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About the Book
Antebellum tells the story of love, betrayal, and tragedy in the antebellum South. Annabell Lee and her husband James are hosting a party for their third anniversary. She encounters Jack, a man she once had eyes for. Tall, Strong, and charming, she remembers again that he is the man she has always dreamed of.
A work of historical fiction, its narrative is filled with rich dialogue. Readers will find an intimate glimpse into the lives of the characters as they navigate the twists and turns of their young lives. Ultimately, Antebellum speaks to the excitement and perils of unbridled passion, the importance of gratitude, and the danger of coveting others’ positions and possessions.

About the Author
Little Oak enjoys watching horse racing, car races, and crime dramas and doing word search puzzles. She likes to call her tree lot a nature center. She and her husband have three married sons.

Release dateAug 3, 2023

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    Antebellum - Little Oak

    Chapter 1

    The Gala Event

    A form of shape, a being, a figure of a man stands rendering his version of adjust configuration. James did imbue his presence up on middle path amongst the Blue Spruce trees, Magnolias, and the Pomponettes of Antebellum.

    Meanwhile, in the same of ordinary time, Annabell Lee is deploying the long winding staircase of Antebellum. She is wearing a dress of long length an implication of longing of taut, the pigment of red cherry and strawberry. She is carrying a hat to match.

    James is wearing his new suit and top hat. He takes his pocket watch out of his watch pocket to look at the time. He sighs with dissatisfactory disquietude as he replaces his pocket watch in his waist pocket again.

    Annabell kept her eyes keen on Susan, who is standing in the anteroom. Susan is waiting on her mistress, as everyone else seems to be. Susan, the maid of Antebellum, worries. She worries about Annabell Lee first, her job second, and James thirdly. How do I look? Annabell asks, already assured of her looks, yet feeling nervous. Will I look prettier? She asks as she wonders, knowing they will be there. She would not have to wonder for a long time.

    James takes his pocket watch out of its waist pocket looking at the time again, then he places it back into his waist pocket.

    Susan nods her head approvingly as she gives Annabell a look of approval but yet caveat as she gestures with her right hand, pointing with her index finger straight up toward heaven, then her hand pointing towards the gardens of Antebellum saying discerningly, This way down the garden and primrose path.

    James grasps the hand of Annabell Lee, saying seriously, I thought I would never see such a grand and glorious sight as my Antebellum and my Annabell Lee  are tonight. The guests are arriving in their version of Victorian formal attire, as their host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. James Ira Kirkland. They are arriving at the garden entrance through the gate of a white picket fence, down the white glacis, grade stairway. Chrysanthemums of orange and yellow and russet reds pose around the Chrysanthemum’s beds of bright yellow blossoms in the center, arraying unto shades of orange in the warmth of the sun’s shimmering rays, especially as the sun wakes up the mornings of Antebellum. Pink, yellow, and red roses pose in beds of circular fashion. The climbing roses climb the rose arbors at the very end of the garden paths. The tall alba and bluebells elongate the borders of the Flore Pleno. Thunbergia Atata and golden red gems encompass the borders, as James and Annabell Lee start to greet and be replied to by their guests. The last carriage to arrive is silver ornated. It is being pulled by two high-bred horses not unlike their owner, Mr. Jack McLean. The handsome man and his pretty wife are approaching their host and hostess, whom are walking down the white glacis stairway.

    What is her name? I forgot. Annabell Lee asks in tones of sarcastic, jaundiced jealousy. Why, her name is Catalina. You must bear in your mind, Mrs. Catalina McLean, and keep her in the power of your memory, so you may greet her with the appreciation of suppose, James said as a bulwark to the defense custom. He nodded to his business partner and sometime friend, Mr. Jack McLean, the man he likes but also hates. While they are approaching James and Annabell, Annabell thinks to herself, I must bear her in my mind, Mrs. Catalina McLean. Well, there are times I know when she is probably too much to bear even for one’s own mind. She gave Jack a smile that she reserved for only the rare occasion of seeing him. She nods to Catalina and says, I do so hope you will have fun at this our gala event. Annabell said with deign. Jack spied from the corner of his eye the punch bowl sitting on the round table. I can see we will have quite a gay time, indeed, he said with sagacity.

