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7th Sense
7th Sense
7th Sense
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7th Sense

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Maria Martinez has been a professional psychic for over forty-five years. During that time, she has come across ghosts, spirits, and a myriad of different specters as she has continually tried to assist clients with the betterment of their lives. Whether it’s telling clients the future of their love life or their business, she has been instrumental in the betterment of many lives. Maria has even been credited with saving and prolonging the lives of many of her clients over the years through several different means, including early detection of cancers long before any medical professional would have been sought out. Maria has worked with law enforcement to solve many crimes when they had no leads or the victim had sadly passed on. Maria has also been studied by the UCLA paranormal division and found to be one of the most gifted psychics of our time. Between speaking engagements and conducting paranormal investigations, Maria has been able to chronicle some of the most influential stories and has laid them within the pages of this book. After her greatest spirit investigation that lead to the publication of Finding Aimée, Maria had multiple requests to publish her own findings and now 7th Sense has actually arrived. Maria has opened her heart and history for those who want to know of her true gift. Readers are now able to gain insight to Maria’s trials of growing up with her psychic gifts. From knowing karma and her friends more intimately than they ever knew themselves, to understanding that she could not change the will of God and save her own brother from the predestiny that would take his life at a young age. Maria takes the reader on an adventure through the decades, giving them the knowledge of how to meditate and channel healing energy. Maria not only shares some of her favorite stories about clients, she shares how those reading this book can hone their psychic gifts to allow them to reach their greatest psychic potential. Through thank-you notes from clients, personal records, and public documentation, 7th Sense is a journey unlike any other and touches on virtually all aspects of the paranormal. From casting out demons and breaking curses, to healing the sick and tormented, 7th Sense prove that life does exists after death, and a master plan has been laid down for those that currently walk the earth.

Release dateNov 16, 2016
7th Sense

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    7th Sense - Maria Martinez

    Author’s Notes

    I first met Maria Martinez in October 2014. It was at this time I was formerly introduced to the spirit known as Aimée. While I actively tried to debunk Maria and her ability due to my skeptical mind, I failed miserably. Once I learned the truth about Maria, David, and Aimée, I was blessed with having the opportunity to tell Aimée’s story and that of the man she lovingly haunted, David. Because of my in-depth background with Aimée and David, I tend to overuse them as examples in the following pages. I found the story of Aimée to be like no other, and I was honored to have the chance to pen what our research team knew of her life and of her death. A brief summary of Aimée and her ties to David can be found below for those that will read 7th Sense without having read Finding Aimée.

    As I was writing Maria’s book, I had a wealth of personal information left over from David to include what he experienced as one of Maria’s clients, and the techniques that were used on him to unlock the mysteries of who Aimée was and why and how she kept David alive. That information was then integrated into many of Maria’s personal notes. This gave the duality and balance of seeing the work done from both the psychic and the client. David’s contributions were very small compared to other clients’ firsthand accounts. Some but not all of these accounts were decades old, while newer ones were taken years after Maria’s original notes were written. By integrating all these experiences, a mosaic of understanding became possible.

    As the author, my name never appeared in the book Finding Aimée nor did I feel it appropriate to allow it to appear in this book. In both cases, it wasn’t really my story, but the true story of real people and the amazing things that they did. While working on both books, it became extremely emotional very quickly. As I grew to know Maria, I gained an education about the beautiful people that had come into Maria’s life; sometimes these were testimonies of clients and often loved ones of the departed. Many clients came to Maria needing to know information that had gone to the grave along with the dead, and their story could only be told by those that had the gift of hearing them. The spirit Aimée was one of those that had passed long ago but was still very active in another one of Maria’s client’s life. My charge as the chronicler of her life is to tell Maria’s stories, thoughts, and the trials that she went through without commentary or modification to the best of my abilities. Although I do break my own rule on the chapter about animals and heaven, I find my personal testimony only verifies that once again Maria was right. The following pages are snippets and snapshots of the life of one of the most amazing and talented psychics of the twenty first century.

    While working on the 7th Sense book, it quickly became clear that Maria is a humble and sweet woman. She appeared to be somewhat reluctant to talk about herself, her modesty often got in the way. However, she did keep records and scrapbooks of letters and notes given to her by her clients over the years. It was through these letters and documents that her story started to emerge. Throughout the following pages are snippets of newspapers, thank-you notes, and heartfelt letters, they only act to verify the true story of the amazing person known as Maria Martinez.

    What Is the 7th Sense?

    The human body normally comes with six senses, although the scientific community often argues only five. Those five are the categorized and provable ones defined by those that have mastered the study of the human condition. They are sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch. Often a sixth sense is argued; this would be a sense other than that which can be defined, a feeling or knowing of some sort. This sixth sense could possibly be the ability to be empathic or know the future. The sixth sense even covers those that can see ghosts or can remember past lives. Many people claim to have some sort of sixth sense, and often children have a sixth sense that they lose over time as they grow out of it. However, the seventh is a heightened ability that combines all these unknown abilities into one higher level of understanding, an understanding beyond that of our own world or perception.

