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Screamers: Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up
Screamers: Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up
Screamers: Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up
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Screamers: Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up

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She had never seen the New Hope Care Center sign, but something that little girl had said that night on her porch kept resonating in her mind. Something whispered the words in her ear again. "When you get done being angry with Him, He still loves you."

Hope revived stirs a longing deep in the heart. "But how could there be any hope for me? I've hurt too many people."

In anger, she laid bare her "dark side," carried in secret for more than thirty years, and then demanded, "Now! Can you still tell me that anyone could love me and forgive me? I've hurt too many people to hope to be forgiven. Besides, they will never forgive me." Pain etched her features hidden in part by the veil of her hat.

"Oh my, yes!

"There is always hope, my dear lady. But what do you want to do with this mess?"

"How?" she started and stopped.

"God hears every sincere cry for help, and He is ready to help," came the quick response.

Whether we scream from pain, fear, anger, rejection, grief, crushed dreams, or any other cause, love is waiting to bring forgiveness and joy. As He said, "Love wins every time."

That's what we all need more than anything is to know that we are loved. Pass the love along and enjoy the journey.

Release dateAug 2, 2023
Screamers: Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up

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    Screamers - Bee Douma



    Meet the Love Sleuth: Wrap-up

    Bee Douma

    ISBN 979-8-88540-386-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-387-0 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Bee Douma

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents













    About the Author


    Gerilee Serilium was surprised to see Uncle Pete get out of a dark-blue vehicle. He had driven into Mr. Martin's driveway, then he backed out and parked on the street. Why does he have an undercover vehicle and not his own cruiser? And he isn't wearing his uniform! she wondered.

    Four-year-old Cassie spotted him as he came up on the lawn. Immediately, she skipped over in front of him. Hi, Uncle PJ, Jesus helped us, and we are done already, she chortled, then she raised her arms up over her head and into a big swing.

    The chief stooped down, and Cassie ran into his open arms. So Jesus helped you? Is that right? he asked, standing up again.

    "Yes! she answered quickly. He brought us lots of help too. They are all coming to our house for something to eat," she said, swinging her arms out to include everyone in the area.

    So He brought you more help, huh? More than yesterday afternoon? He remembered stopping Saturday afternoon in answer to a concerned call from one of Mr. Martin's neighbors. There's a whole bunch of people in his yard, and someone just took out a window. Please send someone by to check it out, the caller had requested.

    The chief knew his niece and her family were doing a few treat and no tricks here at the end of October. She and her family of four, along with a few friends, were raking and weeding in the front and side yards. Jim Smith was repairing a damaged window frame, and the window was back into place by the time he had arrived.

    They had agreed to finish the project in the backyard today, even though it was Sunday. Cassie had said, Yes, Jesus will help us do a good thing treat, and we will finish it tomorrow. So here they were, finished already. Mr. Martin's health hadn't been good for several years, and he had recently been in the hospital and now was in New Hope Care Center for a time.

    "Yes! Uncle PJ, Cassie's response interrupted his reverie, Jesus brought us lots of help."

    Where is Grandma? he asked Cassie, not seeing his sister or her car in the group.

    Grandma has already gone, and she has Pastor Morris's wife with her. They were in a hurry to do something, I think, Cassie confided.

    The chief chuckled when he saw Jim Smith open the truck door for Doreen Mitchel, then his lanky son, Joshua, jumped in beside her. Several young people he recognized from church were getting ready to leave in another car.

    The chief noticed Pastor Morris's car and trailer were pulled up into the edge of the lawn. What is Mrs. Ditzledorf's old blue Cadillac doing here? he wondered. The chairman of the church board was getting out of his car, having moved it from behind Gerilee's vehicle. He parked it over on the other side of Pastor's, enabling the others to leave.

    Hi there, Harold, the chief called out. Is everything okay around here?

    I hope so, the chairman responded. We had a little problem a while ago, but God has it under control. Thanks for asking.

    You are welcome, sir. He nodded to the chairman, then looked back to the curly headed great niece he held in his arms.

    Well, Miss Cassie, the chief said, putting her back on the ground. I need to head out and get back to work. I'm glad Jesus helped all of you today. Everything looks so clean! he exclaimed.

    Thank you, Uncle PJ.

    He had recognized the two boys that were now approaching on their bicycles. What kind of trouble are they thinking of causing today? he questioned in his mind. Those two are already building a record in juvenile court.

    They were riding slowly, and as they came within earshot, they began taunting, Hey Marty, Marty, Cerebellum, Cerebellum.

    Marty called out in response, Cerebellum? Cerebellum? That's a part of my brain. That means I have one. Hey, guys, why don't you ride over to our house and we can shoot hoops for a while?

    Unable to change Marty's invitation, the chief started praying for help and intervention. God, he said heading back to his vehicle, help me do what I can to prevent big trouble for my family. You know these troublemakers and their intentions. Please, will You show up and show off in whatever is going to happen in a short time? Thank You, Jesus.

