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Henderson's Meat Wagon
Henderson's Meat Wagon
Henderson's Meat Wagon
Ebook478 pages7 hours

Henderson's Meat Wagon

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It's the mid-'70s in the small town of Humboldt, Iowa. Daniel Henderson owns a meat-processing plant that he had taken from his father, Michael, after taking advantage of his hospitality. Daniel, of course, is probably the best meatcutter in Iowa, and he taught everything he knows to his two sons, Lenard and Chris. Daniel deals strongly with the Mafia and sells human skins on the black market. The Mafia do their part in helping him become mayor of this quiet little town. Of course, little does anyone know that he sells human meat with his other meat from the packing house.

The people of Humboldt seem to have mixed feelings about their new mayor, especially since the other candidates disappeared mysteriously. Lenard is learning the ropes in both the political aspect of Daniel's business, but also the meatcutting industry is on the rise. Daniel, Lenard, and Chris, who is retarded, help in building a wall around the city and making the quiet town of Humboldt a Las Vegas-style city, with casinos and strip clubs and the whole bit.

Daniel tells the people of Humboldt that the wall is to keep the bikers out, that he hates with a vengeance. But the truth is that he just wants to have complete control on who comes in and goes out. At some point, Lenard kills his father and declares himself as God. Then he demands worship as well as control. Then the least-expected character has her part in taking Lenard down. Remember, through the voice of a child comes the voice of God. The strange part of that is that the child comes from one of his own.

Release dateMay 23, 2022
Henderson's Meat Wagon

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    Henderson's Meat Wagon - HD Thul


    The basement door swung open and made a loud crash when it hit the wall of the basement. The man was screaming and trying to fight them off, but there were just too many of them. They dragged him down the stairs of the basement. There were children’s drawings hanging on the walls of either side as he was being dragged down the stairs. Some of the drawings were crudely drawn pictures, done by kids who were somewhere between five and ten. Many of the drawings had some kind of religious significance, as many of the pictures were of what they thought Christ might have looked like. There was a crudely drawn picture of Jesus hanging on the cross. It was more scribbled than anything. The child tried to draw Jesus with his beard and Jesus looking up to the heavens, obviously in pain. But if you didn’t know any better, you would have thought it was a picture of a werewolf howling at the moon with his arms outstretched. There was another picture of what another small child thought the Last Supper might have looked like. It was showing Jesus at the head of the table and all his disciples sitting next to him, but if you didn’t know any better, you would say that they were standing rather than sitting at the table, and the table looked as though it didn’t have any legs.

    In the basement, they dragged him to a life-sized crucifix and tied his arms to the cross, as well as his legs, while he was fighting to get away. The crucifix had a ceramic Jesus hanging on the cross that they were laying him on. He screamed and tried to fight them. He even managed to strike an old lady on her mouth, which caused her to bleed because he broke a tooth loose from her gums. He headbutted another in the nose, breaking the old man’s nose. Making the blood run nearly uncontrollably. Daniel came walking down the basement, just behind his cult church followers, calmly but persistently. He had a priest’s robe on as he was walking down the stairs piously.

    You people are crazy! the young man screamed. Crazy as hell!

    There was not a word spoken as Daniel’s followers went to find a seat in one of the many folding chairs that were facing the crucifix. Lenard’s eyes were on his father as well as the sacrifice that was being made in the basement. He did not speak a word but rather watched closely as it seemed that his father was leading the whole ordeal, but it wasn’t his father that was in total control; it was him.

    It was always him in control. Daniel stood in front of his congregation and raised his arms up high, as he looked up toward the basement ceiling, and said in a loud voice, Accept these gifts we offer up to you!

    He looked toward his congregation and gave some kind of gesture, and they immediately knew what to do. They got up, each with a sharp knife in his or her hand, and began cutting and slashing and stabbing the sacrifice being offered up.

