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Diary of the End of the World
Diary of the End of the World
Diary of the End of the World
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Diary of the End of the World

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The story recounted in the Diary of the End of the World takes place over a three and a half year period of time on an apocalyptic Earth. The diarist gives us a peek into his thoughts and experiences as he wanders across the devastation. He encounters another searcher and together they set out on a quest that propels them across the globe, seeking out people that are being called out to safety from the depradations of an oppressive world government.

Release dateSep 6, 2022
Diary of the End of the World

Ralph Osgood

I am a poet, an historian, a novelist, and a writer for stage and screen, but foremost a responder to Jesus (Romans 5:8). I was employed for over forty years in the entertainment industry, the last thirty of which I have crunched numbers successively for three of the top ten theater circuits in the US. Back then my forte was numbers, added up in columns and balanced. Now I am hard at work exploring the richness of existence in a passion for words. Words that add up into poems, works of fiction and non, and works to be performed. I am currently writing my third novel, looking out from my window onto the great Pacific Northwest, where I live with my wife Karen. I am self-publishing my first work in June 2022, and from then on, plan to put something out every three months. Join me as I follow the Word.

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    Diary of the End of the World - Ralph Osgood




    A young tree yields before the wind, but often we won’t yield to anything, much less the Holy Spirit. It’s a matter of pride, don’t you know.

    That is probably why I stood planted on the street corner, watching the throngs ebbing and flowing.

    Unable to say a word of warning or greeting, shuffling from one leg to the other, keeping the blood pumping against the cold. Connecting the dots between that which was brought to remembrance in my mind’s eye to that in my field of view.

    Is this the day? Is this the time?

    Not yet.

    I’ve not heard the call. Nor the sound of the trumpet.

    Only the echo to remain ready and to watch the skies.


    Was it today? Yesterday? Or a long time ago?

    It is fresh in my mind, like something important, memorable. An experience seared, and ever present, hence making the WHEN impossible to nail down.

    How long can this go on? The compass has no true north any longer, only swinging and vacillating between three points as it counts backward like a clock run amuck.

    Has it any worth at all? Certainly it no longer functions in accord with its design. Unlike a clock it had no alarm to begin with. But is its strange behavior now indicative of the approaching danger?

    I must find the bridge. But where is it?

    What good is a landmark, if you’ve never seen it before?


    The day’s finds lay in a pile before me. Only now do I have the time to sift through them. I will consume that which is for sustenance. One cannot save it over to another day. I’ve tried, but it never works.

    Hungry, I cull edibles first. Besides it makes the pile smaller and more satisfying to go through.

    Then, I sort. Very carefully. One by one. If it is what I’m looking for, I’ll know it. Most of them won’t be. I gathered them on the run after all.

    I see nothing linking them to the bridge I am looking for. Tomorrow I will change direction and try another tack.

    I should ask someone, and get beyond my shyness.


    I remember now why I don’t stop anyone to ask the way. Or one reason. An important one. It takes too bloody long to explain. The question is easy enough, boil it down to where? They come back with the question why? I never can explain it in one go, but have to go through it all again. Even then there can be misunderstanding or a misreading on my part when they answer. Case in point, in this particular instance, she answered me in complete sentences. I had gotten across what I wanted, but then I had to deal with the thing or things that she wanted in return.

    I finally had direction but it was too late to go.


    Two points of the compass down. Two left to go. Or if I get picky, three hundred fifty six additional ones. Yet the area can grow exponentially between two adjacent points.

    Does it make me more hopeful, or just discouraged? Depends on what time of the day you ask me. Right now at the end of the day I would say discouraged. But tomorrow morning - hope springs eternal, as they say. So I will look forward to that even now. I need to remind myself that I am not alone in this.

    Another strategy is called for. If I could just find something that needs a bridge over it. A change in elevation? Another step between me and my goal?


    It’s been an up and down day. Literally. First up one structure then down the next. That’s if I could get in and if there were a connection to the next one. For you see, once atop one, you could thoughtfully eliminate several points of the compass, but a whole lot more was obscured by taller structures nearby.

    On the fifth structure, I caught a glint, a reflection of what might be water. There was no causeway to the next higher building, so I had to climb back down. I skipped the next one in favor of one beyond, that seemed greatly taller and perhaps closer to the area of the sighting.

