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Morning Magnified
Morning Magnified
Morning Magnified
Ebook341 pages3 hours

Morning Magnified

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When I look back over my life, I see nothing but the hand of God on my family. I was gifted with the ministry of encouraging and lifting people. I made a promise to God many years ago. I promised that every day that he wakes me up and put a word or song on my heart that I would write it and sing a joyful song unto the Lord. The people of the world have been experiencing depression, sickness, loss of hope, looking for someone or something to lift them and rescue them from the evilness of this dark world. My thoughts for each day are, if I can help someone along the way, as I journey through this world, then my living is not in vain. I have a testimony of the goodness of Jesus Christ, and I have to share it with the world God is good to me, and I know it. God is good to you, but do you know it? I pray that you will seek God and his righteousness and not the world's unrighteousness. I pray that this book will be a blessing to you. Step out on faith in the Son of God and watch how he will pour out his blessing on you.

Release dateDec 15, 2021
Morning Magnified

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    Morning Magnified - William McLeod

    Good morning! Another day, another miracle, another blessing—all three come from God. Let us not take lightly what God has given us through his Son, Jesus Christ. We have nothing to complain about, to be angry about, or to be miserable about, but we have everything to be thankful about. Why? Because Jesus Christ went to the cross, and he’s seated at the right hand of the Father. I realize that I am safe in his arms. I hope you know it. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! God woke me up today with a cheerful attitude, with praise in my heart, with a spirit of love, with peace of mind, with an attitude of gratitude, with a song in my heart, at peace with myself and the world. Not fixing my eyes on the world situation but on Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other grounds are sinking sand. Just want to let you all know that it is still a beautiful morning. How do I know? Because if you are reading this, it is because God woke you up. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! God woke me up early this morning, and I am grateful. I am listening to the news about the coronavirus, and my first thought was not to focus on this pandemic around the world but to give God all the honor, glory, and praise, not only because of what he’s done but also because of what he is doing. He is the only one in the world’s existence that can get the entire world’s attention. Every knee shall bow. Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Just thinking about what a mighty God we serve, even the angels bow before him. Heaven and earth adore him. What an awesome God we serve. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Once again, God shined his light on me and woke me up earlier than usual. I’m watching TV and thinking of how much Jesus loves not just me but the world. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whosoever shall believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. I know it, and I hope you know it. With everything that is going on in the world, let us look not at the circumstances in the world but at the one who gave his life for the world. Thank Jesus for the great things he has done. Hallelujah! Praise God and trust Him with your life. Amen.

    Good morning! I was just thinking of the magnificence and beauty of God’s creation, how he made everything perfect. We may not always see the perfection of God’s wonders. God’s most amazing work of art was when he formed man out of dust and brought us to life. The message here is that God woke you up today. Another day to give thanks, to enjoy the beauty of his wonderful gift of life. Never take for granted the gift of life because we are God’s greatest work of art. We are so precious to God that he went to the cross. He brought us out of darkness, into his marvelous light. Never forget where God brought us from. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! I am giving praises to God for seeing this day. God put on my heart today this message, and I hope no one gets offended. Why is it that we pray for some people but not the world? Why do we say prayers going up and do not go into our prayer room and pray? Just thinking ab out the families whose loved ones went to the hospital with the coronavirus and never walked out but were thrown into a refrigerator truck. Those families that never got the chance to say goodbye to their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, etc., the families who were not able to view their bodies and give them a proper burial. Wake up, church, and recognize that this could be us. People around the world are crying, suffering, and in need of prayer. Some of the things that I see and hear from the members of the body of Christ bring pain to my heart. I am asking the children of God to stop the parading and go into your prayer room and pray for our world, please. I am not complaining. Just a reality check for all Christians. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Throughout my life, every day, God has awakened me. Throughout every trial, every storm. The gloomy days. Through the uncertainty of the future days. The days when I wanted to throw in the towel. Throughout the struggling days. I have looked to find happiness in worldly things, cars, money, education, vacations, etc. But I finally found happiness when Jesus Christ came into my life. I have learned that with everything I have been through, that each day, God awakens me. That it was not my struggles or challenges in life that brought me through. It is because throughout even this coronavirus, I have learned. That it was love that lifted you and me. When nothing else could help, love lifted me. Thank Jesus for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! God woke me up today, and I am grateful and thankful to see the light, not just the light that shines only inside but the light of Christ that shines inside and outside. I am so thankful for having an attitude of gratitude despite what is happening in this world. I am learning every day to appreciate people, to appreciate what I have and where God has brought me from. I am not going to look at the world situation but the blessings of God. I am just praising God and giving him all the glory, honor, and praise. I am learning to trust God with my life. Thank you, Jesus, for loving the world so much, that you went to the cross. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Just thinking about the difference between our blessing and being blessed. Our blessing is that Jesus poured out his mercy, withholding from us what we deserve and giving us grace, which we do not deserve. The abundance of God’s mercy and grace on the cross is our blessing. Our blessings are the spiritual gifts that God gives us. They are called the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, patience, etc. Everything that we have—our jobs, homes, finances, cars, etc.—are the things that God blessed us with. Just thanking God for his blessing, the blessings, and what we are blessed with. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the entire world that you will stop this pandemic of the coronavirus. Heal and comfort us. We have lost loved ones, family, and friends. Lord, I pray that you will speak to our hearts so that we can receive you. Open our eyes so that we can see you. Open our ears so that we can hear you. I believe that you are speaking to us through this world pandemic, but some of us are not listening and some don’t recognize your voice. I pray for the families whose loved ones and friends died from this virus. I believe that you are telling and letting the world know that you are God all by yourself. Heal the world in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

