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The Second Coming is about how to transform a closed conscious mind into an open conscious mind. After the consciousness of one's mind has been transformed, it enables one to know and understand an eternally transcended ideal or truth from a logical and rational eternal perspective. Once an eternal intuitive perspective has been achieved, it gives one the ability to identify an immoral ideal or truth that was creatively imagined from an ideal or truth that was eternally transcended from the Eternal Intuitive Reality of Godliness. With this eternal intuitive ability, one can faithfully believe an Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness is responsible for everything that has ever become and will become universally and eternally. Through the power of faithfully believing, one can create an eternal personal partnership with God, Godly Being, or Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness. Upon this eternal personal partnership, an eternal living reality of heaven will become upon the Blue Jewel while you are still alive. Jesus professed, "If you faithfully believe in what I say, you can have an eternal existence." Jesus did not say upon one's death. To a logical and rational consciousness of mind, it appears once you faithfully believe in what Jesus said, it instantaneously becomes of an eternal living life upon the Blue Jewel. So, as you read The Second Coming, do not be surprised your universal existence is becoming eternal while you are still living life. I hope you enjoy your eternal journey as an eternal living partner with your God, Godly Being, or Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness. Blessed is the miraculous becoming of an eternal living life.

Release dateJun 28, 2023


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    THE SECOND COMING - Donald Lee Hughes


    The Second Coming is about how to willfully transform a closed conscious hypocritical mind into an open, conscious, intuitive mind. The transformation process creates a new way of thinking about how and where to find the truth.

    It is a fact every ethnic group around the world has a belief system they faithfully believe in and follow. The sad fact is that faithful followers today are consciously unaware eternal truths are intuitively transcended from an Eternal Reality of Godliness. Moral truths are eternally transcended intuitive truths.

    If by fate, chance, or choice one’s consciousness is transformed through a leap of faith into the unknown, chances are, one will consciously come to the realization one has acquired the intuitive ability to receive and comprehend eternally transcended truths, which makes it possible to establish the moral essence of a truth eternally. Eternal truths will never harm or hurt anyone.

    The ideological foundation of humanity’s collective consciousness has been evolving and developing since the dawn of self-consciousness. Every creatively imagined truth and transcended intuitive truth existing today has been consciously created by ethnic leaders of every ethnic belief system that has ever existed. Leaders who believe it is their solemn duty to serve the needs of the belief system above and beyond the needs of its faithful followers. Faithful followers who naively believe creatively imagined truths are true and come from some form of God, Godly Being, or Eternal Essence of Godliness.


    Now imagine a child is born blessed with an eternal intuitive gift— an eternal intuitive gift never known to exist before. The eternal intuitive gift the child was blessed with upon conception was the intuitive ability to become an open-minded intuitive thinker. As an open-minded intuitive thinker, he realized many established truths were creatively imagined. Some of the imagined truths he realized were immoral and deceptively used to control faithful followers. Upon considering how to deal with this dilemma, he wondered why some truths were immoral and other truths were moral.

    Especially since all truths were professed to come from some form of God, Godly Being, or Eternal Essence of Godliness, one would think all truths would be moral. After a period of conscious consideration and contemplation, he came to one conclusion: Immoral, creatively imagined truths are unknowingly identified as moral truths. This is because a closed mind cannot distinguish a creatively imagined truth from a transcended intuitive truth. An immoral truth can only come through the creative imagination of ignorant hypocritical leaders regardless of any moral ideals their ethnic belief system may have been founded upon.

    The biggest problem since the dawn of self-consciousness is the conscious conflict and confusion created by so many creatively imagined truths believed to be moral. It is your own personal responsibility to consciously know and understand whether or not a truth is immoral or moral. One might think transforming a closed conscious mind into an open conscious mind would be the wise thing to do. In other words, if a closed conscious mind never comes to the conscious realization of where eternal moral truths come from and how they are intuitively transcended, humanity will never come to know and understand the eternal moral essence or ethical value of any truth. Even if the eternal moral essence and ethical value of an eternal moral truth remain unknown, it is all right. As long as a transcended truth comes from the Eternal Reality of Godliness, it will always be a moral truth. The good thing about most creatively imagined truths even if they are not known to be a transcendent truth is they will forever be moral eternal truths.


