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God and His Children
God and His Children
God and His Children
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God and His Children

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This book is the result of God's mysterious activities on George Hayes's behalf. George has been beholden to God throughout his life. He continues to return God's love with a second book, resuming the exposition of God and the Western World that divulged the works of God as He spread Christianity worldwide. The focus here is an understanding of mankind's advance to high intelligence and a comparison of man's technologies to God's technologies. God's technologies include dark matter, dark energy, DNA, and RNA. Included in this discussion are more details on the creation and sustenance of the universe. An example of the information discussed is the interplay of dark matter and dark energy just prior to and during the Big Bang.A discussion of the climate change problems we are experiencing is presented, including a list of major cities worldwide that may be submerged by a minimum two-hundred-foot rise in sea level. There is a presentation of changes to Earth as Pangea broke up eventually forming the continents we know, and how life on Earth changed as God affected evolution to bring mammals upon Earth and then manipulated DNA to give rise to modern man. A discussion of mankind's religions is conducted. Important findings in the garden continent of Africa regarding distribution of languages are discussed as well as a finding that may lead to the original language used by God to converse with Adam and Eve as well as used by God to direct dark matter and dark energy when He spoke our universe into existence.In conclusion, firstly, God's works from before the Big Bang until the coming of Jesus Christ is summarized. Secondly, a briefing on God's march through time is displayed as the word of Jesus Christ is spread worldwide. Thirdly, the efforts are listed for avoidance of leaving a badly damaged Earth with our coasts and their infrastructures becoming submerged.There are two distinct audiences for whom George has developed both books. The first is the scientific community. The second audience is the average person living on Earth, and there may be passages that confuse them due to technical detail. You may want to skip those passages, and you can. You will still have an engrossing read. But if you reread them, you may develop a complete understanding of the marvels God Almighty has accomplished to bring Earth's human beings to the status we have reached today.

Release dateDec 30, 2020
God and His Children

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    God and His Children - George Hayes


    God and His Children

    George H. Hayes

    Copyright © 2020 by George H. Hayes

    All rights reserved including but not limited to screenplays, stage plays, television plays or internet plays incorporating intellectual property presented herein. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents







    God Almighty created our universe and the life that has been generated within, but especially important to Him are the human beings of our planet, Earth. Intelligent life, and our attaining that status, was His purpose for creating the universe. We on Earth have detected God’s universe-building and sustaining tools, dark matter and dark energy, and have had an extended opportunity of thirty to forty years to develop scientific explanations for them but have not. To God, this should mark a turning point in our relationship with Him. No one should now say, There is no God, or God is dead. The author thinks, though, that almost no scientists have acknowledged that dark matter and dark energy are God’s tools; and until most of them do acknowledge it, we may be at a precipice, one formed of their mistaken opinions that belief in science and belief in God are incompatible. We are poised to enter a new realm of understanding, which will be a new relationship with God, but we remain just short of it; and our stubbornness with respect to acknowledging God’s supremacy may eventually anger Him. Fortunately, God is slow to anger and does not retain grudges as most of his human children continually display.

    God is a benevolent Supreme Being—eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient—gifted with phenomenal technical skills and either access to materials necessary for His creations or He possesses the ability to synthesize those materials from baser materials available to Him in a place, a dimension, or another universe, which I believe we humans have been calling heaven. But this place, of His dwelling, may be within the dimensionless singularity from which our universe was born.

    Long before the genesis of our universe, God may have synthesized dark matter, dark energy and its integral space-time, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and ribonucleic acid (RNA) from the base materials within the singularity and there experimented with them to confirm or reaffirm His understanding of their characteristics. He may have then started using them to initiate universe building, to sustain universes, to initiate life, and to compel the creation of intelligent life. Those earlier universes may not have been completely successful for one reason or another. But finally, He used dark matter and dark energy to create our universe, and He used DNA and RNA to create life here on Earth and perhaps on other suitable planets but eventually realized His penultimate goal of creating intelligent life here—the human beings of Earth. These four substances should be thought of as God’s tools.

