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The Apicide Affair
The Apicide Affair
The Apicide Affair
Ebook237 pages3 hours

The Apicide Affair

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Dr. Jenebah Tamba, a dedicated geneticist, embarks on a journey that spirals from groundbreaking research into a perilous investigation. Her focus on DNA disorders in bees initially seemed confined to the world of insects, but a grim discovery shattered those boundaries. As unexplained human deaths s

PublisherG7 Publishing
Release dateJul 17, 2023

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    The Apicide Affair - Kareem J Glover



    Perched atop the fifteenth floor of this magnificent tower, I gazed out at the sprawling cityscape that stretched before me. My rooftop balcony offering a breathtaking view, that whispers of boundless possibilities beyond the shimmering horizon. The salty breeze carried the secrets of the vast Atlantic Ocean, urging me to embrace the unknown.

    This sight held a sacred place within my soul, it beckoned me to this very spot and compelled me to make this condo my own, despite the realtor’s attempts to entice me with other options. Deep down, I knew that destiny had brought me here. The tapestry of my country’s history unfurled before my eyes, enveloping me with its allure and significance.

    In the distance, atop the majestic Mamba Point, an ancient lighthouse stood sentinel, its watchful gaze encompassing the city and its’ rocky coastline. As a child, I would imagine thrilling adventures on the nocturnal sea, as my mother’s soothing voice narrated stories of Liberia’s golden coast. This view, illuminated by twinkling lights, possessed an enchanting power that effortlessly swept away the burdens of my day, offering solace to a weary spirit.

    As I stood there, taking in the breathtaking view of the city, I couldn’t help but marvel at its incredible transformation. The once modest shanty towns and plain concrete structures of my youth had given way to a dazzling array of gleaming skyscrapers. The landscape had been utterly metamorphosed into a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors and towering gray edifices, each one telling a story of progress and cultural fusion.

    Colonial-style homes stood in perfect harmony with dazzling glass towers, representing a city that had become a true melting pot of cultures and a canvas for artistic expression. It was a living testament to the interconnectivity of nations in this new era, one that had been catalyzed by the restructuring of the United Nations. The city had blossomed into a vibrant symbol of unity and shared aspirations.

    Amidst the city’s backdrop, my rooftop garden became a refuge, a sanctuary away from the enigmas that consumed my days in the lab. Countless sprouts of life awaited my attention, making moments of respite a luxury beyond compare. However, my solitude was abruptly interrupted by Ma B’s heavy steps echoing through the air—a rare occurrence signaling urgency.

    Dear, my knees are long past walking up these stairs to chase after you. Your phone has been ringing all evening. I got tired of hearing that incessant sound disturbing my show, Ma B declared.

    Settling into one of the worn lounge chairs, I retrieved my phone from her and checked its contents. The time appeared, accompanied by the local weather report—a sixty percent chance of showers tonight. A fleeting thought crossed my mind, realizing my plants didn’t require watering. With a swipe, leaving a smudge of dirt on the glass, I brushed it away and continued scrolling to check my missed calls and messages.

    Among the notifications, two articles discussing drought-resistant crops caught my attention—a glimmer of hope for agricultural sustainability. I made a mental note to read them later. Social messages formed a chain on the screen, but I decided to postpone delving into them for another day.

    My heart sank when I notice an unusual amount of missed calls from Dr. Wollow and Dr. Stevens. Dr. Stevens reaching out from the university office indicated a grave situation unfolding.

    My finger hovered over Dr. Stevens’ contact, undecided between returning the call or confronting the unfolding crisis in person. The call button pulsed beneath his bearded visage, enticing me to take action.

    With a resolute sigh, refusing to let work woes taint the sanctity of my garden, I withdrew my finger, effortlessly sliding the phone into the side pocket of my worn jeans. Whatever emergency awaited, I had to confront face-to-face with Dr. Stevens.

    Rising from my comfortable sitting position, I pushed myself up and took in the twinkling lights of the city. The sun had bid farewell, casting a pale crescent moon and welcoming the dancing winds. The cool air brushed against my face, carrying the distinct scents of the city. If I could see myself, I might notice the hint of a smile gracing my lips. Turning away, I made my way towards the condo stairwell.

    As I descended the dimly lit hallway, I passed Ma B’s room, its door slightly ajar, with the light from the television spilling onto the floor. Entering my office, I activated the ambient blue lighting, complementing the sparse decor.

    My father’s oversized ebony desk, a sentimental piece I could never part with, took pride of place in this room. On top of it, a translucent monitor softly glowed, playful tropical fish swam across the screen, appearing and disappearing along the edges in a mesmerizing dance; almost beckoning me to come closer.