    Good morning! Looking out the window this morning, I noticed something that I have not seen in a while. The sun is shining so bright. The sky looks clearer. The air looks cleaner. There seems to be a sense of quietness and calmness outside. I have been up for twenty minutes and have not heard a sound outside or inside of my apartment. Just wondering if God’s trying to tell us that the storm is almost over. God speaks to us in many ways. He can speak to us through the wonders of his creation. We just need to stand still. Listen and watch the salvation of the Lord. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the world that this storm of the coronavirus will end. I pray for everyone who has been affected by this virus. I pray for the families whose loved ones are no longer here. Speak to our hearts, God. Speak through your Word. I am asking for healing, Lord—healing of the mind, spirit, and soul. I pray that those who know you will come to know you better and will take on a servant attitude toward others and show compassion. I pray that those who do not know you will come to know you and accept you as Lord and Savior of the world. I pray, in Jesus’s name, amen. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning and welcome to a new day. God woke us up to this new day and gave us another day of hope. Another day to rejoice. Another day to see and talk to our village of family and friends. Another day to come to know God for ourselves. Another day to rejoice and do good works. Another day to tell someone that you love them. Do not focus on your past or failures or the mistakes that you have made but look on and focus on today because this is the day that the Lord has made. If you are reading this, I just want to say to you that I’m so glad you’re here in Jesus’s name just praising God for you all and giving him all the glory, all the honor, all the praises. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Father God, I thank you for this day. You woke us up to see the light of the world, which is the light of Christ Jesus. You kept us here for a purpose. You have more good works for us to do. There are many members of the body of Christ, but there is only one body. Lord, I pray that you will reveal to us your presence in the world. Speak to us through your Word. May our talk of the love of Christ be in line with our walk. Speak to our hearts, Lord, despite what is going on in the world. People are hurting and crying out for help. Some may know you and some may not. Father, I pray that you will open our eyes to humility, thinking of others before ourselves, not just the body of Christ but for the entire world. For God so loved the world that He went to the cross. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning and happy Mother’s Day to all you, young women, at heart. On this day, some women may believe because they do not have children that this day is not for them. I prove the difference. If you have godchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, students’ brothers, sisters, then you are a mother to them. A mother is not just someone who births you, but a mother is also one who raises you, one who teaches you, one who will correct you, one who will love you, one who will put you in check. You could be an aunt, a cousin, a teacher, a friend, a coach, etc. Being a mother is second to God’s unconditional love. All women are mothers. Women are stronger in spirit than men. You guys are strong and have a strong nurturing spirit. So I say, happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. Enjoy your special day. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done with mothers. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Reminiscing back when I was growing up in Harlem, New York, life was so peaceful and simple then. No worries, no responsibility, no big decisions to make, no bills to pay. Playing and dancing in the streets. That same peace that I had then, I also have now, and it is all because God gives me that peace even through this pandemic of the coronavirus. Just as I trusted God as a youth, I also trust Him as an adult. Just realizing that I always trusted God and he always brought me through. Just praising God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! If you are reading this post, that means that God has awakened you. So rise and shine and give God the glory. Let us not complain about what is going on in the world but lift our hands to God and say, thank you, Lord, for the great things you have done. I do not know about you, but I am so glad I am here. I am so glad I am here. I am so glad I am here in Jesus’s name. I am so glad you are here. I am so glad you are here. I am so glad you are here in Jesus’s name. So let us praise God while we are here, not by complaining but by saying thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. We just want to thank you, Lord. You have woken us up. You woke us up. You woke us up, and we just want to thank you, Lord. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good evening. Asking everyone who has breath to pray for everyone who is fighting this coronavirus. Many are in the hospitals. Many are home, but wherever they may be, go into your prayer closet wherever that may be and pray for healing. Pray for deliverance. Father, I pray that you will comfort all and show the world that you are a miracle worker. Pray in Jesus’s name. Lord, I thank you in advance. I thank you for your prayer. I thank you for loving the world so much that you went to the cross. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Praise God for another beautiful day. It is a clear and sunny day in Westchester, New York. It is quiet on my street. I can see the beauty of life through the eyes of God. Just thinking of how we can sometimes take life for granted until we one day look at how people are dying so close to us with this coronavirus pandemic. Just delivering a message to not take each day that God wakes you up for granted, even when this pandemic is gone. Hallelujah, praise God great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! I just heard something on TV this morning that makes so much sense. Just because we cannot physically see Jesus does not mean that he’s not there, but we can see his creations, his wonderful and magnificent, good works. God said that we are his greatest masterpiece, his most precious creation (Eph. 2:10). God said that we are greater than the angels, for we will judge them for their works (1 Cor. 6:3). In case we forget how precious we are to God, then let’s take our eyes off what is going on in the world and fix our eyes on the cross where Jesus died for us. Remember, just because we cannot see Jesus does not mean that he’s not there. We cannot see air, but we know it is there because we breathe it. Remember that Jesus is the air that we breathe. He is always there. Isaiah 54:17 says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Thank you, Jesus, for the abundance of life on earth and in heaven. Not looking at the things that we can see but focusing on the heavenly realms where Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. Glory to God for the great things he has done. I am just praising God for his faithfulness. The sacrifice that he made just for you, just for me. I am so grateful for this day, and I am not going to let the coronavirus steal my joy. I hope you are grateful too because this is the day that the Lord has made, and I am going to rejoice and be glad in it. Hallelujah, praise God for the great things he has done. Hallelujah!

    Good morning! Just sitting at home, thinking of the goodness of Jesus, this question came to my thoughts, and I hope no one is offended, but why is it that many people spend many hours a day playing games on their phones but spend little or no time talking to God? God did not give you the phone to entertain yourselves but to talk to him. Many people try to master games but do not spend time with

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