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The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World
The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World
The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World
Ebook214 pages3 hours

The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World

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The old axiom is true: people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. We find ourselves in a cultural moment where people simply want to feel seen, heard, and loved. The good news? A little kindness goes a long way. It's time for this overlooked and underappreciated fruit of the Spirit to get its due.

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PublisherInvite Press
Release dateJun 6, 2023
The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World

Greg Atkinson

Greg Atkinson is a bestselling author, speaker, pastor, coach, and consultant who has worked with churches of all sizes, including some of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the country. He is considered an expert in church guest experience, first impressions, hospitality, guest services, and worship. Greg is the Founder of the First Impressions Conference - the annual event featuring the leading voices for first impressions and guest services from around the world. Greg is the Co-Founder of the Social Media Church Conference and is an expert at evaluating a church's online presence and social media.

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    The Secret Power of Kindness - Greg Atkinson

    Praise for The Secret Power of Kindness

    From Greg’s Adult Kids:

    My dad is an incredibly kind and generous person, and I’m so glad to be able to have him as a role model in my life. He has taught me so much over the years about the importance of grace, empathy, and unconditional love, and I think his book does a great job of covering many of these important concepts, too!

    –Grace Atkinson

    My dad is an incredibly kind person. He has always been very supportive of me and my choices in life, which I am grateful for. He is also extremely generous. Any time we are out somewhere shopping, he always insists on paying even when he does not need to and even when I want to. He frequently stops and talks to people we do not know and is always inviting people or bringing people places (mostly Mexican restaurants). It is always an interesting experience to come home and find out that you have a new housemate for a few months or that the car you secretly wanted has been given away. But these have all become learning experiences for me which I am grateful to have had at such a young age. Of course, like all of us, my dad has traveled a long way to arrive at the place he is in today. Hopefully, this book can act as an example of how one might make their way down their own path, guided by faith.

    –Tommy Atkinson

    My dad is the most generous person I know. He always insists on paying for everybody’s meals, even when I bring my friends along. The only time I can remember him not buying my meal was when I lost a bet to him on whether or not it would snow. We live in the south, so it’s pretty uncommon to see snow here, but it came down hard that day.

    –Katie Atkinson

    From Greg’s Best Friends from College:

    Greg Atkinson is one of my closest friends on this planet. He is truly one of the kindest people I know. While we were in college together, I don’t think I ever paid for a meal, especially being the broke brotha’ that I was during those times. But, little did I know he was just as broke as me but always gave extravagantly and recklessly out of love and a generous heart. That love was also expressed through many late-night college binges at Little Pappy’s, where he would pay for the meals of the homeless and the less fortunate. It was always a sight to see us try to share Jesus with intoxicated patrons at the restaurant. At the end of those nights after our adventures, he would, of course, always leave sweet tips for Ms. Diane, no matter how mean she would be towards us at the drop of a dime, depending on the night. Trust me when I say this book will challenge and motivate you. These words will touch your heart and possibly your wallet in a tremendously kind way towards others if you let it.

    –Thomas Rose, Rose Factor Music, and Dream Streets North Nashville Director

    We continue to face a variety of social and emotional crises underlining our needs before, during, and after the recent pandemic. These crises impact our personal and professional mental health. Greg’s testimony in his book is not only timely but essential for moving toward healing. Instead of simply shining a light on concerns, Greg offers specific strategies for us to consider when navigating our personal healing and steps for moving forward. Implementing the keys presented through Greg’s story will enable us to have a broader impact on others. I am proud to know Greg for 30 years and see how God has worked in and through his life. This testimony is not only inspirational for me, but it will be for you.  I am excited to see how God will continue to be glorified through this work.

    –Marion Wally Baird, Ed. D.