    Another desk, smaller and less remarkable in appearance, stood against the far wall, serving as a secondary workspace. I settled into the matching black leather chair at daddy’s desk. Placing my thumb on the screen, the fish scattered, bringing the monitor to life. The chair creaked as I leaned back, stretching my legs. The sound of muffled thunder outside made me jump, prompting me to check the weather forecast on my watch.

    Call Dr. Stevens, office, I said softly, directing my words towards the monitor.

    A swirling circle of blue clouds danced on the screen as the call was routed. After a few seconds, a face appeared, looking slightly different from the photo on my phone. Dr. Stevens, a man in his late thirties with an olive complexion and disheveled black hair, stared back at me. His black-rimmed glasses matched his white shirt, open black vest, and loosely hanging black tie.

    Doctor, Dr. Stevens exclaimed, his eyes scanning the room around me. Why aren’t you at the office? I explicitly said you needed to come in asap, and that was forty minutes ago.

    What’s going on?

    What’s going on? Dr. Stevens threw his hands up in exasperation. What’s going on is that your day off, vacation, or whatever is over. We had a power outage, causing an explosion. Hell, they just got systems back up ten minutes ago. Abraham has been messing things up royally, he did a manual shutdown of the chamber, and you need to be here now. I can’t explain over the phone. I’ll send you the updated data on your way over here.

    With that, Richoula’s face disappeared from the screen, replaced by a black background with the words Connection Closed slowly fading in.

    I cursed under my breath, the earlier sense of worry and dread returning.

    I stood up from my chair, my mind racing with possible worst case scenarios. Dr. Stevens, despite his abrasive demeanor, rarely exaggerated such matters.

    Over the years, I had become accustomed to his appalling lack of decency in human interactions. His crude language, disrespectful attitude towards women, and utter disregard for my leadership grated on my nerves incessantly.

    Grabbing my coat from the back of the chair, I slipped it on, preparing myself to face whatever awaited me at the office. As I made my way to the door, a pang of guilt tugged at my conscience for leaving Ma B after promising to binge watch her favorite shows with her. However, I knew she would understand the importance of my work and the responsibilities it entailed.

    Leaving the comforting embrace of my cozy condo, I stepped out into the dimly lit hallway. The sound of rain began to drum against the windows, its soothing rhythm heightening the anticipation in my heart. Time seemed to slow down as I descended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to the unknown challenge that awaited me.

    Reaching the ground floor, I stepped out into the lobby, where a gust of wind greeted me, carrying with it the fragrance of wet earth. The rain had started to pour, cascading down in a gentle symphony. I pulled up the hood of my coat, protecting myself from the downpour as I dashed towards my car parked nearby.

    The streets of the city were bathed in a surreal glow as the lampposts illuminated the raindrops that danced in the air. The headlights of passing cars blurred into streaks of light, creating a vibrant tapestry of motion. I navigated through the wet roads with caution, my mind racing with anticipation and questions about the impending crisis.

    Soon, I arrived at the university campus, a place that held countless memories and moments of scientific breakthroughs. The rain continued to pour as I parked my car and hurried towards the main building, my footsteps echoing in the deserted corridors.

    Entering the familiar office area, I found Dr. Stevens waiting impatiently near the entrance. He wore a frown on his face and appeared even more disheveled than usual. His eyes met mine, and he gestured for me to follow him into his office.

    As I stepped inside, the familiar scent of books and scientific papers greeted me, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Dr. Stevens closed the door behind us, enveloping the room in a sense of secrecy.

    Apologies for my earlier tone, Dr. Tamba, he began, his voice laced with a touch of contrition. The situation is dire, and I needed to get your attention.

    I nodded, signaling my understanding, and took a seat across from him. What happened, Richoula? Give me the details.

    His gaze shifted, and he leaned forward, his voice lowered to a hushed tone. Abraham, as you know, was running Cloning Tower Three-Twenty-One Alpha when we experience a power outage. But it seems he made a grave error performing the manual shutdown that could jeopardize the entire research.

    Data is still coming in, but he tells me we might have lost the batch. The weight of the situation evident in his weary expression

    My heart skipped a beat. The project we had been working on held immense potential, with the possibility of revolutionizing a crucial aspect of science. The consequences of a misstep could be catastrophic, not only for our team but for the broader scientific community.



    The research lab buzzed with a sense of urgency as the team gathered, their faces a mixture of concern and determination. Abraham, the scientist running the chambers that evening, stood at the center, his usually confident demeanor replaced by a look of uncertainty.

    I took a deep breath, steadying myself before addressing the team. Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We are facing an unexpected situation that requires our immediate attention and expertise. Abraham, please provide a detailed account of this evening’s mishap and its potential consequences.