    The seventh sense bridges the gap between the living and the dead, the known and the unknown, between God and those that were created. This seventh sense is hard to define, but examples can be seen in certain individuals. Maria Martinez is one of those individuals. She has friends that visit often, though they had died many years ago. Maria fights with demons and helps people, all because God has granted her a gift that allows her to see some of the spiritual plan. Maria has solved crimes when the only witness she can talk to was that of the long dead victim.

    Through years of experience, firsthand accounts, and truly inspirational stories, journey through Maria’s past as she shares how her seventh sense has made a significant difference in many people’s lives. Both those living and those who are no longer able to embrace us in the physical. Maria Martinez will go down in history as one of the most powerful and capable psychics of her time. This is only a part of her story.

    Maria is an accomplished and successful author, psychic, master hypnotist, and mother. Maria has decades of experience and has worked with people from all aspects of life and in every phase of their lives. Maria has worked with clients from the very rich, to the very poor, from the famous to the completely unknown. While Maria works with all sorts of people from all different walks of life, she treats all of her clients the same. Neither money nor prestige influence her or how she uses her talents to improve people’s lives. She is equally understanding to all.

    To know Maria is to know kindness, love, and understanding. She takes her profession seriously, and she has made it her personal goal to make space and time in her life for everyone that she can. Often this is a difficult and daunting task for her as she is so widely sought after in her respective field.

    One of the many reasons people keep coming back to her and requesting more of her time and influence is because of honesty. Maria is honest even when honesty will hurt. But within that hurt often a true respect and admiration is gained for her. In many cases, her clients really do not want to hear the truth. It’s human nature to want the optimistic side without regard to the possibility of negative issues coming up. Maria doesn’t play any games when it comes to the truth, she calls it as she sees it. In the case of David and Aimée, it was Maria that verified to David that he was in fact responsible for the death of a young woman and her unborn child. This was not happy news, nor was it anything that David wanted to hear, but Maria wasn’t going to share with David a half truth, and for that, he will always love and respect her.

    Maria and her gifts allow her to do many things, including feeling what another person is feeling. While being empathic goes along with being a psychic, the fact of the matter is that those emotions and feelings carry a large weight and can be very taxing. Yet through it all, even with the trouble that she allows herself to feel, Maria intertwines those emotions in a way that will promote her ability to lead her clients to a more productive healthy life. Maria not only tells people what might happen in their lives. She also tries diligently to improve those lives by setting an example and a course to be taken.

    With her gift, Maria can use her senses in ways no other person ever could. She can literally see auras and spiritual awareness and into the very depths of one’s soul with ease. Maria can see her clients in whole and know how they are woven into the world around them as they go about following destiny and God’s plans. Maria can listen to their inner voice. She understands both the physical and emotional aspects of her client’s soul at its very core. She can reach into a place most often reserved for the Creator alone. Those that are skeptical of such things are safe from having to deal with a reality that is beyond their mental capacity. Dreamers, psychics, ghost hunters as well as priests that fight the devil in exorcisms every day are the ones that will discover the real truth long before a closed-minded individual can even grasp the concept. It is not that one needs to believe in every legend they hear or that they must accept things they just can’t, but only to open the mind to the possibility that perhaps there is something more than the human eye with its limited light spectrum can see. Perhaps sounds do exist outside of human hearing as well, or maybe the dog whistles used for training animals are really just another false magic wand with no scientific evidence to back it up. The same is true of unseen air and static electricity.

    Big in Japan

    One of the best things about being Maria’s biographer for this book is all the fun that I had writing it. This was not my first book, nor will it probably be my last. The project that brought Maria and I together was the book Finding Aimée. 7th Sense was the next project that Maria and I worked on together. During my time with Maria, another book by the name GateKeepers sat idly on a shelf along with its many publisher rejection letters. I was approached to rewrite GateKeepers to see if I could make it readable enough to be published. Initially, I had little hope for the book, but it did have my favorite spirit, Aimée within its pages. I took on the project; what I thought would take a few weeks to do some changes turned into months. I didn’t expect much from GateKeepers, but Maria said, It would be big in Japan. She later clarified and said the book would do well in the Orient. I took what she said to include other countries and cultures that make up the Pacific Rim area of the globe.

    Not knowing what all that exactly meant gave me an idea. The date of publication of a book, sales and market share are common knowledge. It would be easily verifiable information that would allow a person, any person to see if Maria was right about the story being big in Japan. All that needs to be done is watch to see what the book GateKeepers does? Will it be made into a movie there or perhaps a video game? Have a larger fan base? Perhaps more sales and translated copies? At the time of this writing, I don’t know what her prediction specifically means other than it will be good for my career as an author, and the book would be appreciated by the Oriental cultures.