    Gerilee was watching Cassie with Uncle Pete and was again surprised when he left as quickly as he came. Maybe he got a call, she thought, but he isn't wearing his uniform either.

    Sure, one of the boys replied. We'll beat the socks off of you, the second boy called out as they headed on down the street continuing their taunt and gleeful laughter.

    You have a mile to ride, Marty called after them. We can have some fun playing.

    Okay, everybody on board, Gerilee called to her family. We need to get home before company gets there. Remembering Pastor Morris and Edith, she prayed again for God's help for Edith and thanked Him for Harold being there.

    Jim Smith called to her as she was closing her car door. We'll see you at the house in a few, he said, pointing to the sky, then pumped his fist. Yeah!

    Gerilee waved to all of them and headed home. She kept thinking about Uncle Pete's quick departure following Marty's invitation to a game of hoops.

    Father, Uncle Pete is concerned about something regarding those two boys. I know You are not going to lead us into something tonight that is too big for You to handle. I pray you will help every one of us around our table tonight to bring a true picture of Your love and grace into their lives. Give me eyes to see where You are opening a door, ears to hear their cry for help, and then understanding to know what to say and do. Thank You, Father.

    Thank you, Gerilee. I will do that. Watch and listen.

    She smiled and breathed a silent Thank You, recognizing the familiar gentle response.

    Home. It sure sounds good!


    Gerilee was pleased to see Jack Smith's blue van sitting off to the side of her driveway. I am sure glad to see you, she said to Jack. She quickly told him about the boys' taunts as they were ready to leave Mr. Martin's place, and then Marty's response to them. I need your help to play or ref.

    This will be fun, Jack said and grinned, remembering his own first experience with Marty's abilities with a basketball. That boy darts around faster on the court than I ever did trying to catch a rabbit, he went on, grinning at Gerilee.

    Thanks, Dad, Joshua said as he closed the truck door. Be back as soon as you can. Hey, Uncle Jack, Joshua called out as he jogged up Gerilee's drive, do you want to shoot a few hoops?

    Looking forward to it, Jack told him. Who are these fine young men?

    This is Scotty, he said as he came up beside the tall slender youth approaching. And this is Curtis, he said, turning to his left. Rusty is coming up the driveway there with Marty. They are from our youth group at church. They came and helped us finish our treating project.

    The boys were chatting about the fun they had during the afternoon, raking leaves at Mr. Martin's.

    Uncle Jack, a couple of kids rode by as we were ready to leave. They were taunting Marty, and he invited them to a game of hoops. They challenged back and said they could beat the socks of him. I'm not sure who they are, but I think we are about to find out, Joshua said, pointing to the two bicycles coming down the street.

    Jack immediately recognized the boys on bicycles. What was Marty thinking of? he thought.

    Excuse me a moment, fellows. I'll be right back. Jack moved over close to his boss. Obviously, those two don't recognize either of us, he said, speaking quietly to the chief who had just come around the side of the garage.

    Hey, you two, Gerilee said and walked over to them. What's wrong? Uncle Pete, where is your car?

    Hopefully nothing is wrong, Jack responded.

    Your expression didn't indicate a nothing is wrong. Now what is going on that caused you both to express concern? And, Uncle Pete, for you to hide your car?

    Jack spoke first, There is another Devlensen problem in the making, just ready to ride into your driveway. Do you understand? They are already using street names—Spike and Toad.

    Oh my goodness, Gerilee gasped. Does Marty know them?

    Probably not, definitely not to the extent that we do, her uncle said. Right now, pray for divine intervention in their lives. I am going to be a silent observer. Don't call me by name or title, understand? Quickly, he disappeared into the house. When he returned, he hobbled over to the chair by the garage and sank down onto it like an old man. He pulled his cap down as if he was taking a nap.

    Gerilee smiled when he winked at her from under the brim. She knew he was watching and listening.

    Jack agreed to ref a game and appointed Marty and Joshua the leaders of the two teams. Pointing to the others, he motioned Scotty and Spike to join Marty and then Rusty and Toad to be with Joshua. Curtis was appointed scorekeeper.

    Father, help us to do our best to give these guys a picture of You, Marty thought as they prepared to play. Okay, team, let's play, he said. I want to check how my cerebellum is working. He took the ball at tip-off, dribbled around behind Toad, and flipped an overhand shot, scoring three points. Soon, he intercepted a pass-in, then fed the ball to Spike who took a shot and missed, but Scotty recovered the ball and sank another two-pointer.

    At a time-out rest, Marty asked Joshua, How are you doing? Are you up to do two on two, you and me against the bikers?

    Are you crazy? he asked. They're mean together. I have seen them pick a fight before.

    "Joshua, they think they can beat us.

    Yeah, they want to beat you to a pulp. Not just beat you in a game. They are already planning something.

    Okay. Jesus, Marty whispered, if You want this two on two, help us to glorify You, no matter what the outcome. Then he reminded Joshua, We know the One in us is greater and stronger than the one in them.