    I am sitting in the dark awaiting morning.


    This day has been a day of rest. Forced by circumstances. I was too used up to make my way down and on to the next viewpoint.

    A good thing. For a number of reasons, but most importantly - if I had not, I would have missed a sighting of the bridge. It lay in a quadrant that hitherto was shrouded in clouds whenever I scanned the horizon in that direction. I had felt surely that such a huge landmark would tower above any low lying cloud, and consequently overlooked it.

    I can scrap my original plan for tomorrow.

    I know now where to point my feet. And may I in future commit myself to rest. Not just when forced to.


    I have to report that I have not made much headway today. All the streets pointing my way were filled with people heading away from my destination. I stopped many times to try to urge them not to abandon their homes. At least, not for this direction. When the time comes, I told them, we will all need to be fleeing in the opposite direction toward the bridge.

    Only one individual stopped to treat with me. He harangued me and the others to continue with him.

    He was the more persuasive. None abandoned him. None joined me. They left me to press on alone though surrounded on every side. They continue even now as I turn aside for the night.


    I made better headway today. The streets were empty. Nothing at all to impede me. The last of the migrants must have passed my position in the night.

    Nothing to impede me but myself. I caught myself desiring to look back over my shoulder a number of times. To see if any followed after me? No.

    An apprehension of doubt creeping up on me. Can one individual be right and the many wrong?

    I have to resist the pull. I feel as though a giant rubber band connects us and the more I push forward the stronger the attraction backward. And if I were not vigilant I would snap and fly like a stone from a sling into their midst.


    I reached the river this afternoon. For it is a river that the bridge, or rather three bridges cross. Now a new question presents itself. Which is the correct one? They are not parallel to one another, so it's not like it doesn't matter which one I take.

    The furthest one away is the one I saw from the heights. It crosses over the next bend of the river and appears to head northward to the mountains.

    The nearest one appears to cross the river to a broad boulevard that follows the river back the direction that I came from.

    The middle choice appears to split the difference, but I do not know if I should.

    I'll sleep on it.


    I went with my gut. Really a strong feeling or impression that I should persevere for the long haul and stick with my original sighting.

    It took all day to circumvent the blocked roadways, defaulting to the narrower paths and byways.

    I found a lonely passage through which I could actually see the bridge at the farther end. I struck out at a swift pace, but as I neared my goal that pace slackened and the loneliness turned to dread.

    I'm not sure how it happened or when, it was as though I turned away for a moment and when I turned back, I was underground. Still, the bridge remained in sight despite this.

    I emerged at the bridge in darkness.


    Slept in this morning. Was more tired than I thought, and it being overcast helped with the shut eye.

    I've narrowed my choices down to three and tried to mull through the pros and cons over breakfast. My desired option would be to return the way I came, but I know that will never get a confirmation. So scratch one, leaving two.

    The distant hills look inviting aesthetically speaking. I'm not quite sure that my wilderness skills would be up to it, so I would definitely need a confirmation before opting for it.

    Still two choices. Can I eliminate the last option, to settle on one?

    Late in the day I remembered a name, Lyle, the pigeon boy. But why?


    Up early this morning. I couldn't sleep any longer anyway. I had remembered why the name of Lyle the pigeon boy came to me. I had made a promise to someone to find him if I could.

    They did not know which bridge he lived under. They just knew the fact that he did.

    Like a troll? I asked. They thought that was funny, but avoided answering, just exacted the promise, and added that it would be worth my while.

    But I was serious after a manner of speaking. I was hoping they would offer some sort of explanation.

    Spent the day searching - nothing - which leaves the other bridges to check. A confirmation? That was the third option after all.


    Awakened to the patter of raindrops long before dawn. Had to move after it had pooled enough to splash my way. Kept my eyes closed and tried to reclaim the dream that was entertaining me. I could visualize the last image, but it stayed static and would no longer move. I gave up. Instead I turned my thoughts to the day ahead while continuing to rest.

    Rest. Exactly what I should be doing today. I decided to put off the matter of Lyle until tomorrow.

    No harm in expending some brain power and think through the best way to go about canvassing the other two bridges.

    There shouldn't be many places to hide on a bridge. If he is hiding.


