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The Technologist
The Technologist
The Technologist
Ebook154 pages2 hours

The Technologist

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About this ebook

A power hungry tech CEO, turned politician takes over the world using a combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Media ownership towards a nefarious end. A satire which evokes thought this could be closer to the truth.

This story is a satire which touches on elements of technology, philosophy, sociology and humanity incorporating a story within a story, attempting to find some hope in a bleak, futuristic apocalypse.

Release dateDec 28, 2011
The Technologist

Jim Przytulski

I'm just a writer of technology sci-fi. I have a passion for dystopian type stories.

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    Book preview

    The Technologist - Jim Przytulski

    The Technologist

    Published by James Przytulski at Smashwords

    Copyright 2022 James Przytulski

    Table of Contents

    Part One – The Open Letter

    Part Two – The Technologist

    Part Three – Vision of the World

    Chapter I – The Man Known as Voice

    Chapter II – The Mind of Vox

    Chapter III - The Childhood Story of Emmanuel From Vox’s Perspective

    Chapter IV – Prosperity of the Remaining Twelve

    Chapter V – The Summoning of the Twelve

    Chapter VI – The Story of Vox from Emmanuel’s Perspective

    Part One – Emmanuel's Childhood

    Part Two – Emmanuel the Hunted

    Part Three – Emmanuel and Voice

    Chapter VII - The Search of the Twelve

    Chapter VIII – How Twelve Becomes Eight

    Part One – The Story of Tres and Decem

    Part Two – The Story of Senio and Septem

    Chapter IX – How Eight Becomes Four

    Part One – How Unum Becomes the Dragon

    Part Two – The Three Dragons, the Woman, The Lamb and the Lion

    Part Three – The Four Blind Mice

    Chapter X – How Four Becomes Three and the Rage of the Dragon

    Chapter XI – Vox's Choice and Agnus’s Sacrifice

    Chapter XII - The Revealing of Emmanuel’s Plan

    Chapter XIII – The Full Explanation from Emmanuel

    Part One

    The Open Letter


    This is an open letter to the wealthiest people of America. Truly you have lived the American dream! Your wealth is incredible. You can run people over on 5th avenue in New York City and nobody would even care!

    Yet, you can do as you do even BETTER. I want to explain how you can better exploit the 99%. I have created a set of strategies you can employ as the wealthiest Americans for retaining your massive wealth. We want your children’s, children’s, children’s, children to live off your Golden Spoon.

    As with anything historically you must convince the 99% not to turn against you, the 1% of the 1%. To accomplish this task you have many tools at your disposal.

    Political Strategy

    Making things Hum Economically for you

    Economically you make things hum. You want things to continue to hum. (humming makes you money.) To do this you’ll need a few things.

    Perks with Strings

    You need the government to work for you, not against you. You know this of course. It’s why you are the 1% of the 1% and pay nothing in taxes. It’s also why many of your employees live paycheck to paycheck and you increasingly provide perks such as affordable housing for employees. If employees cannot afford to leave your place of employment, you’ll retain their services as long as you wish. This is what was done in plantations with African American slaves as well as in the Middle Ages to serfs. I see you are a student of history.

    Making the Government Pay You

    Another popular perk is simply having your employees accept government subsidies and continue to work for you. If you pay your workers so low a wage, they need to live on food stamps, you are making the 99%’s tax dollars work for you. I call that a win, win.

    Divide Political Strategy

    America has Republicans and Democrats but there’s only one you (the 1% of the 1%) If you can convince the 99% (peons) to argue against the other 99% they’ll do your battles for you.

    The Benefits of Sex

    I find this works best when you can find pointless topics and draw controversy surrounding them. Sex is a good topic. Many Americans consider sex the worst of all crimes. Just use it to your advantage. If a political member doesn’t support your business practice and wants it to be regulated, drum up dirt on them sexually. It’s all about dollars and cents. Oh no, a Senator got fellatio in his office (when he’s trying to tax your corporation further) Post that online and try to start a controversy!

    Religion as a Divider Warning

    Religion is the ultimate divider in America. Why else would we have a legitimate trillion-dollar business aggregately, exist untaxed? I’d encourage you not to try to change people’s minds on religion. Rather, work with their beliefs economically. Ancient Rome went down through trying to change people’s religions. Don’t be that 1%er of that 1%er.

    This means, if your 18-year-old girlfriend needs an abortion don’t let it get to the news. If that means spending a few dollars here or there to pay off the Netherlands doctor and employees at the abortion center, it’s fine. They are paid for their discretion.

