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Tough Times Do Not Last
Tough Times Do Not Last
Tough Times Do Not Last
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Tough Times Do Not Last

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In "Tough Times Do Not Last," Brandon Proffitt takes readers on an inspiring and transformative journey from college basketball to professional football. This compelling non-fiction book explores the highs and lows, triumphs and setbacks, that shaped Proffitt's path to success.

Through personal anecdotes and powerful life lessons, Proffitt delves into the seven key principles that guided him along his remarkable journey. Drawing on his experiences as an college basketball and professional football staff member, he highlights the importance of self-understanding, empathy, resilience, gratitude, a growth mindset, responsibility, and purpose.

Proffitt's candid and relatable storytelling captures the essence of his personal growth and invites readers to reflect on their own lives. With refreshing honesty, he shares his discoveries about self-acceptance, embracing challenges, and learning from mistakes. His narrative serves as a guide, inspiring readers to navigate their own obstacles and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.

"Tough Times Do Not Last" offers practical strategies for overcoming adversity and unlocking one's true potential. Proffitt's lessons go beyond the realm of sports, providing invaluable insights applicable to all aspects of life. Whether you're an athlete, a student, a professional, or anyone seeking personal growth, this book will empower you to embrace change, develop resilience, and find your own path to success.

Brandon Proffitt's powerful story serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of perseverance. Through his engaging narrative, he demonstrates that tough times don't define us—they provide opportunities for growth and self-discovery. "Tough Times Do Not Last" is a compelling read that will inspire, motivate, and leave readers with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Release dateJun 16, 2023
Tough Times Do Not Last

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    Tough Times Do Not Last - Brandon Proffitt


    When I reflect on my journey through the realms of sports management and video production, I am reminded of the profound impact that those experiences have had on my personal growth and understanding of life's lessons. Now, as I stand here, honored to write this foreword for Tough Times Do Not Last, authored by Brandon Proffitt, I am excited to share with you the invaluable insights and wisdom contained within these pages.

    Having spent years immersed in the vibrant world of college and professional sports, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of self-understanding. It is the foundation upon which every decision, every goal, and every pursuit should be built. Brandon skillfully emphasizes the importance of knowing our strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. By aligning our choices with our authentic selves, we unlock a path to fulfillment and purpose.

    One of the most remarkable qualities a person can possess is empathy. As we navigate through the diverse tapestry of human connections, understanding and sharing the feelings of others is not only essential but also transformative. Through insightful anecdotes and thought-provoking examples, Brandon highlights the significance of empathy in fostering strong relationships and nurturing kindness and cooperation.

    Life's journey is replete with obstacles and setbacks, but it is in these moments that true resilience is forged. I shed light on the power of bouncing back from adversity, learning from our mistakes, and persisting in the face of challenges. Drawing from their own experiences and those of others, they provide invaluable guidance on developing the tenacity necessary to overcome life's hurdles.

    A practice that has truly enriched my own life is cultivating gratitude. In a world often consumed by negativity, it is paramount to regularly recognize and appreciate the blessings that surround us. With warmth and sincerity, I emphasize the transformative effect of gratitude on our mood, outlook, and overall well-being. Prepare to be inspired as they share practical strategies for embracing a grateful mindset.

    Central to personal growth is the adoption of a growth mindset—an unwavering belief that we can continually improve and learn. Through captivating stories and powerful insights, I instill in us the conviction that effort and practice can unlock new heights of achievement. By embracing this mindset, we are equipped to tackle challenges and setbacks with resilience and determination.

    Taking responsibility for our actions is an integral part of our journey toward maturity and self-actualization. I masterfully illuminate the importance of accountability and the profound impact our decisions have on our lives and the lives of those around us. With clarity and wisdom, they guide us toward embracing responsibility as a catalyst for personal growth and positive change.

    A life well-lived is one imbued with purpose. I artfully explore the profound impact of finding our sense of purpose, and how it can serve as our guiding light. By incorporating practical strategies and insightful advice, they empower us to discover our true calling and embark on a meaningful journey.

    In these pages, I have crafted a book that will illuminate your path, challenge your perceptions, and inspire profound personal growth. As you embark on this transformative journey, I implore you to embrace the wisdom contained within these words. Let the lessons of self-understanding, empathy, resilience, gratitude, growth mindset, responsibility, and purpose guide your every step, and may they empower you to lead a life of fulfillment, purpose, and unbounded possibility.


