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Destined To The Highlander: McGregor, #2
Destined To The Highlander: McGregor, #2
Destined To The Highlander: McGregor, #2
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Destined To The Highlander: McGregor, #2

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Alistair McGregor had been through a terrible situation recently and all he wanted in his life now was peace, but when he receives an ultimatum from the King saying that he should marry Rose McLean as soon as possible, he realizes that his wish is far from being fulfilled. . Rumor has it that his future bride is an ugly and crazy woman, earning the nickname "McLean Witch" forcing her father to lock her high in a tower to keep her away from everything and everyone. He even tries to escape this situation in every way, however what he didn't realize was that everything that was said about Rose was a lie and as soon as he laid eyes on her he saw the most beautiful of angels that inhabited the Earth, Alistair breaks his promise and he ends up making the mistake of falling in love with his wife. But many secrets have yet to be revealed and as he seeks the motivation behind Rose's father's decision, old enemies return and threaten everything he's conquered, Alistair will have to give up his principles to protect the woman he loves so much.

Release dateFeb 9, 2024
Destined To The Highlander: McGregor, #2

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    Book preview

    Destined To The Highlander - Joice Mascena

    Chapter One

    Alistair McGregor

    What the hell, he thinks that just because he's the king people should do what he wants?! Exclaimed an exasperated Archie.

    Actually, this is the king's job, Archie, Alistair said, laughing nervously, to give orders.

    Archie just gave him his usual grumpy stare.

    This is pure and simple revenge, the king never sympathized with our father, let alone with me, I'm sure that if I wasn't married to Victoria this letter would've been addressed to me.

    Alistair unrolled the parchment in his hand and read again, still in disbelief, the letter he had received from the King of Scotland that morning.

    Alistair McGregor

    I, Henry V, King of Scotland, order Alistair Evan McGregor, younger son of Evan and Evelyn McGregor, to marry the only child and heir of Lord McLean.  In a ceremony that must take place on the next full moon.

    Everything seemed like any given day at the manor, the men were fighting in the courtyard with Archie and Duncan, the women were carrying bundles of clothes, others were cooking, and Alistair was on his way to teach the children math lessons when the king's messenger arrived. How surprised was he when the letter was delivered to him and not Archie.

    Why so much hatred from your king toward the McGregors? Edwin asked.

    Our father was engaged to Henry's youngest sister when he met our mother, replied Alistair. You know how much the Scottish royal family hates the English, and when my father left the Princess of Scotland for a simple English lady, well let's just say they weren't very happy.

    When I joined the English army, Archie continued, things got exponentially worse, Henry accused me of treason, said I would never set foot in Scotland again, our father had to convince a good part of the Lords council to intercede on my behalf.

    He must have been irate at Archie and Victoria's marriage Duncan said Must have considered it another McGregor affront to the Scottish crown and given recent events he realized Alistair was Archie's Achilles heel and decided to vent his wrath on him.

    Recent times in the McGregor clan had been very turbulent indeed, his brother had been accused of the Oliver Green murder, he had been kidnapped and held in prison in England, while Archie also held Victoria Green captive. Archie and Victoria ended up falling in love and after many twists of fate they ended up together and gave him two beautiful nephews who were the joy of the castle. In response to his thoughts, she was the one who walked through the door.

    Darling, a weaver merchant... Oh, am I interrupting something? She noticed that they were in a meeting.

    As always Archie's eyes lit up when he saw his wife, his sister-in-law was a wonderful person, the only woman who could put Archie in the palm of her hand, not only from Archie did she get what she wanted but from everyone else in that place. Alistair found more than a sister-in-law, he found a friend.

    A cloth merchant? Edwin asked with a smile on his lips Great, I'll buy some nice silk for my Diana so she will have something to wear to the wedding. And headed towards the door.

    Edwin and Diana had this wedding planned for a long time, but something always happened to postpone it, first it was all the trouble around Archie's false accusation, then her father had fallen ill a few months ago, she wanted the wedding to be perfect and so postponed it again. Now the ceremony would take place the next day and Diana swore that even if the sky fell on their heads the wedding would take place anyway.

    It's not necessary Edwin, Diana will wear her mother's wedding dress, she spends day and night fixing it up, said Victoria.

    Alistair felt something stir inside him, ever since he was a child it had been set in his head that one day he could be Lord of the clan if something happened to Archie or if he didn't produce heirs. Over time and with Archie's refusal to marry that possibility increased which took away a few nights of sleep from him, he wasn't sure he could handle leading a clan in his life, he had always been a man of books, parties and coziness, being Lord of a clan required many skills he didn't have.  But one thing was certain in his life.


    Diana's father and Alistair's father agreed, still in the couple's childhood, that they would get married.

