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Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective
Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective
Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective
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Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective

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Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective focuses on the dynamic nature of flood risks and follows a systemic approach - including environmental, socioeconomic and socio-technical factors for modeling and managing flood risk change. Readers will gain a more complete picture of the topic for understanding the complexity of flood risk change, both from human and natural causes of flooding. The book includes a mix of theory (introduction to complex system science from the flood risk management perspective) and case studies. It features maps and figures focusing on the system components as well as on the dynamic interactions between the drivers of change.

Researchers studying flood risk, environmental engineering, disaster risk reduction, and land use, as well as those in industry and responsible for policy, will find this an invaluable resource.

  • Comprehensive overview of key drivers of change, including both natural drivers and socioeconomic drivers
  • Presents different modeling frameworks and setups for considering complexity in flood risk analysis and management
  • Includes both theoretical research and practical applications as told through case studies
Release dateAug 30, 2022
Flood Risk Change: A Complexity Perspective

Andreas Paul Zischg

Andreas Paul Zischg is a geographer by training and has worked for many years in flood risk research and flood risk management. He was a consultant for public authorities responsible for water resources management, flood risk management, land use planning, and environmental protection and has built experience in adapting disciplinary government practices to the complex challenges of our times, e.g. by developing transdisciplinary and participative planning processes, adaptive management approaches, and by introducing participatory modelling framework in decision making processes. In these years, he acknowledged the urgent need for methods that enable us to consider, confront, and tackle the complexity inherent in solving current problems. Currently, he is a senior scientist at the University of Bern, Switzerland. His research focuses on the development of coupled component modelling frameworks for analysing and modelling complex processes and changes that are shaping flood risks in the Anthropocene.

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    Flood Risk Change - Andreas Paul Zischg

    Flood Risk Change

    A Complexity Perspective

    Andreas Paul Zischg

    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page




    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Key drivers of flood risk change

    Principles of flood risk analysis

    Environmental changes

    Environmental changes in the upstream catchment

    Environmental changes in the floodplain

    Climate changes

    Socioeconomic changes

    Coevolution of key drivers of change

    Chapter 3. Disentangling drivers of change

    Analysis and modeling framework

    Analyzing the effects of feedback and time lags on flood risk change

    Chapter 4. Rivers and floodplains as complex adaptive systems?

    Characteristics of complex systems

    Long-term evolution of floodplains seen from a complex systems perspective

    Complexity of flood risk change

    Trajectories and pathways of flood risk evolution

    Sensitivity to climatic changes—short-term future pathways

    Chapter 5. Modeling spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk change

    Examples of flood risk change analysis

    Modeling framework for considering complexity in the analysis of flood risk change

    Development of coupled component models

    Perspectives of coupled component models in hydrology

    Chapter 6. Confronting complexity in flood risk management

    A new perspective on flood risks

    Levers for controlling flood risk in the long term

    Implications for flood risk research and management




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    To my family, Heike, Jule, and Linus


    The book emerged from two different experiences, from practical experience in moderating participative planning processes in flood risk management and from the results of my research in flood risk. I worked for several years as a consultant for public administrations that are responsible for flood protection and water resources management. Planning and implementing flood protection measures require to involve persons from different sectors and disciplines. Flood protection measures need space to enlarge rivers. Therefore, land owners—in many cases the agricultural sector—are stakeholders in the planning process. Moreover, stakeholders from environmental protection, hydropower production, tourism, local recreation, monument preservation, city planning, landscape ecology, archeology, landscape esthetics, water resources management, and individual residents may be involved in the planning process. This results in a diversity of perspectives on the topic or on the project and in a variety of interests and expectations for the planning process. Balancing the interest conflicts or target conflicts in participatory planning processes and finding a common sense over the possible solutions with the group to solve the problems are one of the key challenges for experts in flood risk management. Discussions in such diverse groups shed light on the interdependencies between the different sectors and problems. Simple solutions that may solve one single isolated problem affect many other problems, positively or negatively, or may result in unintended consequences or new problems. Therefore, possible solutions for the flood risk management problem have to satisfy also the expectations of other planning targets. This makes such planning processes complex and very challenging. However, when adopting a complexity perspective on this topic, we can approach the problems with a positive attitude. Instead of being an obstacle for implementing fast-forward and simplistic solutions for a narrowly defined problem, diversity becomes the key for finding sustainable and robust solutions. I experienced many times that the inclusion of multiple stakeholders and their perspectives in the planning process led to holistic solutions. In many cases, the commonly elaborated solutions for flood risk management solved also other problems that are connected with the flood risk management problem. The foundations of complex systems research can provide the basis for a new thinking and thus provide help in tackling complex and wicked problems.

