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Either on purpose or by mistake. The evidence is there and has been for thousands of years. The overwhelming evidence cannot be denied and it is time we humans put the puzzle together. This 1st part will discuss what secret governments know and have been hiding.Black budgets, clandestine operations around the world and how we advanced rapidly over the last 50 years with the help of beings not from earth.

PublisherGiovani Greco
Release dateJan 21, 2023

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    Gods - Giovani Greco


    A compelling investigation into the known and unknown

    Stories, for the truth about

    God of the Bible and Gods of ancient history.

    What are world governments hiding?

    Written by  John  Greco


    This book is dedicated to those who have inspired me to search for the truth and broaden my mind with knowledge. 

    To my family, who shower me with love and respect.

    To my dearest friends Edwin and Kathy Terrana, who show me and my family unselfish happiness by sharing and caring.

    To Albert Einstein, who challenged the human mind and made mankind think beyond earthly bounds.

    To Nikola Tesla, father of inventions, A/C current, radio waves and the genius that he was.

    To Carl Sagan, who saw the Universe in a different light and was right when he said, Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

    To the Discovery and History channel for the decades that they have provided information and learning documentaries, which broaden the human mind.

    To the millions of people who question their existence and purpose on earth.

    Special Thanks to:

    Janet Sitchin for written permission to use copyright information from her departed husband Zechariah Sitchin, a lifelong pioneer, author, scholar and lecturer devoted to understanding Bible stories and ancient Sumerian text, providing researchers a glimpse into the ancient history of civilization from thousands of clay tablets found in Iraq and preserved for all to see.

    And to Mike Matuza for his professional advice and cover design.


    This book is sectioned into 2 parts. The first is about alleged government involvement and the possible answers as to why mankind was not informed of our past and what secrets it held. Understanding what history has preserved in stone and stories we were not told, will forever change the way you think about who you really are. 30 years of research on religion, science, architectural, archeological and astrological facts and finds. Either on purpose or by mistake. The evidence is there and has been for thousands of years. The overwhelming evidence cannot be denied and it is time we humans put the puzzle together. This 1st part will discuss what secret governments know and have been hiding.Black budgets, clandestine operations around the world and how we advanced rapidly over the last 50 years with the help of beings not from earth.

    In an effort to understand part 2, you have to learn what is happening now and has been for the last 50+ years. The best way to follow my personal point of view is to know what information has been found and documented. Keep an open mind and decide for yourself based on this information.

    After many years of analysis and conversations with fellow clergymen, I’ve come to a better understanding concerning the God of the Bible and the Gods of mankind’s ancient history. It answered many of my questions. To know the true God, one must first know ancient history. The stories abound and the archeological evidence still stands today.

    Please understand that it is not my intention to change your religion or convert to something new. Just the opposite, I encourage you to follow, believe, worship and share your religious beliefs, no matter what they may be. My purpose is to open your eyes to the possibilities that have accumulated over the years based on the overwhelming evidence and scientific studies of the human body, and the overwhelming evidence of structures and technology human man was incapable of building or engineering alone. The archeological findings made throughout the world today and in the future give credence to the fact that a higher technology had to be involved with our ancient ancestors. . The Bible[1] is fact in many ways, but there is more to know. Question everything, including this journal. The truth is out there and most of it is staring us in the face. We just can’t seem to tie it together. We as humans, who worship a god we cannot see, need to look in the right places and connect the various pieces of this amazing puzzle together.

    Answers are everywhere. The information will make you question the basic teachings from all religions and why stories were not included either on purpose or by mistake. My attempt to dissect and compare the story of human history of Gods from the past[2] and God in the Bible has not been an easy task. It has taken years of research and the relationship between various religions of the world and understanding ancient stories, combining the past with the present, for a clearer understanding of who God was in ancient times and who God of the Bible is. The evolution of human history is an intricate part of who we are, knowing where we were, will assist us to where we are going. Examining the stories of the Bible and ancient texts found around the world led me to observe the similarities in both. Dissecting them further pointed to various interpretations used to describe something for the first time and how describing something new changed over time based on knowledge and vocabulary. Our elders of time where not capable of calling a flying object what we would call it today. They called it a chariot, metal bird, winged disc or something similar, based on their understanding of what they saw. What would we call something from the future? Would future humans understand what we were trying to explain?  Throughout the earth, there are depictions of items that look like advanced technology, yet science dismisses it or overlooks it on purpose.