    This book is being created, as the author’s previous book, God and the Western World, was created in concert with God. The author of both books has been blessed by God to bring understanding to Earth of the mysteries of creation and the mysteries of life with these assignments. These books were created, in addition to providing important information to all of Earth’s intelligent life, to push our scientific communities across the previously mentioned precipice—that belief in science and belief in God are incompatible—to enter a new realm of understanding that recognizes God as the greatest scientist ever. The only reason scientists have long believed that belief in science and belief in God are incompatible was their lack of understanding of God’s capabilities. They should now recognize, because of abject failure, that their science falls far short in understanding the phenomena known as dark matter and dark energy, which they discovered in the 1930s and 1940s; but those discoveries were discounted because the scientific techniques were inexact and the explanations were suspect. By 1980, however, dark matter was an accepted phenomenon because galaxies were found to be spinning far too fast, based on exacting measurements, to hold together without additional invisible mass. And dark energy became accepted in the 1990s in scientific circles because galaxies were found to be accelerating apart, again, based on exacting measurements. There is no surety as to the exact time awareness of these phenomena came upon the author, but it was when the science channel began to discuss dark matter and dark energy probably in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Both books, if given fair evaluation, are intended to dispel the scientific notions that the two phenomena, detected but absolutely unexplained for thirty to forty years, can be explained at all through our science alone. They can only be explained, and easily explained, while considering a combination of spirituality and science. Neither book, God and the Western World nor God and His Children, which provide quite simply those spiritual/scientific explanations, would have been possible without God’s continual help. God blessed the author with clues to keep him on track to discover the true workings of our universe.

    Always following advances in science, in the 1990s or 2000s, the author was surprised to learn galaxies were badly misbehaving, that is, not behaving according to Newton’s laws of motion. This was after decades of study by astronomers and astrophysicists using space based telescopes and incorporating adaptive optics into land based telescopes. With the improved resolution, they saw the galaxies were all spinning far too fast and were accelerating apart from one another. Scientists acknowledged there must be unseen matter, within the galaxies, they termed dark matter and an unseen force, between the galaxies, they termed dark energy. The two entities were called the dark phenomena, dark because science had no idea of what they were nor of what they were comprised. Both are neither comprised of electrons, protons, neutrons nor photons like everything else in our universe.

    Having matured into a very spiritual person, because the author recognized that God had been acting on his behalf throughout his life, the author immediately realized that our Milky Way must be exposed to the same dark phenomena and that the phenomena, themselves, must be spiritual. What do we know that is all around us but cannot be sensed? The author, with God’s help, started writing a connected pair of fictional books about the dark phenomena and was able to theorize as to the nature of the phenomena by applying logic to their possible operability. These theories were tested logically as the fictional books advanced. The dark phenomena were determined to be different forms of powerful omnidirectional gravity, not the weak scalar non-directional gravity we know on Earth and throughout our universe. How weak is our gravity? Take a small magnet and pick up a paperclip. The small magnetic force overcomes the entire gravity of the massive Earth to lift the paperclip away from it. Gravity, though, is much more than its tiny representation in the universe God displays to us. The origin of our universe was easily discerned by the author by incorporating God and His use of the two powerful dark phenomena. Our universe did not suddenly appear from nothing for no reason as the scientists believe. It appeared from the enormously forceful interaction of the two dark phenomena upon God’s command.

    The author tries not to follow an outline when writing, rather, he allows his stream of consciousness to guide his thematic directions. With the two fiction books, however, several streams emerged that were along greatly diverging paths. They seemed to focus on differing times and locations but they were pointing to God’s actions over time since His Bible was written. The author followed what he thought to be God’s will, put those almost completed fiction books down and wrote his nonfiction book, God and the Western World, regarding God’s actions over history to advance mankind and including an introduction to the dark phenomena, and now has written his complimentary nonfiction book, this book, God and His Children, regarding mankind’s technological advances versus God’s technologies and includes more details about the dark phenomena and an introduction to His life generating DNA and RNA.

    Chapter 1 opens this book with a brief discussion of God’s tools. The focus of the chapter, however, is on a targeted history of human technology and how we humans rose from ignorance to so recently, early in the past century, come to a partial understanding of the workings of our universe, microscopically and macroscopically. Also, the focus is on a more thorough understanding of how we learned how life came to be upon Earth as life has evolved toward us, highly intelligent life, and our current time in the twenty-first century.

    In chapter 2, the reader is presented with the author’s theoretical explanations for God’s tools—dark matter and dark energy—and with the functional characteristics of His other tools, God’s life-producing molecules, DNA and RNA, along with a briefing on some of their well-known complex operations and a discussion of how they came to be here on Earth. During the explanation of God’s tools creation of the universe, with a dark matter sphere constraining dark energy and space-time within the singularity, a method is shown for measuring the size of the dark matter sphere. Its diameter was determined to be a little larger than the diameter of the Milky Way.

