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God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few
God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few
God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few
Ebook326 pages4 hours

God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few

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From time to time, a book appears on the scene that radically challenges and/or refutes contemporary "Consensus Reality Truths" that are intellectually interpreted""truths that are honored and celebrated as reinforcing our current progressive culture and economy. "God Loves You Maybe, But Only Just a Few" is one such book. In this book, Pastor Robert b. Latimer has assembled an impressive menu of "Biblical Truths" that have for centuries been accepted and bent to the needs, the will, and the desires of prevailing-progressive social reality. Andy by doing so, he has also boldly declared the "original biblical truths" as they were originally breathed by the Holy Spirit into Holy Scripture. You may ask, why is this so important at this time in history? The aim and purpose of this book is quite clear. It was written to enable the twenty-first century "chosen, elect, beloved" of God to not be deceived by the confusion and chaos of current contemporary American "Consensus Reality Based Truths." Truths wholly based and interpreted on prevailing "Personal Intellectual Authority" levels . . . as opposed to the direct illumination of the Holy Spirit . . . the "Revealer unto All Truths." Pastor Latimer hopes that by clarifying key "Biblical Truths" as they were originally meant to be, it will successfully prepare contemporary Christians to dress themselves in the same kind of rugged, protective, spiritual armor required for them to stand strong and vigorously oppose the false truths being loudly taunted by many Lay Renewal Theology Groups of the day. This book is not so much confrontational""as it is controversial in nature. The "Biblical Truths" set forth in this book seek to clarify the facts surrounding them as they were originally meant to be engaged and lived by God's "chosen, elect, beloved." These truths cut through the heart of historical, theological, social, and political thinking of the twenty-first century. By doing this, Pastor Latimer hopes that every reader's heart will literally be "cut by the Holy Spirit" unto the real truth of the truths of God's Word""biblical truths as they were originally breathed into Scripture by the Holy Spirit. Biblical truths as they were originally meant to be accepted and engaged.

Release dateMar 25, 2019
God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few

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    Book preview

    God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few - Robert Latimer


    God Loves You Maybe But Only Just A Few

    Robert B Latimer

    Copyright © 2019 by Robert B. Latimer

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter I

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 10

    Confession of Personal Faith

    You have chosen this book for many reasons . . . but whatever your reason for making this choice . . . you are right at this moment.

    Very curious about me as your author. Who is this man and what does he really believe? I don’t blame you at all for feeling this way. I would feel exactly the same way if I were in your position. Having established this normal . . . yet overwhelming curiosity on your part . . . I want to make a Personal Statement of Belief—before you read any further in this book.

    Personal Confession of Faith

    The Nicene Creed

    Ibelieve in one God, the Father Almighty . . . maker of heaven and earth . . . and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ . . . the only-begotten Son of God . . . begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God . . . light of Light . . . very God of Very God . . . begotten . . . not made . . . being of one substance with the Father . . . by whom all things were made; who . . . for us and for our salvation . . . came down from heaven . . . and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary . . . and was made man; and was crucified also for us . . . under Pontius Pilate; He suffered . . . and was buried; and the third day He rose again . . . according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven . . . and sits on the right hand of the father . . . and He shall come again . . . with glory . . . to judge the quick (those alive at that time) . . . and the dead; whose kingdom . . . (Christ’s Kingdom) . . . shall have no end.

    And I believe in the Holy Ghost . . . the Lord and Giver of life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy catholic . . . (The generic-universal Church of Jesus Christ) . . . and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead . . . and the life of the world to come. AMEN!¹

    In order that you might appreciate the credibility of the Nicene Creed—a creed is simply a statement of strong faith. In fact . . . the specific word Creed . . . comes from the Latin credo . . . specifically meaning . . . I Believe This! (JOHN 20:24–29). The declared purpose of the Creeds . . . is to clearly and boldly declare and safeguard God’s revealed truth and the intention of God’s chosen elect beloved . . . to live by it (2 TIMOTHY 3:14–15).

