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The Creativity Bible: The book to learn the code to creative thinking & inspiration unlocked, be in the creative flow for adults & children in business, writing & art
The Creativity Bible: The book to learn the code to creative thinking & inspiration unlocked, be in the creative flow for adults & children in business, writing & art
The Creativity Bible: The book to learn the code to creative thinking & inspiration unlocked, be in the creative flow for adults & children in business, writing & art
Ebook51 pages38 minutes

The Creativity Bible: The book to learn the code to creative thinking & inspiration unlocked, be in the creative flow for adults & children in business, writing & art

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"Are you ready to boost your creativity to the stratosphere?"

Do you want to learn how to find inspiration and be more creative? Or, do you want to improve your creativity muscles? If so, then check out this new book, The Creativity Bible! This book has everything you need to learn how to summon your creativity, and improve it. This book explains the science behind how creativity happens, and gives you the tools and techniques you can do to improve it, and thus achieve your goals in life and career.
This book will teach you everything you need to know about creativity and the many ways to unleash your inner genius. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to start unleash your creativity by reading the The Creativity Bible.

In this book you'll learn about:

Creativity defined

Binaural beats

Flash of inspiration

How does imagination work?



Putting your creative ideas on paper

Where to get creative inspiration?

Be a wide reader

Think about the past

Ask creative questions

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Writing prompts

Think outside the box

The connection between happiness and creative thinking

Further tips to boost creativity

The six-hats technique

Become original

The snowball effect

The Psychology of Inspiration

Inspired action

The source of creativity is inspiration

And much, much, more!

Get your copy today!

Related terms:
creativity mihaly csikszentmihalyi creativity a short and cheerful guide creativity by david gauntlett creativity card deck creativity csikszentmihalyi creativity in the classroom schools of curious delight creativity matthew fox creativity osho creativity where the divine and the human meet creativity the psychology of discovery and invention creativity by matthew fox creativity rising creativity john cleese creativity flow and the psychology of discovery and invention creativity and mental illness creativity and problem solving creativity and spirituality creativity art creativity best sellers creativity books for kids creativity business creativity christian creativity for teens creativity from constraints creativity inspiration creativity journal for adults creativity mind game creativity picture books creativity time creativity training practice creativity begins with you creativity and taoism chung-yuan creativity hegarty creativity john steptoe creativity rv store robin barrett creativity it is mind game creativity book creativity for adults creativity unlocked creativity and gratitude creativity journal for kids creativity leap creativity textbook creativity workbook creativity and taoism creativity code creativity exercises creativity planner creativity journal creativity challenge creativity in education creativity takes courage creativity project creativity 101 creativity in business creativity through nature creativity today creativity at work creativity rules creativity creativity to find calm creativity inc creativity inc by ed catmull creativity and native american pottery creativity ince creativity notebook creativity oracle creativity rv store robin barrett book creativity shop notebook creativity sketch book for creativity sucks creativity tackle box creativity through nature ann blockley

PublisherZ Media
Release dateAug 26, 2022
The Creativity Bible: The book to learn the code to creative thinking & inspiration unlocked, be in the creative flow for adults & children in business, writing & art

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    Book preview

    The Creativity Bible - Joan Grace Amira


    Have you ever gotten stuck on something and not known what to do? Maybe you are having trouble finding fresh inspirations for a project. In either case, more creativity and inspiration are what you need to escape this predicament. 

    Creative thinking and imagination techniques can help people develop more solutions and ideas for tasks they face daily. There is a misconception that certain people are more imaginative than others. And the good news is that everyone can be creative and inspired. It is necessary that we correctly use our imagination for maximum effect. 

    Each of us has likely tried our hand at a particular field and gotten really good at it, or have become experts in that field? It is possible to stimulate the imagination and have an overflow of great ideas when we have studied a specific area intensively and spent a lot of time on it. The techniques presented in this book, can bring about creativity if one has the expertise and is willing to develop that expertise further. You still need to know all the parts to be fully creative in a field.

    Creative thinking is critical to development. Open-mindedness leads to better results. It allows you to see something from different points of view. Ideas must be shared immediately because compelling concepts may require significant alterations and updates. Someone who wants to get rich without making an effort or doing anything other than sleeping and letting others do the work won’t go very far.  These slackers probably have lived off their parents' money since they were kids.

    Do you think getting rich is easy because you watch the news and read about business gurus? To prosper, you must strive and do something to make it happen. Get up every morning and work hard! Research, study, and invest the time and effort necessary to get what you want.

    Once you have figured out what you are made of, you can start thinking about other possibilities. Usually, we think our original assumptions are correct because others have told us so. But in some cases, the people who see something different from you are much more imaginative or even possibly better educated than you are. Questioning your assumptions can lead to entirely new possibilities and remedies.

    A fresh look can offer unexpected solutions to problems. If you play the What if... game, you may see things differently than you have in the past. Try talking to people who have a different perspective. Play the What if ... game.

    Do not limit your skills to doing the same things you are used to. Be open-minded and look at new ideas and approaches. Deviate from the standard now and then and be adventurous.

    Creativity defined

    How do you envision creativity when you think of it? Is it a lone artist painting in a studio, or do you think of a group brainstorming session involving everyone? It doesn't matter how you look at creativity, it is essential in our lives - it allows us to be innovative and creative. 

    Using creativity to inspire and empower people is a robust process. It allows us to connect with our deepest emotions and

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