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Bully's Naughty Punishment
Bully's Naughty Punishment
Bully's Naughty Punishment
Ebook38 pages34 minutes

Bully's Naughty Punishment

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A young and handsome teacher of Modern Arts and his lovely Japanese waifu run into a bullying Black athletic girl who aims at humiliating and making others beg for the opportunity to please her. However, this time it will be something different. Bully's Naughty Punishment is a story about college, Japanese female, Black female, interracial action, humor, and teasing and is for the faint of heart.

PublisherBoris Asimov
Release dateJan 15, 2023
Bully's Naughty Punishment

Boris Asimov

Welcome, dear reader! If you're interested in reading erotic fiction/erotica of a thirty-something guy living in Germany and writing out all his perverted dreams, you have come to the best place. In my books, you'll find something magical and something realistic, something taboo and something natural, something ordinary and something extraordinary.So, please, come on in, take a seat, pour yourself something that you fancy and indulge yourself in my fine art. Enjoy!

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    Bully's Naughty Punishment - Boris Asimov

    Bully’s Naughty Punishment

    Bully’s Punishment


    Boris Asimov

    Published by Boris Asimov at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2023 Boris Asimov

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Boris Asimov Erotica

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Design: Reed James

    Stock Photo: tazzilla | depositphotos

    It happened again. Another conflict. Another bullying of a female student by another female student. The unnerved professor sighed out loud.

    ‘Why now? Why did it have to been on this awesome sunny afternoon in the middle of May?’

    As he walked towards the empty classroom for a discussion with the two ladies in question, Professor Lucas Browning started considering his possible options.

    The most obvious solution would be to just fire the bully, Tanisha Logan, once and for all. She has been a no-good lousy, provocative bitch since the very first day she set her foot in Silver Creek Academy of Talented Individuals.

    ‘Damn that girl! What a nuisance!’, barked Professor Browning before himself. ‘Who does she think she is? Some kind of a big shot, huh? I’ll show her this time.’ He stopped for a moment to think. ‘But how? Goddammit!’

    You see, there was a catch here. And a rather big one. Tanisha’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan were stacked with money and decided that the next educational institution that should babysit their spoiled brat of a daughter should be Silver Creek. However, to make the board swallow this disgusting frog’s presence with all her 'unintentional misdemeanors', they sweetened the deal for the Academy. A lot.

    By buying any equipment the school could ever wish for during the time of a financial crisis, they made the whole society their debtors for a long, long time. Professor Browning was fully aware of this, as he, too, had to sign the contract or face having to leave the once prestigious, but poor-as-a-church-mouse-institution.

    As he started carefully considering other valid options on how to handle Miss Logan’s atrocious presence, he thought about the other lady in question. Asari Sawako.

    Her very name was like a sweet lullaby

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