    Alistair always thought he was in love with her, since they were children they lived together all the time since Archie and Duncan were always traveling, they were best friends, and sometimes he managed to give her a a few hidden kisses from her father, that was until Diana turned fourteen and went to live in England, with her mother's family, this time combined with his maturing and the girls saying he was very handsome, and so let's say he wasn't really a good example of a groom. Diana must have been informed of his behavior, as her stay, which was supposed to be one year, ended up extending to another five years, and very reluctantly she returned to Scotland.  When he saw her pass through the castle gates after all this time, it was as if he were seeing her for the first time, pale, slight Diana had grown into a beautiful, captivating woman, fine and polite like an English lady, but still with scottish features immediately Alistair's body reacted and he wanted to take her to the pantry where they kissed when they were younger, but one detail caught his attention, the intense exchange of glances between her and Edwin, the Irishman Archie had recently sheltered. Duncan and Edwin had gone to England to bring her back.

    Did something happen between the two of them on the trip?

    Just a few days after he got the answer, Diana had asked her father to break the engagement. However, he had not been angry with Edwin, he knew he was partly to blame for the relationship between him and Diana not working out and the love between the new couple was visible to anyone, but lately whenever he saw her as excited as she was, always came the doubt of what could have been if he had behaved like a proper gentleman.

    Not our wedding my lady, Edwin replied. But Alistair's wedding. He laughed and left.

    Victoria turned to Alistair with eyes the size of plates.

    Don't tell me you filled the womb of a lass Alistair, I swear I'll kill you.

    Alistair had to laugh.

    No, my dear sister-in-law, there are no more McGregors on the way right now, unless of course you're already waiting...

    Christ, Alistair shut the fuck up! Archie interrupted and put the scowl back on his face.

    Archie had a genuine fear of pregnancy, even though Victoria was able to deliver the twins without any problems, she didn't even want to think about any more children right now. Although he never verbalized it, Alistair was also terrified that one day his partner would meet the same fate as their mother.

    Could someone tell me what this wedding story is? asked Victoria.

    The king has ordered Alistair to marry the Mad Witch McLean, Duncan said, laughing. I must say that the standard of McGregor wives will be lowered considerably.

    Alistair looked warily at his brother after Duncan's statement, he had been in love with his sister-in-law in the past, which had caused his temporary expulsion from the clan, everything had already been resolved, they had made up and Duncan had moved back in with them. But Archie didn't express any reaction and just said:

    There will be no marriage Duncan, stop kidding, if Henry wants he can marry McLean himself. and turning to Alistair, Write a letter to the king with your refusal, in regards to the consequences, I'll deal with them myself.

    At that, the brother ran to Victoria and lifted her in his arms.

    Now let's see what is the most beautiful thing this merchant has so that I can buy a gift to the most beautiful woman in the world. And he ran with her towards the hall.

    The way these two are in love soon arrived more children. scoffed Alistair. I think Archie will need more land for so many people.

    An idea then crossed Alistair's mind and he hurried off to his room to write the letter to King Henry.


    Alistair had never seen his home look so beautiful.

    It was the first wedding that had been celebrated there in years since Archie and Victoria had married in England.

    There were so many flowers in the room that Alistair feared a bee attack at any moment, the lavish table was set with so many varieties that it would be impossible to taste them all that night and in the center of the main table reigned a huge fruit cake, with several layers overlapping, he had heard that Diana had sent for a pastry chef from England to make the delicacy that was apparently a tradition at weddings there.

    Where's Diana, Euffie? Alistair asked the grandmother who was hurrying by, she was carrying an adorable little red dress, it was probably for Evelyn.

    What do you want with her Alistair McGregor? She asked in a suspicious voice.

    Don't be silly, Euffie, I just need to talk to her about an unfinished business.

    She's in her room getting ready, replied the grandmother I'm keeping an eye on you. and left in the direction of Victoria's room.

    Euffie knew perfectly well that he wouldn't be able to try anything with Diana, but he suspected her grandmother liked to purposely draw his attention. He quickly climbed the stairs towards Diana's room, in his hands he carried a package he had long wanted to deliver to her.

    Alistair knocked on the door and she asked him to come in.

    When he entered he was faced with a beautiful vision, Diana was wearing a big blue dress that matched her perfectly, the skirt was puffy, but the bodice was tight, which showed a lot of her attributes, her blonde hair was tied in a bun arranged with small white flowers giving it an angelic look.

    You look beautiful, he said almost without thinking.

    Thank you, she was blushing. Do you think Edwin will like it? And she turned around so Alistair could see the full look.

    He would be crazy if he didn't like it. she blushed even more I wanted to give you this, Alistair handed over the package to try and disguise the embarrassment of the moment  I bought this for you years ago, when we were still engaged and you were in England.

    I don't know if it's right to accept...

    Please, Alistair said. I insist that you accept.

    She undid the bow and inside the box was a tiara worthy of a princess, multicolored stones formed flower patterns and a large dark blue tourmaline was in the center, the stone had the same shade as Diana's eyes and that was why he had bought it, in the box there was also a pair of earrings and a bracelet that matched the tiara.

    No way Alistair, I'm not taking this, she said pushing the box back to him. This is too much, and beyond that, I fear that Edwin might get upset, he would never be able to buy me something like this and I don’t want him to feel diminished.

    Diana this is yours, I don't want it at all and Edwin would only feel diminished if he were a fool, what are mere stones compared to the greatest jewel in Scotland? Diana blushed when she realized he was talking about her And this jewel only Edwin has.

    Diana still tried to reason with him, but it was no use, Alistair didn't want to keep that memory with

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