    There were wind chimes. It was the sound of wind chimes, though there were none in sight. There was an old man that the chimes seemed to resonate. He had silvery wiry hair, shoulder-length. He had crazed-looking eyes and calmly and, sort of nonchalantly, began to sing. On top of old Smokey. All covered with grass. There’s way too much blood here. Someone lost their ass. There’s way too much blood here. Body’s cut up to sell. For a phantom meat plant. That feeds lost souls in hell. He laughed. He laughed hysterically as chimes seemed to resonate from his body

    Lenard Henderson

    Lenard Henderson had shackles on his feet and hands as he was being led to the golden courtroom, where there were angels on each side of the transparent gold street that they were walking on. They were making a path for Lenard to be tried before all of heaven. He had just died on earth, and he was being led to the great golden courtroom, and Yahweh was waiting patiently for Lenard to appear before him. They walked up to golden double doors, and the angel that was leading Lenard knocked on the door three times. The doors opened, seemingly by themselves, and God was sitting behind the judge’s bench, waiting for them to enter.

    There was a rumbling as Yahweh spoke, Lenard Henderson. Come forward.

    The two angels who escorted Lenard this far had let him go so he could walk up before the Lord on his own, down the long and narrow aisle, between the angels that were sitting, leading to the judge’s bench. He walked down the seemingly long—no, seemingly eternal—aisle with many other angels that were standing by their seats on both sides of him, and his eyes were solely on the judge. On Yahweh.

    An angel stepped before the judge’s bench and spoke in a loud voice for all to hear. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge, and our Lord, Yahweh, is presiding. Please bow before our Lord and most fair judge, who is standing before us.

    Immediately all who were in the courtroom bowed before the Lord, even—no, especially—Lenard Henderson.

    As Yahweh began to sit down, everybody else began to sit down as well, after just recently bowing before him. Yahweh looked down at the long scroll, which was among a few others that were on his desk. Then he looked up and said in a low rumble after he cleared his throat, Lenard Henderson. Come forward.

    Shakily Lenard came forward before God, alone. He stood before him, looking up at the great and Almighty God and judge. Then Yahweh spoke, My son, Lenard, you are being accused of, uh, let’s see here. He was straightening up the scroll from the many scrolls that were on his judge’s bench. Finally, he found the correct scroll and then continued with, Ah yes, here it is. You are being accused of murder, rape, blasphemy, my, my. Anyway, it looks like you broke every one of my Ten Commandments as well as your earthly laws. How do you plead?

    Innocent, my God, uh, my Lord, uh, I mean, Your Honor.

    Are you sure you want to plead innocent?

    Well, I feel I had just cause. Therefore, I am innocent.

    In a minute, I am going to expose your life before the courtroom and all of heaven. The evidence will be displayed for all to see.

    Your Honor, if it may please the court, I believe that I may have had probable cause for my behavior because I think that after you do see the evidence that may seemingly convict me, you may be convinced that it is not entirely my fault. I believe that after watching my life, you may actually sympathize with me and make me the exception to your self-righteous rule. You may even see me as a loyal servant to you. You see, I have no tolerance for hypocrisy or lying or deceiving in any way either. My family contributed to my behavior as well, as you will see. I had the world on my shoulders, and you are accusing me of breaking all your commandments. What do you expect me to do when I was standing alone? Where were you, Lord, when I needed you? I feel that it should be you on trial and not me. I think I actually did you a favor, killing those fake so-called Christians and ridding the world of unfairness and killing those that pretend to follow you. At least I wasn’t pretending.

    Just then, Yahweh turned around, pulled a switch that was on his judge’s bench, and then a screen appeared in front of him, and in the screen was Lenard Henderson’s life.

    Tabitha Henderson had suffered a miscarriage just a few months ago, and she had never gotten over it. As a matter of fact, she had gotten much worse. It was early fall, 1975, in Humboldt, Iowa. She was already insane when she was pregnant and even before that, but this seemed to be the icebreaker. Her miscarriage had sent her over the edge. What’s worse was that she had dreamed of having a daughter. She yearned so long for a girl. She has her two boys, and they are good to her; but she desired a girl, and the baby that was stillborn was, in fact, a girl. She couldn’t accept the fact that maybe she just wasn’t meant to have a girl.