    Before I could tackle the matter of Lyle the pigeon boy, I needed to decide how I was going to get to the next bridge on the river. It had occurred to me that it would be shorter to return the way I came, keeping to the inside of its curve rather than traveling the outer edge.

    The only thing unappealing about that course of action is the necessity of entering once more that section that is subterranean. Despite my unease over that route, I chose it.

    This time it was not so dark and unnerving. Due no doubt to the fact that the sun was in the right position to illuminate the entire interior.

    Still it took all day.


    Rose early today. Clear and cool. Lots to do. This bridge is longer and taller than the other. Much more to cover. At first sight nothing seemed to be on the superstructure that was out of the ordinary. It just looked like a logical place to keep pigeons. Started there first.

    Found stair access in one of the towers. That, followed by a ladder, got me up to the service point. No pigeon aerie there. Walked the suspension cable over to the other tower. The same. Crossed to the opposite side, inspected those towers. Same again.

    Went underneath the next. Two large shelves on each bank. Signs of occupation in one, but obviously in the past.

    One bridge to go.


    Stayed on the outer side of the river for my route to the third bridge. I could see it from the bridge I was on last night, almost out of sight around the bend. It has no superstructure, so should be easier to search.

    About the time that both its ends came into view, I had to detour. The way was blocked and toxic warnings were posted. All might be clear, but I was not going to take the chance they were not.

    The detour proved fruitful, yielding more foodstuffs. I'll pick up more on the way back.

    Rounded onto the street that leads to the bridge and was greeted by more toxic warnings. Stymied, will camp out and decide.


    This morning I took a closer look at the area surrounding the bridge. From a distance of course. It seems there are even more toxic warning signs than I saw yesterday, especially in the vicinity of the bridge proper.

    I was at the point of departing, when a figure appeared from somewhere under the bridge. It was a human, and put up another toxic warning sign. I waved to him (for indeed it was a man), but he first pretended not to see me, then frantically sought to wave me away.

    I decided that the warning signs were bogus and he later admitted it when I went down there after him. He's got pigeons, but won't discuss anything until tomorrow.


    Lyle is an affable soul. Hard to get to know though. In that we have a lot in common.

    He is losing his distrust for me. It helped when I produced some food to feed his pigeons.

    There are shelves under this bridge as there were with the second. An ideal arrangement in which to set up living quarters and a pigeon cote.

    Lyle was so busy tending his charges, he did not notice the mass exodus from the city. And the posted toxic warnings kept the area around him free from curiosity.

    Our conversation convinces me that he knows the right direction.

    So I blurted out the question to him. Did he want to accompany me?

    Again I wait.


    Lyle is torn. He would go with me if not for his concern for his pigeons. I counter with the observation that I see them getting along just fine without him. Not to be unkind of course, but just point it out.

    Besides, I add that he should consider Him who clothes the flowers of the field. And get a proper estimation of his real place in the scheme of things.

    We make a short foray beyond the warning signs to retrieve the foodstuffs that I had stashed and look for others.

    About the time we turned back, I sensed in him the desire to continue on outward. I mentioned this, back under the bridge. He says it's true, but...

    DAY 21

    Lyle was still indecisive this morning. He lingered by his pigeon cote and wouldn't eat. I finally recalled why I came in the first place.

    I told why I had sought him out. He remembers the one who told me about him, and exacted the promise from me to attempt to find him. And when I added that she is waiting for him somewhere in the north...

    Well, that was all it took. He had everything together in the blink of an eye. And released all of his charges, save one. That he placed in a special single cage, which will sit quite comfortably atop his pack.

    I soon had us retracing my steps to the bridge that points northward.

    DAY 22

    It seems strange to be traveling with some one, after doing so alone for so long. I can not get used to another conversation ongoing outside of my head.

    I can tell that it's hard for Lyle too. There comes a point when silence falls between us, then it seems both of us are reluctant to shatter the peace that has descended. It grows the longer we remain tight-lipped.

    As it turns out that was a good thing. Otherwise we might not have been clued in on the need to alter our course when the danger arose.

    It came when the wind changed directions. That turned both our heads. We saw it coming and thankfully it did not see us.

    DAY 23

    We took a circuitous route to the second bridge and spent the night under the near end on the shelf. Lyle confirmed to me that he did at one time occupy this space, but moved to better accommodate his pigeons.