    A six-piece band is playing the first waltz in the ballroom of Antebellum. The ballroom is decorated in party fashion. It is decorated with crepe paper bells and hearts. James and Annabell Lee took their places as first couple on the dance floor. James knew this waltz was going to be one of the few dances to hold her. He held his wife close to convey the thoughts of love he felt so deeply for her, the beautiful Annabell Lee. He held her close and whispered, Remember, as he holds you to dance, that I love you, oh, so much. He danced, enjoying every moment of the dance, holding the woman he loved in his arms. He knew the long-awaited moment he dreaded so much was fast occurring. Jack was approaching. He tapped James on the shoulder. James turned to Catalina as they danced together. He frowns as he steps to the dance and says, I do so hope you are watching my suave partner around the ladies or are you, my dear, a naive fem-fatalist? He gave a glowering look of scrutinty to Annabell. He found himself smiling in return of his look of watchfulness as Annabell was uncomfortable with Jack’s manner of stepping to the waltz, for it held a hint of gracelessness. James looked at the other couples on the dance floor as he wondered if the elite of society held an opinion on the actions of Jack and Annabell Lee. He watched as he was beset with bother, as Alice Maxell raised her eyebrows to Mrs. Ellen Lorraine. She nodded her head slightly and raised her eyebrows toward Mrs. Rachel Philemon. She also nodded her head affirmingly, raising her eyebrows to Jack and Annabell Lee while they swirled on the dance floor. They raised their eyebrows, nodding their heads slightly negatively toward James and Catalina, also condemning them of discordant discourtesy. The thought of censure was clearly in their minds. Annabell returned to James’ side on the next dance as he held out a hand toward her. I am glad we are dancing together again. Are you not, my dear, before the whole of society starts talking? James asks glad of his advocates.

    I am glad to be dancing with you once more, she said, feeling vivacious as James held her while they dance together once again. He smiles and nodded to Ellen and Rachel with his smile of piety. Jack glances at the band while he danced with his wife, Catalina, as she smiled to Alice Maxell, a long-time friend of her own family, I am so glad to be dancing with you, my dearest, like the former times. He held her in his arms during the waltz, looking into the pools of her fanciful blue eyes, knowing with his look of artfulness and tenet. He found, as he smiled at her, a safeguard of love. A safeguard of the confidence of sway and behavior, elements framing their union of happiness. He glanced at the band, then at James, as he waltzed with Annabell Lee. He danced with his pretty and comely wife until the waltz was almost over. He motioned with a slight nod of his head, a summons with his eyes, toward the punch bowl that was sitting on a round table in the gardens of Antebellum. The band started to play another dance. Perhaps, some punch? He asked hopefully with his eyes.

    They emerged slowly to the gardens. Annabell compared the differences of the embraces of the two men as her steps slowly reached the punch bowl. Her thoughts left her with a feeling of chafed vexation. James sighed as he thought to his judicious self, and his steps took him near the punch bowl. He waved the server away, I wonder what kind of business deal he is going to try to talk me into this time? He knows I hate to talk business deals at gala events. He stared at Annabell with zeal as she took up the ladle and served Catalina first. There was a pique in her mood as she poured for her. She wondered what good it did to compare the two men now that the man she still felt a fondness for was married to the woman she was now serving punch. Catalina took the cup of punch, giving Annabell Lee a look of concern for her own heart’s warmth feelings for Jack. He asked in a whisper, How would you like to get in on the ground floor, (I beg you of my speech) of a very lucrative business deal? A business deal with the promise of profits we could ever earn in our lifetime. James looked at him with perplexed puzzlement. He remembered some of the business deals he had found in the past. A few of them he had lost money on.

    Why. . . . Why, Fulton’s folly? he asked with conjecture. What are you thinking about doing with it or to it? James had heard about Fulton’s folly, one of the newer inventions of mankind. Jack glanced toward the doorway and threshold that led toward the ballroom. The guests were longing then yearning, some for punch, some for their favorite hors d’oeuvres, and some for the business deals of Mr. James Ira Kirkland and Mr. Jack McClean. They saw money being made but no labor being done to make any money. I feel a dance coming on, Jack said with eager dispatch and foresight. They tasted their last drops of punch from their crystal glasses, then both couples held hands as they promenaded back to the dance floor.

    The question of this new business deal Jack is thinking about getting him involved in, Fulton’s folly, revolved in James’ mind for the rest of this gala event. The band was playing the last waltz. The guests had a good time. They shook hands with James, nodding a polite nod to Annabell Lee. They told their host and hostess they enjoyed their night of merriment and mirth. James became affected with a certain feeling as he shook hands with Senators from Washington, District of Columbia; Senators and mayors from Atlanta; and mayors from Savannah, Augusta, and Jessup; and their wives. He said, Thank you very much for declaring yourselves on us. May you accede to a higher place of consciousness as you begin functioning towards a good night and a good morning. James looked up on the honorable mayor of Mason County. A plump, jolly fellow, the Honorable Mayor Mr. Constantine Ignatius. He was even jollier than the rest of the guests. May you, Constantine, have an awareness of this good evening, to say nothing about the good morning that follows, he said with a slight smile upon his face.