    Chapter 3 is a discussion of the effects of climate change caused by overuse of fossil fuels and a listing of the major cities worldwide and which of those cities may become, or may not become, submerged during the following century, the twenty-second century, if no action is taken to stop the current melting of icecaps and glaciers. It also presents maps of the eastern and western United States with its new coastlines in the twenty-second century, with almost all major cities, except the mid-western cities submerged, if no action is taken. Critically, the danger to California’s central valley, where 50 percent of United States’ produce is farmed, is identified. There is a relatively small gap in the coastal mountain range at the northern end of the San Francisco Bay, which must be dammed or the populace of the entire United States will start suffering food shortages in the very near future as the salt water gradually but irreversibly seeps from the San Francisco Bay to the northeast through the gap in the coastal mountain range into the central valley. Additionally, there will be great loss of the United States’ high technology capability as the waters of the bay flow southward into Silicon Valley when the San Francisco Bay overflows its current shoreline.

    In chapter 4, works of God are examined that were not examined in God and the Western World. There is another look at evolution, but from a much earlier perspective than was accomplished for God and the Western World. Many of God’s actions are detailed with regard to mankind’s evolution which was decidedly not due to natural selection. I have come to believe that intelligence evolving elsewhere in the universe is impossible unless God performed similar acts there as He performed them here on Earth. As an example of God’s works, God gradually remodeled the large triple jawbone and single boned middle ear of reptiles into the single boned jawbone and tiny triple boned middle ear of mammals over a 65 million year period. This was so mammals, and especially mankind, could hear in the sound frequencies of God’s speech. Intelligent life cannot rise unassisted by the highest intelligence of all—our universe’s Supreme Being. Also included is an interesting discussion of worldwide religions and some very interesting evidence for final occurrences in Africa before the majority population of modern man leaves to populate Earth.

    Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of the book in three sections: (1) a chronology of God’s works from a period before creation of the universe to the time of Jesus Christ; (2) a chronology of God’s activities from the time of Jesus Christ through His experiment with the United States, which summarizes what was detailed in the first book, God and the Western World; and (3) a listing of potential remedies for the overuse of fossil fuels resulting in climate change, melting of icecaps and glaciers, and subsequent submergence of coastlines worldwide, placing our major cities and infrastructures as much as 200 feet underwater. These infrastructures include roads, railways, sea/land transport facilities, airports, communications, and electrical power. These remedies involve learning how to communicate with the dark phenomena and how to pray for God’s help if we are incapable of successfully communicating.

    This book is a continuation of God and the Western World, the author’s first published book. Publishing it was so urgent because of its information about the climate catastrophe nearing Earth that it was still being completed while being edited for publication. Within this second book are historical elements of the first book, which are summarized such that readers who have not read God and the Western World can follow the complexities of God’s works for humanity as put forth therein. Also within this second book is information that could not be completed in time for publication of God and the Western World, such as the worldwide impact of climate change and specific information about its impact on the contiguous United States. There is additional information that was not planned for the first book, but God blessed the author with this new information specifically for this book, such as how to determine the size of the original dark matter sphere that constrained dark energy within the singularity until the Big Bang commenced and our universe emerged.

    The author has been in a conundrum with respect to the audience for whom the two books were designed. The primary desire was to make their substance easily understandable for the average person, but there was another concern. The books have to have sufficient technical detail to answer the questions about the author’s theories that scientists may have. Our scientists must reach an understanding and realize that they hold the key to humanity’s future. If they do not realize that we are at a precipice involving our relationship with God, there is little others of us can do to convince God to help us get beyond it. No one reading this book or God and the Western World should feel he or she should spend an inordinate period of time reading and rereading passages that they feel are confusing. The confusing passages are included for scientists. It is all right to skip what is confusing to any reader, but the book is educational too. One or two rereads of passages may bring the material to light for you. If you stick with it, you will be rewarded with an in-depth understanding of what our magnificent God accomplished for us from before the Big Bang to the present. You will understand just how much God must love all of His children—the intelligent beings of Earth.

