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Justification of an Insurrectionist
Justification of an Insurrectionist
Justification of an Insurrectionist
Ebook350 pages4 hours

Justification of an Insurrectionist

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About the Book
Justification of an Insurrectionist portrays the harsh realities of the world today, such as racism, prejudices, violence, and a broken justice system. It also portrays the hopes and inspiration of correcting such a corrupt system.
When Ambiance’s bookstore is found vandalized and her coworker, Chelsea, missing, Ambiance and her friends, Neema and Miguel, set out to find what happened to their friend. The fight is not over once they save Chelsea from the clutches of Officer Chump and his officers—who are known for their racist and violent tactics. It will take not only Ambiance and her friends, but others in the police department and community to fight the forces of evil, and bring Officer Chump and his officers to justice.

About the Author
Antoinette L. Wells has a huge passion for writing; it is very therapeutic for her. She also enjoys nature in its full capacity. She lives with her adult autistic son, Demitri, who is her world. She recently lost her oldest son, Sebastian Daniel Wells-Reines, tragically. He was intelligent, caring, and a big-hearted young man, and remains in her heart. This book is dedicated to her beautiful son.

Release dateJul 25, 2023
Justification of an Insurrectionist

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    'JUSTIFICATION OF AN INSURRECTIONIST,' by Antoinette L Wells is an intense, powerful, inspirational read of a corrupt justice system which includes racism, violence, prejudices, sexual orientation and the ignorance that stems such hateful conceptions. It also portrays in inspirational ways how to correct the corrupt justice system, end dividedness and promote unity.

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Justification of an Insurrectionist - Antoinette L. Wells



Miguel, Miguel, who’s there? Chelsea called out.

A slender, dark shadow stalked Chelsea’s office in silence.  

I’m running a few minutes late. I was still coming by your house to pick you up. Miguel, stop playing around. I’m working. Chelsea saw the light in the hallway quickly dimmer into blackness. No! Leave me alone! Chelsea threw random objects off her desk directly at her office door as it slowly crept open.


Ambiance? Miguel’s tone sounded urgent. When Chelsea didn’t come by my house to pick me up, I had a bad feeling something was wrong.

Miguel, what are you getting at?

Ambiance—she was supposed to pick me up and we were going to work at the bookstore. I figured she was running late, so I drove to the bookstore myself. I walked in, fussing aloud at her but didn’t get a response. Miguel cleared his throat. The hallway was dark. Not just to the human eye, but a feeling of darkness. I felt it in my soul. The hallway light was flickering. Miguel paused.

Miguel, are you still there?

Yes. Chelsea’s office, something horrible happened!

What happened?  

I noticed a picture text appeared on my cellphone. I screeched. Chelsea’s office was in shambles. Her lamps, papers, fax machine, laptop, and file cabinet had been thrown forcibly towards her office door. Chelsea wasn’t time conscience, always running late, but she was fiercely organized; her office was always neat; everything was always in the right place. As I looked at the picture Miguel sent to my cellphone, a chill went straight up my back. I gasped her name, Chelsea.

Ambiance? Ambiance?

Yes, Miguel, I’m here. I’m on my way. Don’t touch anything, I said while grabbing my purse and keys.

Should I call the police?

No, Miguel! Wait for me.

The last thing I needed were racist police ranting and raving about my establishment. They were trying to find reasons to shut down my bookstore. Being African American, a strong, intelligent, independent, successful woman, the racist police seemed almost jealous of me. It was as if they deemed my accomplishments as a personal threat.

While driving, I said a silent prayer for Chelsea’s safety.  

As my tires screeched to a halt in front of my bookstore, some unwanted attention blocked my car.

Driver, slowly put your hands up! shouted Officer Chump.  

Luckily, I had already turned my engine off or Officer Chump would’ve said I was trying to evade the boys in blue. I hated Officer Chump. He was about five foot, eight inches tall. A racist white man with an orange spray tan, yellow toupee, and enough wrinkles to tell the story of many years of his evil ways.

Officer Chump, I—

Shut the hell up, Ambiance! A glaring, white light shined so brightly directly in my eyes I couldn’t see a thing. Slowly, get out of the vehicle, ordered Officer Chump.

As I began to exit my vehicle, all I could think about was Chelsea. What had happened to her? Miguel—inside my bookstore, alone and worried. I knew he was probably peeping out the blinds in one of the office windows. We both knew if he came to my aid, we would both be shot by the racist officer.  