    As an adult, he came to the conscious realization and recognized how eternal truths were intuitively transcended. It was at this point in his life he consciously realized he had become transformed into the first eternal intuitive idealist. At this point in life, he understood what eternal truths could do for the collective consciousness of humanity. As an open-minded intuitive thinker and intuitive idealist, he consciously realized transcendent truths could become consciously known unto everyone. He faithfully believed it could and would transform the collective conscious of any ethnic belief system. He also understood a transformed mind would be able to personally comprehend and recognize if there was a moral eternal essence embedded in a creatively imagined truth. He faithfully believed no matter what the ideological foundation of an ethnic belief system was, the belief system would come to understand the moral difference between a creatively imagined truth and a transcended intuitive truth.

    The miraculous thing upon the transformation of a conscious mind is a transcended moral truth coming from the Eternal Reality of Godliness, can only be revealed by and through the use of logic and reason. So as fate would have it, anyone who willfully and boldly makes a leap of faith into the unknown and faithfully believes the transformation of the mind has become real and true. This enables a transformed mind to comprehend and understand what the four realities of Godliness may become.

    The first reality of Godliness existed before the Big Bang. The second reality of Godliness became after the Big Bang. The third reality of Godliness came into existence when sentient beings became self-conscious of their universal existence. The fourth reality of Godliness becomes when a self-conscious sentient being faithfully believes the conscious mind has been transformation eternally.

    Through faithfully believing, the conscious mind becomes personally connected to the Eternal Reality of Godliness. This miracle enables any conscious mind to comprehend and recognize when an intuitive truth is transcended unto the conscious of one’s mind. The miraculous thing about an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness is it becomes while one is alive and living upon the Blue Jewel, the earth. It does not become upon one’s death as most belief systems believe. The instantaneous transformation of the conscious mind upon faithfully believing an eternal personal connection has become while alive and living upon the Blue Jewel, to say the least, is one miraculous miracle that is gloriously blessed unto every sentient being upon conception. If by chance or fate you achieve an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Reality of Godliness, be humble and do good deeds for those in need of help.


    Leaders of a belief system heard about the miraculous transformation that eternally changed the conscious minds of faithful believers. Filled with fear, the leaders realized any eternal changes made unto a consciousness of one’s mind could create a loss in faithful followers in their belief system. The leaders gathered and decided murdering the first intuitive idealist publicly was the thing to do. They hoped to scare anyone who considered the transformational process. What the first intuitive idealist said, and it still holds true today. If you faithfully believe in what I say, you will have an eternal life.

    The sad part about the whole situation was the leaders of the belief system knew the first intuitive idealist was correct in what he faithfully believed. By and through faithfully believing in this transformational process, one can consciously create an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness in one’s lifetime. Personally, I cannot logically or rationally find any reason why anyone wouldn’t want an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness, especially if it allows one to become a moral sentient being. Due to self-serving hypocritical belief systems that exist today, most of the leaders will never admit to knowing or understanding this transformation process is real. Yes, it is a miraculous moment that can and will become unto anyone who faithfully believes one’s conscious mind can be transformed and can create an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Reality of Godliness. The hypocrisy and ignorance of the past must come to an eventual end you would think.


    Two thousand and fifty-one years after the execution of the first intuitive idealist, a second intuitive idealist was born. After a lifetime of self-inflicted trials and tribulation, the second intuitive idealist came to know and understand the Eternal Essence of Godliness was real and true. The unique thing about the second intuitive idealist is he was totally unaware his conscious mind could ever become transformed. By making a blind leap of faith into the unknown and faithfully believing the truth could be found, his conscious mind began to evolve and develop intuitively. Something from within his subconscious mind began influencing his conscious way of thinking. Whatever it was, it encouraged him not to believe the truth as professed by and through any belief system. Upon what became a lifelong journey in search of the truth, the second intuitive idealist came to know and understand where the influencing was coming from. It was coming from the Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness.