    You may now be asking yourself: Why should I know and follow this specific creed? The answer is very direct and very clear: You should know and follow this specific creed . . . because it states the essential True Beliefs of the chosen elect beloved of God."²

    The Nicene Creed is a strong statement of positive faith and theology. It clearly and boldly declares who God is in contrast to the apophatic approaches of so much Spiritual Truths found in the Word of God. The Nicene Creed is not dead! OH NO! The Nicene Creed remains securely established as a relevant work of faith and Spiritual Truth. It can be easily adopted as a starting point for public and private prayer to the Father. The Ecumenical Councils of 325 and also 381 . . . produced this creed which has endured for over 1600 years and remains as relevant today . . . as any authentic representation about what God’s chosen elect beloved personally believe . . . under The New Covenant of Grace.³

    Creeds also serve another very important aspect in the lives of God’s chosen elect beloved. Creeds give this specific group a way . . . a solid platform . . . to say out loud in a clear and bold voice . . . what they believe and to testify to the Truths of God’s Word that is placed within their personal hearts by the blessed Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed is the most widely used declaration of personal faith in God and the Truths of His Word in all Christendom.


    The Universal Church of Jesus Christ has a long and clear history of utilizing artwork to proclaim the glory . . . majesty . . . dominion . . . power . . . and authority of the Lord God almighty. This book utilizes artwork in very direct and powerful ways. Perhaps you may not be used to seeing this type of artwork displayed in a book of this nature.

    Having a very strong personal psychological background . . . I am utilizing this artwork to evoke strong emotional levels of awareness on the reader’s part. Artwork will be used consistently throughout this book to introduce sections and chapters . . . utilizing two distinct types (illustrations) of Contemporary Graphic Art:

    Unique—Emotional Facial Expressions.

    Mystery Environment Illustrations.

    I am in hopes that readers will personally project—transpose themselves into each of the above listed art illustrations . . . when reading through this book. You will find that these illustrations will precede all designated book sections and chapters.

    I am in hopes that these creative Art Illustrations will add a new dimension of emotion and a heightened creative level of awareness/learning to each reader’s enjoyment of the text . . . found in each section/chapter of the book. I am also in hopes that these Art Illustrations will help to introduce the readers to a new style of personal identity to the critical truths from God’s Word" . . . presented and documented in this book.

    Whenever . . . you as the reader . . . encounter a Mystery Environment or an Emotional Facial Expression project yourself by relaxing and allowing yourself to literally be transported into the emotion or the environment . . . being displayed before your eyes. You will be very surprised at how quickly you will began to identify with these expressions and environments. This should add a new dimension of excitement—identity—and enjoyment to your reading and study experience of this book.


    Most readers usually skip the reading of the Epilogues found in books . . . but don’t you dare neglect to read the epilogue of this book. You will discover a very unique personal challenge and valuable documentation . . . regarding many of the Biblical Truths presented in this book.


    Over the past decades . . . have you developed a comfortable ritual of visiting one or more favorite fast food outlets? And . . . within these Comfy Food Environments have you also developed a personal taste for specific menu items foods that make you feel good.

    Now suppose one day . . . that you arrive at one of these food outlets and you enter the drive through order lane. You carefully place your Comfy Food Order and in short order . . . your combo is handed to you through the order window. You can already smell that wonderful combo . . . you can already taste that wonderful combo . . . you can already imagine yourself taking your first big bite from the combo.

    You are so excited over receiving this long awaited combo that you don’t drive home . . . you immediately park your car in the parking lot of the restaurant . . . tear open the combo bag . . . and take your first cherished bite from that wonderful hamburger. But wait . . . something suddenly slaps your taste buds hard!

    That cherished combo you have always enjoyed over the years . . . tastes very different this time! Not only does it taste radically different . . . you don’t like the new taste at all! You then began to survey the combo closely and you discover that the bag the combo came in . . . now advertises that this specific combo has undergone a radical up-date and is now virtually a new menu item. It has replace your old favorite combo forever! How dare the restaurant to change the receipt without consulting you personally!

