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Building Your Dream Muscle
Building Your Dream Muscle
Building Your Dream Muscle
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Building Your Dream Muscle

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Building Your Dream Muscle is a lifelong process that collaborates desire with the synergy of gratitude and faith to manifest the reality of dreams come true. The author shares from her journal over a one-year span the diverse challenges that the reader may experience while implementing the process to achieve their dreams. At a pivotal time in the author's life, she prayerfully sought the answers to the questions, "What is my purpose?" "Why do some experience so much success, while others continuously struggle?" "Why is God not helping me?" "What am I doing so wrong?" With every prayer for answers came enlightenment through a spiritual mentor, a book, a song, a message, and then through writing letters to the father. Experiential faith is a personal process through enlightenment. With the ability to laugh at herself, the author shares her very own kind of humor along with the moments of complete loss of hope. The dream muscle work-out transformed through the testing of hypothesis to refi ne the ability to literally do the impossible. Th e author has a proven record of successes including selling her home beyond repair for cash in less than twenty-four hours, the purchase of a new van with modifications, purchasing a home that was fully wheelchair accessible, receiving full scholarship and funding to return to college, and complete a bachelor's degree. The single mother of three changed her life and is sharing the story to encourage others that are prayerfully seeking the answer to how they, too, can make dreams come true. The reader will be empowered with the steps and encouragement to change their life. They will realize their unlimited power to create. How long does it take to change your life? As long as it takes to think your next thought.

Release dateJul 27, 2018
Building Your Dream Muscle

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    Book preview

    Building Your Dream Muscle - Lorinda Krance-Brown


    Building Your Dream


    Lorinda Krance-Brown

    ISBN 978-1-64191-063-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64191-064-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2018 by Lorinda Krance-Brown

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Only a real risk can test the reality of a belief.

    —C. S. Lewis

    Faith is not seeing to believe. True faith, like that of a mustard seed, is Believing you already have that which you have asked for in prayer and trusting it is done before you manifest it’s reality. Amen.


    How long does it take to change your life?

    As long as it takes to think your next thought.

    —MK Mueller

    Today is the first day of my new life. Lent is a time of year that awakens me spiritually, emotionally, and cognitively. This year, I am acting on my inspiration to do something to actively live my faith. I am going to start writing a book. I have dreamed about the book and the vision of its content. I am still in the someday stage of being an author. This manifestation process is new to me, and I really do not know all the answers to the questions I have. I am going at what I fear most, and that is the risk of failure. A dear friend made the difference in changing my perspective with the wisdom that if I actually write the book, then I have already achieved the status of being an author, and that in and of itself is a success. My faith is a process, and at every stage that my maturation was evolving, a new mentor entered my life. They are very much a part of this book and I will share my stories so that you, too, can be enlightened and advance in your experiential faith. One of my avatars of faith, MK Mueller, is a published author and worldwide presenter of her book, 8 to Great. I received the book from my cousin at a pivotal time of crisis. Unfortunately, it was put on a shelf, waiting, until I was able emotionally and spiritually to read it. It was a someday book that changed my life when I finally reached the time and place that I could openly receive the message, accept it, and implement it into my life. If I read it before I was ready, it would have been too positive for me and I would have rejected it. You are reading my book because in your personal journey of transformation, you are ready to receive the message I am sharing. Through a random event, meeting, conversation, or coincidence, my book came to you. God is guiding you, and you are praying for and seeking the message and comfort to lift you. Hope is the stimulus to the transformation process. Embrace it. Do not fear your growth and the changes that happen within you and all around you. You are actively living your life instead of just hoping for a virtual-reality experience. Welcome to experiential faith. This is an adventure full of top of the mountain moments! Amen.

    My life’s journey includes a gamut of experiences that would fill a book. I imagine the opening line would be, Against all odds, quitting was never an option for Lorinda. I am not a heroine like in the movies or Wonder Woman with supernatural powers; what I am is a mom living to be all I can be. I have creatively termed my position of being wheelchair-bound as an all-terrain mother.