    In the throbbing heart of America's sports, where the stadium lights shine as bright as the passion of its fans, I found my classroom. But the lessons I learned are not confined within the chalk-outlined courts or the vibrant turf fields. They were bigger, deeper - lessons about life, resilience, purpose, and the unwavering spirit of the human will.

    Imagine being at the epicenter of the most controversial moments in sports history. Picture the rush of adrenaline, the echo of your heartbeat in your ears, the intensity of every gaze upon you. That was my reality. From the firing and the hiring of Head basketball coaches to the waiving of a legendary Quarterback and the drafting of a promising replacement, I was there, watching, learning, growing.

    But this is not just a tale of sports, victories, and defeats; it is also a revelation of the characters behind these unforgettable moments. The unexpected humor and brilliance of a legend, the kindness of some head coaches, and the anxiety-provoking tenures under others. In their light and shadow, I learned the seven life lessons that now define me.

    Amid these monumental experiences, I faced a more insidious adversary than racism- my own anxiety. The wounds it inflicted were deep, the hurt more severe than any physical pain. It became a crossroads, one that would force me to summon my strength, my resilience, and choose my path.

    Through these experiences - the triumphs, controversies, adversities, and injustices - I discovered truths that everyone, sports enthusiast or not, should know. Seven life lessons that, when embraced, will lead to a fulfilling life no matter how high the odds are stacked against you.

    Join me, as I share my story - a ten-year journey inside the tumultuous world of college basketball and professional football, a voyage into the heart of sports, a narrative of adversity, resilience, and enlightenment. Let us embark on this journey together. Trust me, you will not want to miss a moment.

    Get ready for a ride that will inspire, challenge, and hopefully, transform you, just as it did me.


    Authoring this book has been a deeply personal and transformative journey for me. As I reflect on the chapters that lay before you, I am reminded of the profound impact they have had on my own life and my pursuit of personal growth. It is with a mix of vulnerability and hope that I share my experiences, my struggles, and the valuable life lessons I have learned along the way.

    Motivation is a powerful force, and it was the driving factor behind the creation of this book. In navigating the winding path from college basketball to professional football, I encountered numerous challenges and setbacks. It was during these difficult moments that anxiety began to take hold, casting a shadow over my dreams and aspirations. Writing became a therapeutic outlet—a way for me to confront my fears, understand my anxiety, and find a path toward healing and self-discovery.

    However, my aspirations extended beyond personal growth. I wanted to reach out to those who might be grappling with similar challenges, offering them solace, guidance, and a glimmer of hope. It is my sincere belief that the lessons I have learned—lessons that transcend the world of sports—can resonate with individuals from all walks of life. Through these pages, I hope to provide support and inspiration to anyone who has felt the weight of anxiety or struggled to overcome obstacles in their own journey.

    The heart of this book lies in the exploration of seven essential life lessons. Drawing upon my own experiences and the wisdom gained from mentors and peers, I delve into the core themes of self-understanding, empathy, resilience, gratitude, growth mindset, responsibility, and purpose. Each lesson is a steppingstone on the path toward personal growth and fulfillment. It is my fervent hope that by sharing these insights, readers will find guidance, inspiration, and the tools they need to overcome their own challenges and unlock their true potential.

    As you embark on this literary journey, I encourage you to approach these pages with an open mind and heart. Allow yourself to connect with the stories, anecdotes, and reflections contained within. Embrace the vulnerability of the author's journey as you seek to find meaning in your own. Remember that you are not alone; others have faced similar struggles and emerged stronger on the other side. Together, we can navigate the complexities of life and discover the beauty that lies within our shared humanity.

    May this book serve as a source of comfort, encouragement, and guidance. Whether you are an athlete searching for inspiration, an individual seeking solace from anxiety, or simply someone yearning for personal growth, my hope is that you will find within these pages the wisdom and inspiration to embark on your own transformative journey.

    Brandon Proffitt

    Chapter 1: The Unseen Court of Self Understanding

    In the journey of life, one of the most profound and fulfilling quests we can embark upon is the pursuit of self-understanding. Often obscured by the hustle and bustle of daily routines and external demands, the exploration of our own inner landscapes can be overlooked or postponed indefinitely. However, the significance of self-understanding cannot be overstated, as it lays the foundation for personal growth, meaningful relationships, and a profound sense of purpose.