I exited my car when Officer Chump slammed me up against the hood. Chump! What the—? I shouted.

That’s Officer Chump to you, girl, he snapped back.

Let go of me! I demanded.

Shut up! You aren’t going anywhere until I say so, girl.  

As Officer Chump eased his hands off my back and head, I slowly stood up and faced him.

Why did you pull me over?

Speeding. Chump chuckled. What’s your rush, girl?  

I stared into his wicked, squinty, pale blue eyes and responded, Work! I have to go to work, unlike some people. Also, I’m a grown woman, not a girl!

Officer Chump waved for his backup officers to put their weapons back in their holsters, and to back their squad cars away from mine. He took his time writing me a ticket. By constantly harassing me whenever he could, he didn’t have to ask for any of my information—he had it all memorized. What a waste of time. Forever pulling me over for nothing. Oh yeah, pulling me over for the color of my skin. Officer R. Chump. Word on the street and in the police department was the R. stood for racist. Right-wing, agitator, criminal, ignorance in society today. Racist!  

You have thirty days to pay your ticket or dispute it in court, girl. Officer Chump laughed as he handed me the ticket.  

I put it in my purse and rushed into my bookstore in search of Miguel.

Ambiance, in here.  

I followed Miguel’s nervous voice leading me straight to Chelsea’s office.

Oh my God, Chelsea!  

There stood Miguel pacing back and forth, stepping over objects on the floor. I don’t know, Ambiance. This is bad, real bad!  

I felt a horrid feeling surface deep in my soul. Miguel was usually a cool, calm person. I’d never seen him terrified and frazzled before.  

What did Office Chump want?

That’s not important. We need to find Chelsea.  

We began looking through all the clutter in Chelsea’s office for some type of clue or evidence as to what happened to her.  

Both our cellphones vibrated at the same time. We stopped what we were doing abruptly and anxiously opened our text messages.  

The messages stated: If you want to see Chelsea alive again, do not contact police! Do exactly as instructed. Do not reopen for business until later instructed.

What in the world? Ambiance?  

Miguel and I made direct eye contact. We both had read our messages aloud; they were the same, word for word.

Let’s lock up the building. I need to make some calls, I stated in panic mode.  

The message said not to contact police.

I know. I’m going to contact our clairvoyant, I whispered.

What? Why? Ambiance, please don’t tell me you’re having a feeling.  

I placed Miguel’s hands into mine and searched deep into his piercing, green eyes. Yes, I can feel her presence. Chelsea’s close by. Not scared, but I sense she’s angry—angry as hell!  

Miguel released my hands and said a silent prayer. I dialed our clairvoyant on my cellphone.

Hello, Ambiance. I’ve been expecting your call, said Neema. Neema wasn’t just our clairvoyant, but our coworker and close friend.

Neema, she’s missing! Her office is in shambles. I—

Hush, child. What do you feel?

Chelsea is angry as hell, I immediately replied.

Miguel, how is he?

Quiet, worried.

Miguel would always get spooked by Neema’s blessed gift. Chelsea and I had such a strong connection within our souls. In some ways, I felt Miguel thought we practiced black magic, but none of us did. We all believed in God and Jesus Christ, his son. We were able to connect beyond human words and sights.

For example, I remembered one night I was exhausted from work. When I got home, I went straight to bed and fell into a deep sleep. I was awakened by Chelsea calling my phone. I couldn’t remember the nightmare I’d dreamt. I remembered waking up in a sweat with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Ambiance, are you okay?

Hello? Hello? Chelsea, I was having a horrible nightmare! I don’t remember what it was about, I cried.

It wasn’t intended for you to remember, Ambiance. I had a feeling you needed me. I love you. Now, get your drink of water and have sweet dreams.  

Just hearing Chelsea’s voice soothed my soul. I love you too, Chelsea. Thanks for calling.

When I told Miguel of that night, it spooked him. I tried to explain that some people just had that special connection.

I’m on my way to you now, said Neema.

Miguel, Neema’s on her way here.  

Miguel seemed to get more nervous knowing she was on her way. Do you think Neema will be able to help find Chelsea?

Yes, I believe so, I answered confidently.

Ambiance, get down!

Miguel shoved me down on the floor and shielded me with his body. Bullets shattered the front windows of my bookstore. Car tires were screeching. Police sirens were blaring. The horrid sounds faded.

Miguel, Miguel, are you okay?  