    Life has presented me with many opportunities to grow and learn about myself. Some of those experiences include surviving an eating disorder, becoming wheelchair-bound after the birth of my second child, divorced after the birth of my third child, financial turbulence, health problems due to contaminated water, and a home beyond repair. My story also includes a will to never give up, a faith to know I am right where I am supposed to be, and a motivation that knows If I dream it, and believe it, I will achieve it!

    Presently, I am a proud mother or three dynamic children, motivational speaker, advocate, and entrepreneur. This is what I have grown to be; this is not who I started out to be. At the time of my divorce in 2005, I thought of myself as a victim and came to the understanding that I deserved better. My life changed when I processed through the stages of mourning. My divorce was the catalyst to my self-discovery. I transitioned through a color wheel of emotions: intense red with anger, the blues of sadness, then green with envy. Everyone’s life was better than mine, which became yellow-bellied fear about the future being a single mom in a wheelchair, arriving finally to I-surrender white the stage of acceptance. In the schooling of life, I have already earned a degree in emotional intelligence. I fully accept responsibility that I am exactly where I am because of my own choices.

    My infinite inspiration is my children. As a parent, I understand that children are exceptional in selective hearing. They sift through hours of parental oration and retain selective advice and pearls of wisdom. They hear you; however, they may not be listening to you. I know with affirmation that our children are always watching us. They imitate our body language, mirror our likeness, and act as they are taught through our behaviors and reactions. This is why quitting has never been an option because teaching my children to give up is not a lesson I am willing to be an example of.

    Change requires enthusiasm and passion. Both of these aspects require high energy to start and move the mountains in our lives to achieve real change. My personal work-out starts out with a session of cleansing breaths, meditation, and prayer. I set an intention then visualize the outcome. This process is like clearing clutter off the kitchen counter so you can cook. Or organizing the chaos in your work space so you can apply all your focus on the task and not get exhausted in messiness that steals your focus and energy. The power of prayer is the bam! to the manifestation process. Just like the great chef, Emeril Lagasse, uses bam! to express the ta–da! for his tantalizing cuisine. Prayer is the bam! that connects us spiritually to unlimited potential and power.

    I am a convert Catholic and am still learning about the denomination. I was born and raised Lutheran, and at that time, I was intimidated by our Catholic cousins. They were so devout and perfect in every way. They didn’t cuss or drink or go cruising or really anything that was not good and proper. Nothing about that appealed to me. With a disability that limited my life expectancy to thirty years of age; I had an urgency to live like I was dying. I wasn’t like my classmates who had the white-picket-fence dream to get married and have children. I wasn’t interested in college because I did not want to spend my valuable time preparing for a career that would be short-lived. I had one free get-out-of-jail pass, courtesy of my father, who had an overnight accommodation at the local precinct in his high school days. I challenged my parents like all moody, self-centered teenagers. I personally challenged God as well. I was misdiagnosed by a physician at my seventh-grade physical and that put me at odds with God. The doctor that knew nothing about my disability told me I would be in a wheelchair within the year. I stopped eating that day. I refused to live if I had to be wheelchair bound. Obsessed with image and wanting a boyfriend like every teenage girl, I thought getting glasses was nearly the end of the world. I could not face the world with my disability exposed. I was able to walk, drive, care for myself at this point, and my disability was unrecognizable. I required assistance standing up from a sitting position but had learned to receive assistance without drawing attention to my vulnerabilities. I demanded that God heal me or kill me. Either way, I stopped eating and voluntarily subjected myself to an eating disorder that was a dual diagnosis of anorexia and bulimia. The next five years did not result in me winning my argument with God. I spent three days a week in appointments for five years. I met with a dietitian, a doctor, and a counselor each week to tell them everything they wanted to hear so that I could remain sick. I am living proof that God has the final say about life. I was given an ultimatum that either I try to save myself or they were going take control and sustain my life for me. I had one week to show effort until hospitalization; I was then more afraid of a feeding tube invading my body than being wheelchair bound. I finally stopped trying to die and will spend the rest of my living with an eating disorder. Through all of my years, God has been a fair opponent for my innate drive to be a hard-headed, quick-tempered fire sign Aries. I was always a believer in God because he was the subject I blamed for everything. I refused to accept him until I was unable to fight any more. My faith has been a process. As the great JT (James Taylor) sings,

    Won’t you look down upon me, Jesus, You’ve got to help me make a stand.