    There are many things science cannot explain such as, what was manna in the Bible? How did they build megalithic structures around the world? I do not know of any other attempt to try and combine the stories of the Bible and the Gods of ancient together. However, this is my personal analysis and interpretation of information that seems eerily familiar and why they may be the same story told in different ways.

    With that said, a little about me.

    As a young boy, I did what I was told and believed what I was told was true. My parents were Italian Catholics. I, my brothers and sister went to church on Sunday, did not eat meat on Friday and had pasta every Sunday.  Growing up in Brooklyn, N.Y., I was expected to become an altar boy in the Catholic Church and go to a Catholic school. Lucky for me, they were right around the corner. In those days the mass was done in Latin, so I had to learn this old language. I collected the money in the money basket and cleaned up the church after mass was done. Every Saturday I would go to confession, recite my sins and do penance. A few Hail Mary’s, some Our Fathers and I was done. God and the priest forgave me of any and all my sins. Great, I could do whatever I wanted and as long as I went to confession, I could do it again. After all, the priests were empowered by God himself, so they could forgive sins and other rituals in the name of God and the Catholic Church, right?

    I had more time than most for a one- on-one with Father Berrita and other priests. As an inquisitive kid, I asked many questions about the Bible and the statues in the church. By the time I was twelve, I was already asking questions regarding God himself.

    The older I got, the more confused I got about God, saints, statues in the church and all religious teachings. I think I asked every possible question to the priests and always got diffrent answers. I did not know it then, but as I got older, some things just made no sense to me and became more confusing. At the age of fifteen, I started reading books from the local library. The more I learned, the more questions I had about religion. You will find in the chapters below my questions were many and the answers were few. It seems the more I read, the more complicated it got. Why was the Bible so hard to read and understand? It was confusing and it seemed stories were missing as they abruptly ended and went on to something else.

    My first questions were: Who is God? Where is he? What is God?

    All the priest could tell me is what was in the Bible, which was not written by God but others many years later and they did not know God personally.

    So many questions went unanswered and I had only more questions as the years went on. I asked priests, clergy, nuns, rabbis, ministers and anyone who would listen or was able to give me some answer I could understand and believe. By the time I was twenty, even more questions arose. Was God a person or a spirit? How could he see everyone at the same time? What was heaven like? Where is heaven? If we were made in his image, does he look human and breathe air? Those were just a few of the questions no one could answer.

    I wanted to know the truth and it was not coming from the Bible. I decided to go on my own to see how other religions worshiped and how their stories were told. It was not until the internet came to be and I was in my late twenties that I was able to research more about the many questions I had about God and the Bible. The internet was relatively new at the time and information was very limited. In my mid-thirties, I became a minister of the Universal Church, which is a church of no special denomination. We preach of God in many religious forms. You could call it a Universal Church of a Universal God. I have had many one–on-one conversations with world religion representatives and studied the relationship between archeology and architectural findings around the world. The more I started to see the intricate and complex designs, the more I realized there is more to this than meets the eye. Early man could not have made these fascinating structures without knowing complex mathematics and architectural design. History tells us primitive men were simple hunter gatherers and made simple tools. However, this cannot be true.

    They built temples of worship that exceed modern construction today and were not as dumb as we are led to believe. They had to possess knowledge and understanding that must have been lost or forgotten over time. I began a personal quest to find the connection between our ancient ancestors and their stories of the Gods who lived among them and may have been involved with the construction of these megalithic structures built around the world. Every day more information appears and more findings are unearthing that seem to point to a past we are unable to comprehend because pieces of the puzzle of life are missing. My personal quest to solve the puzzle of life will perhaps go on forever. Our history of mankind may not be what we have read or been taught. Or it could have been a deliberate attempt to hide the truth about the origins of man, for some unknown reason.

    After 30 years of research and conversations, I came to an understanding that made more sense to me and answered many questions I had. Of course, this is only my opinion and to me, a more acceptable or plausible answer based on the information uncovered through the research by many others and myself.

    Come with me on a journey and uncover a miniscule piece of information not covered in national news and secretly hidden from the public for reasons unknown. Volumes of additional information that could fill a library room with stories and artifacts off limits to mankind. This manuscript touches merely a few of the many secrets society is hiding for their own benefit. They are small pieces of a multidimensional puzzle in unraveling the real origin of mankind and why it would change our history of who we are and where we came from and what we can accomplish.