    With no sign of the Intruder this morning, we continued to retrace my steps, crossing the bridge to the south bank.

    Nearing the subterranean section I cautioned Lyle on what could lay ahead, and steeled myself. It could be a perfect place for the Intruder to lie in wait for us.

    Lyle did not think so. He released his lone pigeon, which flew the length and back. No problem. And so it proved for us. We reclaimed my former camp.

    DAY 24

    A fitful night for both of us. I woke up late, only to find that Lyle was up and out already. At first I panicked (I have desertion issues), but then I realized that he left a breakfast for me, and he had talked about the need to stock up before we leave civilization for the north.

    I ate, then went in search of Lyle, found him and lent a hand.

    Besides the food, what I really want to find is our own Intruder. Preferably a stealth version, one with a short tether. No sense making us too visible and we want to stay mobile, not tied down to a big base. It might be worthwhile to stay here awhile.

    DAY 25

    A beautiful morning dawned upon us. The mountains off in the distance looked ever more inviting. However, Lyle agrees with me, that we should acquire a drone to take with us. In fact, he is more insistent about it than I am.

    I'm beginning to think that we should make it two, one for each of us. You never know when we might split up, and we wouldn't want to spoil our friendship over such a matter.

    We're checking out the nearby buildings for tech firms or other businesses.

    Almost immediately we found a floor in the first building given over to a parcel business which has a whole fleet of them. If we can only get one to work.

    DAY 26

    We've moved indoors for now. Can't say I like it. Lyle even less so. We appear to be the only occupants since the originals. Though we're out of the elements, we're limited to only two exits. And that's what puts us at unease.

    Rufus, or so the pigeon is named, likes the arrangement with no discernible unease on his part. At least I take his increased cooing as a sign of contentment.

    Lyle and I take turns foraging in the afternoon, after making headway on the drones. We should have one of them operational by tomorrow.

    Rufus stopped cooing on one of my occasions of remaining behind. I immediately went in search of Lyle, found him, and returned to cover.

    DAY 27

    Rufus may be a better watch dog than the drones we are trying to bring online. Lyle and I were safely hidden away well before the Intruder buzzed into view.

    We each gave him a treat from our foragings of the day.

    Lyle launched his drone this afternoon and it has already plotted out our current perimeter. It will stay in this immediate area, whereas mine, when operational, we have decided, will venture further afield. However, we are short one crucial component, which I am hopeful, will soon pop up in one of our expeditions.

    I am also hopeful that we will find the source of the Intruder. It would tell us if they are friendly or not.

    Eyes open.

    DAY 28

    Feet dog-tired this evening. Seems we covered every building within a five block radius. Lyle in the morning again, and me in the afternoon. I stayed out about six hours. Though neither of us turned up the needed component, I did not return empty handed.

    Between us we now have enough foodstuffs to allow us to concentrate on the drone part the next couple of days.

    While out I again saw the Intruder. Judging by the time and space, we must be on its regular route. This fact should make it easier to track back to its lair.

    So another reason to focus our efforts tomorrow. Perhaps we should go out together and not worry about the home base.

    DAY 29

    The day was one of pluses and minuses. You would either be elated, on the rise in good spirits, or down in the depths of discouragement, for some bonehead call you made.

    Overall it was a plus. For we definitely felt ahead of the game by day's end.

    We had found the source of the Intruder. Both a plus and a minus for various reasons. The plus is obvious; the minus not so, even though it was for the same reason, if you get my drift.

    It comes from a tower just out a little farther than our building. But Lyle recognizes the woman behind the operation and she is very bad news. We must be even more than vigilant.

    DAY 30

    Lots of progress. We now have two working drones, and we can control them while on the move.

    We also have mapped all of the routes that the Intruder uses. We should be able to plot a path north that will avoid her area of influence.

    Work most of the day learning to co-ordinate the movements of our drones. What seems to work best is a leapfrog arrangement. Lyle covers for me while I move forward with mine, then cover for him as he moves forward with his.

    We had decided to move out tomorrow, but all of a sudden the Intruder's movement pattern has changed. The question is - was it because she has detected our movements?

    We must know.


    DAY 31

    A semi-day of rest (need to catch up on those). Observe the Intruder back on its normal patterns and with a lesser frequency. Puzzling. Neither of us had seen the like before.