    Why, God? Why? she said as she was looking up, with her hands in a giving-all gesture, and then the tears would come. After that came the screaming and the self-inflicting pain, which was so unbearable that when she was like this, nobody could stand being in the house with her.

    Christopher Henderson was an eighteen-year-old intellectually disabled boy, and Lenard Henderson was sixteen, and they were getting ready for school. It had always seemed that Lenard had to always be responsible for his retarded brother. It just didn’t seem to be enough that Lenard had to babysit his retarded older brother. Now he had to endure ridicule from other classmates because Tabitha had to put a dress on him and makeup on his face and make him go out, looking queer as a three-dollar bill.

    Get over here, Lenny. Tabitha was calling out.

    No, Mamma. No. Please don’t make me go to school like this.

    Don’t be such a baby. Mamma just wants her little girl to look her best. The bus will be coming soon.

    Come on, Mamma. He was trying to shake off the barrette that his mother was forcefully putting in his hair.

    Meanwhile, Daniel Henderson, Lenard’s dad, was standing in the corner of the kitchen, watching as his son was getting humiliated. Tabitha was slipping a pink dress over Lenard’s head, and when it was completely on, she stepped back and looked at him and said, There, that’s my little girl.

    Lenard sulkily walked past Daniel, and Daniel stopped him with his club of a hand and then gave him a bag of clothes and said, Here. Put this on as soon as you can.

    Lenard gladly took the bag of clothes and said thanks. Then he went to Chris’s room to help Chris get ready for school, and Chris was on the floor playing with matchbox cars and making little car sounds as he was playing with them.

    Come on, Chris, how come you aren’t ready yet? Lenard scolded.

    Chris looked up to see that his brother was wearing a pink dress, so he started to laugh and point at him as he said, Lenny’s a little girl.

    Shut up! Lenard was scolding him. As soon as we are out of the house, I’m taking this stupid dress off, so shut up.

    Okay, Lenny.

    Do you have all of your books, Chris?

    Right here.

    Okay, let’s go then. I want to make sure that I have enough time to get out of this dress before the bus comes.

    They both walked down the stairs. Lenny had his backpack and his bag of clothes. They made it to the front door and walked down the sidewalk, and as soon as there was a bush that was visible, Lenard rushed over to the bush to change his clothes. Chris. Stand there and watch for me, okay?

    Okay, Lenny.

    He stood there like an English guard, watching to make sure that his younger brother wasn’t getting humiliated. Lenard practically ripped his dress off from behind the bush as Chris was trying to warn Lenard. Lenny.

    What, Chris?

    The bus is coming.

    Lenard was putting on his shirt, as the bus was approaching, and walked toward the bus stop with Chris and his pink dress in a bag, and then he hid the bag in the bush that he was behind in.

    As the bus was approaching, there was a shout from a student on the bus. Hey, retard!

    You shut the fuck up, you piece of shit! Lenard shouted back.

    Oh, look. The fag is protecting the moron. Then everybody on the bus laughed.

    Lenard looked down and didn’t see anything obvious, but then he noticed that he still had makeup on, and the barrette was still in his hair; so his face dropped as he and Chris walked onto the bus after him. As they were walking on the bus, the kids on the bus wouldn’t let them sit down, so Chris and Lenny ended up standing in the middle aisle.

    The bus driver looked in his rearview mirror and noticed that they were standing in the middle and scolded them, saying, Hey, you two. You better find a seat. I can’t have you falling and hurting yourselves.

    As the bus was full of kids, there didn’t seem to be any seats available, so rather than stand in the middle, they sat down on the floor as the other kids were throwing paper and spitting spit wads at them and laughing and making fun of them.

    All the while, Lenard was soaking all this in as anger started to grow like the heat from a furnace, as the thermostat seemed to be set at the highest mark, causing the heat from the furnace to intensify. Though not saying a word, a single tear slid down his nose and into the corner of his mouth, as he tasted the saltiness of his tears, with his retarded brother sitting in front of him in the middle aisle, being bombarded with spit wads and crumpled-up paper balls, as they would say things like, Duh, my name is Christopher, and this is my gay brother, Lola.