    Mankind had not yet explored the heavens and had just finished fighting World War Two. Eisenhower was president and with the help of his commanders had secured the immigration of top German scientist in what is now known  as Operation Paperclip. During the time the scientist were settling, his military leaders found a craft not of this Earth. Known as the Roswell incident, they covered it up quickly with fake news. Bodies were recovered and two were still alive, hurt but alive. The craft and beings were taken to Groom Lake air force base, where they were hidden from public eyes. Eisenhower was informed of the incident and summoned his staff for a top level briefing.

    This information cannot get out at all cost he instructed his generals and staff. The public and mankind around the world would panic, let alone the complications of religion beliefs itself. There will be panic in the streets worldwide. Worried of the implication he ordered complete silence of the incident.

    Some years later some of the items found were given to Commander Philip Corso for further studies and the possibility of reverse engineering what was found. Locked away in a safe deep within the Pentagon the items were hidden. Philip gave some of the items to top companies to investigate what they may be used for. The items included glass wire, which was given to Bell Labs for study. Many years later fiber optics was developed. Some sort of retina film removed from the eyes of the dead aliens, which was sent to a research and development team for further study. Later resulting into night vision apparatus for the military. There were also small components on a colored board with tiny copper wires attached. The development of semi-conductors was developed soon after, leading to the computer generation and super advanced technology. Almost overnight, within 20 years America was advanced 10 fold from the past 100 years.  Before his death, Philip Corso wrote a book called The day after Roswell explaining his involvement with the research and development project for the military.

    Col. Corso however, says that the device in the famous transfer resistor test rig at Bell Labs was, in fact, back engineered from the original extraterrestrial integrated circuit array of transistor-like circuit pieces, found in one of the alien communication devices at the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico.

    We must consider that UFO crashes could have been mistaken or deliberate acts using our newest invention called magnetic radar, in order to infiltrate new technology to mankind. Recently, stories have surfaced about what the Army or Air Force supposedly did with the downed alien spacecraft. Nuclear powered engines, advanced communications and computers, all of which were a hundred years beyond post-World War II. Technology, were allegedly taken from the alien wreck and later were sent to The Bell System’s Bell Laboratories, then located in Murray Hill, New Jersey.

    Now that the government was aware of aliens outside of earth and the possibilities of advancing the military and industrial progress they stepped up the search for any life among the stars.

    "Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a high orbit around Earth. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato", using radio communication, and the newly designed computer binary language they were able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this newly found race from another planet.

    Plato Project

    According to MW Cooper , PLATO is the name of the project responsible for diplomatic relations with the aliens.

    It is related to project Sigma, which is the central project that is in charge of communications with the aliens. 

    Project Plato was created in 1953 when through Sigma contact was first made with alien spacecraft orbiting the planet.

    On Feb. 20, 1954, Project Plato secured a formal treaty (illegal under the US Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would provide the US government with technology. In return the US agreed to keep their presence on earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals. The aliens agreed to furnish MJ- 12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.

    According to Val. Valerian this treaty was renewed, again within the Plato framework, on 25 April 1964, at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. It is possible that this resulted in the exchange, from 1965 until 1978, of ambassadors, under the project Crystal Knight. 

    Sometime between 1952-1953 a race of human looking aliens known as the Nordics or the shiny ones contacted the U.S. Government. and warned against the aliens (the gray’s)that were about to orbit the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. Charles L. Suggs, (1909-1987) was a former Commander with the US Navy who attended the meeting at Edwards Air force base with Eisenhower.

    Navy Commander Charles Suggs accompanied Pres. Eisenhower along with others on Feb. 20th. 1953 they met and spoke with two white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and colorless lips. The spokesman stood a number of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any closer. A second Nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip.

    They insisted that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons which were recently used on Japan, as a major prerequisite. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They stated that we would use new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self-destruction and must stop killing each other, including the Earth by raping the Earth's natural resources. We humans were not spiritually ready and had to learn to live in harmony.

    "These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of any additional alien threat. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The offer was rejected.

    In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward  Earth. They believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could not be asteroids based on the movement and erratic behavior. They informed the government at once. An attempt was made to contact this new discovery and communication was made. This race was today known as the GRAY’S. They are varied in size and answer to a higher command. They are for all purposes, working droids dedicated to the study of biochemistry and human evolution over time. The grays made a deal with Eisenhower to provide technology for the study of humans here on Earth. The agreement was known as the Greada Treaty which still exist today as Ultra Top Secret.

    According to the agreement, the US Government would allow people to be abducted on the condition that they would not be harmed, that they would be returned safely and that they would not remember

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