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Neon Prime
Neon Prime
Neon Prime
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Neon Prime

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Are you looking to be genuinely entertained? Pick up this book and get lost in another world. Up-and-coming author Shaquille D. Davis makes his debut with the action-packed Sci-Fi novella Neon Prime. Through his mesmerizing storytelling, you will embark on a journey filled with many twists and turns. You will be drawn into this fascinating tale which takes place deep in the Pegasus Galaxy on the dark planet of Neon Prime. Unchecked anger imposed upon the mass majority of its inhabitants threatens the well-being of billions. Follow the tribulations of a rebel faction that seeks to take down an evil, tyrannical leader that enforces his philosophies with his vast army of Cyber Soldiers. Will they overcome their current oppressive state, or will their world crumble under the corrupted and deceitful desires of an unhinged, militant narcissist? Only one side's objective can reign supreme. Whose will it be?

Release dateDec 28, 2022
Neon Prime

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    Neon Prime - Shaquille Davis

    Neon Prime

    Copyright © 2023 Shaquille Davis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. To request permissions, contact the publisher at:

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN: 978-1-7374898-4-9

    First paperback edition

    Edited by: Brian Tutko

    Cover Design: Holly Lavida

    Publishing Assistant: Marsell Morris -

    Published by: Blowboi Entertainment

    Distributed by: Ingram Spark

    Printed in the U.S.A

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    Never give up on your dreams

    Shaquille Davis


    To my mom for always being there for me when I needed her, and all those in the Sci-Fi community.



    A dark world in the Pegasus Galaxy too far from the sun to receive its light. The only light comes from the neon glow of the massive buildings. It has never been a peaceful planet, but it was run by respect for thousands of years. President Taywo ran Neon Prime the same way until the great betrayal happened. Taywo's General Kayroy, who had always hated organics felt that President Taywo was making Neon Prime weak.

    Kayroy chose to betray Taywo with the help of his army of Cyber Soldiers. He assassinated the president and his family before proclaiming himself president. No one dares to defy him for the fear of being killed by his army.

    In the last thirty years there has been a small fraction of resistance who fights back against the unjust leader leaving a sliver of hope.

    Chapter 1

    A guard sits in a chair in front of a monitor sipping piping hot coffee from a stainless-steel cup. He turns his head and notices the monitor glowing red. This causes him to promptly tap a button on the base of the microphone which sits on the desk, before speaking into it.

    An alarm has been tripped on the 94th Floor in the restricted area. Someone is attempting to hack into the system. Send the Cyber Soldiers immediately, the guard frantically yelled into the microphone.

    All the while a young porcelain complected woman wearing a black latex bodysuit was in the server room typing intensely upon a computer keyboard. Viper's long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, as she diligently worked to complete the task at hand. Knowing that she tripped the alarm during the initial hack of the system, Viper nervously stared at the computer monitor which displayed an icon which read 65%. It would only be a few minutes before the Cyber Soldiers breach the secured door to attempt to capture her and drag her to the tunnels. If caught, that's where President Kayroy will take her for interrogation as she's part of the Resistance, with the objective of getting her to disclose sensitive information that would lead to her comrade's capture.

    Once the icon on the monitor reached 75%, Viper retrieved a small explosive device from a crossbody bag. After setting the timer for 60 seconds she placed it on the pane of the window. Turning back to the computer screen that was now at 85% the thunderous sound of Cyber Soldiers feet pounding through the hallway could be heard. Viper pulled out her automatic laser pistol and pointed it at the door as the icon climbed to 90%. The reverberation of footsteps ceased, and she could sense that someone is outside the door. The door suddenly opens, and Viper rapidly fires her weapon forcing the enemy to close the door in retreat. The download icon reached 100% and Viper promptly snatched her flash drive from the USB port.

    With a thunderous boom, the Cyber Soldiers open the door with such force that the door thrust open and smacks the wall. They storm into the room and start to fire at Viper. She takes cover before returning fire.

    Come on, ten more seconds, said Viper. She pulls out her other laser pistol and continues to fire shots, destroying two Cyber Soldiers while forcing the others to scramble for cover. A thunderous boom fills the room as the window shatters from the small explosive device she had put on the pane. She runs and then flips backwards out of the opening while still firing shots before landing on her hoverboard and flying away.

    The surviving Cyber Soldier reports back to the guard and informs him not only did Viper get away, but she also hacked the system. This news sends him into a furious rage which causes him to destroy the remaining solider to relieve some of his anger. He knows the restricted information that just got stolen has to be reported to the president and because he's accountable, his fate could be the same as the Cyber Soldier he just destroyed.

    Chapter 2

    In a dark room outlined in a neon red glow. I got it, said Viper.

    Yes, finally we can use this information to gain control of the Cyber Soldiers, said the short muscular perfectly tanned man with short brush length hair known to the group as Rico.

    Yeah but you ain't said the most difficult task. The hard part will be getting into the president's palace to use this information to hack the main server. Doing so will allow us to gain control of the entire army of Cyber Soldiers. Ironically the servers are being guarded by a thousand Cyber Soldiers, said Rayyo.

    Ve, who is deaf, walks up to Viper and looks directly into her eyes while engaging in conversation through sign language.

    The only thing that matters to me is that you made it out safe.

    You know I would never do that to you, Viper signed back.

    I understand you're a boss, but I still get worried, said Ve. Viper signs back.

    I know babe.

    Where is Shay? Viper asked while turning to look at Rico.

    She's in the basement, Rico replied.

    "I'm starting to worry about her. She hasn't been right since the Cyber Soldiers

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