    Or they would chant, The faggot and the retard living like a sack of lard. Sucking each other’s cocks and calling it a blowhard. Over and over. All the while, fueling anger in Lenard’s soul like a raging inferno.

    Finally, the bus stopped at the Humboldt High School grounds, and everyone got up and got out of the bus. The teens all piled out of the buses, and with all the other kids getting out of the other buses, the crowd of kids entered the brick school building as the bell began to ring. Inside the school, the hallways were full of teens and preteens going to their lockers and going to their classes. The kids that passed by would either spit on them or slap Chris and Lenard in the back of their heads and laugh at them as they would walk past.

    Lenard had to be strong for both of them. Actually, he had to be strong for his mother too when he got home as well. And he had to be strong because of his high-tempered father, who, when angry, gets very violent. Especially when he is on the sauce. Chris and Lenard parted ways when they got into the high school building, as one way was to go to the Special Ed Department, and the other way was the regular high school. But before that, Chris gave Lenard a hug and told him that he loved him. That seemed to embarrass Lenard so quickly. Before anyone could see, Lenard told him to go along and hurry to his class before he was late and that he would see him later as Lenard shrugged it off and went to his first class.

    Lenard’s first class was woodshop. Everyone in the classroom was sitting by long tall metal tables, and the shop area was open, as the large open area was arrayed with electric saws, planes, and other woodshop equipment. Danny Lawson was one of the kids that was on the bus and was hazing Chris and Lenard on the bus. He wore a black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and brown leather boots, and he had a shifty smile. He was leaning up against the wall, waiting for the bell to ring to begin the class.

    Tony Gisham, Billy Tindale, and Benny Threshgood were leaning against the wall with him. Soon the bell rang, and Mr. Gary Olson told the class to open their textbooks to page 35. Then he glanced over to Danny Lawson and the other three troublemakers, who were leaning against the wall, and he said to them, Find a seat, gentlemen.

    Casually they strolled over to the tables and sat down right next to Lenard, making him feel uneasy as they were all smiling at him with a smile that he just did not trust.

    Hey, princess, Danny told Lenard and winked. Lenard just looked straight forward and attempted to ignore him. Then he tapped the back of Lenard’s head forcefully, causing his head to bob forward just a bit, and then he said, Hey. I said, hey, princess.

    Ya, I heard ya. Mr. Olson, who was trying to teach the class, glanced over and said, Danny.

    Yes, sir, he said kind of mockingly as he straightened himself up briskly.

    Save your conversation for later. I am trying to teach the class.

    Yes, sir.

    Then Danny glanced over at Lenard and said softly, Okay, pretty boy. We’ll continue this later. Okay, princess?

    He nudged him hard enough to push him over just a little bit, and Mr. Olson said sternly, Danny.

    Yes, sir. He turned around briskly and mockingly saluted him, and his three friends were laughing.

    One more time, and you will be in detention.

    Aye, aye, Captain.

    Mr. Olson put his attention once again to the class and began teaching. When he was done with the lesson, he told the class to follow him into the shop area so they can start making their projects. You could hear the loud buzzing of the electric motors coming off the band saws and the table saws and the planes. Everyone was given safety glasses before going into the shop area, as well as an apron, so as not to get their clothes full of sawdust.

    The students made their way over to a pile of wood, and each grabbed a plank to begin with and started to make their projects, in which the project was a miniature grandfather clock. This project was for the final grade for the quarter, so this project weighed heavily on their grade, which was important for Lenard because if he went home with one more failing grade, Daniel Henderson would give him a beating that he would never forget.