    It should be noted that, for this book, the author wrote extensively about his experiences as he grew from a young man with God guiding his lifelong pathway toward gaining the capabilities needed to write both books. Evaluating the book, however, during an initial rewrite, the author judged that the book had become too personal, too centered on the author. A third of the book was severed from it to place its focus more on God. But then, as I engaged with my publisher in the editing process, I attended a pre-Christmas sermon given by Pastor Kapena Cavuto who is Director of Community Groups and Discipleship at King’s Harbor Church. He is also the church’s biblical scholar and seemed to be directing his sermon toward me that Sunday morning. He discussed a method that God used throughout His interactions with His desert tribe and with individuals therein. He gave many biblical examples of the forms of the trials and tribulations through which God tested His intended worshipers. The trials and tribulations always had similar forms. Pastor Cavuto discussed Abraham having a barren wife until he was seemingly too old to give himself an heir although God had promised him that his offspring would be a multitude. Then God did what only God can do, He gave the old man an heir, Isaak. After Isaak’s grandson, Joseph, was sold into slavery by his brothers, he suffered for years in an Egyptian prison before gaining pharaoh’s favor and coming into power over Egypt and then allowed his father and brothers to escape a major famine in their lands to come to Egypt which had been saved from the famine by Joseph’s industriousness. After Joseph and his brothers died, their offspring became enslaved for four hundred years by the Egyptians before God freed them and allowed their offspring to conquer the Canaanite lands he had promised Abraham for them. I saw the same pattern in my life. God tests His intended with hardship before rewarding them with success. My worldly suffering, which was so obvious to me as I led parallel lives; one worldly, the other professional but neither spiritual; before God allowed me to write His books. They have been my successes, both books are my penultimate achievements. The personal information was excised from this book but I will not reinsert it. I will, however, write a biographical follow up to these two books that I have written for God, if I am capable, so my readers can see God’s pattern in my life. If I am incapable, because of my age, I will give my earlier writings to another author to complete the biography.

    It should be noted that herein the biblical passages that include quotes from God or Jesus Christ, those quotes are in red font.


    Firstly, I must acknowledge: my son, George Leonard Hayes, for his continued guidance and prayers, for the inspiration of his recently published book of contemporary religious poetry titled Psalms and Hymns, and for his soon-to-be published book about his trials and tribulations during his tumultuous relationship with God; my daughter, Jasmine Hayes-Adams, for sharing her wonderful ideas, for blessing me with her great biblical knowledge, and for her prayers; and my son-in-law, Jamaal Adams, for his efforts to be sure I had the best care possible when I had heart trouble.

    Importantly, I must again acknowledge my cardiac surgeon, Dr. Abbas Ardehali, head of heart/lung transplant, and my cardiologist, Dr. Donald Chang, supervisor of the cardiology fellow program at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center at UCLA, who performed open-heart surgery and provided cardiac care, which made it possible for me to have the opportunity and give me the time needed to write both books.

    Lastly, I must acknowledge my mother, Ola S. Hayes. She was a tremendously religious woman. I don’t believe for a moment that I would have had the relationship I have with God without the prayers of my mother for me. God is acknowledged with every breath I take, with every word I write, with every step I walk, and all that I have attempted to do to honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God Almighty.


    God and Earth’s Technology

    In my role as God’s servant, God Almighty enters into my thoughts whenever He deems it necessary. I don’t mean I am thinking about God. I mean God enters my mind to direct my thoughts. He did it regularly to generate some sort of literary or technological activity from me with respect to His book, God and the Western World, and He continues in the same way with respect to this new book. I call the previous book, God’s book, because He expended great efforts over thirty to forty years to prepare me to write it, and He then let me know what to do when its time arrived (which is concurrent with our scientists becoming aware of God’s tools—dark matter and dark energy—although they do not acknowledge that they are God’s tools). I initially had difficulty separating my own thoughts from His directives. God does not shout, whisper, or otherwise distinguish Himself as He becomes conversant. He enters my thoughts as though He is me. One thing is distinguishable, however, when He gives a directive, He is terse. That is how I usually know it is He who is engaging me. There is normally neither dialogue nor exposition as I would have with myself, trying to consider whether an idea or a concept is worthy of expenditure of research time, either technological or historical. It may be a single word, short phrase, or a memory fragment which comes to my mind unannounced. I do not immediately know why it suddenly enters into my consciousness. Seconds later, though, I may realize God is asking me to consider some new avenue of thought.