    With each flood protection project, we adapt our environment and landscape to our needs. Together with natural changes in the environment and climate, these human adaptations shape the relationships between humans and their environment. All three components of flood risk—hazard, exposure, and vulnerability—are changing. This makes that flood risk is changing dynamically in space and time. A successful and sustainable adaptation to future flood hazards is only possible if we consider the main drivers of changing risks. We must know where and how to intervene for keeping flood risks constant in time, or even reducing it, also under increasing hazards, increasing exposure, and increasing vulnerability. Again, the complexity perspective supports the analysis of the dynamic nature of flood risks. Complex systems science provides theoretical foundations for analyzing change, numerosity, feedbacks, nonlinear behavior, emergence, system behavior and system sensitivity, and deep uncertainty.

    The book addresses two types of readerships. Experts and engineers working in flood risk management may find some ideas of how to consider and tackle complexity in their projects. Scientists may find ideas and concepts for analyzing flood risk change. In Chapter 1, the topic of flood risk change is introduced. Chapter 2 summarizes and explains the key drivers of flood risk change. Chapter 3 highlights approaches to show how the complex interactions between the coevolving drivers of flood risk change can be disentangled and how the isolated effects of single drivers of change on overall flood risk evolution can be quantified. Chapter 4 discusses the question if rivers and their floodplains can be interpreted as complex adaptive systems. Chapter 5 describes examples of model experiments for analyzing the spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk change. The last chapter summarizes the conclusions of the model experiments by looking at the topic of flood risk change from the perspective of complex adaptive systems.

    The book cover tells the story of changing flood risk in a mountainous river catchment. A previous flood event triggered new flood protection measures, in this case the heightening of the lateral protective walls. Flood risk was lowered for a time, but the question is how long it will take that the following increase in exposure and vulnerability, as well as the increase in hazard intensity and probability due to climatic changes, will increase flood risk again to preadaptation levels. The cover shows also that there are limits to adaptation by a further heightening of the lateral protective walls in the future. The book is a first step into the analysis of the dynamic nature of flood risks. It follows a systemic approach—including environmental, socioeconomic, and sociotechnical factors—for modeling and managing flood risk change. Readers will get a more complete picture of the topic for understanding the complexity of flood risk change, both from human and natural causes of flooding.

    Chapter 1: Introduction


    Flood risk change: A complexity perspective. This title covers two main topics of this book. The first and main topic is flood risk change. The second topic of the book title opens a new perspective on flood risks. Instead of considering flood risk as static in time and space, the book aims at showing how flood risk can change.


    Anthropocene; Climate change; Complex adaptive systems; Complex systems; Complexity; Coupled human and natural systems; Deep uncertainty; Drivers of change; Environmental geography; Environmental management; Environmental monitoring; Environmental policy; Environmental risk assessment; Exposure; Flood risk; Flood risk change; Floodplain; Geography; Geomorphology; Hazard; Hydrology; Management; Model experiment; Natural hazard; Risk assessment; River system; Simulation; Terrestrial science; Vulnerability

    Flood risk change: A complexity perspective. This title covers two main topics of this book. The first and main topic is flood risk change. Floods are still one of the most damaging natural hazards, accounting for the majority of all economic losses from natural hazards worldwide (UNISDR: Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management, 2015). Risk resulting from floods is defined as a function of the probability of a flood event or scenario and its related extent of damage. However, as we are entering in the era of Great Acceleration (Steffen et al., 2015), socioeconomy and the human environment are changing rapidly. With these global changes, every single factor that contributes to flood risks is changing. This results in a highly dynamic change in flood risks.

    Looking at how flood risk is changing or evolving in space and time requires a paradigm change. Most of the problems we are currently dealing with result from solutions of problems of the past. Many decisions were taken in the past without foreseeing possible future development paths. The built environment created will last for a long life cycle, and it shapes the adaptation options of future generation. Flood risk managers are still planning structural flood protection measures under a very static perspective. When conducting a risk analysis, we become a snapshot in time and space. We do not know the trajectory and the change rate of the past flood risk evolution. Even less, we can foresee future developments of flood risk.

