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R.S.V.P.: Sup N Dine At The Master's Table
R.S.V.P.: Sup N Dine At The Master's Table
R.S.V.P.: Sup N Dine At The Master's Table
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R.S.V.P.: Sup N Dine At The Master's Table

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God's plan brings life to the just, and the just shall live by faith. Faith brings us to the spiritual dining bookplate, the of Word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. A good man's steps are ordered by the Lord and will lead one to the Master's Table. And this dining invitation is extended to the table for Lamb's Supper. This RSVP to please respond immediately to continually feast, read, and adhere to spiritual cuisine and this invitation was signed in the vibrant red blood ink of our Savior. Welcome to a book that will add yum to your biblical spiritual smorgasbord. It's a metaphor of restaurant dining and contains good eats; the attire, with after you're dressed, "don't get dirty"; the appetizer; the main entrée, spiritual etiquette; balanced diet, with "don't die hungry"; and more! The call is for the remnant to respond to the dinner invitation; the trumpet will sound, which is the meal bell for continued dining and eternal rewards. Royal priesthood, it's time for personal confession, to "own up" to who you really are, then formulate a spiritual menu plan that coincides with God's plan for you and know who you are at the Master's Table.

Release dateFeb 13, 2019
R.S.V.P.: Sup N Dine At The Master's Table

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    R.S.V.P. - Beverly Ricard Walker

    Ex Libris From the Book

    The Bookplate

    The word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does. (Psalm 33:4, NLT)

    All things are in The Book. Ex libris in Latin means from the book. Christians know that their spiritual DNA and ancestry is based on the Word of God, which comes from the Book, the Bible. There are genealogy companies that can search back hundreds of years to research your ancestry, and even some of these companies use DNA as a tool to accomplish this process or procedure. One may look at the genealogy of Christ from Abraham through the lineage to Joseph, the husband of Mary (Matthew 1:1–17). But our superior ancestry is that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

    The bookplate is generally used to bear a label of the owner’s name with the identification that is pasted usually on the inner cover of a book. In the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, God’s name, His presence and essence, is imprinted in each Book, as God is the author of the Bible. He has plated His undisputable Word, and the Word is forever settled and claimable in heaven. God’s authorship is mandated because His voice is the only one that we can trust. Man was chosen to pen God’s Word but lacked sovereign power to watch over God’s Word. And God has complete ownership of His Word, which is emulated through His Son, Jesus. God has formulated the spiritual bookplate in all chapters of the Bible, that we can receive revelation from the mind of the one true God. The spiritual bookplate is God’s cuisine for eternal life.

    The Bible, the Bread of Life, this Forever Bread, is what our spirit demands and requires. The bread for our natural consumption is usually used for an appetizer, but the Word of God can be used as a spiritual appetizer to prepare one for a greater entrée, for the meat of the Word. We need an indispensable supply of this bread to transform our bodies into the image of God. As Christians we are listed on God’s spiritual grow-up plan. Urgent and dangerous hours are before us; one cannot afford to stay spiritual babies on bottle milk of the Word. We must adhere to persistent study of the Word; we must be able to dress ourselves and come prepared to sup-n-dine at the Master’s Table.

    There is no reason for one to starve and have a sunken, spiritual anorexic abdomen; there is enough spiritual cuisine to feast from Genesis to Revelation until Christ returns. The bookplate contains the spiritual bone marrow that forms the foundation of our spiritual structure. In building a structure, there is a foundation; and to complete this foundation, one must continue adding until the structure is completed. Once we obtain the Spirit of God—the heart of God—the Word is our defibrillator for our new creation in Christ, our new heart that we received. Some of the children of God have written in our names and the date that we received our Bibles. For suggestion purposes only, perhaps we should enter in also the name of Jesus after your last name; and this is only to suggest that as children with the indwelling Holy Spirit, Christ (Who is the Word) gives us cognitive reminder that we belong to the God of the universe Who also watches over us.

    Jesus experienced an extraordinary journey to place this bookplate in our laps, on our tables, when we enter into the sanctuaries to receive the Word from the Lord. The book, the Bible, the Word of God is the umbilical cord that God has used for food to feed His children the spiritual nutrition required to grow into a spiritual adult being. It’s the spiritual oxygen that will propel us to heaven.

    In the Book of Genesis, the biblical account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God provided all their provisions for survival. God had given detailed instructions of what food that was permitted and food to avoid for their daily (bread) meals. But after they had eaten the fruit from the forbidden tree and were now clothed in leaves, God appeared in the garden and proposed this question: Where art thou? God has provided us with the Bible and has plated it in different formats/versions that will meet our daily requirement of spiritual food. There are different versions of Bible to satisfy our spiritual palate. But where art thou, with your spiritual intake of the Word, the Bread of Life, confirmed in John 6:35, which records the following:

    And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

    And this is an extremely precious and significant promise.