    We decide to decamp from here tomorrow if the pattern remains the same. We have all we need from here, and Lyle is becoming anxious to be underway.

    Our eyes turn to the mountains trying to discern what we will run into there. Yesterday there were clouds, today they are gone.

    Rufus sits in his cage unruffled. He seems to sense a change in the air. He also keeps the mountains in view, favoring that side over all the others. A change of viewpoint will be welcome.

    DAY 32

    We have found a new camp, and it will hopefully be of short duration.

    Our leapfrog strategy worked perfectly. One just has to take it slow and deliberate and be completely aware of what you're doing. No wool gathering (of the mental variety) allowed.

    There were no signs of any Intruder activity. There was, however the old man at the gate. Lyle missed him, a matter of timing most likely. When I went by, there he was. He almost ducked down, but seeing it was too late, he resigned to being discovered and waved me over. We exchanged pleasantries and discovered mutual sympathies. I invited him to join us, but he declined. He is content to stay.

    No Intruders near.

    DAY 33

    Another unexpected encounter this morning. I had made the first leg and was about to stay put to allow Lyle to take his turn, when an Intruder dropped in. I discovered another thing about it - it only has one camera and that was pointed away from me.

    So, I had ample time to scurry to cover. I can only suppose that since we have not been out in this quadrant before, that this must be another terminus in its routine pattern. I breathed a sigh of relief when it turned back and retraced its path whence it came.

    Lyle and I debated at day's end and we're reasonably confident that we will soon be beyond its reach.

    So we hope.

    DAY 34

    Patience is what's called for. I have an overflow, but Lyle is challenged in that sphere. He doesn't disagree that he needs it. His temper just gets the better of him. So he says.

    Case in point, when I told him about my close encounter yesterday, he was all for going on immediately. He did finally agree with me to take it slow. His resolve was tested today when the Intruder crossed his path on his second turn. He was probably about two miles from the place where I had encountered it. Though he is convinced that its camera no longer works, he is suspicious that it may be operating with other censors. I say we just take it easy.

    DAY 35

    No sign at all of an Intruder today. We each advanced by four turns. We would have traveled more but we needed to scavenge for food. And we found plenty, even some fresh vegetables in an abandoned garden. Lyle was handy in pointing out the weeds. I would probably have eaten them.

    We now have enough to carry us up to the mountains, except for some additional stores for Rufus. They shouldn't be too hard to find before we depart civilization.

    The air was very clear today. The mountains stand out in bold relief, and appear even closer. But I realize that we have many days ahead of us before we arrive in their shadow. Pending further instruction or illumination.

    DAY 36

    Had to wait on Lyle this morning. Rufus got away from him, and he wouldn't leave without his bird.

    It took a while, but Lyle managed to pinpoint Rufus’s new roost. We would send our drones up, but fear they would be counterproductive.

    And Rufus appears to have acquired some new friends, so it may be very difficult to win him back.

    We must have scouted the whole area for about five hours straight. We just couldn't get close enough.

    After much thought, Lyle came up with the strategy. Since one of Rufus’s new companions is female, we'll concentrate on her capture. Lyle says that once we have her, Rufus will fall right in line. Sounds reasonable, now to execute.

    DAY 37

    Easier said than done. Lyle was successful in capturing the female, but it did not have the predicted (nor desired) effect on Rufus. He appears to hold Lyle in complete contempt.

    I did my best to avert complete disaster, and advised that we leave, taking only the female. After a solid minute of staring, sullen silence, Lyle agreed. He decided to name her Clarissa.

    And we set out once again. Lyle kept her on his turns. She does not appear to have the same sense for danger that Rufus exhibited, but that may come with time.

    We made good time considering the delay in starting out.

    When the moon found us, we were a tad bit closer to the mountain.

    DAY 38

    Ate up a bunch of miles today. Ahead the end of the city is in sight. No inhabitants at all. Or no sign of any at least. Lyle did spot that Intruder in the distance at one point, but it was far behind. I think he can't help but look behind, hoping to see Rufus.

    In camp tonight we took stock. We are all set for the mountains, except for some warmer clothing, which we will seek to remedy tomorrow.

    I've been thinking that we've overlooked something, and it finally came to me - spare parts for our drones. I told Lyle my idea. He listened politely but nixed it, for the extra weight and since we'll soon not need them.