    For this, the second topic of the book title opens a new perspective on flood risks. Instead of considering flood risk as static in time and space, the book aims at showing how flood risk can change. The book intends to summarize the way toward a new understanding of flood risks. This comprehends to look at how the drivers of risk, the factors of risk, and the resulting risks are changing. The changes of the single risk factors—hazard, exposure, and vulnerability—are not independent from each other. Changes in flood hazards are influencing and triggering changes in hazard and vulnerability. Therefore, we can look at flood risk change with a systemic perspective. In analyzing the dynamic changes of flood risk, we can observe many features of complexity, namely the emergence of patterns, feedback mechanisms, numerosity and diversity, order and disorder, nested structures, modularity, multiple scales, hierarchies, nonlinearity, episodical changes, history and memory, path dependency, and adaptive behavior. These characteristics of complex systems can be observed in the evolution of coupled human and natural systems and must be considered in flood risk management. In this book, I therefore want to look at changing flood risks from the complexity perspective. The book is a primer for analyzing and modeling flood risk change. It paves a way toward the development of modeling frameworks that are able to consider selected aspects of complexity. This is absolutely needed to avoid unintended consequences of decisions in current flood risk management in the long-term perspective. The book should give an outlook on how new-generation modeling approaches can represent the complex behaviors of floodplains and coupled human and natural systems in a highly dynamic environment. These tools and methods should help flood risk management practice to tackle with increasingly wicked problems.

    Flood risks are now increasingly being analyzed from a dynamic rather than from a static perspective (Mazzorana et al., 2012; Merz et al., 2010). Several studies have addressed changes in natural risks over recent decades and centuries (Himmelsbach et al., 2015; Hufschmidt et al., 2005; Paprotny et al., 2018), and research on climate change and its impacts has focused on future changes in risks (Alfieri et al., 2016, 2017; Arnell & Gosling, 2016; Dottori et al., 2018; Hirabayashi et al., 2013). However, most studies focused solely on the future increase in flood hazard. Only few studies consider both the impacts of climatic changes to river flows and the future dynamics in the elements at risk (Bouwer et al., 2010; Jongman et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015; Löschner et al., 2017; Winsemius et al., 2016). Closer examinations of the spatiotemporal dynamics and the actual rate of change are rather rare. Knowledge about hazardous processes and their impacts, as well as about the trajectories of flood risk changes, is essential for the sustainable management of flood risks.

    Several intertwined natural and anthropogenic drivers influence the spatiotemporal evolution of flood risk. In this book, the following drivers of flood risk change that are related to environmental changes are considered:

    • Floods are either caused by direct rainfall on the floodplain (pluvial floods and surface water floods) or rainfall on river catchments resulting in catchment outflow. The latter causes floods in downstream floodplains (riverine floods and lake floods). Consequently, changes in flood processes, i.e., changes in frequency and magnitude of floods in a floodplain, are determined by changing precipitation.

    • In mountainous areas, flood hazards are influenced by sediment transport and deposition processes and debris flows. Debris flows are influenced by environmental changes, such as melting of glaciers and permafrost, or changes in weathering processes and mass movements.

    • River morphology changes over time, including natural and gradual changes in the river morphology, or disruptive changes by flood events. An important aspect of river morphology changes is anthropogenic interventions, which are relevant drivers of flood risk in a floodplain, for example, the construction of flood defenses such as levees and dams or river restoration projects. However, the construction of levees as flood protection measures in one floodplain can have adverse effects in the downstream floodplains and can result in flooding trade-offs between upstream and downstream floodplains.

    Beside changes in the natural environment, flood risk is also evolving due to changes in the exposed elements at risk and their vulnerability. From this aspect, the following drivers of change are considered here:

    • The increase in the elements at risk change due to socioeconomic development. The growth of settlements and thus the increase of residential buildings are related to population growth.

    • Infrastructure is increasing in parallel with population growth. This has wider impacts on the socioeconomic system. For example, in economically active areas, floodplains are increasingly occupied by production facilities, as these require relatively flat areas for their construction. With economic development, the elements at risk and the infrastructure in floodplains are increasing both in terms of quantity and monetary value.