    Studying the Bible is an effortless, painless, humble, and sincere method of worshipping God—a way of conveying gratefulness and love for the sacrifices of Christ. He is looking for the evidence of your faith—that you consume His Word other than what is plated for you in church and worship services. Should Jesus appear and ask these questions, Where art thou? and Today what chapter are you studying?—your answer is? Jesus is the teacher; awesome is the imagery of Jesus walking or sitting with you while you’re studying the Bible, there to fellowship and teach on the revelations of the Word. Or Jesus is there to inform you of those days that one skipped His class! This is something that we all should meditate on.

    The Book of Genesis chapter 1—as God began to form the world, we as humans were once formless, had no boundaries, living without limitations, fulfilling carnal desires, empty without spiritual fullness or richness, living in darkness, and God sent forth Jesus the light of our salvation, calling us out of darkness and adopting us as sons and daughters. Now we are a new creation, processed to a new life, a spiritual makeover. The old you has passed away, and look and see if the new you has its new form—a foundation on godliness—or is the new you misshapen and has void places once again with carnal desires which are causing malformation or deformity in the new body. Has this metamorphosis caused Jesus to ask once again, Where art thou? I have covered you with the Light of the Word and with Spirit and truth.

    As with a pregnant mother who contracts a disease and causes perhaps a deformity in her unborn child, so sin causes a deformity in our connection, a void, dark space with God. One cannot breed righteousness with sin. When one receives and agrees with the Word of Christ Jesus, you are made aware of forbidden fruit and what is spiritually available for you. For now you know what is good and what is evil. You know this, the sinful fruit that will cause you to seek sinful desires for the satiety of the flesh. One should not be critical of Adam and Eve on partaking of the forbidden fruit, for we were beguiled by the adversary, the devil. As one matures to different spiritual levels, the devil will test your faith and knowledge in the Word of God, to ascertain if he can offer you worldly goods and desires. After God has chosen you, if one continues over and over again to lose your innocence, to lose your spiritual virginity in the new body God invested and appointed in you. We are not allowed to continue to eat forbidden fruit. As with Adam and Eve’s disobedience, the consequence was indicated by their eviction notice from their sacred home—the Garden of Eden. And for the ones who want to persistently walk by their own will to fulfill worldly desires, are you willing to pursue the hazards that will forfeit the loss of your keys to the kingdom of God along with your eternal inheritance? Conforming, the act of following, complying to the words of the world—their ways and words are not everlasting life. One’s knowledge about good and evil, one should know where they are in their living of godliness and holiness.

    One can only find their spiritual peace in knowing God and His Word; finding this peace, one will only want to adhere to the will of God and therefore, will not want to expose one’s nakedness of sinful desires to the world. God has wrapped His children in righteousness. Christians who continue to partake from the fruit that exposes their nakedness—this perhaps will signal to nonbelievers to question if there is a true God in heaven. Affirmation scripture, Galatians 6:7 (KJV) says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap.

    Don’t lie to yourself and think that persistent behaviors that God has stated are sins that one can use grace as a scapegoat to commit these offenses. Be not deceived; it’s a snare of the fowler. God’s sovereignty will not be mocked. His Word, His Son Jesus will not be ridiculed, made fun of, or made counterfeit. One will not escape divine punishment; that would declare that you outwitted God and made a mockery of Jesus, the Bread of Life. The validity of His Word will not be hindered by deceit. If one sows deceit, you will reap the rewards of the Laws of Moses; and by this law (the words of the world), one will reap eternal death. Heaven is purified and rid of the impurities of sin. Therefore, one has to sup-n-dine on the gold bookplate of the Word of God.

    God is reiterating in these hours and final days before the Rapture, "Where art thou in Me?" (Christ Jesus). This includes everyone in Christendom; this includes everyone who say they love Jesus and profess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Why are you eating from the Book that He has plated for you? Is it only for the provision, the hand of God; or are you seeking true sonship and daughtership in the kingdom of God?

    After one receives salvation, the devil will often appear to provide delusions of fruit for you to partake of, but what book has he plated before you? What the adversary offers may appear as fruit on the plate, but once it is digested and dispersed, it is evil gotten gain. It becomes sour to your senses and provides eventual discomfort. As we mature in Christ, our appetite changes, for we are a new artistic creation—new cravings and appetite for spiritual things. For we know how wonderful God has been in sending His Son in order for us to partake of the Bread; we have tasted the goodness of God, and He knows what is best for us! What goodness does the devil provide—none. Stop expending your carnal desires on worthless fruit.