    Good night, Annabell said. Thank you for coming to our gala event. She smiled as they watched their guests promenade to their carriages. Jack kept his eye to see if there were any guests who were longing or appeased as their escape into this night of gaiety came to an end. James looked questionably as he asked, Just what do we have plans for anyhow? while they sipped brandy in the ballroom.

    Jack’s eyes met James as they stood facing each other, Why, how about steam-driven gaming ships? Jack replied confidently.

    Gaming. Gaming ships? James asked in surprise and unbelief.

    Yes, that is right! We have an invitation to come aboard Mr. Lowe’s steam-driven Showboat the day after tomorrow. I will be here tomorrow morning to acquire you.

    We do not waste much time, do we? James asks, suprised.

    James started to comprehend as he replied, Oh! Oh, no, indeed. I do not think it would be a good idea to waste much time! No, not at all.

    Catalina stood next to her husband Jack with optimism in her eyes and in her voice she said, Someday I hope to give a party so grand! Oh, will I be able to dear?

    Of course. We will be able to give a party, so grand, someday; Jack said confidently. We had a very good time tonight. Goodnight. He smiles at their host and hostess. I will then see you tomorrow morning.

    Annabell Lee extends her hand, first to Catalina, then to Jack. Jack held her hand for a minute before letting her hand return to her. Annabell smiled her special smile, the smile that James hates to see on her pretty face. I am glad you came to our gala event. She said with allure. James glances at the imperious, magisterial longing befalling their faces. He glances at Catalina’s pretty oval-shaped face framing her long blond hair She is in a joyous mood still from the gala party. Concerned, but not overly so.

    James looks at Jack with serious intensity. Yes, we are both glad you came to our gala event. This, our third wedding anniversary party. I will, indeed, see you tomorrow morning. We wish you a good night and a good evening. James thinks as he watches them walk down the steps to their carriage, I wonder where he obtained that carriage? He probably begged, borrowed, or stole it! I just might push him overboard when we climb aboard Mr. Lowe’s Showboat and feed him to the pernicious fish. I wonder about Catalina. Is she playing the nieve-fem-fatale, or is she really living in this, the real world? James looks at his wife, Annabell, gazing into her eyes with the firmness of conviction of love, yet with intrepidity, and nevertheless, the boldness of effrontery, holding her tightly by the waist as he kisses her passionately. She falls back into his arms. James carries her up the winding staircase. He eludes, with feelings of this night in his thoughts, as he emits, casting her into the marriage bed.

    Chapter 2

    Their First Voyage

    The next morning, sitting at the breakfast nook, James felt in a daze. He sits staring at his breakfast, pushing his fork around his plate. He usually eats his ever so delicious breakfast like he had forgotten last night’s supper ever existed. Susan is surprised at James’s reaction toward his breakfast this morning after the gala event. She asks, Sir? Are not the pancakes tender? The orange juice, Sir? Is it not ice cold, to your relish? The taste, Sir? Does it not taste for your zest? He stared at his coffee cup, snatching the steam arising from the brim, before he answered the question.

    Every bite is pleasantly agreeable, of which I am grateful, he said, as he still watched the steam from his coffee rising and wonders, Would Fulton’s folly and now Mr. Lowe’s Showboat be a good business deal of which to get on the ground floor? I want to further this new wave of the future, but where would I come into this picture? He still felt anxiously apprehensive as he wondered where this new invention would fit into his plans for his future. But just maybe it would. Then it would fit into history’s plans of the future as well.

    Annabell Lee waited to smell the rich Louisiana French coffee brewing before she descended the winding staircase. The smell led her in the way of the breakfast nook. She sat opposite her husband, James Ira Kirkland. He appeared to be deep in thought, as thoughts about last night, both good and bad, still roared in his head. Annabell knew what James’ bewilderments were about. She saw as she contemplated how he was eating his ever so delicious breakfast this morning. Are we really going to invest in this new invention? she asked as she sipped the first sip of her coffee. The Steamboat? She inquired as she swallows another sip of her Louisiana, French-roasted coffee.

    "We just might. We might take more of a step toward the future of this new invention, the steam riverboat. We might just build our

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