    • Increasing values at risk compete with opposing drivers of flood risk reduction measures implemented by individuals and the public. Hence, changes in exposure and vulnerability are influenced by governmental interventions and regulations and by the actions of individuals.

    The built environment in floodplains, whether the settlement area or the river channel, is subject to changes and coevolutionary dynamics in both society and nature (Di Baldassarre et al., 2013, 2015; Fuchs et al., 2017). As Vitousek et al. (1997) postulated, the human impact on nature is now considerably larger than at any point in history. This is true for the floodplains, as humans are shaping landscapes with the built environment. These impacts of society on nature influences pathways of flood risk change. The spatiotemporal development of these drivers of change in flood risk leads to difficulties in predicting future flood risk. Consequently, recent studies have extended the framework of risk analysis toward a spatiotemporal framework as drivers for flood risk changes are varying in space and time (Ahmad & Simonovic, 2013; Zischg et al., 2018). This book goes one step further and shows examples of model experiments that analyze flood risk change, the drivers of flood risk change, or features of complexity. We look at flood risk from a dynamic perspective. The reader will become hands-on examples of how we can analyze past changes in flood risk, of how we can monitor changing risks, and of how we can model flood risk changes by considering complex interactions between the drivers of change.

    Chapter 2 summarizes and explains the key drivers of flood risk change. The chapter begins with definitions of flood risks and explains how flood risk can be calculated from the risk factors hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. It describes how systems can be delimited and represented in risk analyses. The focus is laid on river systems and floodplains. In these areas, flood hazards meet the anthropogenic elements at risk and their vulnerability. River systems and floodplains evolve in time. The chapter describes the main factors that shape the long-term evolution of floodplains and of flood risk. It provides an overview of all factors that are relevant for the increase or decrease of flood risks, ranging from environmental change, climatic change, and socioeconomic change. After describing the isolated effects of the single drivers of change, Chapter 2 ends with a description of coevolution of risk factors. Moreover, an insight into spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk change is given by explaining where changes in the system components occur and where these become relevant for flood risk change. Herein, upstream–downstream and a river basin–river reach relationship as well as legacy effects in time and space are explained.

    Chapter 3 highlights theoretical and methodological approaches to show how the complex interactions between the coevolving drivers of flood risk change can be disentangled and how the isolated effects of single drivers of change on overall flood risk evolution can be quantified. A special focus is laid on the potential of model experiments for analyzing flood risk change. Thus, principles of frameworks for analyzing and modeling flood risk change are explained. The chapter introduces several examples of model experiments that aim at disentangling the effects of selected drivers of change to overall flood risk evolution. A special example shows how flood risks changed within the past 300 years after the early geoengineering project of the Kander River deviation in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. This case study shows how a cascade of unintended consequences for the society can be caused by a human intervention in the natural river system. Moreover, this case study also points out how difficult a long-term perspective is to keep on flood risk management. The technological advancement of the industrial revolution totally changed the framework of society's values that underline decision-making in flood risk management. The presented case studies can be used to compare the effects of environmental changes and the effects of human interventions on flood risk evolution. It becomes clear that future flood risk evolution can radically be shaped by human adaptation and intervention. One example clearly shows that the implementation of flood prevention measures remarkably drives flood risk reduction. The model experiment bases mainly on counterfactual simulations, i.e., comparing the present-day situation with alternative pathways of natural and societal development. Some of the case studies exemplify how negative feedback effects will contribute to flood risk reduction although climatic changes might increase the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation events. Herein, sediment supply or sediment deficit determines flood risk change in mountain areas. In the last part, Chapter 3 shows analyses on the effects of land use planning and time lags in the land use regulation on emerging patterns of risk hot spots in the long term. Moreover, it presents examples of the effects of the declining societal memory of past flood events on flood exposure and vulnerability.