    We who are mature Christians that walk by the spirit are to take the bookplated food; even the leftovers and the crumbs have value. Free delivery on this forever Bread has been provided. Dine in the sanctuary, and carry out the plates of the Word for one to be a true witness of God to the world, for them to know that there is still a true God in heaven Who is sovereign and righteous.

    There is urgency for those who are truly hungry, those who actually want to be fed more spiritual nutrition. Christ is calling you to pull up your chair, come, sup-n-dine, and you are entitled to a buffet of the Word of God. God is saying why are there some Christians who are exposing their nakedness, there unfruitfulness, and not revealing the nature and character of Christ. Jesus is calling for his remnant that have remaining the cloth of righteousness that have held on to the spiritual Him, biblical cord of faith, and being set apart for the glory of God. Christ’s signature and presence is written in each and every book of the Bible. You can find a written word whereby no one can lead you astray, because you know His Word and voice and will not be shaken by poisoned fruit that is thrown your way. Will you participate in allowing all the devil’s fruit to fall to the ground? God is speaking; are we listening. If God would appear in your garden, would He find it fruitful for the kingdom of God? Would God be able to eat the fruit from your garden? Will you be able to escort Christ to the areas in your garden and perhaps say, Christ, this is where I planted the Fruit of the Spirit, this is the tree where I walked as a good Samaritan, these are the pavers where I walked by Your Word, and this is the plant that died, this is the area where the adversary offered me fruit, and this fruit had no form of godliness and did not take root or life in me. When the righteous walk in obedience, when the kingdom takes a view of your garden, God sees no areas of weeds of persistent sin—as He has removed, blotted out our sins, deleted our garden of weeds of sin. Isaiah 43:25—that he removed our transgressions for his sake and will not remember their sins. The omniscient God will not remember our sins, awesome! Christ will lead us in the path of righteousness for His namesake (Psalm 23:3, KJV). God has done a new thing in us, and will continue to replenish spiritual nourishment, we need God’s Word to renew our minds.

    We in Christendom, we need to do a comprehensive self-examination to assess our outer garments to see if we are clothed in spiritual righteousness or self-righteousness—your own leaves, which exposes their nakedness to the elements of the world, corrupting their new nature, having a form of godliness but denying the power of God. In self-righteousness, your spiritual temperature is lukewarm. The devil wants you dead; there is such a high value placed on the Word of God that is within you. The Bible states in Deuteronomy 29:29 (KJV), the secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. The first secret thing that God revealed unto you, Who Jesus is—if this revelation was not revealed unto you, one would not have the revelation of the kingdom of God, so as it was revealed unto Peter in Matthew 16:16–17. As Jesus asked the disciples who he was God revealed unto Peter that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus further stated, unto Peter, flesh and blood, a human, did not reveal this unto you but My Father which is in heaven." This was a secret thing that was revealed unto Peter by God. And God has not revealed to everyone who Christ is, so we as Christians stand in a privileged spiritual secret, the most blessed and wonderful secret of all times. Just as God humbled our forefathers and had them suffer in hunger and he fed them with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know, that he might make thee to know that man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live (Deuteronomy 8:3)! Jesus has humbled us, he drew us near to Him (Matthew 6:44), suffered us to hunger, to know who He is, and to feed us the essence of His nature and character through the Holy Spirit and the Bible—from the omnipotent mind of God, His spiritual cognitive and personal library. The attendees of certain conferences and some that are unable to attend will purchase books the given author or speaker, as the knowledge of the speaker is contained within the pages of his written books. Even though God has the ability to give us hidden secrets, God has given us His thoughts, His character and His nature, His will, in the Old and New Testament. The Bible tells you what to expect and what you will inherit.

    Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you and even show you great and mighty things, things which have been confined and hidden, which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish. (Jeremiah 33:3)

    Jesus sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants there are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as curtain, and spread it them out as a tent to dwell in [a heavenly tabernacle, a meeting tent]. (Isaiah 40:22, KJV)

    And God decided to send His Son in thine circle to come and sup-n-dine with us in this earth realm . . .

    I assure you and most solemnly I say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declared to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you lose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven.

    Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven.

    For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers] I am there among [midst of] them. (Matthew 18:20, AMP)

    This is not seasonal spiritual sustenance. The Word of God is as He is—always was and always will be—will exist! It is time for Christendom to truly unite and join hands in the spirit and pray, Let Thy kingdom come, let Thy will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven! Let Christ give us our daily spiritual bread that He has plated for us from the Book, the Bible. To be effective for the kingdom of God, we must be confident in God’s Word; faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God . . . Hebrew 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please Him. Will one walk with Him without the Word in us? Christians must have a balanced spiritual diet; one cannot continue switching the plate you eat from, God’s today and next week from the devil’s buffet of lies. The devil has always been a terrible food critic of God’s divine cuisine. Saints of God, let us continue to fill our spiritual plates with the Word of God!