    Let's try it, Joshua said, but watch them closely.

    Jack didn't like the switch in teams Marty requested, but he agreed to do it.

    Toad and Spike were surprised by the change in setup. When they got the ball, they began to bounce it back and forth several times. Marty watched the shift in their body positions. They are planning to kick me, he thought. Jesus, help me, he breathed. Back on the right foot, forward on the left foot, leaves the right foot free to swing into a forward kick. He watched as they quickly got the move together, and Marty knew exactly what he was going to do. Just as Toad began to bring his bodyweight back onto his left foot, Marty dashed between the two of them and intercepted the ball and went around them and scored.

    In the momentum of their motion, Toad and Spike each swung his right foot forward hard. Not touching Marty as he dashed between them, they landed serious kicks in each other's groin. Marty knew instantly where their kicks had landed. He heard them both scream in pain. Turning around, he saw they were both on the driveway, holding themselves and curled up tight in a fetal position. Hey, what happened to you? he asked them.

    Looking each one of them in the eye, he continued, I understood what you meant about beating my socks off. But hey, guys, that's not the way you want to live. Not really. It only leads to more and more pain, eventually even worse than you are experiencing right now. As soon as you can stand up, let's get washed up. Mom and Grandma have some sandwiches for all of us. You are invited to stay and share with us.

    Gerilee had watched as the scene unfolded. Father, she cried, how can we help them? You are the only One who has any power to change these boys.

    Get the bar of soap.

    The bar of soap? she thought. Okay, she said slowly and went into the house to get it.

    Cassie spotted the soap when her mother returned. She skipped toward the boys, still curled up on the driveway and moaning loudly. Be careful what you say, that soap tastes terrible! she said.

    Get out of here, you brat, Spike snarled.

    I warned you, Cassie said and skipped away.

    Marty, Gerilee called, bring me the hose. These boys need a shower.

    He brought the hose over and handed it to her. You go on and finish washing up, then bring us a couple big towels. I'll be fine, just go.

    Marty was puzzled by her order, but he did as she asked.

    As soon as Marty was out of ear shot, Gerilee stepped over to the boys on the driveway. You are going to have trouble for several days. From what I saw of how hard the kicks were aimed and how perfectly they both hit, I suppose you will have trouble for at least three days.

    Trouble? What kind of trouble? Are you going to arrest us or are you going to kill us with kindness? they sneered at her.

    That all depends on your choice, she replied.

    Oh no, Spike groaned, then he started cursing.

    That's enough! Gerilee ordered. Cassie told you the truth about this soap. It tastes terrible. Another outburst like that, and you will find out, she spoke firmly. This water is cold. I am going to spray you from top to bottom so there is no visible sign of your embarrassing situation. I know what just happened. When you abuse your bodies, they have a way of fighting back, sort of like getting even. Yell all you want, but one curse, and the soap will go into your mouth.

    Almost as if they were testing her, they both started swearing at once. She grabbed Spike's ear first, and the soap bar went into his mouth. As soon as she moved it around a bit, the suds began spilling out of his mouth. Just as quickly, she got Toad's ear, and the soap was in his mouth.

    In the process, both boys were a foaming mess and fairly well soaked. Spraying them again, she washed away the suds and evidence of the smell of urine on the driveway. Okay, guys, Gerilee said to them, stand up. She waited.

    Mrs. Serilium said stand up, Joshua said firmly.

    Gerilee was surprised he had come up beside her and even more surprised when he put his arm around her and held tight.

    Spike glared at Joshua and attempted to stand. He screamed in pain again and bent over.

    It will be at least three days, Gerilee said matter-of-factly. How about you, Toad?

    I don't know if I can even get up.

    Gerilee turned to Joshua who was still holding her securely. Joshua, please go and fix up three plates, two of them loaded like yours would be and the other for me. I'm okay here. I'll sit here and eat with them.

    What about the best of day time? he asked as he reluctantly released her.

    I hope by the time we are ready for that these two will be able to join us. Okay?

    Okay, he still hesitated, then grinned at her. I remember. You are able to take care of yourself—he paused—and us brats. He gave her a sharp salute before heading to the patio where the picnic table was laden with sandwiches and fixings.

    Hey, Rusty, Scotty, and Curtis, will you help fix a plate for each of the guys on the driveway? I'll fix one for Mom Serilium. She is going to eat with them out there.

    Okay, Rusty replied.

    Marty walked up beside them. When he heard what his mother was going to do, he said, Hey, guys, let's take our plates and sit with them. The driveway is wet, but we all know what happened.

    Your mom is really special, Scotty whispered to Marty as the five headed to the driveway, loaded plates in hand.

    Marty grinned at him. Do you know the One who makes her that way?

    Yeah, I asked Jesus to come into my life at youth camp this summer. I sure enjoy the Bible study we have in the youth group at church.

    I'd give you a high-five if my hands weren't full of important stuff, Marty hollered.

    During the conversation around the group, Spike

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