    Danny Lawson was watching Lenard closely with squinty eyes from the table saw that he was standing by. After Lenard walked past him, they both locked eyes with each other for a brief second, and Danny went back to splitting his plank, as a mocking sort of smile seemed to appear in the corner of his mouth. Lenard took a six-and-a-half-foot plank from the pile of wood and took it over to the large blue plane at the furthest end of the shop area. All the wood had gotten stripped from an old gym, so there was at least half an inch of varnish that had to be sanded off before they could even begin their projects as there was a line of students, holding their wood planks, waiting for their turn at the gigantic blue plane that they called Big Blue. There was a setting on the side of the plane to set the height. There was a ten-foot-wide conveyor belt and a sander above the conveyor belt that would draw the wood through Big Blue. There was also a large green button to turn it on and a large red button to turn it off. There was also a large duct coming from the top of the sander to take out the sawdust.

    It was finally Lenard’s turn to sand down his plank. He laid the wood plank on a platform that the conveyor belt wrapped around, set the height for the plane, turned it on, and then let the board go through the plane, buzzing off all that varnish. He had to sand the board about two or three times before all the varnish was finally off, and then he took the sanded board to the table saw, where he was watching Danny from the corner of his eye the whole time that he was walking from the plane to the table saw. Then Lenard finally saw an opportunity. The thought of cutting Danny up in tiny little pieces was flooding his mind as Danny Lawson was using a pencil to mark his measurements on the wood plank that he was working on. Butterflies were in Lenard’s stomach, and his palms began to sweat, as his nerves were taking over. I got to do this just right. Can’t mess this up. If I do, then it will be me with the missing limb or dead. That was what Lenard was thinking, as Danny was obviously getting ready to turn his saw on. He looked around the area to see if Mr. Olson was watching. How is he going to do this without getting caught, he thought, as anger was taking over his fragile little mind.

    Finally he had his chance. Mr. Olson had just left the room to work on some paperwork in his office. Danny was pretty focused on his work, as everyone else seemed to be as well. It’s now or never, Lenny was thinking.

    He took a deep breath, turned his saw off, and walked over to where Danny was working, trying to look like he was going in that direction to pick up another board from the pile that was close by. Maybe he could make it look like an accident. He casually walked past Danny and quickly glanced to see if anyone was watching first, and then he pushed him forward into the band saw that he was now working on. It was so quick you could almost say that it was instantaneous. He thrust his hand through the band saw, cutting it almost in half. Blood sprayed from the saw blade onto his face, like a pinwheel, speckling his face with blood. He screamed. He screamed so loud that everyone else turned their machines off and looked in his direction. Mr. Olson came charging from his office, and then horror filled his heart as he saw Danny with his hand dangling from his wrist, with blood seeming to spray all over the machine, floor, walls, and himself. Danny was screaming, and his face was getting pale.

    Mr. Olson rushed over to give Danny first aid, while Danny lay in the pool of blood that surrounded them both, and immediately grabbed a bandage wrap to tie a tourniquet and stop the bleeding, as blood was squirting from his wrist at an astonishing rate.

    Finally, after he got the bleeding under control, he asked, What the hell happened here? Nobody said a word. Then he asked again, What the hell happened here? Anyone wants to explain this to me?

    Then shakily, Danny pointed at Lenard, who was standing by his machine.

    Okay, Lenard. Explain to me what just happened.

    I walked by Danny to pick up another board from the pile of wood, and I tripped. When I tripped, I must have pushed Danny by accident.

    He’s a liar. He pushed me on purpose, Danny said as loud as he could, which sounded more like a whisper than a yell; and even though all the machines were off, there was still the noise from the ventilation system, and nobody seemed to hear him.

    Danny. Accidents do happen, that’s why I stress so much for you all to keep the floor clean. Then Danny had a furious look on his face as he watched Lenard seem to get away with this so-called accident.

    Immediately afterward, he rushed to his office, picked up the phone, and called the ER. And about fifteen minutes later, the ambulance arrived, and the medical team came in with a stretcher. They set the stretcher on the ground, next to Danny, and slid him on the stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance, with about two EMTs sitting next to him, keeping him alive and well on the way to the hospital.