    You are so disappointed and angry . . . that you spit-out that big first bite you already took into your mouth . . . and you throw the whole bag out the window of your car and immediately drive away . . . pledging never to return to this fast food outlet again. By taking such action . . . you have made a personal decision to reject . . . to cast off . . . this new revelation . . . this new change . . . this new fresh up-date. How could such a change ever have been initiated by the food outlet . . . and how could the new product possibly be advertised as being healthier . . . more delicious . . . and more tasteful than the old favorite you have enjoyed for so long?

    Such an experience is very similar to the one you are about to experience in this book. This is why I chose to introduce the FOREWORD . . . with such an unusual graphic picture of a discarded hamburger combo bag. For decades . . . perhaps most of your life . . . you have been taught a wide range of truths from God’s Word . . . that you came to personally accept as the truth . . . embrace as the truth . . . engage/live in your personal life as the truth . . . and even testify to others as the truth of God’s word.

    But go to now! You have selected one of the most controversial books of the twenty-first century . . . regarding the Real Truths from God’s Word and it tends to affect you the same way the new combo affected you. I want you to know that it affected me exactly the same way it has you.

    But when I specifically asked the Holy Spirit (some four years ago) to provide me . . . to enlighten me . . . with special wisdom about secrets from the Word of God . . . I too felt very similar to how you might feel right now. It literally overwhelmed me! Yet I persevered under the guidance—direction—discipline—and illumination of the Holy Spirit. This was not an easy task as all!

    When you take your first big bite out of the New Truths from God’s Word . . . (Through the reading and studying of the Scriptural references presented in this book) . . . it is not going to taste good to you at all! You are going to want to literally spit out your first few bites and throw the whole combo bag out the window or into the garbage. But please don’t do that!

    Earnestly seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance—direction—discipline—control—enlightenment—and special wisdom . . . regarding these actuals truths from God’s Word. You may have to read and re-read many of these Scriptural references (Provided for your convince in this book) under special prayer to the Spirit . . . before you began to feel comfortable and secure with the actual/real truths from God’s Word.

    In the times we live in right now . . . and the pagan-secular culture (Dominating American thinking today) . . . it is absolutely essential that God’s chosen elect beloved know the real Spirit Inspired truths from His Word. You and I . . . right now . . . are experiencing changes in American culture and thinking . . . that we never thought would ever transpire. Therefore we all need to be prepared to know how to walk exclusively in the Spirit . . . as opposed to relying on our own Personal Intellectual Authority, which is known as walking in the flesh.

    So . . . where are you literally seated right now . . . while reading these very first pages of this controversial Christian-Based book?

    Are you comfortably seated in your favorite reading chair in your home?

    Are you traveling at 600-plus MPH at 40,000 feet in a luxury passenger plane?

    Are you sitting in someone’s office waiting room . . . waiting to see them for an appointment?

    Are you studying at your Church’s library?

    Are you perhaps . . . reading this book to a very close friend who is ill in the hospital or at home?

    Are you comfortably seated outside your home on a cool/shady terrace reading this book?

    Are you up very early in the morning . . . because you simply can’t sleep—reading and studying in this book?

    The Point is . . . you could be virtually anywhere . . . but no matter where you are . . . right now . . . starting your curious exploration of this very controversial book . . . nothing and I mean absolutely nothing around you is as it was originally planned to be by the Lord God Almighty. In fact . . . the way you and I currently choose to read and study God’s Holy word is not the way God intended us to study His Word. You are probably utilizing what is currently referred to as . . . The Lay-Renewal Theology Method for Bible reading and exploration.

    The other primary alternate method for Bible reading and study is known as . . . The Covenant Theology Method for Bible reading and exploration. There is a marked/significant difference . . . between these two methods.


    When studying Scripture . . . Personal Intellectual Authority . . . is most often referred to as the subjective method for Bible study and exploration.