    Chapter 4 argues if the long-term evolution of rivers and their floodplains can be interpreted as complex adaptive systems. To this end, the main features and characteristics of complex systems are summarized. This chapter sheds light on the nature of the coupled human and natural systems of floodplains and identifies which characteristics of complex systems can be observed on floodplains. The reader will get an answer to the question if flood risk in floodplains is a complicated issue or if floodplains can be considered as a complex system or as a complex adaptive system; or, if rivers and floodplains are nowadays to be considered as sociotechnical systems rather than natural systems. These answers help the reader to understand the emergent phenomena in the long-term development of floodplains. Examples of past flood events will be discussed, and they will be shown how these events influenced policy, technology, and risk awareness. Vice versa, examples will show how past technological innovations shaped rivers and floodplains. The chapter ends with an outlook on possible future trajectories and pathways of flood risk evolution and with a discussion of the sensitivity of floodplains to climatic changes.

    Chapter 5 describes examples of model experiments and analyses of spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk change. It explains five interactive web tools that have been developed by the Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research of the University of Bern in Switzerland. The first tool supports citizen science that aims at collecting geolocalized images and photographs of flood events. This growing database can be visualized and queried in a web-based map application. It contributes to keeping the societal flood memory alive. The second tool describes an interactive web-mapping application that estimates the nation-wide exposure of buildings, residents, work places, and critical infrastructure to floods. It contributes to the understanding of the difference between a hazard-centered and an exposure-centered visualization of flood risks. The third tool goes one step further and provides an interactive model experiment to test the sensitivity of flood damages to urban densification, the implementation of property-level flood protection measures, and structural flood protection measures in the river channel. This tool aims to show how one desired effect of urban planning, namely to prioritize the internal densification of cities by developing unused or abandoned spaces against urban sprawl, potentially can result in an unintended increase of flood risks. It furthermore shows how existing flood risks can be reduced by implementing flood prevention measures by different stakeholders. Fourth, a model experiment is described and implemented in an interactive web-based application that allows to assess the trajectory of flood risk change in a floodplain in the past two centuries. The user can test counterfactual scenarios of urban development and of alternative flood risk management strategies. Moreover, the user can test the effects of different drivers of change to the overall flood risk evolution. This tool contributes to the understanding of the dynamic nature of flood risks in space and time. The fifth tool shows storylines of extreme rainfall events and their impacts. The user of this interactive web application can navigate through the spatiotemporal evolvement of a flood event with a time slider and zoom in and out at different scales. This tool visualizes direct and indirect effects of flood events at an hourly timescale. It helps to understand the complex patterns of rainfall events over a complex mountain topography, how the impacts of the event on society are evolving in space and time, namely from upstream to downstream, and how the spatial footprint of the flood impacts follows the rainfall pattern with a time lag. Chapter 5 is also describing a model experiment that shows how the philosophical school that is behind decision-making in flood risk management can lead to the emergence of patterns in flood risk hot spots. It shows how the consideration or nonconsiderations of social justice aspects in priority setting can potentially guide the distribution of public funds for investments in flood protection toward remote and economically disadvantaged or toward economically advantaged regions. Finally, the last example describes the operationalization of an information system for monitoring flood risk change. Chapter 5 summarizes the principles of model coupling for analyzing and modeling flood risk change. It discusses the advantages or limitations of coupled component models. These models have a potential for considering features of complex systems such as feedbacks, adaptive behavior, structural change, regime change, and nonlinear behavior. The chapter closes with a summary of the lessons learnt during the development of several coupled component models and the implementation of the model experiments that were described in the previous chapters. It closes with a perspective on the use of coupled component models in hydrology and in the simulation of coupled human and natural systems.

    The last chapter summarizes the conclusions of the model experiments and analyses described in this book by looking at the topic from the perspective of complex adaptive systems. It discusses recommendations of how to consider and implement some thoughts of complex systems science into flood risk management practice and in the development of next-generation simulation models. This aims at enabling modeler's and decision-makers to analyze the big trends or future pathways of flood risk evolution by considering human behavior in simulations or at least by coupling models for simulating human behavior with models for simulating natural processes. This chapter shows how flood risk management can be enhanced with the perspective of complex systems science. It will show how urgently we need to consider the complex interactions between the drivers of change and complexity in flood risk analyses and decision-making in flood risk management. Finally, the chapter outlines a complexity perspective for governing flood risk change in the 21st century.

    With all this, the book scraps the surface of a new perspective and a new set of methods to tackle the complex problems of the Anthropocene and to confront deep uncertainties.