Silence, smoke, and gunpowder filled the frantic atmosphere.

Ambiance, are you alright? Miguel’s voice was shaken.

Yes, I’m fine.  

He slowly rose off me and helped me off the floor.

Ambiance, Miguel, where are you?

We’re in Chelsea’s office, I answered.  

Footsteps pattered against the floor faster.

What in God’s name happened? There stood Neema. Her striking, grey eyes scanned the office then fixated on Miguel and me. Are you two alright?

Yes. We’re shaken up, but okay. Miguel was fighting back his tears. Neema, what happened? Did you see who did this? Chelsea, Do you know what happened to Chelsea?

Chelsea is very angry, Miguel. Is she in danger? Yes! A hateful danger. The kind that stems from the color of one’s skin. Toxic, ignorance! Neema walked closer to Miguel and me and placed her delicate hands in ours. She firmly gripped our hands together as one.  We stood united in silent prayer. Tears were streaming down our faces. This devil, this evil presence, I sense hatred, jealously, fear, whispered Neema as she released our hands. She quickly opened her eyes. Where are the police, Ambiance? I sense they were here. I sense they’re coming back.

Yes, they were here. They pulled me over for speeding, I explained.

Officer Ronald Chump, right?

Yes, Neema. I saw him and his other officers pull Ambiance over. He slammed her on the car at gunpoint, added Miguel.

That’s who we need to start with, Officer Ronald Chump! Determination reflected from the windows of Neema’s soul. That so-called man is so full of evil and hate. We must be extremely cautious.  

Neema, Miguel, and I began picking some of Chelsea’s things off the floor.

Neema, is Chelsea still alive? Miguel looked terrified of Neema’s answer.

Yes, Chelsea is very much alive.

Can you help us find her?

I can and we will. Someone’s coming, whispered Neema. Put all cellphones down right now, she ordered.

Why? There’s no one here but us.  

Miguel, just do it now, I firmly stated.

No sooner than us placing our cellphones down on Chelsea’s desk, we heard several footsteps rushing into my bookstore.

Police! Everyone put your hands up. Don’t move! yelled Officer Chump.  

We all stood still like statues.

Chump, what in the hell?

Quiet, girl! It’s Officer Chump to you and your two friends. We’re investigating an active shooter. Search them thoroughly. You never know with these people. We were all searched by different officers.

You ain’t special. Spread your legs now! shouted one of Chump’s officers. Officer Jared was just as ignorant and racist as Officer Chump. The only difference was he was pale as a ghost, had buzzed brown hair, and brown eyes.

Ambiance, what are y’all people up to? Officer Chump walked over to Chelsea’s desk. He smashed anything he could on the floor with his black work boots purposely.  

Stop damaging my property, I sternly said.  

The other officers looked at me and chuckled.

Who do you think you are, girl? Officer Chump picked up all three of our cellphones off Chelsea’s desk. Strange that all your cellphones are just sitting on this desk.

We wouldn’t want our cellphones mistaken for guns, snapped Neema.  

Officer Chump’s face went from orange to red. I know who you are. You’re that black witch. He laughed.

Neema glared at Officer Chump. Then she fixated her striking, grey eyes to his.  

Neema’s presence seemed to make him nervous. He quickly looked away from her.

I’m not a witch! I am a Nigerian woman.

Hell, then take your Nigerian ass back to Nigeria where you belong.

That’s telling her, Sergeant Chump, replied Officer Jared.  

All the officers began laughing at the ignorant, racist comments. Well, except for one officer. I was unfamiliar with him. He must’ve just joined the police force.

Why are there bullet holes all over the building? Why didn’t you people call in an active shooter? You do know how to call nine, one, one, right? Officer Chump had a smirk on his face. Why were all your cellphones on the desk?

Officer Chump, we heard you and your officers rushing in here. Like I said, we didn’t want to give any of you a reason to shoot us, claiming you all thought our cellphones were guns. Even though anyone in their right mind can see the difference between a cellphone and a gun, snapped Neema.

Shut up, you black witch! I don’t need an excuse to shoot you people. Officer Chump cackled.

It’s the American way, added Officer Jared.

Enough! shouted the new officer.

You’re just a rookie on my force, Officer Levi! I’m teaching you the American way. Shut up and learn, ordered Officer Chump.

Miguel, Neema, and I were shocked to hear one of them stand up for us, even if it was just one word spoken with true conviction.  

We’re not going to waste time on this, are we, Sergeant?