    Joan of Arc comes to mind now, as an example of God trying to turn my thoughts in a direction, then; when the first book was being written; which He wanted me to explore. I truly thought it was me and not Him when I argued with myself against it. I actually dropped any examination of Saint Joan from my tentative plans since I thought I was not coming up with counter arguments, and I knew a lot about Saint Joan, who fought on the side of France against England during the Hundred Years War (1337–1453) but did not see how her unique story could advance God’s book. I was a little slow that day, I suppose, since I did not realize that it was God who was attempting to get my attention. However, in the process of writing the chapter titled, God and the Renaissance, which was Saint Joan’s period, I was examining the evil that crept into Christianity through two murderous popes: Francesco della Rovere, Pope Sixtus IV (pope 1473–1481) and Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI (pope 1492– 1503), when I determined that Rodrigo Borgia followed an uncle to the papacy, Alphonso Borgia, Pope Calixtus III (pope 1455–1458). I examined this earlier pope too. He seemed very innocent compared to his nephew, but I found that he was responsible for retrying Joan of Arc posthumously due to Joan’s mother’s petition, and exonerating her from the finding of guilt for witchcraft by the Bishop of Beauvais, Pierre Cauchon, an English sympathizer from Burgundy, which was an ally of the English during these wars between the rest of the French and the English. The bishop was censured posthumously by the pope for allowing political considerations to enter into the clerical trial decision.

    I felt ashamed. It was God who put Joan in my mind because here she was again, precisely where God had earlier directed me. I had the temerity to unknowingly argue with God. I apologized profusely, and He led me further along with grace and without hitting me with the smallest spark of lightning. Into my mind, He then thrust an important research direction: who came to Joan in her visions? She testified during her trial that it was Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret of Antioch, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria who came to her in her visions. Both saints died early on during the Diocletian Persecutions (303–311). I had missed the true horror of those persecutions during the initial writing of my chapter on God and Constantine while writing God and the Western World. Our God was directing me to take another look, but He was not directing me to look directly at Saint Joan but rather to look into her visions.

    My historical resources only informed me that the Diocletian Persecutions were directed at the Christian hierarchy, but I had researched Diocletian, the emperor of Rome, and not the Diocletian Persecutions. After looking into the deaths of all female saints of early Christendom, I found that the vast majority died in the early years of the Diocletian Persecutions. That was not happenstance. My new research uncovered that while the church leaders were also targeted, these persecutions were primarily directed at Christian girls and women in their child-bearing years who were murdered by the thousands under the order of the senior Roman emperor, Diocletian, because the population of Christians was starting to dominate the Roman Empire.

    Also, during my writing the chapter about Constantine, the exponential growth of Christianity from AD 100–300 was the subject of a sermon by Pastor Paul Kim of Pacific Crossroads Church of Los Angeles, California. I have no doubt God had Pastor Kim deliver that sermon in Santa Monica that Sunday, as I was writing the chapter on Constantine and when I was attending services with my daughter’s family, to provide me the reason for the Diocletian Persecutions. The persecutions, the only truly official Roman persecutions of Christians, continued with great fierceness until God unleashed horrifically painful, long-lasting, terminal bowel illnesses upon the senior Roman emperor, Diocletian, and another of the four co-emperors, Galerius, Diocletian’s son-in-law, who was credited by Christians of the period with burning Diocletian’s horse stables and blaming Christians for the arson, thus convincing his father-in-law, Diocletian, to formally start the persecutions throughout the empire. Galerius was an acolyte and true lover of the old religion and his wife, Diocletian’s daughter, Valeria who was married to Galerius just before Diocletian made him co-emperor, was erroneously identified as a priestess of the old religion in God and the Western World but was actually a lover of Christianity and was eventually canonized as a Christian saint with her possible mother, Saint Alexandra of Rome. Diocletian executed Alexandra for blatantly adopting Christianity as she voiced aloud her hatred of Saint George’s torture in the arena. But Valeria outlived Diocletian and Galerius but was eventually discovered in Thessalonica now under execution order by Licinius and executed with another wife of Diocletian, Prisca who was a Christian sympathizer. It is possible that Diocletian’s daughter, Valeria, was the daughter of Prisca, not Alexandra, but she was to marry Maximinus at one time but refused and was jailed in Syria and then executed by Licinius after his defeat of Maximinus. Constantine eventually prevailed in the civil war over his three co-emperors, Maxentius, who was Constantine’s wife Fausta’s brother, Maximinus and Licinius. Maxentius was drowned opposing Constantine during the Battle at Milvian Bridge, Maximinus was executed by Licinius and Licinius was executed by Constantine after he had been defeated but was allowed to live until he tried to have Constantine assassinated.

