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Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V): CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, #5
Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V): CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, #5
Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V): CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, #5
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Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V): CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, #5

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The fierce princess Cyne is back in Tyne and ready to claim her birthright. However, new mysteries, brutalities, and the ever-present threat of the incomplete prophecy hang heavy over her head. This and the courtly duties that is expected of the new Tynese Emperess all feel like a weight around the new imperial couple. Cyne is determined to get to the bottom of the life-magic mystery, but she is also eager to leave the palace again. The old prison felt stifling and the last remaining brother she had, Aethwyn, was the ideal candidate to act as regent. Unlike her other siblings, she'd always been close with him. With the unknown set before her and her companions once more, she must fight enemies and her own limitations to finally achieve her ultimate goal and retrieve the incomplete and fateful prophecy.

Release dateJun 6, 2023
Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V): CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, #5

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    Book preview

    Cyne - Long Live the Unchosen (Part V) - Kylie Jensen


    After embarking from the capital to seek out the prophecy and the necromancer holding it, Cyne and her friends are faced with a difficult task. They must cross the great dunes of the desert in order to cement a treaty and friendship with the Chieftain of Wyrms and his family. Crossing the dunes is a difficult and dangerous trek for outsiders and while resting at a desert oasis, Cyne and the others are drawn into a conflict with dark magics. Barely escaping with their lives, they take refuge with the Chieftain of Wyrms, who offers to help them seek out the necromancer and his hideaway in the eastern mountains.

    Cyne and the others are prepared, coming up with a plan of action but the after effects of the black magic are strong as Cyne was the one most affected. The group trek north and east after the desert escort and come upon the peaks and plateaus of the forested mountain range. Here, they encounter rumor, and eventually track down the location of the fearful necromancer and his dark magic creatures. The battle was brutal and the risks intense as the group tries desperately to retrieve the fabled prophecy that Cyne needs to maintain her hold over the newly formed empire.

    Things don't go their way and in the midst of battle, Medwyn is hurled from a cliff and dies in Cyne's arms. The story continues as Cyne and the others are forced to bring Medwyn's body back to Tynedros Castle and prepare for his funeral. Lost, alone, and entirely hopeless, Cyne must now find a way to rule and guide her people without her beloved bardic emperor, Medwyn, at her side. 

    Chapter One

    Cyne's heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces as she trudged up the stone-lined road, her gaze fixed on the body of her husband, lover, and emperor, Medwyn, as it was being caried on Haeth and Richart’s shoulders. The sun was high in the sky, casting long shadows from the mountains and forests on each side of the road, but it was like it wasn't even there. All she could see was Medwyn's lifeless form, and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart breaking.

    Haeth, her best friend, was helping Richart carry Medwyn's body, his immense strength a welcome relief to their burdened hearts. Shedia and Lilian were trying to comfort Cyne, but it felt like nothing they said could reach her. She was lost in her own world of grief, struggling to come to terms with the fact that the man she loved was gone forever.

    Nestor, the usually roguish joker, led the way, his steps quick and sure as he navigated the road. He had always been one to mask his emotions with humor, and even now, he was making jokes and trying to lighten the mood. But Cyne couldn't find it in herself to laugh. All she could feel was the emptiness where Medwyn used to be.

    As they walked, the road twisted and turned, winding its way through the mountains and forests. The scenery around them was breathtaking, but it was like they were seeing it through a haze. The mountains rose up on each side of the road, their peaks lost in the clouds. The forests were thick and green, the leaves rustling in the breeze. Birds sang in the trees, their melodies hauntingly beautiful, but it was like they were singing a requiem for Medwyn.

    Cyne couldn't help but think about what was next. Medwyn had been a prince of the rival empire, and her claim on his kingdom rested solely on him. Without him, she had no hold on Mirat, and she was lost as to what to do next. Her mind buzzed with thoughts, but she couldn't make sense of them. She felt like she was adrift in a sea of grief, unable to find her way to shore.

    As they walked, the road began to slope downwards, and they knew they were getting closer to the port city of Emres. They had to find a boat to take them back to the capital of the empire, Tyne, where they would lay Medwyn to rest. Cyne felt a sense of dread at the thought of leaving him behind, but she knew they had no choice.

    The port city came into view, its buildings huddled around the harbor like a protective wall. The smell of saltwater and fish filled the air, and Cyne felt a pang of longing for the sea. She had always loved the ocean, and the thought of being out on the water, with nothing but the waves and the wind, was tempting. But she knew she couldn't give in to her desires. She had a duty to her people, and she had to find a way to honor Medwyn's memory and keep her empire strong.

    As they approached the harbor, Cyne felt a sense of relief. They had made it. They had found their way to Emres, and they would soon be on a boat, sailing back to Tyne. But even as the sense of relief washed over her, she knew that the journey ahead would be a long and difficult one. They had lost a great leader, a beloved friend, and a passionate lover. And Cyne knew that the road ahead would be a lonely one, as she struggled to find her way without Medwyn by her side.

    The port city of Emres was a bustling metropolis, with sailors and merchants from all over the world mingling in the busy market streets. The air was thick with the salty scent of the sea, and the sound of seagulls filled the air. Cyne had never been to this part of the world before, and she couldn't help but be awed by the colorful sights and sounds around her. But even the beauty of the seaside city could not lift her spirits, and she remained lost in her sadness.

    Haeth and Richart were carrying Medwyn's body, while Shedia and Lilian walked close to Cyne, trying to offer comfort. Nestor led the way, his sharp eyes scanning the streets for any signs of danger. They walked through winding streets and alleys until they reached a small inn near the port. Nestor had heard about it from a sailor he had once worked with, and he knew it was the perfect place for them to rest and wait for news about the next ship to Tyne.

    The inn was small and cozy, with a low ceiling and dimly lit corners. The patrons were a mix of sailors, merchants, and locals, and they all looked up curiously as the group entered. Haeth and Richart laid Medwyn's body on a nearby table, and the innkeeper nodded in understanding, offering his condolences with a gentle smile.

    Cyne sat at the table, staring blankly at her hands as Lilian and Shedia tried to comfort her. The ale and wine flowed freely, and soon Cyne was entirely too drunk to care about anything. Her mind raced with thoughts of what to do next. She had lost her husband, her lover, and the Emperor of Tyne, and with him, any chance of claiming the rival kingdom of Mirat. The future looked bleak, and she had no idea what to do next.

    As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, the sounds of the inn

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