
Release dateAug 4, 2023
Be A Seductive Slayer

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    Be A Seductive Slayer - Cory Smith



    An Alpha Male is extremely aggressive in going after what he wants in life. The Beta Male half-asses his entire life.

    The Alpha Male TAKES WHAT HE WANTS. The Beta male waits for things to magically fall on his lap, and feels too guilty to be worthy of success.

    The Alpha Male creates opportunities out of thin air by taking action in putting himself in situations where opportunities are likely to be found, while the beta male waits for opportunities to find him. The beta waits for vagina to fall from the sky - by itself - into his dick because if destiny willed it then it would magically happen by itself.

    Taking massive, focused, daily, consistent, RADICAL ACTION towards your specific goals is the single best strategy for getting what you want out of life. This is true for many things in life, and it’s absolutely true in the game of seduction. ¹

    By being a man who is good at setting clearly defined goals, taking behaviors towards those goals, and achieving them, you will be a man who can conquer anything that life throws at him - whether it’s the game of life, the game of money, or the game of seduction.

    It is 100% possible that you lacked a strong role model in your formative years. I will take the place of that masculine role model that you didn’t have, growing up.

    My dear dear dear son….

    You have come of age to know about the art of putting your hanging limb into the small opening that is between the legs of a female.

    Listen to papa.

    Look deeply into my eyes.

    Come close to me, so I can tell you the way of sexual success women.

    Sit on my lap so that I can impart a truth that will change your life forever if you take it to your heart and review it constantly.

    By following this simple truth you will get endless sexual ecstasy.

    Listen to the truth….

    You can approach ANY WOMEN, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let that sink in.

    You can approach ANY WOMEN, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You can approach ANY WOMEN, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The only thing holding you back are your limiting beliefs.


    I can’t approach her because I am too ugly.

    I can’t approach her because I will look creepy.

    I can’t approach the cute girl because I am too old.

    I can’t approach that beautiful woman because I am too young.

    I can’t approach that sexy lady because I will just be rejected and embarrass myself.

    I can’t approach that juicy ass because it’s not appropriate and other people will think negatively of me.

    I can’t approach and seduce beautiful women because I am too busy.

    I can’t approach and make moves to get laid because [excuse blah blah blah blah].

    Take a nuclear bomb and drop it on these restricting viewpoints of what is possible versus what isn’t possible. Unlearn the limiting beliefs that are limiting you.

    FUCK what society has brainwashed you to believe.

    FUCK what your parents have taught you.

    FUCK what you’ve been conditioned to believe by society.



    If you see a woman, you can walk up, talk to her, and flirt with her.

    It’s that simple. Everything else is just commentary. Period. The bottom line. Drop mic. 🎤

    Replace limiting beliefs with these beliefs:

    I can approach beautiful women because I do whatever the fuck I want to do. 🦁

    I can approach beautiful women because I am an Alpha Male and I take what I want out of life. 🦁

    I can approach beautiful women because I am type of person who goes after what he likes. 🦁

    The next beautiful woman that I approach could be my next long term sexual partner. 🦁

    When you see a beautiful woman, get out of your head and do something specific to initiate an interaction.

    🛑NO hesitation.

    🛑NO excuses.

    🛑NO overthinking.

    🛑NO being stuck in analyzation mode.

    🛑NO stopping to think things over.

    🛑NO coming up with the perfect line to say.

    🛑NO coming up with reasons why you can’t approach.

    ✅ JUST ACT.

    Remember this simple lesson. It’s not rocket science. Unfortunately common sense isn’t common. Most men miss out on endless sexual opportunities because they are too afraid to approach women. That is why they are stuck with nothing but their own hand. Overthinking leads to paralysis.

    Saying anything (even if it is lame) is better than missing out on the opportunity because you couldn’t figure out the perfect thing to say to start up a conversation. Never avoid approaching because you didn’t know what to say: just say ANYTHING.

    When you just approach and say something, you’re burning the bridge of escaping. By putting yourself in the situation and saying something (ANYTHING) to start the interaction, your brain will naturally come up with things to say as a follow-up.

    All you need to do is get out of your head, and do a concrete behavior to act upon your desires. Simply by taking action in the field (instead of living in your head) you’ll immediately be on a higher level than 95% of men who talk up a big talk but then do nothing. Every other guy is stuck in his head overthinking, overanalyzing, and coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why he can’t approach the cute girl that he likes. In contrast, when you see a cute girl that you like: you FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

    Meditate on this:

    A life of rejection is better than a life of regrets.

    Even the best seducers get rejected a ton, but they also get a lot of sexual successes that make all of the rejections worth going through.

    A life filled with epic adventures and bold radical action (even if there’s a lot of bitter rejections included in the occasional sexual success) is still better than a life of being a pussy and avoiding action entirely.

    It is better to approach and know that you had the fucking balls to go after what you want and be rejected than it is to NOT approach and spend a lifetime wondering What if?

    Don’t be afraid of rejection. Be afraid of being a pussy.

    Further, even if only 3% of your approaches lead to sexual results, it will still be worth it.

    Taking action to get sexual results with women is as vital as oxygen.

    See —> Approach —> Talk

    1. See a cute girl that you like.

    2. Walk up to her.

    3. Say something to start up a conversation.

    You don’t need permission. ASSUME THE SALE.

    You don’t need to be shy about it. BE SHAMELESS.

    You don’t need to walk on egg-shells. BE RADICALLY BOLD.

    You don’t need to be afraid of what other people will think of you. FUCK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK.

    You don’t need to think you’re creepy for hitting on women. OWN YOUR DICK; EMBRACE YOUR SEXUALITY.

    From this moment forward, promise yourself that if you see a cute girl that you like, then you won’t just stare at her, but you will take a few steps to move close to her, open your mouth and initiate an interaction.

    I’ll wait.

    Make that promise to yourself NOW.

    Verbalize this promise out-loud.

    When I see a beautiful woman that I like, I will take action to bring her into my life - on a sexual level.

    I will be an approaching MACHINE.

    Let the end of this chapter be the starting point of the new version of you: the version of you that goes after what he wants in life - women included. The version of you that takes action to get what he wants - including approaching and making moves on beautiful women.


    1 Every day when you wake up, you have to be clear about what you are doing SPECIFICALLY on that day to get the kind of sex life that you want. Behaviors create results. Keep an action journal to record the specific things that you’re doing over a long period of time to create the sex life that you want. Hold yourself accountable to recording things in that action journal on a daily basis consistently. Take notes of valuable lessons that you’ve learned along the way. Take note of milestones of progress. Don’t stop until you get the sex life that you want.



    There are two possible outcomes from approaching a woman:

    OUTCOME #1) You get the girl, and you learn a lesson about what works.Your ego gets a huge boost. Your penis gets a warm massaging hole. You learn good lines that you can continue to

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