    It started in 1951 when a child was born with a unique gift. The same eternal intuitive gift the first intuitive idealist had been born with. An eternal intuitive gift all children are born with. This child like all children had the opportunity to become a faithful believer by and through a variety of different belief systems. This child like all children began learning the creatively imagined truth of a belief system. A belief system filled with truths everyone believed. Children learned at home, on the streets, and on occasion when visiting the facilities of a belief system.

    Unfortunately, this one fact is true. Naive children are led to faithfully believe the truths of the belief system are the only truths to be believed. The unfortunate thing about faithfully believing in the truths of a belief system. The belief system will try and convince its faithful followers that their eternal path is the only true path leading to an eternal life. It is also an unfortunate fact that adults continue to believe a truth can only be created and professed by highly trained leaders of a belief system. The regrettable thing about this immoral situation is it creates conflict and confusion for faithful followers who seek nothing but the truth. The consequence of this horrific situation since the dawn of self-consciousness has done nothing but create wars between different belief systems.

    In other words, whether anyone realizes it or not, the Eternal Essence of Godliness has and will remain what it has always been the place where moral eternal truths can be found. Failure to know and understand where eternal truths can be found creates all the mental conflict and confusion around the world today. Why do so many faithful followers feel like they know that some truths creating the foundation of their belief system are immoral? The sad part of the situation is they do not know why they feel like something is wrong. Every day adults ask, Why do so many adults exhibit such unethical and immoral behaviors if they are faithful followers and believe in God?

    The ironic thing about it is most faithful followers are right about this feeling. Yes, it is true the current reality of existence was created on both immoral and moral truths. The fact that immoral truths have been irrationally justified as moral truths to serve the needs of hypocritical leaders destroys any chances for a belief system’s foundation to become moral. In general, these immoral truths do not serve the moral needs of faithful followers. Granted in the past, present and even the future leaders of most belief systems will continue creating fascinating and inspirational truths, but to what end? The most unfortunate thing of the past and of the future is most leaders of a belief system will never admit to the fact some truths are immoral. The only way an eternal truth can ever be found is by and through faithfully believing one’s has become eternally transformed and an eternal personal connection has become with the Eternal Essence of Godliness.

    Any desire to become an active participant in any belief system did not exist for the child born in 1951. By and through chance or fate, the child grew up to be an open-minded intuitive thinker. As an open-minded intuitive thinker, he developed an unbiased fascination for life. He believed life was the most miraculous gift he or anyone could ever experience. It fascinated him to the point where he needed to know and understand everything about how the universe had become.

    The mere fact that he grew up learning the truths of a belief system was an irrelevant factor when it came to the conscious development of his creative intuitive mind. His naive journey to know and understand everything happened because he believed life was an adventure. As a creative-minded child, it enabled him to consciously develop and become a free-thinking idealist. He did not realize during the early development of his mind he had an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness. Later upon his journey, he came to the realization that everyone has an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness, whether it is realized or not. An eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness is the one eternal gift gloriously blessed unto everyone upon conception.

    Luckily for him, he was living a blessed life. The miraculous thing about the conscious development of his open intuitive mind was he became a free-thinking intuitive idealist unknowingly. As a free-thinking intuitive idealist, he was led to believe life is a miraculous miracle. So, if life was a miraculous miracle, why had life become hypocritically insane? Could it be the current conscious reality of existence was created hypocritically through eternal ignorance? He also wondered if everything was created by and through a God, Godly Being, or Essence of Godliness, how come heaven did not exist upon the Blue Jewel?

    If it was not for the love and compassion he had experienced from his family and friends, he would never have become the person he was destined to become. He became a loving person and the one thing he came to love more than anything was life. Fortunately, his eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness was functioning flawlessly even if it was unknown unto him at that time. The Eternal Reality of Godliness functions flawlessly for anyone whether one realizes it or not. The Eternal Essence of Godliness is perfect, and anyone can create an eternal personal connection by making a leap of faith into the unknown and faithfully believe in what is unbelievable.