    Do and Don’ts

    Now that we have covered a few political strategies, let’s cover a few more dos and don’ts

    Do gather support from the peons

    If someone is a peon, it’s better to be loved by them than hated. You should do your best to pay a team to market your brand properly.

    The Techie Brand

    Even though you’re probably approaching an elderly age, try to get in with the younger crowd. Divorce your wife and find a younger woman (preferably in her late 20s. Not an 18-year-old. You’re not a pervert remember). People will think you are still with it even though your penis probably no longer actually works. Keep up to date on new tech buzzwords and you should be golden. It doesn’t matter if you are unaware of the inner technical workings of your employees.

    Wise Investor Brand

    If your brand is an older, financially wise old man perhaps you stick with your elderly wife. (you can still bang 20 year olds on the side. Just have a good payoff policy) You’ll look like a 99ers nice, wise grandfather. Apart from this your company and PR team will do the work for you. Just have someone who curates your grandfather type brand make it look like you are writing it.

    Now you should have your PR humming!!

    What more should you do?

    The nitty gritty things of course. The last part is you doing what you do and taking all the credit for it. You hire people (probably also smarter than you assuming you are halfway intelligent) and these people create your branding, advertising and trademark with you as the figurehead of course.

    Let’s be real. You probably are out spending your millions and millions of dollars doing what the 99% wish they could. You aren’tactually doing work. Your PR team may have you do a few interviews and such. You were born for this! Remember all those buzzwords and old wise grandfather vibes and tell the people what they want to hear! Let your star shine!

    The Hardest Part

    Now that we have provided a rubric of what to follow, the next part is the hardest of all. This is where the real work comes in.

    People will eventually find out they are being screwed, by you. You can only NOT pay taxes as the 1% of the 1% so long until people get suspicious. When people’s average wage doesn’t increase for 20-30 years (actually decreases with inflation) while costs go up on everyone they’ll be upset. We don’t like upset people.

    This is where computers come in.

    The best part about technology is it gathers data (more on this later) Remember when we said make the government work for you, not against you? This is why you bribe and blackmail congressmen, politicians and hopefully even presidents.

    All those politicians you bribed may be called on for favors. If you notice someone in the 99% getting upset with the treatment by the 1%, whack them. (IE, punish them financially.) It’s easier to find someone riling up people (think riots) when they are collaborating digitally through public channels. People can peacefully assemble and address grievances of the government. (some bill of rights or something) You are the government. That doesn’t give them the right to make proper financial decisions. Even when the decision is in their best interest. You want to eliminate competition. You can fulfill this strategy in a number of ways. (A few tech companies can operate together as a monopoly.) If all companies in one industry increase their price from $5 to $10 everyone wins but the consumer. There can’t be a competitive market if every industry wins. Just make sure the people can still afford the scraps.

    This is where computers come in

    Let me reiterate this.

    This is where computers come in

    The most powerful companies in the future will have an ability to gather all data on anyone at any time. What is one device people carry with them everywhere? (thisisn’t a trick question)

    It’s the phone. Of course, you know this. You are wealthy. Your employees tell you this daily. What you want is to put people in a situation where they are forced to give you accurate information. This means, any and all apps which are created (which gather customer data) should be intricately tied to that user. The user should be economically forced to enter an increasingly digital world (which means more data is gathered on them) You want the 99% to increasingly give up their rights, privacy and freedoms for greater and greater digital access into their lives.

    People are psychologically susceptible to product manipulation. You know this. This is why you can have a name brand cereal and a store brand cereal made in the same exact factory priced differently. (name brand is higher) This is why two different brands of shoes made in the same factory by the same exact worker can be priced differently. People pay more for image and branding. People will pay more for the illusion that something is greater.

    Mobile Phones and Psychology

    What you have with phones is the ultimate way to gather, test, refine and experiment on social habits of groups of people in human history.

    The world is your oyster. This is where all your political games, strategies and branding come together. You want to have the illusion you are a wise, self-made businessman. In reality you are part of a bigger social design. Your goal is to exploit the unwashed masses of society, the 99% to exploit them better.

    What you want is a global society of the poor with you as the mega wealthy. You will use social engineering to keep people in line as you proceed with your day in luxury and access. Every whim and desire of yours is fulfilled.

    Strategies to keep the poor in line

    You want people to feel luxurious. You want these people to feel like they can be you if they only work hard enough. To do this you’ll offer incentives. Make an impossibly rigged game that nobody can actually win. This will make you seem generous. Offer a large chunk of your fortune. Use this for public relations. (IE, a major basketball tournament with an impossible to have bracket will earn a billion dollars) Have a ton of people join for the impossible chance of winning, gather personal data on all of the entrees, then sell the

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