    So here is the test. If anyone truly wants to put the time, effort, and research into finding out if Maria is the real deal, a way to verify it could be to watch the history of these two books. Nothing will happen overnight, but the two works should be released closely enough together that they can be researched and watched. Hopefully, GateKeepers will be big everywhere. This would not negate Maria’s statement and would make this author very happy. But if it turns out that GateKeepers seems to somehow become really big in Japan, within a sensible time frame after being released, then Maria would once again be right. The point of this experiment comes down to publication times. Many people reading this page right now may have purchased this book as soon as it went on the shelves. If so wait and see what happens with GateKeepers. Others may have purchased this book used and many years after publication. In that case, once again, research GateKeepers and see how it did in Japan.

    If GateKeepers is made into a movie or is big in Japan, the next simple question is how did Maria do it? How would she get all those people who don’t know her, who live on the opposite side of the globe, who speak a different language and have a totally different culture, all to go along with making GateKeepers big in Japan and presumably make a financial investment in the book? The follow-up question is can any explanation be given that isn’t more outlandish than the simple fact that Maria is just a very gifted psychic.

    Aimée the Exception to the Rule

    In our darkest days, hope does exist. For one of Maria’s clients by the name of David, that hope came in the form of an angelic earthbound spirit named Anthea De Guerre, but the world came to know her as Aimée. She would be with David until the day he died and joined her on the other side. The two were linked in ways that are still not fully understood. David’s story, as it relates to Maria, is that he was a client and an example of the fact that even the most remarkably average of people may be the one exception to the rule.

    When Maria first met Aimée through David, she knew right away that this earthbound spirit was something different than she had seen before. The story behind Aimée was something rare and pure. Aimée’s story is something that most psychics could spend a lifetime looking for in their field and never find. Aimée was the one earthbound spirit that was able to hold the angel of death at bay and have that claim confirmed by both the living and the dead. Aimée was able to change the God-given destiny of a living soul. Aimée saved David when he was supposed to die, her abilities had been witnessed by many, and they gave written testimony. Aimée and her David became the rare case where an earthbound spirit was able to change a living man’s destiny instead of that coming directly from God. Yet all that happened between Aimée and David had to come with God’s approval to some degree.

    Maria explains that some destinies are set while others can be changed. She also gives insight into karma. David seemed to be the one exception to the fixed destiny rule only because he was saved by an entity that was no longer among the living. Events where a spirit can influence certain outcomes for the living have happened many times in the past to many different people, but rarely, if ever, to the degree Aimée did it. Life is full of that one exception to the rule that allows us hope when all seems lost. Aimée proved that in Maria’s life and also in the lives of other psychics and hypnotherapists and even random friends that met her. She is the rarity that makes life unpredictable in many ways.

    Aimée changed David’s destiny so that he would do what she needed of him. David would be charged with caring for a very specific child. Yet he made a choice based on inaccurate information about family to have a vasectomy. In his case, destiny prevailed, and he would still end up caring for that child; it just did not happen the way most would think it would. While the book Finding Aimée covers the true story of David and the spirit that still loves him, it was not the end of Aimée. She did not just disappear never to be seen again. In fact, she was around all through the writing of this book as well, and not a meeting went by where I would meet with Maria and either she, or someone else close to the project had an Aimée update or sighting.

    Due to her very strong influence and ability, Aimée is often referred to in this book parasitically David is as well.

    The Visit

    A mother walks up the front driveway and steps precariously not knowing what to expect. She had always thought that psychics were a sham who could really have the power to know the unknown. It wasn’t by choice that the mother was seeing Maria, but more an act of desperation.

    After several visits to the local police and launching an in-depth search of their own, no one seemed to be able to find the woman’s runaway daughter. The last thing she ever thought she would hear from the police was a suggestion to consult a psychic that they work with often on such cases.

    She rang the doorbell and heard the dogs bark as the latch was undone. There before her stood a short-haired blonde with an inviting smile on her face. Maria didn’t want to ask too much, she never does, but instead runs through the normal pleasantries as she ushered the woman back to her office.

    Few people realize it when they are there, but Maria’s office is one of the most haunted places on the planet. It’s not dark or menacing; in fact, it is bright and beautiful, with decorations from all over the globe adorning it. Maria takes the bracelet the mother brought, the one that belonged to her daughter.

    As Maria goes into her meditation, the mother’s emotions are varied. She felt how could she have become so desperate to try anything even something that she didn’t believe in to find her daughter? Why couldn’t the police locate the girl? What can be expected from a psychic anyway?

    While the questions abound in the mothers mind, the truth remained the same. In the back of the mother’s mind, she hoped and prayed that she was wrong about psychics and everything else if it meant getting her daughter back.

