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The Billionaire's Gay Virgin
The Billionaire's Gay Virgin
The Billionaire's Gay Virgin
Ebook121 pages1 hour

The Billionaire's Gay Virgin

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In an electrifying saga of desire and discovery, a billionaire's initial encounter with a charming virgin at a New York charity event sparks a flirtatious dance of stolen glances and awkward banter.

Release dateMay 17, 2023
The Billionaire's Gay Virgin

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    The Billionaire's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Billionaire's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    The blaring sounds of chatter and laughter filled the grand hall of the charity fundraiser as guests mingled and networked. Amidst the chaos, Charles, a billionaire and CEO of a multinational conglomerate, spotted a young man standing off to the side. He was dressed modestly, wearing a suit that looked a size too big for him, and his shy demeanor made him stand out.

    Intrigued, Charles made his way over to the young man and introduced himself. Hi, I'm Charles, he said, extending his hand.

    The young man fidgeted with his collar and nervously shook Charles' hand. I'm Alex, he replied softly.

    As they stood there, Charles couldn't help but notice the nervous glances that Alex kept stealing in his direction. It was clear that Alex was attracted to him, but he didn't seem to know how to initiate a conversation.

    Are you enjoying the event? Charles asked, attempting to ease the tension.

    Alex nodded, his eyes still downcast. Yes, it's for a good cause, he replied.

    Sensing Alex's discomfort, Charles decided to take the lead. Can I get you a drink? he asked, gesturing towards the bar.

    Alex nodded again, and they made their way over. As they waited, Charles couldn't help but find Alex's fidgeting endearing. He was clearly a shy and inexperienced young man.

    So, Alex, what brings you here tonight? Charles asked, taking a sip of his drink.

    I work for a small non-profit organization, Alex replied. We're hoping to get some exposure and maybe some funding.

    That's great, Charles said, genuinely interested. What do you do for the organization?

    I'm just an administrative assistant, Alex replied, shrugging. But I like the work we do.

    Charles couldn't help but find Alex's humility refreshing. He was clearly passionate about his work, even if it wasn't glamorous.

    I'm actually looking to do some philanthropic work myself, Charles said, hoping to steer the conversation towards a less awkward topic. Do you have any suggestions?

    Alex perked up at the mention of philanthropy, and the two of them spent the next hour discussing various organizations and causes. Charles found himself drawn to Alex's passion and intelligence, and as the night wore on, their conversation became more comfortable and relaxed.

    Eventually, the event started to wind down, and people began to filter out. So, Alex, it was great meeting you, Charles said, feeling a bit disappointed that the night had to end.

    It was great meeting you too, Alex replied, a hint of shyness still lingering. Maybe we can grab dinner sometime?

    Charles' heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected Alex to take the initiative. I'd like that, he replied, a smile spreading across his face.

    As they parted ways, Charles couldn't help but feel that something special had just happened. He had met a young man who was passionate, intelligent, and had a heart of gold. He couldn't wait to see where their relationship would take them.

    Charles waited in the upscale restaurant, twirling his fork nervously in his hand. He had reserved a private booth, complete with candlelight and a bottle of expensive wine. He couldn't help but hope that the night would end in something more than just dinner.

    He didn't have to wait long for Alex to arrive. As soon as he walked through the door, Charles felt his heart skip a beat. Alex looked incredible, dressed in a fitted navy suit that made his blue eyes sparkle.

    Hey, Alex said, sitting down carefully across from Charles.

    Hey, yourself, Charles replied, grinning. You look amazing.

    Alex blushed, and Charles felt a warm flutter in his chest. This was definitely going to be a good night.

    They chatted over appetizers, Charles asking about Alex's work and Alex asking about Charles' business. Charles found himself drawn to Alex's quiet confidence, and the way his eyes lit up when he talked about his passions.

    As the main course arrived, Charles felt his heart rate quicken. He desperately wanted to make a move, but was too nervous to take the first step.

    Luckily, it seemed like Alex was feeling the same way. As they finished their meal, Alex leaned in close, his lips almost touching Charles' ear.

    Can I ask you something? he murmured.

    Charles nodded, his voice caught in his throat.

    Alex took a deep breath, his blue eyes locked on Charles' brown ones. Would you like to come back to mine? he asked. I mean, if you want to. It's totally okay if you don't.

    Charles could hardly believe his ears. He had wanted this for so long, but hadn't been sure if it was reciprocated. He leaned in, kissing Alex deeply and passionately, and Alex responded eagerly.

    The rest of the evening was a blur of sensation and emotion. Charles and Alex explored each other's bodies, each touch and kiss sending shivers down their spine. It was clear that they had a deep connection, and both were eager to explore it further.

    As they lay in bed together, sated and content, Charles couldn't help but feel that this was something special. He knew that he wanted to be with Alex, both physically and emotionally.

    You know, Alex said sleepily, I never thought I could feel this way about someone.

    Charles kissed his forehead, gently stroking his hair. Neither did I, he replied softly. But I'm so glad that I met you.

    As they drifted off to sleep, Charles felt a sense of contentment wash over him. This was just the beginning of their journey together, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead them.

    As the private plane landed on the runway of the billionaire's island, the virgin, Alex, gazed in awe at the vast expanse of lush greenery and crystal clear waters. He couldn't believe the extent of Charles' wealth. Charles noticed the look on Alex's face and grinned, Welcome to my paradise, Alex.

    This is incredible, Charles. How did you ever manage to create something so magnificent? Alex asked, still trying to wrap his head around the sheer magnitude of the island.

    Charles chuckled, Let's just say I know a thing or two about making good investments, and this island is one of them.

    Charles took Alex on a tour of the island. They hiked through the jungle, swam

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