    Self-understanding, at its core, is the process of gaining insight into one's own thoughts, emotions, motivations, and behaviors. It involves delving into the depths of our being, exploring our beliefs, values, and past experiences that have shaped us into the individuals we are today. It encompasses both the conscious and unconscious aspects of our minds, unraveling the intricacies of our unique identities.

    Self-understanding serves as a guiding light in our lives, illuminating the path to self-actualization and fulfillment. When we possess a deep awareness of ourselves, we are better equipped to make informed decisions, set meaningful goals, and navigate the challenges that arise along the way. It empowers us to embrace our strengths, acknowledge our weaknesses, and harness our potential.

    Furthermore, self-understanding paves the way for authentic and fulfilling relationships. By understanding ourselves, we become more attuned to our own needs and desires, enabling us to communicate them effectively to others. It enhances our empathy and compassion, allowing us to better understand and connect with the experiences of those around us. Through self-understanding, we develop a solid sense of self-worth, which forms the bedrock for healthy connections with others.

    On the other side, the absence of self-understanding can lead to a multitude of challenges and limitations. Without an awareness of our own values, we may find ourselves drifting aimlessly, lacking a sense of purpose or direction in life. We may struggle to make decisions that align with our true selves, succumbing to external pressures or societal expectations.

    Without self-understanding, we may also find it difficult to navigate relationships effectively. Miscommunication, misunderstandings, and conflicts can arise when we are unaware of our own triggers, biases, or emotional patterns. Additionally, a lack of self-understanding may hinder our ability to recognize and address unresolved issues or past traumas, leading to recurring patterns of behavior that hinder personal growth and happiness.

    Self-understanding is an ongoing, lifelong journey that requires introspection, curiosity, and a willingness to explore the depths of our own being. By embarking on this path, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities, empowering ourselves to live authentically, cultivate meaningful connections, and fulfill our true potential. In the chapters that follow, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of self-understanding, uncovering practical tools, exercises, and insights to aid us on this transformative voyage of self-discovery.

    In 1993, I found myself in the setting of a basketball court playing for school Holy Cross, a parochial school. A fifth grader, a newcomer to the sport, I found myself grappling not just with the opponents on the court, but also with a silent adversary within me. That day, unbeknownst to me, I took my first step on the journey of self-understanding.

    When my father finally agreed to let me play basketball, it was a day of pure elation. I had begged relentlessly, promising it would not affect my grades. In truth, it was not just about the sport; it was about claiming a piece of my father's heart. Basketball, I knew, was one of his deepest loves. When he said 'yes', a victory sparked in me.

    Wearing the Holy Cross Tigers’ green and gold jersey was unlike any I had experienced. It was as if I had donned a suit of armor, bracing myself for a world of opportunities and challenges that awaited me on the court. Little did I know that the battles fought there would be more than just games. They would shape the very foundation of my self-understanding.

    My first-ever game was an away game. I still remember the deafening silence that engulfed me as I stepped onto the rival team’s court. The polished floor beneath my shoes, the echoing sound of the ball as it bounced rhythmically, the soaring ceilings swallowing the noises of the crowd, all created an environment both alien and fascinating.

    My mom, dad, and uncle were in the crowd that day. Their presence, although comforting, also added a layer of pressure. I wanted to perform, to impress, to make them proud. I knew they were watching expectantly, sharing my anticipation, silently cheering me on.

    The game did not start as I had imagined. We were losing, and quite disastrously. The score was 20-2, and the only points to our name had come from my efforts. With each tick of the clock, a sinking feeling took over.

    We had been trailing for so long that the score seemed insurmountable. In a moment of realization, I found myself gasping for air, hyper-ventilating. It was the first time I had experienced such a thing, and it terrified me. Collapsing onto one knee, I clung to the basketball, my only anchor in the swirling sea of confusion and fear. I signaled for a timeout.

    The world around me became a blur as I was led off the court. The coach gave me a brown paper bag to breathe into, and the embarrassment rushed over me like a wave. I felt as though I had let everyone down, most importantly, my dad. It was a feeling of defeat, but not from the losing game; I felt defeated by myself, by my inability to manage the situation. This moment marked the beginning of my journey with anxiety – an adversary that would accompany me for years to come, silently challenging me to master the art of self-understanding.

    Despite the fear and confusion that marked that day, the incident did not deter my passion for basketball. If anything, it fueled my resolve. I was determined to understand what had happened, to regain control, and most importantly, to prevent such a situation from recurring.