    After Danny left in the ambulance, Mr. Olson told the rest of the class to continue with what they were doing, as he and Eric Mayes barricaded the saw and the surrounding areas, as the two cleaned up the blood from the area after shutting the power off from the saw.

    Throughout the morning, Lenard went from class to class, going through the crowded hallways to each class. Then the lunch bell rang. The hallways were getting noisy with students making their way to the cafeteria. That’s when Tony Grisham, Billy Tindale, and Benny Threshgood met up with Lenard. Lenard had a tray of food in front of him as he was walking over to his table to sit down and eat. Tony stuck out his foot, and Lenard tripped and fell forward, spilling all his food on the cafeteria floor. Everybody was laughing at Lenard, as his face was buried inside a bowl of vanilla pudding. Lenard was completely humiliated now. His face turned red, both with anger and with embarrassment.

    Chris was sitting in the same cafeteria but sitting at a secluded table in a corner area of the cafeteria, with a teacher supervising the small Special Education Department, which was just a handful of students with special disabilities. Chris stood up to see what was going on close to the front of the cafeteria. He was trying to see above everybody’s head, as everybody seemed to congregate in one area to watch the special occurrence which was Lenard Henderson.

    Sit down, Chris, Mrs. Rinken said, trying to maintain order with the table that she was responsible for.

    I think that’s my brother, Mrs. Rinken.

    If it is, someone is most likely taking care of the matter.

    Mrs. Rinken, that is my brother. I have to help him. Sorry, Mrs. Rinken.

    Sit down, Chris.

    Chris didn’t pay any attention to her at all. Rather his full attention was on his brother, who was getting humiliated, and all he knew was that he did not like that at all. Chris got up from the table and went over to the area that Lenard was trying to get up from. People were adding to the humiliation by throwing some of their food at him. Lenard was getting showered with food coming from every direction.

    Chris broke through the lynch mob and yelled, Stop messing with my brother!

    Everyone stopped momentarily as the big retard came and picked up his brother from the mess he was in and helped him out of there. Chris turned to look at his brother, who was covered with green beans, fruit cocktail, and vanilla pudding. His hair was matted with all the food, and drippings were coming off him as he stood up to walk with his loving brother. You can sit with me, Lenny.

    Embarrassed and totally humiliated, but trying to gain his composure but still trying to be grateful, all he could think about was the humiliation.

    Get away! Lenard snapped as he was shaking off his brother’s loving gesture.

    Okay, Chris said as he was slowly walking back to his special ed table, with Cathy Reinhold, Bobby Gurule, Thomas Brown, and Randy Gunner.

    On the bus ride home, Lenard waited for Chris by his classroom. The teacher had just finished her lesson with the class, and they were doing the work in a paperback workbook, which consisted of crossword puzzles and coloring projects. Lenard peeked into the classroom to find a handful of students busy coloring in their workbooks. All with their heads down and focused on their work. Lenard found this to be kind of cute as he cracked a smile, watching his oversized ape of a brother sitting at a desk and coloring so intently. He waited by the door until the bell rang, and the handful of special ed students lined up by the door, while the teacher counted each one and then told them to be careful and that she loved each and every one of them as she gave each one a kiss on the cheek. When she got to Chris, she kissed him on the cheek, and then she giggled when she noticed that he was blushing.

    Oh, Ms. Beverly.

    Now I told you not to say my first name when we are together in public.

    I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow, Mrs. Beverly Rinken.

    I look forward to seeing you too, Christopher Henderson.

    Beverly Rinken was a very attractive thirty-five-year-old woman. She had firm and perky breasts that would seem to watch you if you were not paying attention. She was slim but had a big caboose.

    She and Christopher had been sneaking around in the storage room to fuck on the account that he pleasured her greatly. Her marriage was on the brink, and to be quite frank, she was getting bored with her husband. He never seemed to hold a conversation as all he could ever talk about was his prize hogs and how he got his picture on the front page of The Humboldt Times for having his stupid prize hog win the blue ribbon. Whoopy.