No, Jared. For all we know, Ambiance is trying to stage a crime scene to collect insurance for her broke-ass business. Officer Chump looked me straight in the eyes. Hatred spewed from the expression on his face. Whatever happened here, let these fools deal with it. Let’s get out of here, suggested Officer Chump.

What was your purpose for coming here? Miguel was very direct with his question.

I heard the gunshots and contacted dispatch, answered Officer Levi.

Let’s go! Officer Chump commanded all his officers to vacate my premises, immediately.

All the officers exited my bookstore. Officer Jared was the last to leave. He knocked our cellphones onto the floor then stomped on one of Chelsea’s lamps.

My foot slipped. He laughed as he exited the building.

That bastard broke Chelsea’s favorite lamp on purpose! I yelled.  

That was the least of our problems. Our focus was to find our dear friend, Chelsea.

What about Chelsea? Is it just me or did anyone else get that something’s up with Officer Chump and his minions? Miguel looked at Neema and me for a response.

Yes, I sensed that too, I agreed.  

I as well, agreed Neema. Let’s join hands. Now, everyone close your eyes. Let’s call upon Chelsea from our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits.

Surprisingly, Miguel joined us as we centered and meditated. It seemed Miguel’s fear of what I called a special connection had melted away.

Ambiance, Ambiance. Please hear me. It’s me, Chelsea. Please center. I need your help. He’s trying to harm you through me.

Not only did I clearly hear Chelsea’s whispered words, I felt her presence. Keeping my eyes closed, I responded by whispering softly, yet clearly. Yes, Chelsea. I hear you. I feel your presence. Are you, okay? Can you tell me where you are? Who’s holding you captive? I deeply inhaled and slowly exhaled waiting for Chelsea’s response. Abruptly, I felt evil and hatred surrounding Chelsea. It terrified me. Tears streamed down my face.

Ambiance, he’s back! Hurry, whispered Chelsea, then faded.

Ambiance, what is it? What happened?  

I opened my eyes and released Miguel’s and Neema’s hands. I wiped away my tears as they continued to roll down my face.  

Ambiance?  Miguel stared into my weeping eyes.

I reached Chelsea. She’s alive! She communicated that a man was trying to harm me through her. I then felt an evil presence surrounding her. She started crying, telling me to hurry.

Neema and Miguel were trying to comfort me.

We all cleaned up Chelsea’s office. Miguel called a local handyman to come clear the broken glass and board up the shattered windows. We all agreed to go to our own homes and do a private Zoom meeting in one hour.



I entered my home cautiously due to everything that had happened and from my connection with Chelsea. I had recently purchased my home and had to maneuver around some unpacked boxes and went straight to the kitchen to make a cup of apple cinnamon tea. I then changed into some black leggings and put on an oversized T-shirt and my house slippers. I found myself in my beautiful backyard.

After living in apartments for years, owning my own home was a true blessing. I adored my backyard. Rose trees surrounded my view. Beautiful roses of many colors—red, pink, white and yellow, orange combined.

My favorite tree was absolutely breathtaking. One I’d never seen before. The tree trunk and branches were a rich burgundy wine color. Strangely, there was only one branch which was black as night. It grew at the bottom of the tree. At times, this mysterious tree would shed its dark burgundy color, almost like a snake shedding its skin. The tree would then transform to a lighter burgundy. It was just as beautiful. It repeated this process of nature.

The branches grew in many different directions, dressed with several small green leaves. At times, many pink small flowers would blossom on this beauty of nature. I found out this beauty was a Manzanita Tree.

I had two smoked glass patio tables with several chairs. The large patio table had a huge chocolate brown umbrella which provided shade. It comfortably seated six people. I placed the smaller round table with two chairs right next to my favorite tree, the Manzanita. This tree had a calming aura to it that soothed the soul.

With all the chaos in my life, sitting in my backyard next to my favorite tree, I sipped my tea and began counting my blessings. I could still hear my realtor’s voice in my thoughts: Ambiance, your counter offer was accepted.

My realtor’s name was Maria, a very petite woman with the ambition of a lioness. So beautiful, inside and out. She was very humble and intelligent. I found Maria online by a fluke. I wrote down her contact information and called her. We connected instantly. Maria guided me down the righteous road of homeownership. She also paired me up with a man named Zack. He was a young, sharp, ambitious loan officer who worked alongside Maria. Together, the dynamic duo helped me fulfill one of my biggest goals, to buy my own home.  