    I’ve never met a person that wouldn’t say they want to be kind, but through the demands on our lives that push, pull, and pressure us, we can quickly find ourselves in habits that are very different from the abundant life of Jesus. Today, we all need good pushes and Godly reminders. Greg has been a chiseling part of my life for a long time, and God has used him to often give me these gentle, grace-filled reminders of living a better way. In Greg, I’ve seen a track record and thread of kindness in every season of his life. I hope this book will be that gentle reminder and that good push in your life like it was in mine that allows God to recalibrate you more in the likeness of Jesus.

    –Cory Singleton, Church Planting Catalyst, North American Mission Board/Director of GenSend LA

    The Secret Power of Kindness reminds us that we have all we need in a world hungry for good things. Kindness unleashed is a beautiful thing, and I’m grateful Greg has done the good work to remind us of its unparalleled strength.

    –Bob Goff, New York Times bestselling author and keynote speaker, author of Love Does

    In the midst of our broken, polarized, and hurting world, Greg Atkinson reminds us that acts of kindness can be life changing. Don’t wait for billionaires or politicians to improve society. You can make your world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

    –Richard Blackaby, Ph.D., President of Blackaby Ministries International, author of Experiencing God, and The Ways of God

    I’m all about positivity, and what I’ve noticed is that positive people tend to be kind, and I think we can all agree we need more kindness in the world. I’m glad Greg shares these ten keys to unlocking kindness in our lives so that together, we can change the world.

    –Jon Gordon, New York Times bestselling author and keynote speaker

    Greg Atkinson brings us back to the basics and convicts us of the power of kindness. As we navigate a deeply polarizing time, Greg’s message is practical, timely, and essential.

    –Faith Eury Cho, Co-lead Pastor at Mosaic Covenant Church of NJ, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Founder at The Honor Summit

    It is a true and deep kindness to tell the truth. This is what Greg has offered us, and I pray as you read this book, you’ll catch the courage of honest hope.

    –Danielle Strickland, Boundless Communications Inc., Women Speakers Collective, IMBY, Brave Global, Infinitum, and Hagar’s Voice (support and advocacy for survivors of abuse) 

    An invigorating, intelligent, incisive, vibrant exploration of kindness as Urgent Care for today’s decivilizing and dehumanizing world. A kind work itself, Atkinson shows us how to live kindness, spread kindness, and wield kindness to ward off hate, paranoia, and selfishness.

    –Leonard Sweet, author, professor, publisher, and founder of SpiritVenture Ministries

    Greg’s new book, The Secret Power of Kindness, is so needed today. Kindness is an essential human quality that allows trust, connection, and genuine exchange to take place. Greg does a beautiful job of opening up the traits of kindness with wisdom and practical insights that will allow your influence to touch the hearts of people for their good.

    –Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor, 12Stone Church, Lawrenceville, GA

    In a culture obsessed with finding clever life hacks to ease the burdens of our day-in and day-out activities, we are often dismayed when discovering that the most potent ingredients that make us live above board are not grandiose but in the repetitive and tactile distributions of a virtue…a virtue that my friend Greg so aptly exposes in his new book The Secret Power of Kindness. In it, he gives readers ten ways to raise their capacity and, ultimately, their perception. Cause let’s be honest- we all want to be a hero in a story. Quite marvelously, Greg lets us know that kindness is the metaphorical cape of every hero and because it’s free, we can all have our own unique superpower.

    –Wayne Francis, Lead Pastor of The Life Church New York, Co-Author of God and Race: A Guide For Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles and Co-Host of the podcast Leadership in Black and White

    Intimidating, inspiring, moving, demanding, stimulating, and challenging are among the emotions felt reading Greg’s masterpiece. My reading was to be one of critique, but the power of the words stirred my being, which enlightened my own actions. I could not stop reading. In a world where people seem angry with their neighbor, this work invites the reader to pause and think of hospitality. It is a game changer for love your neighbor.

    –Tom Melzoni, Ph.D., consultant, friend, and minister

    In a world where kindness seems to be diminishing, Greg Atkinson’s The Secret Power of Kindness is a refreshing masterclass of wisdom in how to unlock the power of kindness in your life and relationships. No matter where you are on your kindness journey, Greg’s personal stories and practical suggestions will both inspire and challenge you toward a more wholistically kind life for yourself and others. I highly recommend this book for every human!