    Personal Intellectual Authority is the cornerstone of Lay-Renewal Bible Study. It is wholly founded on what we now call consensus reality or what we currently believe to be the truth. In short . . . it is what most educated people currently believe . . . or want to believe . . . the truth to be!

    So . . . fs you consider yourself to be an educated . . . subjective person . . . you have chosen a study reference which primarily proceeds from the mind of contemporary man and is very opinionated and referenced on the Personal Intellectual Authority level of modern thinking in America.

    You may be asking yourself . . . what is this Personal Intellectual Authority level the author keeps referring to? That’s a very good question and you are asking it at the right time! Simply put . . . Personal Intellectual Authority embodies all accumulated knowledge and life experiences you have stored . . . directly affecting what you personally believe is the truth . . . regarding the Holy Bible.

    So now comes the next big question! What are the main definitions and differences between a subjective and an objective approach to seeking the truths from God’s word?

    ANSWER: A subjective approach is based primarily (Whether it is spoken or written . . . doesn’t make any difference) . . . anchored and secured (generally speaking) . . . on a single person’s opinion or group opinion of intellectuals you admire and respect . . . as to what is truth and what isn’t truth.

    The subjective approach will always have a bias or strong viewpoint . . . regardless of the topic of information being presented or researched in the refinement of biblical truth.


    You need to recognize that the primary foundation for the Covenant Theology Method of Bible study and exploration . . . is anchored on the objective approach and is written—spoken—and illustrated in such a manner as to represent a completely unbiased opinion regarding the topic under study. You tend to get the feeling that the author—speaker—illustrator . . . is standing beside you (literally outside the information being presented or addressed). When such information is in fact presented . . . great pains are taken to present such information without taking a personal stance or promoting any personal Personal Intellectual Feelings in direct relation to what is being presented/studies . . . as the absolute truth alone.

    Please note . . . that due to the fact that subjective information can contain or embody statements and claims of judgment—personal assumptions- personal beliefs—personal doubts and even false rumors . . . such forces tend to greatly bias a subjective conclusion heavily . . . actuating contemporary Consensus Reality.

    On the other hand . . . the objective approach does not fluctuate in any direction. It is not influenced by contemporary Consensus reality. It does not vary between one or more individuals. You need to realize at this point . . . that subjective information/-conclusions can often and in fact . . . are often proven to be wrong. It would not be out of bounds to state that subjective information ends-up . . . far from the truth!

    Always remember . . . the objective approach is heavily defined and celebrated as being as close to the truth as possible. With this firmly established . . . it is important for you to recognize that the Lord’s communications to His chosen elect beloved . . . is never presented subjectively. It is always presented objectively.

    But wait . . . there is something very interesting and alarming interjecting itself into this discussion.

    Our personal interpretations of God’s commandments-declarations . . . is most of the time (if not all of the time) . . . centered on the subjective model. The main reason being . . . that it allows us to flex and add our Personal Intellectual Authority to whatever is being communicated as the truth from God’s Word.

    QUESTION: Why am I spending so much time making sure you understand objectivity vs. subjectivity as it relates to the material presented in this book?

    ANSWER: What we are really exploring together . . . RIGHT NOW . . . is what is known as Methodology of Choice. This is a very important aspect to understand when seeking the truth . . . especially the truths from God’s Word.

    Methodology in the realm of Bible study . . . is directly dedicated and concerned with selecting the proper path/method to be taken in order to secure the Scriptural Truth as it was originally supposed to be understood—embraced—engaged and adapted to the lives of God’s chosen elect beloved. Improper methodology in interpreting Holy Scripture is actually nothing new at all. Look carefully at 2 PETER 3:16.

    2 PETER 3:16:

    As he does in all his letters . . . when he speaks in them of these matters . . . there are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their won destruction . . . as they do the other Scriptures.

    So . . . why is this specific Scriptural verse from the New Testament . . . so very important? The answer is . . . that this specific verse clearly informs us that mishandling—misinterpreting the Word of God . . . can be extremely dangerous.

    Those individuals who chose to do so .

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