    Neither my parents nor I had any idea what had transpired. It seemed almost inconceivable that a fifth grader could experience such a distressing episode. This incident became a daily thought, a problem to be unraveled, a challenge to be overcome.

    It was later, as I delved into psychology and human behavior, that I came to understand what I had experienced was an anxiety attack. Anxiety, I learned, is a mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities. It was bewildering to think that a child of my age could experience such a condition.

    For a child of my tender years, anxiety was not about bills, work pressure, or life's many other complicated challenges; it was about the fear of failure, the desire for approval, the need to excel. It was about standing in the middle of a basketball court, the weight of expectation heavy on my shoulders, wanting nothing more than to win. It was about losing control of my breath and, in turn, losing the match, disappointing myself and those who had faith in me.

    The realization that I could experience such profound stress was disconcerting. However, it also set the stage for understanding the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence at an early age. This was a challenge that had been thrown at me, an invitation to comprehend myself better, to dive deeper into my mind's workings.

    As I moved forward, I continued to play basketball, holding onto that resolve. Every match, every practice became a lesson, an opportunity to better understand myself, to confront and conquer my fears. I faced each game with renewed vigor, using the court as my testing ground, my battleground for battling anxiety and fostering self-understanding. Despite the intimidating ordeal, no similar episodes occurred, testifying to my growing resilience, and understanding.

    Playing at Holy Cross brought me many significant experiences, moments of joy, and equally important, moments of self-discovery. It is where I spent the 6th and 7th grades playing basketball. I even had the chance to play on the older 7th and 8th grade team when I was in sixth grade, a step-up that brought me immense pride, as it also allowed me to play alongside my older brother.

    However, as an eighth grader, I transitioned to Fulton Junior High in Wayne Township. Despite my academic excellence, my heart yearned for nothing more than to play basketball and avoid the intense moments of anxiety that had begun to punctuate my life. As the frequency of these episodes increased, the bathroom quickly became my sanctuary, a place where I could sit alone, catch my breath, and regain control before rejoining the world outside.

    Throughout my time at Wayne Township, my basketball career posed more challenges. The pressure to perform magnified, and the playing time I enjoyed began to shrink. This, combined with the intense focus on my anxieties, seemed to warp my perception of time. It slowed during moments of pressure, adding to the mental turmoil. In those moments, anxiety prevented me from thinking clearly, affecting my decision-making abilities on the court.

    But basketball had other lessons to offer. Among the things I loved about it was the running. It was instinct, my internal anxiety pushing me to keep moving, but I found comfort in it. I reveled in the effort required to push myself, to run as hard as I could for as long as I could. This led me to develop controlled breathing techniques which eventually became my armor against the panic that once came with shortness of breath. All that remained then was the sensation of time slowing down, an aspect that I would later learn to turn to my advantage.

    In my junior year, a new JV Coach, an assistant coach to the 1998 Indiana All Star team, would help me unlock this. One day, he halted practice to offer advice. Slow down and see what you're doing first because there is no rush when you are in control of the ball, he said. In that moment, things became clear. My mind saw the world in slow motion due to anxiety, but my physical self was in a rush. For the first time, I saw my anxiety not as a curse, but as a gift. I just had to stay aware of what was happening outside my mind. I could see the plays unfolding slowly, I just needed to relax and trust myself.

    And with that, everything began to change internally.

    During my junior year, this JV coach often placed me in games during the critical moments when victory hung in the balance. I found myself not playing most games until the very end, where, with each play I made, I helped inch our team towards victory. My presence on the court, it seemed, was a secret weapon, reserved for those crucial moments.

    One such moment came late in the season during a holiday tournament. Our JV team was ahead by just two points in the final game, and despite not having played a single minute throughout the tournament, Coach Renner called me in. He placed his hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and delivered his instruction, I want a 5 second count and a turnover.

    Charged with his directive, I went onto the court to guard the main ball handler of the opposing team. I threw everything I had into the task, making sure the player had no chance to catch the ball. As the referee's count reached four, the in bounder lofted the ball into the air, attempting to toss it over my head to his point guard. In basketball, if the ball does not touch any player, the referee can continue his 5-second count. Both the opposing guard and I leapt into the air, grasping for the ball. But before either of us could touch it, the referee blew his whistle.

    Panic surged within me, fearing that he might have called a foul on me. But turning to

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