    Everything about life according to his way of thinking was flawless until the decade of the 1960s. The fear and anxiety created during the decade of the 1960s was profoundly political and radically racial. It was a confused and conflicted moment in time that tested the moral fabric of America and started a social revolution.

    In the prime of his mental development, his conscious reality of mind was horrifically shattered, traumatizing his twelve-year-old mind beyond any conflict and confusion he had ever known. Two immoral things happened, shattering the love he had for life. The first immoral stone cast came from a world filled with hypocrisy and hate. The stone extinguished a charismatic light of hope that shined brightly for social reform. A brilliant, radiant light of hope that asked a generation of Americans, Ask not what you can do for yourself but what you can do for your country.

    The second stone cast was created from discrimination and inequality. It annihilated the dream. The dreamer believed in social equality for every ethnic group. The dreamer believed everyone should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

    When the first stone was cast, the unknown Eternal Essence of Godliness in him began to fade. Upon the casting of the second stone, everything he had come to love faded away, vanishing into nothingness, gone forever, so it seemed.

    The immorality of the whole situation was incomprehensible for his open mind to consciously comprehend. He could never have imagined in a lifetime what had happened, but it did become the new reality of his existence. Refusing to wallow insanely in the mire of religious and political ignorance, he vowed there and then never to believe the truth coming out of anyone’s mouth past, present, or future. He also made an eternal promise to whatever it was making all things possible. He promised to stand for ever at the back door of heaven and the front door of hell so he might come to know and understand where the truth might be found.


    From then on, he faithfully believed the truth would be revealed unto him in his lifetime. The trials and tribulations of a lifelong journey he fearlessly and foolishly embarked upon did not destroy the Eternal Essence of Godliness embedded in the subconsciousness of his mind.

    The reason the Eternal Essence of Godliness can survive a fearless and foolish journey into the abyss of the unknown is the Eternal Essence of Godliness embedded in everyone is indestructible until death when one becomes eternal or not. Upon conception, the Eternal Essence of Godliness becomes the indestructible cornerstone of one’s universal and potentially one’s eternal existence.

    Even though this is basically unknown today, the Eternal Essence of Godliness has the capacity to support two realities at the same time. The first reality is the Eternal Reality of Godliness, which existed before the dawn of self-consciousness. Unfortunately, the Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness remains unknown unto the self-consciousness of sentient beings.

    The Eternal Reality of Godliness will eventually come into existence when every creatively imagined immoral truth is revealed. Fortunately, for the second intuitive idealist, the Eternal Reality of Godliness is indestructible. With the Eternal Essence of Godliness unknowingly embedded in his mind and body, he was enabled to logically and rationally determine what the moral ethical difference was between creatively imagined immoral truths and eternally transcended intuitive truths. Blessed with an unknown cloak of indestructibility bestowed upon him, his destiny was eventually fulfilled. His conscious mind began to evolve intuitively even though it existed in two opposing realities. The one reality he experienced every day was conflicted and confusing. The second reality is the Eternal Reality of Godliness that is unknowingly embedded in the conscious mind of everyone upon conception. The Eternal Essence of Godliness is patiently waiting to become an eternal conscious partner with his universal creation. If, and when the Eternal Essence of Godliness does become the eternal conscious partner of humanity, heaven will become the reality of existence upon the Blue Jewel. Yes, heaven will become for those who faithfully believe an eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness has become.


    Later upon his journey, he realized anyone could lose their eternal personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness in variety of ways. The easiest way is choosing to believe in creatively imagined immoral truths. It is an example of insanity at its finest especially when the foundation of society is supposed to be based on the eternal truths of Godliness. The tragedy of the situation is the hypocrisy created when immoral truths are believed to be moral truths.

    The fact hypocrisy has been tolerated for so long in the name of truth. Should convince anyone with half a brain to come to the realization some of the foundational truths of all belief systems are immoral. It is amazing the evolutionary intellectual development of sentient beings has created so much conflict and confusion. This has been going on for so long it has damaged the collective consciousness of humanity beyond repair. It is unbelievable how immoral the collective character of humanity has become and how willing it is to accept immorality as normal way of living life. To disregard what is morally right and choose to do what is immorally wrong has created a living reality of hell upon the Blue Jewel, and chances are, it will condemn us all to self-annihilation.