    DAY 39

    Clarissa grows more open each day. Funny thing, she seems to prefer me to Lyle. Not that that bothers him. He's still moping over the loss of Rufus.

    With our drones we located an old shopping mall. It was a little further over and a bit back, so we're losing some ground. We discovered that it was last stocked with summer product, so not quite what we were looking for.

    Lyle was able to break into the back storage area where we did find some very useful items. We now have new sleeping bags, (we left our old ones, still good). Lyle is ecstatic, we now have spare batteries for the drones. The mountains should no longer be a problem.

    DAY 40

    We have now reached the point we were two days ago. By the end of tomorrow we should be leaving the city behind. I find myself apprehensive, even though I am certain that it is the way we are supposed to go. Lyle is depressed, knowing that with each step the likelihood plummets that Rufus will rejoin us.

    The building structures are becoming more numerous and larger again as we near the city limits. They are obscuring our view of the mountains. Living here one could become completely ignorant of their presence. It looks to have been a very wealthy neighborhood.

    I'm looking forward to spending our last hours in the city in ease and comfort. Who knows what's ahead.

    DAY 41

    It's been a very interesting day. It all started off with an alarm. From Clarissa no less. Something spooked her and neither of us have any idea what it was that set her off. (We'll be grateful later that she has acquired one of Rufus' more useful skills).

    I decided that we were not going anywhere until after we had a few answers to the questions rattling around our brains.

    We launched both drones and put them through a grid search. Almost immediately mine picked up a heat signature. When Lyle's probe passed the same general area it sent back an image of a fox. Chalk it up as the first of many more such encounters. We are both hopeful.

    DAY 42

    Disaster. Double disaster. We awoke this morning to a swarm of drones around the building in which we took refuge last evening. And that wasn't bad enough. In our efforts to avoid detection, we discovered that this section of the city has no outlet to the country beyond.

    Lyle wanted to backtrack and try again, over and to the right. I argued for caution. By hanging around and observing, a hidden passage might come to light. That is, if there is one.

    Clarissa continues to be a great help. She seems to know from which direction the drones are coming minutes before they appear.

    And we found one area of promise. Things seem to appear out of thin air there.

    DAY 43

    After a vigil of several hours, we were rewarded for our patience, with a confirmation of sorts. Indeed, sections do open up, and animals come in from the outside, but it is all one direction. Nothing goes out. Nor could they. As Lyle points out, it's all a trap. The doors only open to take in what ever these forces want.

    We will need to find another way. And I am so thankful that forewarned we can be forearmed against some very dire consequences.

    Curiosity is rising though. We have seen no human presence. We're beginning to suspect it's all remotely controlled, or perhaps even of a robotic nature. Why are they guarding against where we all should be going?

    DAY 44 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    Here I am starting a journal.

    I don’t think I would on my own. Not without the suggestion of my new companion, whose name I do not know. Not that I haven’t asked, but I’ve asked so many times now that finally he will only reply, Enough! Enough!

    So I’ve taken to calling him simply Enough.

    Though who am I to talk? I know what it is like for one not to disclose his name. An easy habit to form when you don’t know what it is. I was relieved to run across someone who had heard of me. And could give me a name to go with my face.

    Lyle. I guess I like the sound of it. No one chooses their own name. Or almost no one.

    DAY 44 - PM

    Enough writes:

    We arrived at an area where there were no Intruder sightings all day long. We felt safe enough in the afternoon to put our drones up. This whole end is a solid wall. Lyle feels and I concur that we're not likely to find anything different any place else up this way. Therefore we are going to look for a good place to climb over or lower us down from that wall.

    While Lyle minded all the birds, I took the opportunity to forage, and stumbled upon enough foodstuffs to replace that which we consumed these past few days.

    Lyle informed me at day's end that he had sent his drone out to its limit. Other people are out there.

    DAY 45

    We've staked out a point on the wall from which to lower ourselves and our supplies. But the only thing not in our supplies currently is a rope.

    More than one would be best, but I would settle for just one.

    It would seem that whomever set up the defenses at this end of the city was careful to remove every trace of a rope, or a line or anything else that could help us get down.

    So Lyle and I decided that the best course of action for us would be to split up. He will head back into the city in quest of climbing equipment. I will remain in this area and continue looking for other ways out.