    –Kadi Cole, leadership consultant, executive coach, and author of Developing Female Leaders.

    The Secret Power of Kindness by Greg Atkinson is a powerful testament to the transformative power of God’s love at work in our lives. Greg’s personal story of pain and trauma is a testament to the healing power of forgiveness and kindness. Through his own journey of healing, Greg offers practical insights and inspiring examples that demonstrate how the practice of kindness and forgiveness can transform our lives and bring us closer to God. By putting into practice the practical applications of this book, readers will discover the freedom and healing that comes from unlocking their true potential for kindness and healing. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to experience the transformative power of God’s love in their lives.

    –Mac Lake, Multiply Group,

    Greg Atkinson vulnerably shares through his own experience how to be free from challenges that can bind us in his book: The Secret Power of Kindness. I’ve known Greg for many years and have found him to be one who strives to live with gentleness and kindness, especially with those who may not agree with you or who are polarizing. You’ll greatly appreciate Greg’s heart as he provides some practical ways to navigate the rancorous, political, and religious divide we find ourselves in today’s world."

    –Dave Gibbons, Founder of NEWSONG.COM and 3CULTURE.COM, senior advisor, author, and speaker

    Christianity’s first steps were taken in a world not at all impressed with its theology or doctrine. That same world was entirely impressed and eventually upended by our forebears’ commitment to goodwill and kindness. History is repeating itself. Sensing a change in the climate, Greg has courageously, and yet charmingly, called us to rediscover our witness to Christ through the only virtue that ever changed anything—KINDNESS. The congregation I’m privileged to lead will be reading this book. So should you.

    –Ricky Jenkins, Senior Pastor, Southwest Church.

    Our hate-filled world is in desperate need of kind people. In The Secret Power of Kindness, Greg Atkinson has written about his own very raw and personal journey out of anger and bitterness to a life of kindness towards others. Instead of offering simplistic clichés, Greg shares real-life practical keys you can implement today to unlock kindness towards others.

    –Dr. George M. Hillman, Jr., Vice President for Education, Dallas Theological Seminary

    Candidly, this is a hard but much-needed book for the church - and our world. It digs up wounds from the first chapter on forgiveness. It forced me to consider some of my own relationships and how I interact with people - even people with whom I may not agree. The world desperately needs a good dose of Christian kindness. I’m praying this book will help spur more of just that.

    –Ron Edmondson, pastor, author, podcaster, and friend

    The Secret Power of Kindness is a top read for anyone looking to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Greg Atkinson mentors us toward finding greater freedom, detoxing hate, and genuinely loving people. In a world of division, this unlocks practical ways to empower the Church to see past circumstances and find a friend in those who may be different, diverse, or walking through great hurt. Greg bares his soul through his story of trauma, mental illness, and leadership hardships while modeling wisdom to live well and lead with kindness. This book will have you reflecting on yourself, so you can better reflect Christ.

    –Jenny Randle, ministry founder of Freedom Creatives and multi-published author, including Dream Come True

    This book is an outrageous act of kindness, a gift generously given. I have thought a lot about the marriage of hospitality and leadership, and Greg Atkinson models hospitable leadership in its finest form. Christians must learn to hospitably speak The Truth, and truths if we hope to influence and serve those who most need to hear what we have to say. Greg’s words are prophetic in this regard; the secret is found in a kindness that reflects the heart of God for every human being created in His image. Thank you, Greg, for kindly challenging all of us.

    –Terry A. Smith, Lead Pastor of The Life Christian Church, West Orange, NJ, bestselling author of The Hospitable Leader: Create Environments Where People and Dreams Flourish and The Lord Bless You: A 28-Day Journey to Experience God’s Extravagant Blessings

    Kindness is in short supply today. Don’t believe me? Just turn on the news or go out in heavy traffic. That is why it is so attractive when we find it. In his new book The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World,

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