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    Chapter 2: Key drivers of flood risk change


    This chapter summarizes all effects of the key drivers that are influencing flood risk change in the long-term. It provides an overview on all factors that are relevant for the increase or decrease of flood risks, ranging from factors regarding environmental change, climatic change, and socioeconomic change. Knowing the isolated effects of the single drivers of change is the basis for approaching the comprehension of the complex interdependence between these drivers of change and their coevolution. A special focus is given to the spatiotemporal dynamics of flood risk change, by explaining where change in the system components occurs and where these become relevant for flood risk change. Herein, upstream–downstream and a river basin–river reach relationship as well as legacy effects in time and space will be explained. After the description of the effects of individual drivers of change on flood risk evolution, this chapter summarizes the coevolution of the drivers of flood risk change.


    Atmospheric science; Civil engineering; Drivers of change; Earth sciences; Earth-surface processes; Environmental geography; Exposure; Flood risk; Geography; Geomatics; Hazard; Management; River morphology; Transport

    The term flood risk is here defined according the general concept of disaster risk of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC (IPCC, 2012). Disaster risk is defined as the likelihood over a specified time period of severe alterations in the normal functioning of a community or a society due to hazardous physical events interacting with vulnerable social conditions, leading to widespread adverse human, material, economic, or environmental effects that require immediate emergency response to satisfy critical human needs and that may require external support for recovery. Thus, risk requires a potential hazard (H) and the presence of people; livelihoods; environmental services and resources; infrastructure; or economic, social, or cultural assets in places that could be adversely affected. This is defined as exposure (E). Moreover, exposed people, communities, and infrastructure must be vulnerable to the hazard. Vulnerability (V) is the propensity or predisposition of exposed people or infrastructure to be adversely affected (IPCC, 2012). Risk is composed of these three main components. Thus, risk is a function of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability (UNISDR, 2015) and is often expressed in Eq. (2.1)


    These three main components of risk are not independent. Exposure is connected with the magnitude and probability of the hazardous event. The higher the magnitude of the hazard, the higher is the number of exposed population or infrastructure. However, this interaction is nonlinear and depends on many factors, which will be discussed below. The vulnerability of exposed assets also depends on the frequency and magnitude of the hazard as well as on the characteristics of the exposed objects, and thus there is an interaction between these components of risk. The main reason of this interdependency is mostly due to the effects of social learning. Buildings and infrastructure built near rivers with frequent floods have often a reduced vulnerability because they have been adapted to the hazard after previous events (Elmer et al., 2010; Kienzler et al., 2015). The consideration of three main components in defining risk opens the possibility to consider human interventions for risk reduction. These interventions can range from the installation of concrete hydraulic engineering structures to measures for avoiding urbanization in hazardous areas by land use planning or building flood-proof infrastructure with reduced vulnerability. The first type of interventions targets at reducing the hazard H, either in terms of reducing frequency or magnitude of flood events. The second type of intervention targets at reducing exposure E, and the third type of interventions aims at reducing vulnerability V.

    The calculation of risk with or without risk management measures leads to the assessment and quantification of the efficacy of these measures in terms of risk reduction. The comparison of the benefits with the costs of the risk reduction measures allows to analyze the efficiency of risk reduction measures. However, this requires the monetization of risks, i.e., quantifying the risk and the reduced risk after the implementation of risk reduction measures in monetary units. In natural sciences and engineering, risk is quantified as a measure of uncertainty based on the concept of probability. Thus, risk is the probability of a loss within a certain time period. As the loss depends on the magnitude and frequency of the hazard triggering the loss, the probability of occurrence of a hazard event or scenario with a certain magnitude is taken as the probability of the loss. Thus, event risk or scenario risk can be written as shown in Eq. (2.2) (Oberndorfer et al., 2020).


    Where R i,j is the risk dependent on object i and scenario j, p j is the probability of defined scenario j, p i,j is the probability of exposure of object i to scenario j, A i is the value of object i affected by scenario j, and v i,j is the vulnerability of object i in dependence on scenario j. The probability of scenario j is the probability of occurrence, mostly simplified by the number of how often the event of this magnitude potentially occurs within a specified time period. This is also termed as the return period of an event. If a hazard event of a certain magnitude is expected to occur once in 100years, it is called a 1-in-100years event or a 100year event. If the value of object i is expressed in monetary

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