    DAY 46 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    Made good time today. Though I did slow down in the afternoon. That's when I crossed the boundary into the territory patrolled by the Intruder.

    I'm setting a course for the mall area we visited on the way out.

    DAY 46 - PM

    Enough writes:

    No sign of Lyle. He probably won't be back today.

    I continued a grid search of the area for rope. Nothing. But I am edging ever nearer to the section where we last sighted an Intruder. I am taking it slower and slower. Can't be too cautious.

    Clarissa stays close. And she appears perfectly content, without a care in the world. I take it as a good sign.

    Spend some time watching the automated processes every time the one gate opens. I realize that a live person will eventually put in an appearance to properly maintain the mechanisms out here. There is only so much machines can do. It would increase the odds of discovery. Pray Lyle gets back soon.

    DAY 47 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    Never thought I'd say I was suffering from loneliness. I am. I just have to keep my mind on what I'm doing and my goal.

    Came across a small hardware store and I went in immediately to check for rope. Very little left on the shelves open to the public. So I next took a run through the stock room. All picked over as well.

    Exited the building just as an Intruder passed by. I froze. And watched it disappear. In the general direction that I am heading.

    This is going to be tricky.

    DAY 47 - PM

    Enough writes:

    Found something that will serve to get us and our supplies down from the wall. Makes me wish that Lyle and I had agreed upon a set time for his return. No telling now when it'll happen.

    I've found a good place to store things, both what we brought with us and what we can find hereabouts to add to it.

    All quiet otherwise. Too quiet.

    A couple of times I caught myself humming. It brought back memories of other times and other circumstances. Not that I would want to trade now for then, if I could. Despite then being a happier time, comparatively speaking. No sir, not at all. No way. No how.

    I've learned my lesson about that.

    DAY 48 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    The Intruder was breathing down my neck all day. So with one eye on the path before me and the other on the sky overhead, I made my way the best I could. One Intruder after another joined the first, until there was a total of six pursuing me.

    It all seemed random at first, but at length I realized that I was being herded ever away from the direct line to my desired destination.

    During one of the calms - the periodic absences of all Intruders, I sent my drone off towards the city's edge and the wall.

    First, to ensure that the way was clear of obstacles. And secondly to let Enough know that I am still out here and to encourage him hopefully to wait for me.

    DAY 48 - PM

    Enough writes:

    Still waiting for Lyle to return. I had hope this morning that this would be the day. There was even a sign - the sound of a drone on the approach. I looked out and could actually see it, coming low over the buildings. It was Lyle's, but at the last minute it executed a wide turn and fled the scene.

    I went to cover and stayed there, and tried my best to scope out what could have precipitated Lyle's sudden flight from the scene.

    The day grew gray with no explanation. And no Lyle.

    Now the conundrum to resolve - do I wait longer? Or do I set out to find Lyle? Or do I take to the trail without him?

    DAY 49 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    Found again the same warehouse that was so helpful before. Looked high and low, and found what I needed way up high indeed. The top floor may at one time have been a rope walk for the manufacture of that commodity. The only thing is the rope lengths are all too short. Rope ends? Or left overs? Definitely not long enough to lower our things over the wall. I can knot them together in series, but will the results be strong enough?

    I will take them with me. And make my way back to Enough and the Wall, though slowly, for I intend to look elsewhere along the way.

    DAY 49 - PM

    Enough writes:

    I wanted to go after Lyle. Really I did. But circumstances have intervened and scotched that notion. The Intruder activity between myself and where Lyle should be has exploded beyond what I have ever seen before. Probably the result of his drone flying over this area yesterday.

    I'm beginning to think that he was trying to get a message to me. But perhaps that was his meaning - a warning to get out of here.

    It was a slow process but I was able to get it all down in five trips. There has been no Intruder activity here at all on this side of the wall. I put my drone up and have confirmed that no Intruder is watching me.

    DAY 50 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    I thought I had outpaced them all. The lulls were coming with greater frequency, and I took full advantage. Or so I thought.

    Last night I held up in one of the last high rises. Turns out it was the headquarters for all the Intruders I've been dodging. And I met their master. She tells me I've been a lot of trouble.

    What she added next surprised me. She told me that she was sending me on my way. With two fine lengths of rope.

    She was warned in a dream not to harm me nor my friend. She knows Enough, but not by that name. And since I did not know any other, she refused to fill me in.