    The first time was a little awkward since Chris had never been with a woman before. It was while she had the other students busy coloring and doing crafts. She put Mark York in charge of the class while she had a private conversation with her prized student, Christopher. Mark was subbing for Mr. Robert Coon, the math teacher, but he came back from his doctor’s visit because the doctor had stayed home sick; so the rest of the day was free for him, and Mark gladly filled in for her since he doesn’t get paid if he is not teaching. Mrs. Rinken told Chris to go with her. She had been examining his package for quite some time now, and she was tired of fighting the urge. Chris followed her into an empty storage room in the basement of the high school and closed the door behind them and locked it.

    Then she looked at Chris and said, Do you know why I brought you down here, Chris?

    No, I can’t say I do, Ms. Beverly.

    You can call me Beverly when we are alone, but when we are in public, you have to call me Mrs. Rinken, okay?


    I brought you in here because you are special.

    I know, Ms. Beverly. That is why I am in the special class.

    No, Chris. I am attracted to you. Are you attracted to me?

    Oh ya, Ms. Beverly. You’re pretty.

    Good. I want to show you how attracted I am to you.

    You are?


    She started to unbutton his pants, and he gasped and pushed her away gently and said, No, Ms. Beverly. We are not supposed to do that.

    It’s okay, Chris. That is why we are in this room, and the door is locked.

    Oh. Okay, Ms. Beverly. Is this right then?

    Oh yes. This is so right, Chris. Now just relax, and Ms. Beverly will do the rest, okay?


    She unzipped his pants, and he gasped again as she put her finger next to her mouth. Then she said, Shh. Relax, Chris. Chris took a deep breath and let the air out slowly and suddenly gasped again as he felt her lips around his penis. Let me warm you up first, Chris.

    He began to moan as she was sucking on his cock. Her hands were on his ass as she was bobbing up and down on his shaft. His eyes began to roll to the back of his head, feeling pleasurable. Suddenly he looked down, and her panties were coming off.

    She slipped them off her feet, and then she said, Okay, Chris. Now I want you to put that in me. She was pointing to her wet and dripping vagina after she got her mouth off his rock-hard cock as she was breathing heavily.

    Without thinking, he put it in her, and she gasped as his penis was just as big as she had imagined. He was grunting and moaning while pumping his manhood in her sweet pink vagina. She moaned with pleasure, arching her back and climaxing as he let out a sharp yelp, shooting his man juice inside her. The act went on for approximately fifteen minutes, but to Chris, it felt like just a few minutes.

    Oh, Chris, that felt so good. He was still breathing heavily with semen still dripping from his penis. Did you enjoy that, Chris?

    He was nodding his head, saying, Uh-huh.

    This is our little secret, Chris. Can you keep a secret?


    He was pulling his pants up, and she was helping him get dressed.

    I’ll take care of you, Chris.


    Chris came out of the classroom smiling with a touch of blush on his cheeks. Lenard smiled when he saw how happy Chris was, and said, You look happy today, Chris.


    There was a brief moment of silence as they were walking to the bus, and Chris said, I like Ms. Beverly. She is nice.

    That’s good you like your teacher. That’s nice, Chris.


    They got on the bus together and sat down on the same seat together, with Chris looking out the window, gleaming, as he was thinking about his experience with his teacher, Beverly Rinken. By the time the bus stopped at their bus stop, they were the only ones left on the bus as they were the last ones to be dropped off. Quickly, Lenard went to the bush where he left his dress, hidden neatly under the bush, and changed into the pink dress that his mother gave him to wear. He folded his clothes neatly and put them in the bag that his father gave him and then picked up the bag while carrying his books. Lenard and Chris walked up to the front door of their house and went in.

    Their mother was in her bathrobe and smoking a cigarette. Tabitha was slowly strolling through the house with her cigarette in her mouth and a new issue of The Humboldt Times with a picture of Dillon Rinken, Beverly’s husband, standing next to his prize pig at the state fair. He had a cheesy smile on his face, and his pig was monstrously huge with mud and shit on his snout. The date on the corner of the newspaper read Monday, September 25, 1975. Tabitha turned to look at her two sons coming in through the foyer.