    You’ve just got to see me through another day.

    My body’s aching and my time is at hand and I won’t make it any other way.

    Oh, I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end.

    I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again.

    This book shows the evolution of my faith over the span of a year. I started this Lent with intentions that motivated me to finally act on a leap of faith to write a book. My experiential faith started with journaling three gratitudes per day. Then I started writing journal entries about what I was grateful for. Then I started journaling my life as I wanted it to be. This is also called scripting. In the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, scripting is described as a form of stimulating manifestation. In the book, Esther is watching a movie about a man who discovers a magic typewriter that when he typed a scene it would happen just as he wrote it. In the event he was not happy with what he was experiencing, he returned to the typewriter and rewrote the happenings so they became the experience he wanted. Abraham spoke to Esther while she was watching, and he said to her, That is really the way it always works. As you focus clearly upon things you desire, and hold no contradictory vibration that causes resistance—whatever you desire must be. For when you ask, it is always given, every time, with no exceptions. So this is how the scripting process works: pretend that you are a writer and that whatever you write will be performed exactly as you write it. Your only job is to describe, in detail, everything exactly as you want it to be. So my journal then reflects my scripting my life the way I want it to be with gratitude weaved throughout, as well as documenting the progress of what I was actually manifesting. Now I am yet evolving again and am getting very real feedback through a new form of fellowship and meditation where I write letters to God, and he in return writes back through my subconscious. At first, this is beyond eerie. And then you embrace the intimacy of being in conversation with God. I write letters to God every morning in my quiet time. I share my feelings, fears, disappointments, frustrations, and anything and everything that is on my mind. I have experienced great relief in the sharing of my thoughts, feelings, whining, and sometimes just bitching that has helped me to achieve some very moving heartfelt epiphanies. The quiet is somehow comforting and I know I am not alone. The most amazing transformation happens every time I spend time in worship. I start out feeling powerless, enraged, distraught, and hopeless, and as I ramble, a shift takes place sometime and somewhere, and then I am enlightened. My anger turns to empowerment, my sadness turns into hope, my frustration receives clarity, and all of a sudden, I understand what I need to do next to resolve a situation, a concern, or an action to implement. In my experience, prayers of supplication, no matter how desperately I plead, have never turned out comforting or fruitful. My tantrums and persistent whining have never produced results in manifesting either. It is through trial and error that I decided to simply ask God to answer me and tell me what the process is for miracles and dream manifestation. I am guessing if I had stopped long enough to clear my mind and meditate, I would’ve received the answer earlier. It was in my complete emotional and physical exhaustion that I finally stopped fighting, and my submission to meditation brought an immediate understanding of where to find the answer. Meditation would direct me to the books to read and I found they all linked together to provide enlightenment for me. Change in the midst of depression is a struggle. Changing habits, behaviors, and everything that is not working requires energy and ambition. I was in a state of situational depression following the end of a toxic relationship that had drained my self-esteem, health, finances, and left me and my children to start over. When I crashed and hit bottom, I didn’t reach out to accept God’s hand that was waiting to pull me up. Instead of reading the books that found their way into my growing library, I put them on a shelf, waiting until I was ready to stop being the victim. Ambition came when, ironically, I got angry enough. Angergy is a powerful emotion. Anger + Energy= Angergy. It is what empowered me and gave me the strength to be done with the person that was hurting me the most. I read the book Conversation’s with God, an Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsh and I started to find answers to my prayer. You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works that precise experience—wanting—in your reality. The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude. When you thank God in advance for that which you chose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there . . . in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, God has answered. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate.

    Know this however; you cannot manipulate God with false gratitude. We cannot lie to ourselves. Your mind knows the truth and authenticity of your thoughts. Which means you cannot thank God in advance for something and in the back of your mind see it as a test for Him to deliver on. He knows your thought and whether it is compromised by a lack of belief. This, my friend, is the very concept I call the mustard seed of faith. Matthew 17:20: He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

    Mark 11:24: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


    I am so happy and grateful that I am creating my life through my dreams. I will realize the beautiful vision of my life becoming my reality. My restlessness is being replaced by excitement for the new me, my soul-mate, my environment, and my success story (speaker-writer-entrepreneur). When I want to know my husband I look at my dream board and read my 10 qualities I want in my husband. I feel him and our love embracing me.