    My soul is starved and hungry ravenous, insatiable for your nourished commands. (Psalm 119:17–24, MSG)

    Hearing the Sound of the Meal Bell

    Do you recall the sound of the bell for recess? In elementary school, this was a joyous time to go out and play! Getting on the merry-go-round, the slide, the seesaw, and the swing set. Memorable days with friends and pretend boy and girl friends. And as we grew older, our recess times perhaps took on a different path, to cram in study time for a test the next class period, or to socialize with our friends.

    But there was something about hearing the sound of the meal bell, especially if one was truly hungry. Back in the day, there was only one entrée on the menu, at least where I grew up in a small rural town; now students have multiple choices for the main entrée.

    And in our family homes, usually no one had to tell you it was time to eat. There was something about the aroma of the meal to bring you early or right on time to the dinner table. The aroma was the allure, and at times it was knowing what was on the menu. What’s your favorite food that allures you to the table? As we focus on hearing the sound of the meal bell, what is it that you really hear at mealtime? Is it the aroma, even though these are not by the auditory senses, or your parents calling you to the table by a designated time?

    What is the allure or the inspiration for one going to God’s dinner table, and what keeps one going back for more? Is it the smell or aroma of a messy situation, knowing what God has already shown you or a given prophecy, or is it the allure of Him just calling your name? And are we listening to the voice of the Lord when He calls us back to the table at convenient and inconvenient mealtimes—especially those 3:00–5:00 a.m. snack times in prayer, or to get a spiritual discernment and interpretations?

    Solomon’s wisdom was and is on point: I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11, KJV). We all have the now opportunity to have our mealtime with Christ. On our own accord, we can’t provide for our optimal spiritual diet. This is our chance to get in closer proximity to Christ.

    Our life’s menu is before us, with continual eternal sustenance from Christ. While we are here on earth, we must first and foremost love God and love others as we love ourselves. We are to use the Ten Commandments as a guide to reveal to us that we need a Savior and to eat frequent meals at the Master’s Table.

    To live a holy and godly life for the glory of God, to evangelize the kingdom of God, students of the Word have a chosen path that God has ordained before the foundation of the world. As students of the Word, we will not be swayed by what we see, hear, or smell, but all we need will be received by the Spirit of God. And the sacred secrets shall be given unto His children.

    Have you considered your own agenda, by planning your life’s menu and responding to the sound of your own voice at mealtime? Living and loving yourself first! Your way will not guarantee your eternal life with Christ. If one is living for the world or by the standards thereof, one is literally living in an invisible prison cell on death row awaiting your final meal, not knowing that it will be your final, forever meal before entering eternity in the place of the dead. People, there will be no food or water in hell! Will you like it there? Nope.

    Beware of the adversaries—inebriants, sinful desires—that lead you to his table of death and destruction. Don’t think that the devil is pleasantly calling you to his table for mealtime. On the contrary, he calls and lures in with a snickering ringing sound of disrespect, slandering, belligerence, murdering, and suggesting acrimoniously—wanting one’s faults to be counted against them. But God calls us to mealtime magnanimously, not counting our faults against us. There are advantages of eating meals with Christ; with the adversary, there are no advantages.

    Refer back to the movie The Fly. The scientist was trapped. He desired to be a man, but something else had entered his world where he could no longer overpower that thing that was transforming him into a fly. It may sound a bit corny, but hopefully, the analogy is applicable for this situation, trying to go beyond the limits of holiness and then trying to assume a Christian identity. One cannot live in two worlds and eat from God and the devil’s table; one will not know who is ringing the meal bell. God cannot and will not sanctify and glorify worldly behavior—no stamp of approval on persistent practiced sin with simultaneous stated godliness. This would be like cloning God and the devil, and this will never occur. That would be unspiritual, weird science. One cannot give the flesh everything that it’s offered, especially when it is detrimental to your external life. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

    One should be aware of what God is doing in each and every season of our lives; if we have the Spirit of Christ within us, the Spirit of God knows and has the ear of God and speaks for the kingdom of God. So awake and hear what the Spirit is saying to the church, and to you, because you are the church. Plus you are part of the royal priesthood, are you not?

    This is significant when the meal bell sounds on the day of the Rapture. Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound [of the trumpet’s blast]! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance (Psalm 89:15, AMP)!

    God is faithful to His promises as we are heirs to the kingdom. This is the pinnacle of all the meals that one can ever receive to leave this earth full of the Holy Spirit, evidence of those responding to the sound of the meal bell here on earth.

    Wherever Christ is, that is definitely an upgrade. Be on alert for

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