    Constantine’s father, Constantius, was one of the four co-emperors under Diocletian’s senior emperorship, but his wife or concubine, Helena, Constantine’s mother, was Christian. She was also eventually sainted due to her work in the Holy Land founding churches and recovering relics, like the nails and the cross that were used to crucify Jesus Christ, while very advanced in age. Constantius ignored Diocletian’s persecution orders in his quarter of the Roman Empire, which included Hispania, Gaul, and Britannia.

    God’s actions on behalf of the innocent Christian women were more than evident after a couple years into the persecution. Diocletian and Galerius contracted bowel illnesses but quickly suspected their illnesses were supernatural and dialed back the ferocity of the persecutions after a truly intense period (303–305) of Roman authorities closely watching the masses across the empire to uncover surreptitious Christian women, who were not sacrificing regularly to the old gods, and questioning them then executing them, likely horrifically after torture to reveal more Christians. Although God had recently performed miraculously to sequentially take the lives of three successive Roman emperors—a father and two sons, Carus, Numerius, and Carinus—to bring the crown to Diocletian so that Constantine’s father, to whom Diocletian had become beholden, would become a co-emperor of Rome. God kept the two co-emperors, Diocletian and Galerius, bedridden until Constantine was on a clear path to becoming the sole emperor of the Roman Empire and outlawing persecutions of Christians when God ended their suffering by taking their lives only after they officially ended the Diocletian Persecutions in 311. The civil wars that their deaths precipitated were won by Constantine, with assistance from God and the ascended Jesus Christ. Constantine had become a co-emperor upon the death of his father.

    God had to lead me back there from Saint Joan’s time because my sources considered Diocletian to be a good emperor because of his other activities for the empire. They did not mention his murderous policies toward young Christian women as young as twelve years old. Had I not looked back at all of the early Christian saints from Joan’s time, I would not have seen the horrors forced upon twenty saints who died from 303 to 305, all resolute in their devotion to Jesus Christ, who all died dreadfully during the Diocletian Persecutions. But I then realized they were the tip of the iceberg and many thousands of hidden victims had also suffered similar fates.

    As I discussed in God and the Western World, there was the time I was starting a new chapter, the first beyond the biblical chapters, and was toying with ideas trying to determine how to proceed into the historical unknown which was to be the core of the book. Perhaps it was a slight writer’s block. I suddenly felt I needed to leave my computer chair.

    I went to my bed and looked out of the window that I could not view from the chair, and I saw a smiling face in the clouds. I wondered if this was God’s image; and after a while, after allowing me time to take the image in, the cloud, apparently adorned with God’s face, started to fall apart by first opening its mouth. I rushed back to my computer and started writing nonstop what I believed God had transferred into my mind from His open mouth. This was the conclusion of the episode as depicted in the first book. In actuality, there was more, but due to the rush to publish, I had not yet discerned what God was doing with the images and why He had presented them to me. Initially, I misinterpreted what happened next and did not reinterpret it until I was writing this book. When I later took a quick break from writing, I went back to my bed to once again look out at the partially cloudy skies. The image I saw earlier immediately outside my window had been a frontal view of a smiling face looking at me, with African features of wide nose and thick lips. This second time, however, I saw a distant face sticking out of a cloud in profile view. It appeared that God’s cloud had changed, or this one was a new cloud of God’s. The image had Caucasian features now, with the aquiline nose like an eagle’s beak and the thin lips of a European, but the cloud of God’s image was no longer smiling. He appeared to be glaring down angrily with brow furrowed, and the furrows seemed a little red. I initially thought perhaps God was displaying anger at some Caucasian who had incurred His wrath. I felt very fortunate that God was pleased with me and my writing of the first four chapters. He smiled at me. Can you imagine my joy? God Almighty smiled down upon me. Viewing the other cloud, though, I initially thought God was displeased with another person and that was the reason I did not discuss it in God’s book; but after further thought, I now believe the second image, for which He drew me back to my bed to witness, however, was not really focused upon a single person who lived a few blocks from me. It was another message in the form of an image that God sent to me. God showed me, through His second image, that He is the God of all races, of both genders, of conservative and liberal, of infant and aged, of all humans. He showed me through both images that He was happy with me but that He was perhaps angry with others, or at least one other; but for what transgression, I could not discern, not at that time anyway.

    God is not happy with all of us here on Earth. Some of us may truly anger Him. I thought He may have been showing me His anger toward those of us wielding the power, the Caucasians in charge of the Western world.

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