    I am so happy and grateful to find our next home. I am attracting all the money I need to purchase a home. I will be excited every moment of everyday building up muscles-strength-and stability as I am learning to walk again. I am grateful that Casey believes I can do anything. I love that he believes I can make it- find it-fix it-buy it-and sell it. In his heart and soul he trusts me to succeed and deliver. He set high expectations for me and holds me accountable.


    I am so happy and grateful to feel my newly generated muscles growing-developing-and getting stronger every day. I am seeing muscle definition in my legs, arms, stomach, hands, and shoulders. My body is transforming to become my vision. I am so happy and grateful that my mental and emotional intelligence is advancing with every thought and every problem that requires me to think. I am wise and have clarity. I am so happy and grateful that the arms of my love will soon be holding me. He is my every thought and my heart beats for him. I am so blessed to receive all the money I need which will provide for my home and business start-up. My dreams are coming true.


    I am so happy and grateful that I am on the horizon of realizing all my dreams, becoming my living reality. We will be living in our new home by June. All I dream and give thanks for is coming to me now.


    I am so happy and grateful for the financial wealth that will provide for my home, stating my business, and fulfilling my dreams. I am so excited to feel the energy that surrounds me when I visualize all that I will be, have, and do. I am filling the burning motivation to write the story of my transformation. It is happening every day in this journal. I feel it and it is powerful and beautiful.


    Each day I am finding joy and excitement in just being. I am no longer giving my energy to concerns that are not my business. I am focused and fueled with surging energy that is opening doors to my living my dreams. I am feeling the affirmation of the fruition of our dream home and starting my business, as well as going on tour for 8 to Great and Building Your Dream Muscles.


    I am so happy and grateful that my body is healing every condition I once had. I am free of spinal muscular atrophy, bone spurs, bone loss, and all other ailments. My body has activated its innate ability to heal itself from within. When I look in the mirror, I see the reflection of the woman I envision looking back at me. I am dreaming about our new home and how we will decorate the rooms. I am going to have financial sustainability through strategic asset management. I am grateful for my evolving enlightenment, increasing the full optimization of my brain’s capacity to process information and achieve analytic synergy. My life is a series of miracles that are happening on a daily basis. I am praising God for his infinite blessings. I am finally happy with who I am and excited about who I am transforming to become. The Holy Spirit is touching and changing lives through my fellowship that I live actively to be a light of God and his love.


    I shared 8 to Great with my attendant, Tori, today and it was a powerful process. God is showing me the people that will lead and do great works through a business I aspire to start, called Inspired Independent Living Services. The core services will include: in-home attendant care, adaptive and assistive technology, equipment maintenance and repair, and employment network provider with benefits consulting. He is increasing my vision and whispering names in my ear and in my subconscious mind. His plan is perfect and I am trusting in him and his all-knowing wisdom.


    I am so happy and grateful that my loving Father and Redeemer knows what my heart longs for and He is blessing me and fulfilling my thoughts, dreams, and desires in the fastest most harmonious way. I am utilizing 100% of my full mental and emotional potential. This concentrated intelligence is literally providing for me a spiritual neurological feedback. A new universal conscience is achieved and facilitated to understand logic, history, and unlimited knowledge. My life is amazing, blessed, blissful, and prosperous. I am a living accessible example of God’s authority, infinite power, and forgiveness.


    I am so happy and grateful that my family has come through so much and we are together. Our laughter filled my home this morning at breakfast. I am so proud and grateful when I look at my children. They are a reflection of the best qualities of their father and mother. They are the greatest accomplishment of my lifetime. I am so blessed and grateful to think about how it will be when I am the strong, athletic, vibrant, and successful woman I envision. I see my soulmate by my side, sharing in the laughter surrounded by our children and family.


    I am praising God that my entire body is awakening as if from a coma. I am hopeful, joyful, and in awe. I receive because I believe. I am blessed when I am first grateful. I am healed when first I pray with intention for forgiveness. My book is in progress. It is going to be all that I visualized and so much more. The Holy Spirit has filled me with infinite energy and its guiding my words, thoughts, and actions. I can hardly wait to

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