    When Maria opened her eyes, she started talking. Maria told the mother certain personality traits her daughter had then went on to give the physical description followed by some information of a personal nature that gave understanding to why the teen daughter had run away, and last, where the girl was. Soon, Maria went on to tell the mother where her daughter was headed and where they could find her. Maria also added information that would help the mother work through some of the issues that had forced her daughter to leave.

    The next day, the teen was right where Maria said she would be, the young girl is now back home. This and many cases like it are what define Maria. Maria uses her gift to help others, and she has been doing it for decades.

    Maria just doesn’t find lost children and puppies. She has literally saved the lives of many of her clients. She does this while keeping a cool head and a humble heart. Originally, she outright refused to allow her story to be told. It was with great tenacity that the author of the book Finding Aimée finally convinced her to allow her story to be told. The question was brought as to why he would want to write her story. The simple fact remained the same, she had saved him too. The best way to honor a person like Maria is to not allow the knowledge she has and the deeds she has done to fall into the abyss of history.

    It is with great pride and honor that we present the true life of one of the most gifted psychics of this century.

    God’s Mouth to Maria’s Ears

    In Maria’s profession, she has learned a lot from the many different aspects of her gift. While she respects the Bible and its teaching, and Maria has a sincere reverence for religion, the truth is that she seems to be able to converse with God in a more direct fashion than the rest of the normal population. Her knowledge about God and the universe is not just limited to what someone else has told her or solely based on teachings that are over two thousand years old. Often those teachings have been augmented to serve the needs of the church. The church itself often changed throughout times, especially as regional politics changed. Maria is uniquely suited to not only have information gained by holy books, but she goes to the man himself. After all, he gave her this gift. He wouldn’t do that just to abandon her. Instead, he guides and helps her. Through that gift, she feels he has granted her a little inside information and knowledge that she would like to pass along.

    First and foremost, she truly believes that her destiny is to be in her profession. She was sent here to help people. Her gift was endowed upon her to bring light into other’s lives. While she can predict market trends, which horse will win a race, and who a person will marry, information the rest of the population wishes they could foresee. However, it became apparent early on that she was not to use her gift to obtain personal wealth beyond that of a nice and modest living. However in that modest living, her kids all went to college and needed no student loans. Her gift provides well for her family, and that is all that she has ever really wanted.

    Maria’s calling is to work with people at the spiritual level. This goes from those that need closure to those seeking God but can’t fit into organized religion. They too often have a gift like Maria, a gift of some sort that sets them apart from the pack. With that gift, whatever it may be, comes a certain amount of animosity. Maria has taken on her duty as God has given it to her, and it has become her calling as well as her honor. Every day she wakes up looking forward to seeing her clients and what mysteries of the paranormal lay ahead.

    Maria truly does feel blessed in what she does and wishes others felt as blessed in their work. For many their work seems to not carry much weight in their lives, or perhaps they are not in the field that they want to be. Oftentimes, people’s work is not their calling; but in the end, God does have a plan. People who follow their destinies will find themselves where they need to be.

    A Little Off

    While working with psychics, mediums, and others that see ghosts clearly, it is said that they are a little off. This is true in many ways, but a moment should be taken to understand why. Those who have true gifts like Maria see the world very differently and with a complexity that most normal people have an inability to comprehend, let alone understand. For many with the gift those rare viewpoints are learned very young in life. Their gifts become an integral part of their day-to-day lives. As small children, they often have to face fears that many strong adults would not be able to handle or understand.

    In the singular case of David and Aimée, Maria met a young ghost that had died tragically and while pregnant. After it all came out, Aimée and Maria stayed friends, often communicating when David was never around. Aimée wasn’t the only spirit that continued to talk to Maria either. Maria had several friends that would try to reach out to her after they had died. These types of things can change a person. Imagine if death was in fact not the last chapter, and those reading this book could still say the final words they had always wanted to. The sad other side to that would be the constant reminder that a friend was dead. No matter how often they returned to show themselves.

    Death not being the last chapter was not only a gift for Maria, but an altering experience for her as well. Maria uses that gift to work with police departments all over. Rarely is working with law enforcement on a case a happy and uplifting occurrence. Due to time and distance complexities, this work is often over the phone and taken from pictures sent. Yet Maria is so gifted and capable the police keep coming back to her. Sadly, in many cases, life is not fair. In some of these cases, such as the one she worked on Halloween night of 2015. The police had called asking for any leads on a missing and presumed murdered female. The presumptions by the police were correct. The murder in Hawaii would be solved, but not proven in a court of law. Maria could tell the police who had killed the lovely girl and what clues, if any, could be found even when and where it happened. In a way, Maria lived through the ordeal in a more real than vicarious way. Something that she did

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