    Why do you have a dress on, Lenard?

    Well, you gave it to me to wear. Remember?

    You fucking faggot. Why do you put the blame on me? she shouted.

    You did have him wear it, Mamma, Chris responded.

    Oh, my baby. Tabitha started to cry. I’m sorry. You’re right. What’s wrong with me?

    Nothing, Mamma. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re still grieving over your dead daughter.

    My dead daughter! she snapped back. Don’t ever say that she is dead. She is not dead!

    Yes she is, Mamma, and you will have to let her go!



    There was a red mark on the side of Lenard’s face, and a sting that lasted longer than it should to go along with it. He was rubbing the side of his face, and he narrowed his eyes at his mother as he let his hand down from his face. Angered but holding back because this woman is his mother, and no matter how frustrated she makes him, he still finds love in his heart for her. He shook off the sting and said, Come on, Chris. We gotta get ready for work. You know how Dad gets if we are late for work.

    Ya. I know.

    They both walked upstairs to change into their meat-cutting frocks, and then they went back downstairs and through the living room. They cut around the corner of the kitchen, and then there was a door at the end of the kitchen. They opened the door, and now they were in the grocery store, which was attached to the house, as the processing plant was attached to both the grocery store and the house on a street corner. They came in from the back of the store where the loading dock was and walked through the open area between the cargo area and the main store. The light from the store flashed bright as they walked through the open doorway. Then they turned to the left and met Danny by the windows of the meat department of the Henderson’s Market.

    The Henderson’s Market

    The Henderson’s Market was a decent-size extension of the Henderson’s home. Though it was a small-town grocery store. Chris, still beaming from his sexual encounter with his teacher, was walking tall. Like a man. His face radiated the joy and excitement of his final release, which was what she really wanted. His final release, his seed, his baby, and Dillon couldn’t give her a child on the account that he is impotent and sterile, but Chris could.

    Chris! Daniel shouted and followed with a hard backhand across his face.

    Pay attention! he continued.

    Daniel was tough, but he was tough lovingly, as he would call it. It would be better that Daniel slap the shit out of him than that he cut his fingers off with the band saw, as he was cutting T-bone steaks.

    W-what was that for, Dad?

    Goddamn it, son! I told you a thousand times to shut the fucking saw off when you are not using it!

    S-sorry, D-Dad.

    It’s okay. Don’t cry. Now look. I didn’t mean to hit you like that, but Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.

    I-I’ll pay attention, Dad.

    I know you will.

    What happened was that Chris walked away from the saw while it was still running, and as Chris was coming back to the saw—bam!—Chris was nearly knocked out as he saw stars for a brief second, as he met his fist with his face. He shook it off, but he saw double for a little bit, and then his vision went back to normal within a few seconds. In the meanwhile, Lenard was busy cutting rib eye steaks on the long cutting board just adjacent to the saw. He looked up from his workstation, and anger fermented in his eyes as he gazed at Daniel with pure hatred.

    Why did you have to hit him!

    It’s better that I hit him than that he or anyone else gets cut from the band saw because he was too stupid to shut it off.

    There wasn’t anyone by the saw. You didn’t have to do that. It’s not his fault. He has a disability.

    You’re making excuses for him again.

    If you hit him like that again, I’m going to kill you.

    Oh, that’s good, Daniel said sarcastically. You’re going to kill me. You couldn’t beat yourself out of a wet paper bag, and you’re going to kill me.

    I will kill you just like we kill the cows or pigs in the back if you hurt Chris one more time. This time, his gaze was more serious as he saw the look on Lenard’s face.

    The meat department was located in the back of the store. There was a large window exposing the butcher’s block, which was located behind the display case where there was butcher’s paper laid out neatly on top of racks that were laid at the bottom of a refrigerated meat case. On top of the butcher’s paper were all different types of steaks and roasts, starting from the rib eyes that were laid out from the top of the back

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