    Now if by chance someone is led into destroying their own Eternal Reality of Godliness because they followed the teachings of a belief system, in most cases, it is not an eternal death sentence! If by fate one has maintained their personal connection with the Eternal Essence of Godliness by doing moral good deeds for others, even if the moral good deeds were done unknowingly and no personal transformation has ever happened, the indestructible personal connection embedded within you that was created upon conception will survive. The one thing you will not come to realize is the love and peace that will become when an eternal reality of heaven becomes upon the Blue Jewel. Everyone is given just consideration upon death regarding an eternal existence being achieved in one’s lifetime.

    Now, if by chance or fate you faithfully believe and have consciously accepted the Eternal Essence of Godliness to be true, heaven will become the eternal reality of your existence while you are still alive and living upon the Blue Jewel. No matter what the foundational structure of one’s belief system is, it is possible to experience heaven upon the Blue Jewel. It is as simple as faithfully believing in an Eternal Essence of Godliness. There are two blessings bestowed upon every sentient being upon conception. One is free will. Two is the gift of faithfully believing in what you want to believe is believable even if it is immoral.

    You can never be harmed eternally if you willfully choose to faithfully believe in an Eternal Essence of Godliness. The only reason I am still alive is the eternal personal connection I unknowingly created when I promised to stand at the back door of heaven and the front door of hell. Being blessed with the Eternal Essence of Godliness embedded within me upon conception gave me the ability to know and understand the Eternal Intuitive Essence of Godliness. Even though the Eternal Essence of Godliness was unknown for so long, but it finally became known upon his journey to find the truth. The Eternal Essence of Godliness will never abandon anyone who faithfully believes and creates an eternal personal connection. If the Eternal Essence of Godliness had not been present as things unfolded in his lifetime, the foolish and reckless things he did upon his journey to finding the truth would not have used up a good portion of his nine lives. At this point, the only thing to do was give a humble and gracious thanks to the glory of Godliness. Giving credit where the credit is due is morally the right thing to do. The credit should be given unto the one and only true Eternal Essence of Godliness. The Eternal Essence of Godliness that will never abandon anyone who willfully makes a leap of faith in to the unknown and chooses to faithfully believe in the unbelievable.


    Yes, his journey was fearless and foolish and filled with many trials and tribulations. After his free-thinking, open intuitive mind was shattered, he adopted an antiestablishment way of thinking. By the end of the decade of the sixties, he refused to believe anything the government did was morally right. The way the government dealt with the civil rights of black Americans and the citizens of Vietnam appeared to him to be nothing but self-serving political ambition. He believed anything a hypocritical politician said or did violated the eternal moral truths of the Eternal Essence of Godliness. Eternal moral truths that were logically and rationally embedded within the American Constitution when it was initially created and founded.

    When the first military draft lottery was initiated in 1969, his date of birth was selected second. Can you imagine what might be expected from a twelve-year-old who had unknowingly grown up as a free-thinking, open-minded intuitive idealist? Even though his free-thinking consciousness of mind had been horrifically shattered, it was not lost. Yes, he was transformed and turned into an antiestablishment radical. As a social pacifist with no military deferments available, he ignorantly rationalizing committing a crime and getting caught would make him unfit for military service.

    After burglarizing a garage for car parts, he sold the car parts to a person he knew. The person asked a friend of his to help him install the parts. As fate would have it, the friend was a friend of the owner of the stolen car parts. The plan to avoid the draft worked out as planned. One crime and he was done. Who knows how many crimes he might have committed if he had not been caught the first time?

    The local judge did offer him a way out of being convicted of second-degree burglary, and that was enlist in the army. He graciously declined and stated, Why do you think I committed the crime? Even though he had become radicalize and committed a crime did not mean he had lost his love for life. He faithfully believed life was sacred and no one had the moral right to take anyone’s life. He was placed on probation for twenty-four months.


    Twenty-two months into his probation period, something happened

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