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Turning The Demon Straight To Gay
Turning The Demon Straight To Gay
Turning The Demon Straight To Gay
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Turning The Demon Straight To Gay

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When a curious mortal stumbles upon a demon and makes a wish, it sparks a forbidden love that's hotter than the seventh circle of Hell.

Release dateMay 12, 2023
Turning The Demon Straight To Gay

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    Turning The Demon Straight To Gay - Sebastian Davidson

    Turning The Demon Straight To Gay

    By Sebastian Davidson

    As soon as Jack saw the glowing pentagram on the ground, he knew this was no ordinary clearing in the woods. He had always been drawn to the paranormal, the mysterious, and the unexplainable. He had researched summoning spells for weeks and had finally found a reliable source.

    He had come prepared with candles, salt, and a list of demands. But as soon as he spoke the words of the summoning spell, he felt a chill run down his spine. The air grew thick and heavy, and the trees rustled ominously.

    A dark figure slowly emerged from the pentagram, its eyes glowing a bright red. Jack couldn't believe what he was seeing; a demon stood before him.

    You have summoned me, the demon spoke in a deep, commanding voice. What do you wish for?

    Jack cleared his throat and tried to steady his nerves. I wish, he said, feeling suddenly embarrassed by the admission.

    The demon let out a low chuckle. Love, eh? You humans are always so predictable. Very well, your wish is granted.

    Suddenly, Jack felt a wave of energy wash over him, and he felt a sense of...something. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt changed somehow.

    What did you do? he asked the demon, feeling slightly scared but also curious.

    Your wish for love has been granted, the demon repeated. But be warned, mortal, it may not turn out as you expect.

    With that cryptic warning, the demon vanished back into the pentagram, leaving Jack alone in the clearing feeling both exhilarated and unnerved.

    As he made his way back to his car, he couldn't help but wonder what the demon had meant by his warning. But for now, all he could do was wait to see what fate had in store for him.

    As days passed, Jack couldn't shake the feeling of something different within him. His heart would race at the slightest thought of the demon who had granted his wish. He would find himself staring off into space, imagining what the demon looked like without his horns or tail.

    One day, as Jack was walking home from work, he heard a voice call out to him. Hey there, Jack. It's me, the demon who granted your wish.

    Jack turned around to see the tall, muscular demon standing behind him. He took a step back but was halted by the demon's hand on his shoulder.

    Don't be afraid, Jack. I just wanted to see how you were doing after your wish was granted, said the demon in a low, soothing voice.

    Jack tried to stay calm but couldn't help but feel drawn to the demon's touch. I'm doing fine, he stammered. Thanks to you, I feel like a new man.

    The demon smiled, his eyes sparkling with the fire of hell. I'm glad to hear that, Jack. But I have to tell you something. When I granted your wish, I felt something stirring within me. Something I've never felt before.

    Jack looked up at the demon, his heart pounding with anticipation. What do you mean?

    I mean, Jack, that I think I'm attracted to you, said the demon, his eyes blazing with intensity.

    Jack's mouth hung open in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never thought that a demon, let alone a straight one, would be attracted to him.

    The demon took a step closer to Jack, causing the human to shiver with excitement. I've never felt this way about a human before, Jack. But there's something about you that draws me in.

    Jack's mind was racing, trying to process what was happening. He knew he felt the same way about the demon, but he was afraid to admit it. I don't know what to say, he whispered.

    The demon let out a low growl, his eyes darkening with desire. Say that you feel the same way, Jack. Say that you want to be with me.

    Jack hesitated for a moment, but then let out a deep sigh. I do feel the same way, demon. I want to be with you.

    The demon let out a roar of pleasure, scooping Jack up into his arms and twirling him around. I never knew I could feel this happy, Jack. I never knew that a human could make me feel this way.

    Jack laughed with joy, feeling his heart skip a beat as the demon held him close. He knew that his wish for love had been granted in the most unexpected way, and that his life was about to change forever.

    The next morning, Jack woke up feeling content and happy. He glanced over to see the demon lying next to him, asleep. Jack smiled and couldn't help but feel his heart swell with affection for the demon.

    However, the peace didn't last long. As soon as the demon stirred awake, he quickly got dressed and started pacing around the room.

    What's wrong? Jack asked, feeling a bit confused by the sudden change in demeanor.

    The demon stopped and looked at Jack, his expression conflicted. I'm struggling with my duty as a demon. I am supposed to be straight, but...I can't deny my feelings for you, Jack.

    Jack sat up, feeling concern seep into his mind. What does this mean? Are you going to leave me?

    The demon shook his head. No, I could never leave you. But, I am supposed to uphold the rules and standards of being a demon. I am not supposed to be gay.

    Jack felt his heart sink, the reality of the situation settling in. So, what are we supposed to do? How can we make this work?

    The demon took a deep breath and sat down next to Jack. I don't know. But, I do know that I need time to sort out my thoughts and figure out a solution.

    Jack nodded, understanding the need for time and space. Okay, I'll give you all the time you need. Just...don't forget about me, okay?

    The demon leaned over and brushed his lips against Jack's, the intensity of the kiss taking Jack's breath away. "I could never forget about you, Jack. You have changed

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