    DAY 50 - PM

    Enough writes:

    Clarissa is taking to our new camp with great ease. For me, I feel anything but ease.

    I am waiting again for Lyle to reach us. I am convinced that wherever he is, when he can seize the opportunity, he will join us.

    Meanwhile I placed my drone in orbit around our perimeter. There was absolutely nothing in its scanner. Therefor, I increased its coverage, staying on this side of the wall.

    Today it was able to cover a sizable distance in both directions. By its means, I pinpointed the exact location of another gateway, one that perhaps does not involve a trap.

    And best of all, I have seen a sign that Lyle may already be on this side.

    DAY 51 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    Getting close to the wall now. Will send up the drone and try to locate where Enough is waiting for us. I hope he is waiting.

    I myself can't wait to tell him the news. Not about our nemesis of days before, I haven't made up my mind about telling him about her. But about the return of the prodigal bird. Rufus is back with me. I had stopped to rest and get my bearings, and when I got up to continue, he flew right up to me. I can tell he has not lacked for food. Still I have given him a little something.

    Now to get us all safely back together.

    Think I'll have the drone hop the wall every so often on its search for our companions.

    DAY 51 - PM

    Enough writes:

    It's getting so that I trust Clarissa better than the electronics package on my drone.

    A wind swept in from the mountains, carrying the fragrance of alpine flowers and pine needles. I felt the urge ever stronger to be on my way. I decided to give Lyle one more day. If he does not show by tomorrow morning, I'm going to press on.

    My drone has revealed that there appears to be two paths to choose from. One is wide enough for vehicles; the other is just a footpath. It is harder to see where the latter goes for it often disappears beneath the forest growth. I am seeing that characteristic as very desirable.

    The sooner tomorrow comes the better.

    DAY 52 - AM

    Lyle writes:

    I am reasonably certain that Enough is no longer on this side of the wall. I have found the point at which we parted company and the drone has been both directions from that point, and not a sign of Enough anywhere.

    Time we cross over and begin our search there.

    Rufus seems excited at the prospect.

    Have them in sight!

    DAY 52 - PM

    Enough writes:

    This morning I packed half of what we've collected, and sent up the drone for one last look-see. I was bringing it back in after negative results, when it was met by Lyle's bird coming in from the opposite direction. So our first sight of one another after so long was through our electronic eyes.

    Fifteen minutes later Lyle arrived in our camp.

    And he had his friend Rufus with him. He has been successful in finding climbing gear. He certainly brought back more than we need. He had to go quite deep back into the city to find the gear. On the way back he found Rufus, who was ready to follow him this time.

    Onward and upward.

    DAY 53

    We cleared the first foothill yesterday, but didn't get much farther than that. The city for the most part is blocked from sight, only the tallest buildings poke their heads up enough to be seen.

    There was another reason for our lack of headway. Lyle shared an account of his adventures with me. They were pretty hair-raising. I'll suggest to him that he share his journal too.

    But I will relate that he had a run in with that woman he feared. She had him cornered at one point, and fortunately as it turns out, placed him right in the midst of what he went to find - all that rope.

    And it directly led to the recovery of Rufus.

    DAY 54

    Our trail rarely takes us in a straight line. It runs at the mercy of the terrain. I take point, so I see it all first. We've grounded our mechanical birds and depend on the live variety instead. They keep us sharp.

    Our packs are full and heavy, but they will get less so, as we slowly consume the foodstuffs. We are on the lookout for means of replenishing these supplies, but nothing comes to sight as yet. Lyle thinks that we should run across some towns or hamlets out here. I think we may need to do some gathering from the land itself. I also think we will need an education along those lines, so we don't poison ourselves.

    DAY 55

    We were awakened by a crash of thunder before daylight. Thankfully it gave us time to stay dry as it preceded the rain by a considerable amount. We made certain that our tents were properly staked and supported. The thought of going out after it passed was discouraging. Alright, depressing.

    Rufus and Clarissa couldn't be happier. Their tweeting became so loud it was hard to hear yourself think.

    And we needed to think. Therefore, we decided to stay put today and to talk things through.

    Lyle and I went over our plans with a fine tooth comb. Just to make sure we were parting things in the right direction. We've just one disagreement, which we don't have

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