I could still hear Zack in my thoughts as well: Your loan was approved. The house is yours!

Reminiscing purchasing my first house brought me peace and happiness. A sense of accomplishment. My cellphone ringing brought me back to the reality of what was happening with Chelsea. I immediately answered my cellphone.

Ambiance, we’re ready to duo. Accept the invitation right now, said Miguel.

Hello, Ambiance, Miguel. Neema was in deep thought.

Hi, Neema, I responded.

Hello, Neema. What’s on your mind? Where do we start? What should we do? Miguel was anxious and I believed feeling more accepting to what Neema and I called a special connection.

Miguel, do you have anything personal of Chelsea’s?

I sure do.

What do you have in your possession?  

I have this.  

I saw tears swell up in Miguel’s eyes. In his hand, he held up a keepsake of Chelsea’s that hung on the wall in her office. It was a circular, off-white cloth perfectly surrounded by a wooden frame. The cloth was embroidered with black and red thread that spelled, Believe. Chelsea began working on that keepsake when I had asked her, Neema, and Miguel to come work with me at my local bookstore. It had much sentimental value to her, to us all.

Chelsea made that with so much love, ambition, and determination, I added.

Yes, she did, agreed Neema. I remember when she finished it, she sent a picture of it to my cellphone. I was so impressed by the detail. Ambiance, what do you have of Chelsea’s? Neema gave me a warm smile.

I immediately moved my patio chair so Miguel and Neema could see my favorite tree. Chelsea and I spent many evenings soaking in the beauty and aura of my Manzanita tree.

Yes, it’s such a striking gift of nature, agreed Neema.

The branches have a story to tell. So mystical, so enchanting. I stared into the mystic appearance of the tree.

I remember when Ambiance, Chelsea, and I went to view the house. We walked out to the backyard and were stunned by the beauty of all the different colored roses. The bright, full lemon tree. The path was laid out and detailed with a thin, light-colored wood lining the trail. The perfect invite for a stroll in nature. Ambiance, I’ve always said your backyard is so peaceful. Birds of all different species singing their unique songs. My favorite were the doves.  Miguel inhaled and exhaled. Ambiance and Chelsea were drawn to the Manzanita tree. Their facial expressions were priceless. They appeared so serene, said Miguel with a smile. We were supposed to give this to you together. The frame was delivered to my house two days ago. Miguel walked away from the camera briefly. He returned with a dark burgundy wooden frame.  

Both Neema and I gasped at the original beauty of the frame.

Miguel, it’s stunning.

Thank you, Neema.

It sure is, I agreed. Can we see the front of the frame?

Yes. It’s yours. A gift from… Miguel deeply sighed. Tears swelled up in his eyes. He was speechless.

Miguel, can we please see the front? Neema’s calming voice caught Miguel’s attention.

Yes. Surprise, Ambiance. Miguel slowly turned the frame around.  

I gasped at what was inside the picture frame. Oh, Miguel. How? When did you take that picture?

It’s astonishing, Miguel, praised Neema.

Remember the first time we went to view your house before you purchased it?

Yes, of course I do.

Well, I wanted to surprise you with a memorable gift. I tried to sneak a picture of you once we entered the house. You, Chelsea, and your realtor were moving around and talking so much that I couldn’t. Miguel laughed. When we were entering the backyard, I walked ahead of you guys. I heard you all complimenting the roses and trees. As I came back from viewing the farthest part of the backyard, Maria must’ve received a phone call. I heard her talking and saw her enter the house again. As I continued down the pathway, I stopped in my tracks. I had been taking pictures of the landscaping on my cellphone, so the camera was ready to go. Ambiance, you and Chelsea were mesmerized by the Manzanita tree. In complete silence, the uniqueness of the tree, you two were lured into the ambiance of its peaceful, serenity. I’ve never seen you two together without chattering away. Miguel laughed. The expressions on both your faces were—well, I’ve never seen you two look so beautiful. That’s when I took the candid picture. I wanted both of you to be able to cherish that special moment in time.  

Miguel, you too have the special connection. You captured a priceless moment in time, Neema said.

I guess I do. Ambiance, I hope you like your gift.

I love it, Miguel. I will always cherish that precious moment in time.

We began discussing the awful events that took place on Chelsea’s disappearance, trying to connect the dots.  

What’s on your mind? Neema saw my expression change.

     "Chelsea mentioned in

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