    Abraham attempted to explain the sequence of events that led to this unforeseen outcome. He recounted the frenzied moments after the power outage and the deafening explosion that had shaken the very foundations of their research. The back-up generators, which should have kicked in promptly, failed to respond, further exacerbating the crisis. And then, there was the experimental cycle, inexplicably refusing to halt as it should have, necessitating a manual shutdown of the system.

    The frustration in his voice was palpable as he revealed the critical error that had transpired—a prolonged overexposure of Vitagenic Gas to the test subject bees. The consequences of this mistake were now evident in the fog-shrouded chamber that held the cloned honeybees.

    We cannot undo what has happened, but we can work together to mitigate the risks and find a solution. I need each of you to focus on your areas of expertise and collaborate closely. Safety protocols must be followed rigorously, and we must act with caution and precision.

    Nods of agreement rippled through the room as the team members grasped the magnitude of the task ahead. Each scientist understood their role and the crucial part they played in averting a potential disaster.

    I turned my attention to Dr. Stevens, knowing that his support and guidance would be vital in navigating the complex challenges we faced. Richoula, I need you to coordinate with the safety department and ensure that all necessary measures are in place to contain any potential breaches. We cannot afford any lapses in security.

    With the team briefed and the tasks assigned, we dispersed to our respective areas of expertise, fully aware of the urgency that loomed over us. As I entered the control room, the familiar hum of machinery filled the air, a stark reminder of the scientific progress we had made thus far.

    Gazing at the array of monitors and data displays, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me, but I drew strength from the knowledge that we were a team of brilliant minds capable of rising to the challenge.

    Throughout the long night, we worked tirelessly, analyzing data, recalibrating parameters, and implementing safety measures. The rain outside continued to pour, as if reflecting the intensity and urgency of our efforts. Time seemed to blur as we toiled, fueled by a shared sense of purpose.

    It was inconceivable, defying everything they thought they knew. The bees, once presumed dead, had somehow found a way to survive and thrive. The interruption caused by the power outage had sparked a resilience within them, triggering a surge of vitality that defied their previous research.

    Hours turned into days, and days into weeks as we neared a breakthrough. The complex puzzle that had vexed us began to unravel, piece by piece, as the scientists collaborated and brought their expertise to bear.

    The markers of DNA degradation, previously looming over their research like an insurmountable hurdle, had diminished. The implications of this unforeseen phenomenon were staggering.

    A glimmer of hope emerged. We had identified a way to stabilize the reaction in a percentage of the test subjects and prevent the potential for unwanted chain reactions that could lead to disaster. A collective sigh of relief filled the room as we celebrated this hard-fought victory, albeit a temporary one.

    But our work was far from over. We now faced the arduous task of implementing the necessary changes, conducting rigorous testing, and ensuring that our solution was foolproof. The safety of our team and the surrounding environment remained our utmost priority.

    Weeks turned into months, and the lab became a hive of focused activity. We meticulously followed every procedure, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for safety and scientific excellence. The incident had tested our resolve, but it also forged stronger bonds within the team, reminding us of the importance of communication, collaboration, and accountability.

    Finally, the day arrived when we could breathe a collective sigh of relief. The modified formula had been thoroughly tested, validated, and proven to be stable and safe.

    I began drafting a message to my research team, informing them of my decision to go public with our findings. I emphasized the importance of their continued dedication and encouraged them to remain steadfast in our pursuit of scientific excellence. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I believed in the potential of our research and the positive impact it could have on the world.

    The hours stretched into the night as I delved deeper into my research, analyzing data, reviewing experimental protocols, and refining our findings. The office became a cocoon of focused determination, shielding me from the doubts and uncertainties that threatened to creep in. Going public was the right thing to do, of that I have no doubt.

    With a renewed sense of purpose, I sat back down at my desk and powered up my computer. The screen flickered to life, displaying the countless emails and messages awaiting my attention. I noticed a new message in my inbox, the resignation letter from Dr. Stevens. I would read it later, but for now, I needed to focus on the next steps.

    Dr. Stevens’ departure left a void within our research team. Despite our differences, he had been an integral part of our work, and his absence would be keenly felt.

    But there was no time for dwelling on his departure. He had made his decision, and now I needed to deal with the consequences.

    The path I had chosen was filled with uncertainty. The funding from AsmoCorp had become few and far between while loaded with new rules and restrictive procedures, I was determined to forge ahead.

    Days turned into weeks, and I reached out to various scientific conferences and publications, seeking opportunities to present our findings. The response was mixed, with some expressing interest and others skeptical of our claims. But I remained undeterred, continuing to refine our research, and gathering more evidence to support our case.



    The University of Science and Technology of Kolahun, a bastion of higher education for the last two decades, sat nestled between weeping willow trees and verdant meadows just outside the city center. It was one of the most prestigious universities in Western Africa.

    Today, the weather was unusually pleasant with a cloud-draped sky shielding

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